Business game at the teachers’ meeting “Modern educator - What is he like?”

Teachers' council in the form of a business game in a preschool educational institution

Pedagogical council in the form of a business game for kindergarten teachers on the topic: Organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions as part of the implementation of the educational program “cognitive development”.
Goal: to identify teachers’ ability to build educational activities within the framework of implementing the tasks of the educational field of “cognitive development”. Senior teacher
: Dear teachers, for a month we have been studying the content of the educational area “cognitive development”.
Today we will test your knowledge, see how much you have mastered the tasks and content of this educational area. Before the teachers’ council, you were given the task of dividing into teams, coming up with a name and presentation for your team related to the tasks of the educational field “cognitive development” (teams take turns presenting their teams). A jury will evaluate your presentations and knowledge: the head of the preschool educational institution and the senior teacher. For each correct answer you will receive medals; at the end of the teachers' meeting we will count the medals and determine the winner. “Brainstorm”:
1. What types of children’s activities would you classify as part of the educational field of “cognitive development”?
2. What tasks belong to the educational field of “cognitive development”? 3. Name the forms of work with children to solve problems in the educational field of “cognitive development.” The team that answers the question faster receives medals. 1st station: “Curiosity”
At this station there are two specialists: the preparatory group teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna Baranova and the middle group teacher Olga Sergeevna Maksimova.
Svetlana Nikolaevna will tell us how to develop curiosity and cognitive motivation in children. The teacher reads a message on this topic, analyzes the joint educational activities shown earlier. There is a discussion going on. Olga Sergeevna will introduce us to a form of working with children aimed at developing imagination and creative activity. The teacher makes a report and analyzes the joint educational activities shown earlier. There is a discussion going on. Assignment for teams: teams are given only game names; they need to come up with a plot for the game. The games are aimed at developing curiosity, imagination and creativity. 2nd station: “Traditions of our people.”
At the station, a speech therapist and music director make a report on the topic: “Working with children aimed at developing ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people.”
Following the message is a discussion of the collaborative educational activities shown earlier. Assignment for teams: name the traditions of the Russian people. Teams take turns naming forms of work; the last one to name gets a medal. 3rd station: “Malaya Rodina”.
The teacher of the senior group makes a report on this topic.
Conducts an analysis of the joint educational activities shown earlier. There is a discussion going on. Assignment for teams: name forms of work with children on the topic “Russia”. Teams take turns naming forms of work; the last one to name gets a medal. 4th station: “Planet Earth is the common home of people.”
The teacher of the senior group makes a report on this topic.
Afterwards there is a discussion. 5th station: “Analysis of diagnostics of pupils on the formation of initial mathematical concepts”
The senior teacher conducts an analysis of diagnostics on the formation of initial mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.
6th station: “Reflection”.
Each team expresses its opinion on the business game conducted using the “Six Thinking Hats” method. Each team gets a hat of a certain color, and for 2 minutes the teams discuss their answers according to the color. The jury sums up the results and the winners are awarded certificates

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Every head of an educational institution is interested in making the pedagogical council problematic, informative, and rich. The author of the article proposes a technology for holding a teacher council “Resources for the development of an educational lesson” in a non-traditional form.

The pedagogical council is one of the most important and democratic forms of work of the teaching staff, aimed at solving the main issues of school development, improving the educational process and increasing professional skills. Serves for systematic joint discussion of the current state of affairs, exchange of views on controversial issues and problems and development of ways to jointly solve them.

The pedagogical council, as the highest governing body of the educational process, solves specific problems of the school. Its activities are determined by the Regulations on the Pedagogical Council of the Educational Institution (appendix).

Each head of an educational institution strives to make the pedagogical council problematic, informative, and rich, so that the teaching staff can communicate productively and creatively in its process. You can use an organizational-activity (business) game as a form of holding a teacher council, which will allow you to solve almost any pedagogical problem at the educational institution.

Algorithm for preparing and holding a teachers' meeting

The algorithm for preparing and holding a teachers' meeting in the form of an organizational and activity game includes the following technological stages:

designing a pedagogical council:

  • diagnostics of the state of the educational process in educational institutions;
  • formulating a pedagogical problem on a diagnostic basis, determining the name of the game (the topic of the pedagogical council);
  • drawing up a plan and scenario for an organizational and activity game;
  • determination of the rules (conditions) of the game;

entering the game:

  • explanation of the meaning of the game, its purpose and objectives;
  • familiarization of game participants with its rules, conditions and regulations;
  • issuing assignments, forming working groups, distributing roles (group and personal);
  • appointment of an expert group;

work in groups on game tasks:

  • search for information;
  • acting out situations;
  • brainstorming in the form of free discussion;
  • making an intragroup decision;
  • preparing the group speaker;

collective (intergroup) discussion:

  • presentations by group speakers;
  • “free microphone” (speech by those participants in the game whose opinion differs from the group’s; proposal of new ideas that arose during the discussion);

analysis, systematization and generalization of the results of productive activities:

  • collective analysis, assessment and summary conclusions of the expert group;
  • reflection (individual and collective);
  • preparation of a draft decision of the pedagogical council;


  • making decisions of the pedagogical council;
  • organizational and executive activities to implement the decisions of the pedagogical council;
  • implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council.

