Abstract of the OOD on familiarization with the social world for pupils of senior preschool age Topic “Me and my friends”

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to social reality in the senior group

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to social reality in the senior group “Objects of the man-made world”
Author: Tatyana Gennadievna Borodina, teacher of the senior group of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 289 (kindergarten No. 1867) in Moscow.
I offer you a summary of a lesson on speech development for children of senior preschool age. This material will be useful to teachers of older groups of kindergarten. The lesson is aimed at cultivating interest and respect for objects of the man-made world.

Topic: Objects of the man-made world.
Program content. Educational objectives. • Expand children's knowledge about objects of the man-made world. • Clarify children's knowledge about the meaning of objects in the man-made world. • Talk about helping objects for each profession of people. • Bring children to the conclusion that objects, just like people, have their own past, present and future. • Develop children's coherent speech. • Continue teaching children to answer questions and find the correct answer. Educational tasks. • Foster a caring attitude towards objects created by human hands. • Cultivate interest in studying the history of objects. Preliminary work. • Reading the story by K.D.
Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.” • Examination of illustrations depicting various objects. • Conversation about the objects around us. • Getting to know a person's professions. • Parents telling their children about their childhood toys. Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, let's look around us! What do we see? - That's right, objects. All these objects were created by man. - Guys, what do you think we need the items for? — We need objects in order to play, study, work and relax. With the help of objects we eat and take care of our body. — Guys, what do you think we need for the game? - That's right, of course, these are toys!

Toys and many other items, such as children's books, clothes and shoes, were specially created by adults for children. — What items will we need for school?

- That's right, a backpack, a pencil case, a pen, a pencil, scissors, a ruler, an eraser, a notebook and a primer. — Guys, what items help your moms and dads in their work? Let's remember together. I will help you. This is a computer, telephone, shovel, watering can, books, scales, car and others. - Guys, do you know that people of different professions have their own helper objects.

For example, a salesperson in a store is helped by scales - he weighs the goods on them; he also needs a cash register - on it he punches out a receipt and puts money in it. A gardener needs a sprayer, a watering can and scissors for pruning plants. The janitor is helped in his work by a shovel, a broom and a bucket. And when working with children, a teacher needs a lot of children's books and games, a board, chairs and desks. - You see, each person has his own objects that help him in his difficult work. Guys, but if there are objects for work, then there are objects for relaxation. What do you think these objects are? - Of course, this is a bed, an armchair, a TV, a telephone, a tape recorder, a pillow, magazines, sunglasses, an inflatable ball and a circle. Many items can be used for both work and leisure.

For example, a person can communicate by phone while working and when resting. — Guys, what items help you and I eat culturally? What do we drink from, eat, what do we eat? - That's right, this is a cup, plate, spoon, fork, knife and napkins. — Guys, what items help you and I take care of our bodies? - That's right, this is soap, a washcloth, shampoo, a toothbrush and toothpaste, creams, a comb. - Guys, now let's play a very interesting game with you. I will name any item for you, and you will tell me what it is for. For example, a watering can. And you say to water the plants. Is everyone clear? Be careful! - Sasha, what is the chair for? -Right enough to sit on. - Katya, what is the pen for? - It's right to write to her. (I name the following words: doll, ball, elastic band, hairpin, spatula, table, pencil, notebook, umbrella, vase, wardrobe, etc.). - Well done, you know everything! — Guys, objects were invented by ancient people. Over time, people changed and improved them. People today continue to change objects to make them more convenient and better. Each object has its own past, present and future. So your toy that you play with at home has its own manufacturing history. Listen to her. Before she came to your home, she wandered around the world for a very long time. First it had to be made. For example, a soft toy was sewn at a toy factory, and then taken to a store where your parents bought it for you. But the cars our boys play with are made of metal and plastic. A table and a chair, our desks, can tell us a very long and interesting story.

Imagine, at first they grew in the forest in the form of a tree, then the tree was cut down and boards were made from the trunk. They assembled the table and chair, sawed it, polished it, covered it with paint and varnish and took it to the store for sale. Now here they are in our group. Furniture has gone through a difficult process of production, and it needs to be taken care of. - Guys, all objects created by human hands must be protected so that they serve us longer! — The lesson is over. Well done everyone!

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