Notes for kindergarten (middle group) - Insects

Educational conversation “What kinds of insects are there?”

Educational conversation in the senior group

“What kinds of insects are there?”


systematize children’s ideas about the diversity of insects; consolidate knowledge about the general characteristics of insects; learn to establish connections between the features of the external structure and the method of movement, between appearance and the method of protection from enemies; clarify the habitats of insects; develop children’s cognitive and creative abilities, logical and spatial thinking, speech, fine motor skills; cultivate interest in insects and respect for them.

Developmental environment:

pictures and illustrations depicting insects, a visual aid “Insects”, an audio recording “The Dance of the Butterflies” by M. Krasev; book about nature “Miracle in the palm of your hand”, graphic model of an insect, plasticine.


Before the start of the lesson, children look at the visual aid “Insects”, flashcards and illustrations with insects.

— Today we are going to visit our six-legged friends. Who do you think we will talk about? (about insects)

- Right! Guys, by what main signs do we recognize insects? ( All insects have six legs. The body consists of three parts: head, middle part and abdomen)

-What else do insects have? (There are two antennae on the head, some have a proboscis and wings)

— Why do insects need a proboscis and wings?

(They feed with the help of a proboscis; wings are needed to move)

- Right! Many insects fly. Some fly very fast: a dragonfly, for example, can reach speeds of up to 40 km per hour. Other insects walk and jump. Can you name me such insects?

(Beetles that have no wings walk. A grasshopper jumps)

- Indeed, the grasshopper is a good jumper. He can jump a distance of 20 times his body length. And if he releases his wings, he will fly away, gliding, even further.

— Guys, what do insects eat? (Flower nectar, leaves)

— All insects feed differently. Some eat plants. These include grasshoppers. With their jaws, like nippers, they bite off pieces of grass. Butterflies and moths feed on flower nectar using a special proboscis. It spins like a squeaky toy. When the insect is not eating, the proboscis curls into a spiral. The mosquito feeds on plant sap and sweet nectar. And his female feeds on blood. She pierces the skin with her proboscis, like a syringe, and sucks blood. There are also predators among insects. This is a dragonfly - it feeds on flies and mosquitoes. moths. Some ants eat grass seeds, midges, and worms. And the ladybug feeds on the smallest living creatures - aphids. Guys, why are ladybugs called that (the story is accompanied by a demonstration of illustrations)

- Because they secrete “milk”, but not white one. and poisonous yellow, which appears on the bends of the paws in times of danger. In fact, it is blood, acrid and smelling unpleasant. Therefore, neither birds nor lizards eat cows. They can also be called migratory beetles. It turns out that at the end of summer and autumn, cows fly for the winter. And in the spring and early summer they return. But not all cows fly away. Many of them, like other beetles, hide in cracks, in the crevices of tree bark, and in last year’s grass. Therefore, if you burn last year’s grass, you can also burn insects. They must be treated with care and the grass in gardens and orchards must not be burned.


Children move smoothly to the music “Butterfly Dance”.


Cards with images of insects are laid out in front of you. You must take a card and place it on the picture that corresponds to the habitat of this insect. Children lay out the cards and comment on their choices.

— How does coloring help insects?

Indeed, the color of insects often depends on their habitat. This helps them escape from enemies. Some, thanks to coloring, become invisible. So the thorn bug looks like a thorn growing on a branch. Some butterflies, when sitting quietly, resemble a leaf. Some are invisible on tree bark. The flower mantis is similar to the flower on which it sits. (the story is accompanied by the display of corresponding illustrations) Other insects have such bright colors that enemies do not risk approaching them. Why do you think? (children's answers)

— Insects colored in red-black, yellow and black tones are usually unpleasant to the taste, and birds do not touch them. There are insects, the bombardier beetle, which release a stream of caustic chemicals with a pungent odor at the moment of danger. While the enemy comes to his senses, the beetle runs away.

— Guys, are there many or few insects on earth? (children's answers) What would happen if there were no insects? (children's answers)

Let's play the game "GOOD - BAD".

Are many different insects good or bad? (children's answers)

What else is good? (interesting to watch, beautiful, food for others, etc.)

What is wrong? (can sting, interfere with rest, etc.)


Who did we talk about today? What interesting things did you learn? Children choose to sculpt an insect.

Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group. Lexical topic: “Insects”


MONDAY 04/19/2021




Clarifying and consolidating with children the concept of “insects”, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of insects, consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle, coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of others inhabitants of nature. Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature.

Final event:

"Journey to the Land of Insects"

Date of:


Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation with children “What do children know about insects?”

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about insects, their diversity, distinctive features, nutrition, movement

D\i “Connect the dots and find out who gets it” with Kirill P., Vova and Ruslan.

Goal: Development of the ability to focus on a sheet, attention, thinking.

Situational conversation with children “Taste and smell” - with the aim of developing in children an idea of ​​the characteristics of olfactory sensations and their role in human life. Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers: construction games at the request of children. Selection of materials for the mobile folder “FIRST AID FOR INSECT BITES.”
Educational activities: 9.00-9.20 Cognitive and research activities (FCCM). Topic: "Insects."

Goal: to introduce children to the general concept of “insects”; names and body parts of insects, their habitats.

Kaushkal, Karpeeva, p. 111.

10.00-10.20 Motor activity. Under the guidance of a physical education instructor.

Walk: Observation of pigeons Purpose: Development of observation skills, consolidation of knowledge about migratory birds.

P\i “The Bear and the Bees”, “Catch the Mosquito”.

Working with boys - playing with balls in order to strengthen the ability to dribble the ball, throwing it to each other. Strengthening the ability to quickly get ready for a walk. Independent games with external material.

Enriching the subject-developmental environment on the site - selecting pictures on the topic “Insects”, hanging a garland.

Dinner: Reading lit.- V.V. Bianchi. “Like an ant hurried home”

Goal: Acquaintance with the work of V. Bianchi. Clarifying children's knowledge about insects, their diversity, and distinctive features.

Evening: afternoon tea Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

D\i "Tender words".

Target. Development of children's communication abilities; development of the ability to form diminutive forms of names.

D\i "Magic Cells".

With Vanya S., Sasha Ch. and Polina. Goal: Development of thinking, logic, fine motor skills.

Game situation “Rules of conduct”.

Goal: Developing the ability to find the right solution to problem situations.

Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers
Walk: Ind. working with girls - playing with a ball and a skipping rope in order to develop accuracy.

Independent games with external material.


TUESDAY 04/20/2021




Clarifying and consolidating with children the concept of “insects”, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of insects, consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle, coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of others inhabitants of nature. Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Offer to listen to audio tales about insects - “Ant Stories” by Nina Gali. Goal: Expanding children's horizons, cultivating interest in the work of children's writers.

D/u “Collect a flower” with Varya R., Sasha A. and Lena. Goal: Consolidating forward and backward counting, developing fine motor skills. Situational conversation with children “I am friendly with hygiene.” Goal: Encouraging children to take care of their skin, nose, hands and care for them. Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers: board and printed games at the request of children. Selection of materials for the collage “World of Insects” - drawings, pictures, crafts.
Educational activities: 9.00-9.20 Musical and artistic (music). Under the direction of the music director.

9.30-9.50 Productive (drawing). Topic: “Ladybugs”

Target. Consolidating the ability to draw independently using non-traditional techniques. Development of figurative perception, children's creativity. Encouraging imaginative evaluation of images.

Sidukova – p.9

Walk: Weather observation.

Goal: Consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in spring. P\i “The sea is agitated...”, “Catch a mosquito.”

Labor on site.

Ind. work with boys - games with rope and ring throwing in order to develop balance of accuracy. Improving the ability to quickly and in the correct sequence get ready for a walk. Independent games with external material.

Collecting materials for the science corner.

Dinner: Reading lit. — Learning the poem “Hardworking Bee” (using the “Tell Poems with Your Hands” method)

Goal: Development of memory, motor skills, ability to navigate in space, speech, sense of rhythm.

Evening: afternoon tea Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

Situational conversation “Shoulds and shouldn’ts” with the aim of reinforcing the rules of behavior in kindergarten and on the street.

D\i "Shurovka" with Kirill B, Anton and Darina.. Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands. Writing descriptive and narrative stories. Game situation “I was bitten by an insect.” Target. Replenishing children's knowledge of first aid. Improving the ability to find a way out of difficult situations. Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers - artistic activities (pencils and wax crayons).

Collecting materials for the science corner.

Walk: Learning r.n. and “The Owl and the Birds.”

Goal: Formation of children’s ability to navigate in space, development of dexterity and speed.