Contents and technology of holding a teachers' meeting

Let's consider the content and technology of conducting a pedagogical council in the form of a business game on the topic “Resources for the development of an educational lesson.”

The purpose of the teachers' council: to identify the main innovative resources of a modern educational lesson; develop a unified program for improving the quality of education.

Form: organizational and activity game.

Method: “brainstorming”.

Progress of the teachers' council. The team is divided into 4 equal teams - social groups: “Administration”, “Teachers”, “Parents” and “Students”. They are located at tables with appropriate signs. Each group of teachers is given a task on pre-prepared cards, which indicate questions for discussion from the position of the social group. The selection and nature of questions depend on the goals of the game, on the level of professional competence of the players and on the level at which it is currently proposed to solve a particular problem.

Players are given 15 minutes to complete tasks. After this, the teams change places and answer questions from the next social group. As a result, each team must complete all four tasks (table).

Discussion Questions and Answer Options


Answer options
Social group "Administration"
What are your ideas about the education system in a modern school? Systematicity; continuity; expediency; teachers' use of modern technologies; strict compliance with safety regulations and fire safety; application of health-saving technologies; introduction of a 6-day work week; improving the material base; implementation of a competency-based approach in the education system; maintaining continuity between primary and secondary schools
Possible forms of interaction with teachers and assistance in the innovative development of a modern lesson Creating conditions for the dissemination of teachers' experience; creation of a school methodological office; improvement of the material and technical base; methodological control; organization of school-based training courses; material and moral incentives for teachers
Social group "Teachers"
What do you think are the typical disadvantages of traditional learning? Lack of specialized training; inattention to the individual capabilities of the student; teacher's authoritarianism; lack of student independence in choosing activities in the lesson; low motivation; the problem of multi-level training
Your proposals for overcoming the shortcomings of traditional teaching: specific technologies, forms and methods of teaching Smaller class sizes; consistency of individual tasks; introduction of modern information and communication technologies; creation of multi-level classes, specialized classes; conducting non-traditional lessons
Social group "Parents"
How do you see the modern education of your children? Full day school; half board school; adaptation of the child to adulthood; diverse education; the opportunity to express personal characteristics; emotional and psychological comfort at school; equipping classrooms with modern technical means; free quality food; free, accessible and specialized education
What requirements do you place on a modern teacher? The teacher must be tactful, educated, restrained, attentive, demanding (strict but fair), capable of compromise, competent
Social group "Students"
What should be a modern lesson in your opinion? The lesson should be interesting, fun, entertaining, rich in various activities, computerized, democratic, easy, without tests, homework and assessments.
What role do you assign to teachers, what help do you expect from them? Organizer, friend, assistant, interesting, modern and erudite person who accepts the student as he is; the teacher should be interested in the student’s problems, encourage and praise him, and present the educational material in an intelligible and accessible way; The role of the teacher in the lesson should be guiding, leading, but not the main one

Decisions of the pedagogical council

At the end of the game, the results of the work of each team and the team as a whole are summed up, and joint decisions are developed.

Decisions of the pedagogical council:

  • implement activity-based and competency-based approaches to learning as the main ones;
  • in order to improve the quality of education, socialization of students, and development of the child’s personality, subject teachers need to systematically use modern information and communication technologies, multimedia tools in students’ educational and extracurricular activities;
  • in order to use ICT technologies in lessons, carry out work to improve pedagogical skills, including the introduction of Internet technologies. Involve teachers to participate in scientific and practical seminars on disseminating the experience of teachers who are winners of the priority national project “Education”;
  • recommend the introduction, along with traditional ones, of a variety of non-traditional forms and methods of teaching (search, research, activity methods, differentiated approach), taking into account the inclinations of students and ensuring the active participation of each child in the educational process;
  • class teachers and subject teachers constantly create emotional and psychological comfort at school, maintaining academic discipline based on the optimal combination of exactingness and respect for the student’s personality;
  • continue to improve the material and technical base of the school;
  • in order to ensure the safety of students and prevent injuries during lessons and outside of school hours, all school employees strictly follow safety instructions;
  • Consider at class hours, production meetings and parent meetings the issue of additional measures to prevent child injuries.


REGULATIONS on the pedagogical council of the educational institution

1. General Provisions

1.1. The pedagogical council is one of the forms of permanent school self-government bodies for considering the main issues of organizing the educational process.

