Gender education: features, differences and necessary conditions for the proper development of children of different ages

What is Gender

This concept denotes a person’s belonging to a certain social gender, which is formed in the process of developing personal qualities, including psychological, social and cultural influence on both boys and girls.

  • Gender translated from English means gender, which in turn refers to social sex as a product of culture.
  • A gender approach in the educational and educational system is necessary, first of all, so that every child can express his or her identity.
  • In a future life, this can determine the choice of profession and fully self-realize.

At the same time, this approach to education will help you get around the “sharp corners” in adult life with minimal losses, thanks to the flexibility shown in your behavior.

Gender education

Each person is born as an individual with his own individual attitudes, which you will not find in anyone else. People may be similar to each other in some ways, but there are no identical personalities.

  • The division of people into two groups according to gender (boy and girl) is a central principle for the difference between all surrounding individuals.
  • According to research by specialists, all psychological differences between men and women are associated with characteristics of genetics and physiology.
  • Nature itself requires the fair half of humanity to be loving and caring wives and mothers.

And from men to be brave, strong and respectful towards all the people around them. Also protect your family and honor family values. This is the main task of gender education.

Raising a boy

When educating a boy on gender, one must take into account the fact that in the future he must become a courageous person - a protector of the family. In addition, other qualities must be formed in him that will not allow him to turn the baby into a rude and ill-mannered person, so just dressing and feeding the child is not enough.

In order for a small man to grow into a real man, in matters of education, emphasis should be placed on the following points:

  • Give special “important” tasks and be sure to praise the baby after completing them. It is necessary to emphasize that the child took the task assigned to him responsibly.
  • Provide the baby with the opportunity to independently solve some everyday problems, and also ask the boy to explain his choice.
  • All the child’s aspirations should not be suppressed. His initiative needs to be supported.
  • The child should regularly communicate with children of his own age. A good activity would be to visit any sports section.

When it comes to gender education of a boy, you need to know when to stop. You can't overdo it. First of all, you should not burden the child with all the household chores and demand unquestioning obedience from him, arguing that the child must be strong in everything. Such actions will deprive the boy of his childhood. Despite the peculiarities of upbringing, we should not forget that a baby is an ordinary child who has the right to show weakness.

Both parents should influence the boy's upbringing. To prevent the baby from growing up selfish, without a sense of compassion and helping others, the boy should see how his father helps his mother with household chores.

There are also norms of behavior that must be observed regardless of gender. This is tolerance, respect for other people's and one's opinions. Such concepts will make children not weak, but socially adapted.

What is gender role

Every child, closer to 2-3 years old, begins to understand which gender he belongs to. This can be seen primarily in the choice of children's toys. Many studies have shown that boys choose cars, robots, toy weapons, etc. from the proposed items.

And girls opt for dolls, children's jewelry, fairytale castles and other items belonging to this gender category of games.

  • Closer to the age of 4-7 years, children understand that their gender will no longer change and begin to behave accordingly, taking into account the behavior of the women and men around them.
  • This is the gender role of every person in this life. Therefore, at this stage they are trying to consolidate the gender education of preschoolers, but there are not always conditions for this.
  • Indeed, in the modern world one can often observe a picture where a man and a woman have changed places. The female gender has become strong and courageous, and the man shows more qualities of the weaker sex. But there are reasons for this.

For example, a girl was raised by one mother and there was no one to stand up for her, not a man. Therefore, from childhood, a woman took on a masculine character.

Or, on the contrary, the situation with a boy who was raised by his grandmother and mother. And with their best intentions, they protected the boy from all male work and difficulties, thereby compensating for the missing male shoulder.

Consultation for parents “Gender education of preschool children” consultation on the topic

Consultation for parents

“Gender education of preschool children”

Prepared and carried out

teacher MBDOU TsRR No. 462 Samara

Litovchenko Galina Porfiryevna

The period of preschool childhood is the period during which teachers and parents must understand the child and help him discover the unique opportunities that are given to him by his gender, if we want to raise men and women, and not asexual beings who have lost the advantages of their gender.

During the most crucial period in the formation of gender stability, girls and boys are exposed exclusively to female influence for a long time in a preschool educational institution (8-12 hours).

It’s no secret that the education system in Russia is absolutely genderless: the everyday “togetherness” of boys and girls in our kindergartens, the daily routine, does not take into account the different norms of mobility for boys and girls. Meals are standardized both in terms of meal times and their range. The educational system is meaningful and stylish. It is feminized both by teaching staff (99% of teaching and service personnel in kindergartens are women) and in the family - 50% of children live in families where there are no fathers, which is especially unacceptable for boys.