WEDNESDAY 04/21/2021




Clarifying and consolidating with children the concept of “insects”, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of insects, consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle, coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of others inhabitants of nature. Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Learning finger gymnastics “Spider”.

Conversation on the topic “The benefits and harms of insects.” Goal: Expanding children's horizons about the benefits and harms of insects.

D\u “Tell me!” with Varya Z., Yaroslav and Dima. Target. Developing the ability to write a descriptive story based on a picture. Situational conversation with children “Oral hygiene”.

Goal: Formation of ideas about the features of oral hygiene, touch and its role in human life.

Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers: didactic games based on children’s interests. Replenishment of material in the science corner.
Educational activities: 9.00-9.20 Communication (speech development) E.V. Kolesnikova “From word to sound.” Workbook for children 4-5 years old. Page 38.

9.30-9.50 Cognitive and research (FEMP/design). Topic: “Insects” (card file of notes) Purpose: Exercise in counting to 5, in finding geometric shapes, in depicting objects.

Complex classes. N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, p.252.

Walk: Target walk. Goal: Expanding knowledge about the role of machines and their mechanisms, cultivating curiosity and respect for the work of adults.

Experimental activity - “Street shadows - morning”.

Throwing a ball at a target with girls Goal: Development of dexterity and coordination of movements. Strengthening the ability to quickly get ready for a walk. Independent games with external material.
Dinner: Reading lit. – a competition of riddles on the theme of the week “Pantry of Riddles”.

Goal: Introduction to folk art, development of the ability to find the answer in the text of a riddle.

Evening: afternoon tea Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

Game situation “We are having lunch.” Target. Improving children’s ability to properly use cutlery, a napkin, and thank adults after eating.

Learning pure sayings on the topic of the week with Maxim, Vera and Vanya M. Situational conversation “What is good, what is bad.” Goal: Improving children’s ability to analyze actions and find the right solution Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers - offer board and printed games
Walk: Introduction to the Uzbek folk game “Bears and Bees”.

Target. Development of skills to respond to the leader’s signal, observation, and speed.

Labor on site


THURSDAY 04/22/2021




Clarifying and consolidating with children the concept of “insects”, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of insects, consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle, coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of others inhabitants of nature. Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Offer printed board games at the request of children in order to consolidate knowledge about insects. Offer a large construction set for the joint game “Anthill”.

D\u “Compare!” with Vanya N., Yulia and Kirill P..

Goal: Development of the semantic side of speech through the consolidation of antonyms and synonyms.

Situational conversation with children “What is health?” Target. Encouraging children to take care of the health of themselves and those around them. Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers: educational games “Find out by contour”. Selection of material for creating the album “Such different insects”
Educational activities: 9.00-9.20 Productive (sculpting). Topic: “Insects on our site”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to sculpt using familiar sculpting techniques.

N. S. Golitsyna p. 189

10.20-10.40 Dvigatelnaya (street). Card index of physical activity on the street. Complex No. 22.

Walk: Observation of bushes. Goal: Formation of the idea that shrubs are a home for insects. Consolidating children's knowledge about bushes. P\i “Repeat”, “Echo”. Ind. work with boys - obstacle course running, games with a rope in order to develop speed and endurance. Improving the ability to quickly and in the correct sequence get ready for a walk.

Experience “Where the puddles disappear.” Goal: Formation of an idea about the properties of water.

Independent games with external material
Dinner: Reading lit. - acquaintance with the work of K. I. Chukovsky “The Tsokotuha Fly”

Target. Familiarization with the work of a children's writer, with his work. Learning an excerpt from a fairy tale.

Evening: afternoon tea Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

Listening to musical works by N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”.

Target. Development of the ability to distinguish shades of mood conveyed by a piece of music

D/u "Rhyme" with Vova, Vanya S. and Ruslan. Target. Exercise children in selecting words with similar meanings and synonyms; enrich children's vocabulary Game situation “Apology” Purpose: To improve children’s skills in appropriately using various forms of apologies. Independent activity of pupils in developmental activity centers - didactic games at the request of the children.
Walk: Offer sports equipment (ball, bilbock) for playing together.

Learning rhymes to select a leader.


FRIDAY 04/23/2021




Clarifying and consolidating with children the concept of “insects”, using various types of children's activities, clarifying the features of the appearance of insects, consolidating knowledge about feeding methods, lifestyle, coloring in accordance with the habitat, protection from enemies, benefits and harms, knowledge for the lives of others inhabitants of nature. Forming a desire to enjoy communication with nature.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation “The World of Indoor Plants”

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of indoor plants, their benefits and structure.