1.2. The pedagogical council includes: the director of the educational institution (usually in the position of chairman), his deputies, teachers, educators, a doctor, educational psychologists, social educators, a librarian, the head of the Governing Council (with an advisory vote).

1.3. School teaching staff who are not currently working with students participate in meetings of the pedagogical council.

1.4. The decisions of the pedagogical council are recommendations for the teaching staff. Decisions approved by order under the General Conditions are binding.

2. Tasks of the pedagogical council

The main tasks of the pedagogical council are:

2.1. Implementation of state policy in the field of education;

2.2. Focusing the activities of the teaching staff on improving the quality of the educational process;

2.3. Development of the content of work on the general topic of the educational institution development program, on the topics of experimental sites;

2.4. Introduction into the practical activities of teachers of the achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience;

2.5. Resolving issues regarding the admission, transfer and graduation of students who have mastered the state standard of education corresponding to the license obtained by the educational institution.

3. Functions of the pedagogical council

The Pedagogical Council performs the following functions:

3.1. Takes part in the development of the educational institution development program;

3.2. Develops the educational program of the educational institution;

3.3. Discusses and approves plans for educational and extracurricular activities of the educational institution;

3.4. Hears information and reports from teaching staff, reports and messages from representatives of organizations and institutions interacting with the educational institution;

3.5. Decides on:

3. 5.1. Conducting intermediate certification based on the results of the academic year;

3.5.2. Admission of students to state (final) certification;

3.5.3. Organization of state (final) certification of graduates in various forms (based on a certificate of state accreditation);

3.5.4. Transferring students to the next class, conditional transfer or leaving them for a repeat course of study in the same class;

3.5.5. Issuance of relevant documents on education of a state or international standard;

3.5.6. Rewarding students for success in learning with certificates, certificates of commendation, and medals;

3.5.7. Exclusion of a student from the lists of educational institutions when other measures of pedagogical and disciplinary action have been exhausted, in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Charter of the school. The decision of the pedagogical council is brought to the attention of parents (legal representatives) and the founder in a timely manner (within three days).

4. Rights of the pedagogical council

The pedagogical council has the right:

4.1. Create temporary creative associations with the invitation of specialists in various fields and consultants to develop recommendations with their subsequent consideration by the pedagogical council;

4.2. Make a final decision on controversial issues within his competence;

4.3. Adopt and approve regulations (local acts) with competence related to professional associations;

4.4. Invite to meetings of the pedagogical council representatives of public organizations, institutions interacting with the educational institution on educational issues, parents of students, representatives of institutions involved in financing the organization of the educational process, etc. The need for their invitation is determined by the chairman of the pedagogical council. Persons invited to a meeting of the pedagogical council have the right of an advisory vote.

5. Responsibility of the teaching council

The Teaching Council is responsible for:

5.1. Implementation of OS work plans;

5.2. Compliance of the decisions made with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, on the protection of children’s rights;

5.3. Approval of educational programs that have an expert opinion, including educational programs chosen by students and their parents;

5.4. Making specific decisions on each issue under consideration, indicating responsible persons and deadlines for execution of decisions.

6. Organization of the activities of the pedagogical council

6.1. The pedagogical council elects a secretary of the council from among its members.

6.2. The pedagogical council works according to a plan that is an integral part of the school’s annual work plan.

6.3. Meetings of the pedagogical council are convened at least once a trimester in accordance with the work plan or as necessary to resolve issues within the competence of the pedagogical council.

6.4. Decisions of the pedagogical council are made by a majority vote with the presence of at least 2/3 of its members at the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the vote of the chairman of the pedagogical council is decisive.

6.5. The organization of implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council is carried out by its chairman and responsible persons specified in the decision. Information on the implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council is summarized by the secretary. The results of this work are reported to members of the pedagogical council at its subsequent meetings.

6.6. In case of disagreement with the decision of the pedagogical council, the chairman suspends the implementation of the decision, notifying the founders of the educational institution, who, within three days, with the participation of interested parties, are obliged to consider such an application, familiarize themselves with the reasoned decision of the majority of members of the pedagogical council and make a final decision on the controversial issue.

7. Documentation of the pedagogical council

7.1. Meetings of the pedagogical council are documented in minutes. The book of minutes records the progress of the discussion of issues submitted to the pedagogical council, proposals and comments of members of the pedagogical council. The minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

7.2. Protocols on the transfer of students to the next class and graduation are drawn up by the payroll. The decisions of the pedagogical council on transfer and graduation are approved by order of the educational institution.

7.3. The numbering of the minutes of the pedagogical council is carried out from the beginning of the school year.

7.4. The book of minutes of the pedagogical council is included in the nomenclature of files, is stored permanently and is transferred according to the act.

7.5. The book of minutes of the pedagogical council is numbered page by page, laced, sealed with the signature of the head and the seal of the educational institution.

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