An analysis of mass practice shows that currently serious problems arise in the preschool education system regarding gender education. First of all, this is due to the fact that gender characteristics were not taken into account in the software and methodological support of preschool educational institutions in Russia. As a result of this, the content of upbringing and education is focused on the age and psychological characteristics of children, and not on boys and girls of a particular age, which, according to scientists, differ:

  • in physical development and social behavior;
  • in intellectual and visuospatial abilities and achievement levels;
  • in the manifestation of aggression.

The study of the process of gender socialization in preschool age, where its origins are located, and the conditions that influence this process, is of particular interest.

As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research conducted in Russia and abroad, it was found that it is during preschool childhood that all children living in different countries of the world adopt a gender role:

  • by the age of 2-3 years, children begin to understand that they are either a girl or a boy, and designate themselves accordingly;
  • between the ages of 4 and 7 years, gender stability is formed: children become clear that gender does not change: boys become men, and girls become women, and this gender will not change depending on the situation or personal desires of the child.

What parents need to know about the girl.

Regardless of age, girls require more care. The task of parents is to give the girl more care, understanding and respect so that she can trust others. When a girl feels bad, she should know that her parents are ready to surround her with care. If a girl gets the care she needs, she trusts her parents and remains open. The trusting girl is happy and satisfied with life. To develop their gifts and talents, girls need confidence in loved ones. Otherwise, they feel worthless, unloved and refuse the support of others. Parents need to understand that girls develop a positive self-image based on the attention and care people give them.

Fathers often give their daughters too much independence and the opportunity to do without outside help, neglecting the girls' need for care. If the father has too much faith in his daughter's ability to do things on her own, she may think that her father does not care about her very much. A girl needs to feel that she can trust her parents - that they are always ready to understand her feelings, desires and needs. Girls need more help and encouragement. By offering to help a girl, you let her know that you are not indifferent to her, that you care about her. Girls need more attention and recognition for who they are, what they feel and what they want. Girls feel the need to be loved for who they are. Admire them!

  • I love you so much!
  • You are simply a miracle to me, a gift from fate!
  • You are the most amazing, the most beautiful, I love you so much!
  • You decorate my life!

Every girl and woman expects to hear these and other similar words.

“...The female gender is focused on survival, and the male gender is focused on progress.”

“..A girl needs to feel loved and hear about it from her parents.”

“...Girls draw people (most often princesses), including themselves, and boys draw technology.”

“...Girls are more focused on relationships between people.”

Recommendations for parents on raising daughters.

  • In order for a girl to achieve a healthy gender identity, a warm and close relationship with her mother and a similar relationship with her father are necessary, and parents need to emphasize a tender and caring relationship in the couple so that the girl has the impression of a happy family life.
  • A father should find time to communicate with his daughter: show that his daughter is different from him, she is of a different gender; but he must do this with respect and benevolence, so that she understands that she is worthy of a man’s love.
  • By respecting their daughter’s personality and demonstrating satisfaction with her actions, parents form her positive self-esteem.
  • Mother and daughter should have their own “women's secrets”: Mom should find time for solitude with her daughter, make these conversations ritual and traditional.
  • Real care for each other is demonstrated through respect for the older generation.
  • The mother should involve her daughter in “female” household chores, passing on to her the secrets of her skills.

What parents need to know about the boy.

Boys usually have special needs that are less important to girls. Likewise, girls have special needs that are less important to boys. Of course, the main need for both is love. But love can be expressed in different ways. Parents' love is primarily manifested through trust and care.

Trust means recognizing that the child is okay. This is the belief that a child can successfully learn from his own mistakes. It is the willingness to let life take its course, trusting that everything will work out in the end. Trusting a child means believing that he is always doing the best he can, even if at first glance it seems as if this is not the case. Trust means giving your child the freedom and space to do everything on their own.

The parents' task is to show more trust, acceptance and approval towards the boy in order to motivate him to activity.

In order for a boy to care about others, his actions must be motivated by success and encouragement. It is necessary to clearly let him know that he is capable of pleasing his parents and makes them happy. If a boy manages to make his parents happy, this serves as motivation for him to continue to behave accordingly, otherwise the boy becomes weak and stops caring about others. Positive encouragement for correct behavior provides the boy with additional confirmation of success.

Recommendations for parents on raising their sons.

  • When communicating with their sons, fathers should restrain emotions that can suppress his masculinity (talk without raising the tone, calmly).
  • Boys often lack positive motivation: they should not be prohibited, but should be allowed something extra for a good deed.
  • Boys should be allowed to show their emotionality - allowed to cry, for example (i.e. allowed to be natural).
  • Mothers of boys need to trust the male intuition of fathers: they feel how to raise a man.
  • Boys need to organize a routine and discipline: this forms his responsibility!
  • Be sure to encourage the desire to do men's work in the house!
  • Teach to trust, thereby forming the experience of social trust.
  • Use humor in communication to reduce aggressiveness and fear of responsibility.
  • There must be physical, bodily contact - to increase the boy’s self-esteem.
  • The boy is a message to the future: he must be taken into account not only as a son, but also as a future husband, protector, etc.
  • Mom TAKES CARE, and dad MAKES a man.