D/i “Comparison of a bee with a bumblebee and a wasp” with Sasha Ch., Polina and Varya R..

Objectives: to clarify children’s knowledge about the appearance of a bee, lifestyle, and benefits.

Sri "Travel by Bus"

Goal: to cultivate collectivism, responsibility for one’s business; learn to play collectively.

Offer children independent activities with plasticine.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, consolidate the skills of such techniques as rolling, pulling, and develop imagination.

Consultation: “How to teach a child to love and take care of nature?”
Educational activities: 9.00-9.20 Motor activity. Under the guidance of a physical education instructor.

9.30-9.50 Musical and artistic (music). Under the direction of the music director.

Walk: Observation of the teacher’s work in the flower beds

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of sowing seeds in flower beds, to continue to teach them to respect the work of adults.

P/ and "Tunnel"

Goal: practice walking in a column, develop endurance; ability to maintain friendly relationships in a team.

Movement development exercise. Walking along the path with Sasha, Lena and Kirill B..

Goal: practice walking with side steps along a narrow path. .

Ecology experience “Light and Shadow”

Purpose: to introduce the formation of shadows from objects, to establish the similarity between the shadow and the object.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.

Dinner: Etiquette. Remind about the use of napkins after meals, the correct use of cutlery, the rules of behavior during meals, the need to say thank you after eating.
Evening: afternoon tea Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

Printed board game “Cut Pictures”

Goal: to teach how to make a whole from parts; develop the ability to see a holistic image in parts.

D/and mathematics “One - Many” with Anton, Darina and Varya Z..

Purpose: formation of plural nouns.

Conversation “A smile will make everyone brighter.”

Goal: Discuss how you can share a good mood with others, why it is important; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Observe the correct implementation of the rules of the game and the distribution of roles.
Walk: Observing the stones

Purpose: to introduce the variety of stones and their properties.

Modeling from wet sand “A dragonfly sat on a flower”

Goal: develop imagination; learn to think about the content of your work, to achieve the implementation of the plan.

Educational project for children of the middle group “Insects”

Tatiana Smirnova

Educational project for children of the middle group “Insects”

Educational project for middle school children


Type of project : creative practice-oriented.

Target group : teachers, children 4–5 years old, parents.

Resources for the project : methodological literature, children's fiction, children's encyclopedias, visual aids, children's games, Internet resources, children's presentations on the topic.

Implementation period: May - June

Relevance: insufficient (often erroneous)

about insects . Children sharply divide representatives of the insect into useful and harmful.
Lack of interest among adults in observations of living nature, desire and ability to introduce their child to the knowledge of natural objects. The goal of the project : to expand children's of the most prominent representatives of the insect . Involving parents in the development of the child’s cognitive interests.

Project objectives :

• Formation of cognitive interest in the life of insects .

• Acquaintance with the features of the appearance and behavior of an ant, butterfly, ladybug, grasshopper, bee, fly, dragonfly.

• Expanding children's of the life activity of insects in the spring and summer. Enriching ideas about how insects “work”


• Formation of the ability to behave safely when meeting some representatives of insects .

• Creating conditions for children to actively use their ideas and knowledge about insects in creative activities.

• Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

• Involving parents in providing assistance in the implementation of the project , developing their need for joint search and cognitive activities with their children.

Expected results:

• Children can observe insects .

• Children distinguish between the modes of movement of insects : butterfly, ant, dragonfly, ladybug, grasshopper, fly, mosquito, bee, wasp.

• They are able to distinguish and name an ant, a butterfly, a ladybug, a grasshopper, a bee, a fly, and a dragonfly by appearance and behavior.

• Children know the life cycle of butterflies.

• Children know the poisonous insects of our region and know the rules of safe behavior when meeting them.

• Children are careful about nature.

• Children draw, sculpt, design, paint insects .

• Design of the exhibition of joint child-parent works “World of Insects


• A selection of books for the family reading library on the topic Insects for children


• Participation of parents in the implementation of the project , their interest in joint search-cognitive and creative activities with their children.

Final event of the project : How to find a path? (based on a fairy tale by V. Berestov)

Project implementation plan :

Stage 1 Definition of the problem, discussion of the topic, search for ways to solve the problem, forms of participation of children and adults in the project .

One day while on a walk, the children saw a spider. Yaroslav said: “This is an insect

.Anya said: “A spider, it’s not
an insect , but an arachnid - I watched it on TV.” Vlad said: “Spiders are harmful, they need to be destroyed.”
Lisa said:
“Nature must be protected.”
Tatyana Vasilievna asked: “Guys, do you want to know : Who are
insects ? Useful or harmful? How do they move? What transformations occur to him? What do a butterfly and a caterpillar have in common? Why do people say, “annoying like a fly”
“hardworking like an ant”

We were faced with the question, where can we learn about insects ? Vlad said that you can look at the encyclopedia. Vanya decided to ask dad. Anya suggested watching TV. Vika said that our library has books about nature. Artyom suggested learning about insects on the Internet . Nadya suggested watching insects on a walk . Tatyana Vasilyevna suggested inviting her parents and our old friend, the forester, to visit and tell them about insects .


— individual conversations with parents: “Does your child ask questions about insects ? Do you like to watch insects ? Is the world of insects ?”

— communication with children “Name what insects . Why is the fly chased away from everywhere? How are butterflies and bees similar and different? What is the name of the ant's house?

— selection of methodological literature

— selection of methods and techniques to solve the problem

Stage 2 Project .


insects while walking ;

• reviewing the encyclopedia;

•reading works to children: V. Usachev “Ladybug”

, E. Moshkovskaya
, E. Shim
“Bug on a String”
, A. Sarsekov
“Butterfly, let’s be friends!”
, V. Palchinskaite
, K. Chukovsky “Fly - Tsokotukha;

• asking riddles about insects ;

•conversations: “How to identify an insect

, “Why do they say that
“dew is rain for ants”
insects move ,

Insects in the garden ;
"Why do insects hide ?" "Where do insects ?" "Industrious
insects " .

•speech games: “Who can name the most actions?”

(What can a ladybug do? - crawl, fly, look, spread its wings, eat aphids, climb a stem, sit on a leaf).
What can an ant do? – run, carry a load, build an anthill, climb a tree, descend); “Name which one”
“Guess and name”
“It flies - it doesn’t fly”

• listening and singing the song by V. Shainsky and N. Nosov “A grasshopper sat in the grass”


• examination of a set of subject pictures by S. Vokhrintseva Insects


•didactic games: “Find a pair”

"Be careful!"
“Similar - not similar”
“The fourth odd”
, lotto

Insects ,
“Good - bad”
“Who lives where?”
“Ants” (with Dienesh blocks)

•work on fine motor skills: “Guess who’s hiding”

— smoothing out paper lumps with outline
images of insects ;
laying out the outline of a butterfly from buttons on a plasticine base; • drawing “Ladybug in the grass”

, modeling
“Who lives in the grass?”
, applique with drawing elements
“This little bug...”
, paper construction
, individual drawing works
“Beautiful Butterflies”
coloring "
Insects " ;

•learning physical education

“The butterfly flew, fluttered over the flower”

• finger game " Insects "


• p/i “Bear and Bees”

“Catch a Mosquito”
“Butterfly and Flowers”

Interaction with parents:

• individual communication with parents “Which encyclopedias about insects will be of interest to children 4–5 years old”;

insect observations with children ;

• selection for parents of a library of family reading on the topic “Children about insects


• organizing an exhibition of joint child-parent crafts on the theme “The World of Insects

• joint drawing of children and parents with crayons on the asphalt during the evening walk “Six-legged babies - insects


Stage 3 Conducting the final event “How to find a path”

(based on a fairy tale by V. Berestov, summing up, presentation
of the project .
Project results :

• Children watch insects , look at illustrations with their images , and tell their parents about their impressions.

• Children recognize and name an ant, a butterfly, a ladybug, a grasshopper, a bee, a fly, and a dragonfly.

• Children know and follow the rules of safe behavior when encountering certain insects .

• The cognitive interest of children and parents in the world of insects and the peculiarities of their life has increased.

• Parents participate in project , many of them purchased children's encyclopedias about insects .

The group’s educational environment has been replenished with sets of subject pictures Insects

“How does living things grow?”
, the album
“The Life
of Insects , the children’s presentation
“The Amazing World
of Insects , the didactic game
Insects " ,
"Who lives where?"
, collection
“Such different
insects .

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