  1. Never scold a child with hurtful words for his inability to understand or do something, while looking at him from the height of your authority. Now he knows and knows how to do it worse than you. The time will come, and, at least in some areas, he will know and be able to do more than you.
  2. Remember that we often underestimate the emotional sensitivity and anxiety of boys.
  3. If you need to scold a girl, do not rush to express your attitude towards her - a violent emotional reaction will prevent her from understanding why she is being scolded. First, figure out what the error is.
  4. When scolding boys, state briefly and clearly what you are unhappy with, because... they cannot hold emotional tension for long. Their brain seems to turn off the auditory canal, and the child stops listening and hearing you.

Gender education in kindergarten

Every child, closer to three years of age, joins a preschool education team. There he fully begins to realize his belonging to the male or female sex, which was inherent in his home upbringing.

Next comes the work of educators who, through role-playing, seek to consolidate the results for gender education.

The main goal of which is to discover tenderness, meekness and femininity in a girl, and observation and perseverance in a boy.

Particularly good results are obtained from games divided into professional areas, where the future man is exclusively occupied with his duties, not forgetting to show respect and help to the female half. Girls, in turn, are taught the same respect for the masculine gender and the expression of tenderness and femininity.


Education of preschoolers occurs according to the following methodology:

  • Role-playing games (family, professions);
  • Conversations using manuals and visual literature;
  • Making cards and crafts for parents and grandparents;
  • Reading fairy tales, memorizing poems and sayings.

This specificity bears fruit in education, which can be observed during the adolescence of a teenager. Although there is a “release of hormones”, many actions of a bad character are avoided, thanks to the gender education received earlier.

The nuances of raising girls and boys

Themes of gender education have always been the main issue that the church dealt with until the 20th century, dictating conditions for the behavior of men and women. In modern life, issues of education are dealt with by both the family and educational institutions, which may relate to general education or a religious bias.

At the same time, the gender education of boys and girls differs significantly.

It is recommended to raise the male half as follows:
  • For a boy, love is trust. He will feel confident if he is loved;
  • An example for a boy should be a father, uncle, grandfather, coach, but with good upbringing traits;
  • Maintaining discipline. This will help develop responsibility;
  • You can't stop a child from crying. The will to emotions is important for every person;
  • Building a trusting relationship with the child;
  • Learning the basics of cooking and cleaning;
  • Have games for boys that will contribute to further development.

Gender education plan for girls:
  • Showing care and love for the child;
  • Close connection with mother;
  • Respect and love from dad;
  • Teaching the basics of cleaning and cooking;
  • Pride in your child;
  • Providing girls with toys specific to their needs;
  • Development of motor skills.

The most important thing that is emphasized in gender education is the manifestation of love and respect for children. And love, as they say, works miracles.

Gender approach to raising girls

If parents want their daughter to grow up to be a caring and gentle woman, in the process of raising them they should focus on the following things:

  • The uniqueness of the baby. The child must always know that there are no more people like her. You can't lower a girl's self-esteem.
  • Beauty. External attractiveness increases self-confidence. Your daughter needs to be complimented and admired for her beauty. It is preferable for the father to do this. Thus, the concept is instilled that a girl should attract men.
  • Formation of personal qualities. It is necessary to convey to the child the concept that helping a stranger makes her better.
  • Dialogue between mother and child. You just shouldn’t demand from the baby that she fulfill all the wishes of her parents. A mother should become not only a mentor, but also a friend for her daughter. During a conversation with her mother, the girl will begin to understand how to be a homemaker.

To make it easier for a girl to understand all the information that her parents are trying to convey to her, it is recommended to turn to fairy tales. Every fairy tale has a certain moral. The action of the characters encourages children to express various emotions. They begin to worry about the main character, thereby developing a sense of compassion, kindness and justice. Girls can learn examples of moral behavior from fairy tales.

The role of children's games in gender education cannot be underestimated. With their help, you can lay the foundation for future motherhood. A girl should buy toys that encourage her to develop caring and maternal instincts. These could be dolls, strollers, dishes, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to clothing and personal care. A little fashionista should understand from childhood that an attractive appearance makes it much easier to get closer to people.

The child constantly looks at the people around him and from this draws a certain piece of information that affects his social development. Therefore, in matters of raising a child, the home atmosphere is quite important. Watching how the girl’s mother behaves, the baby will strive to imitate her.

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