Summary of the role-playing game for the senior group “Hospital”

Construct based on role-playing game – Polyclinic

The teacher organizes a dialogue to discuss the plot, game actions, game dialogues, and encourages the creation of a game environment.

— In order to start the game, you and I need to assign roles. Who do you think works at the Polyclinic? (Therapist, nurse, pharmacist, receptionist)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What kind of work do you think a therapist does? (Therapist treats people)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— How does a therapist treat people? (The therapist examines the patient and prescribes treatment)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What should a therapist be like? (Responsible, friendly, polite, smart)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What should we tell the therapist when we come to see him? (Good afternoon, say your complaints, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

—What should the therapist answer? (Good afternoon, take a seat, what are you complaining about? I’m prescribing medicine for you..., get well soon, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What do you think a therapist needs to work? (Various instruments)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

- Children, who wants to be a therapist?

The teacher listens to the children's answers. In case of difficulty, choose according to the counting rhyme.

-I suggest you choose on the table the attributes that the therapist needs, and choose the place where it will be. You can go get settled.

— What kind of work do you think a nurse does? (The nurse writes prescriptions as prescribed by the doctor)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What kind of nurse should a nurse be? (Responsible, polite)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What do you think a nurse needs to work? (Pen and paper to write down the recipe)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

- Children, who wants to be a nurse?

The teacher listens to the children's answers. In case of difficulty, choose according to the counting rhyme.

-I suggest you choose on the table the attributes that the therapist needs, and choose the place where it will be. You can go get settled.

— What kind of work do you think a pharmacist does? (Sells medicines prescribed by a therapist)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What should a pharmacist be like? (Polite, responsible, friendly, smart)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

- What do you think we should tell the pharmacist? (Good afternoon, can I please have these medications, thank you, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

- What does the pharmacist say? (Good afternoon, here are your medications, from you... rubles, get well, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What do you think is needed for a pharmacist? (Various medicines, cash register, money)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

- Children, who wants to be a pharmacist?

The teacher listens to the children's answers. In case of difficulty, choose according to the counting rhyme.

-I suggest you choose on the table the attributes that the therapist needs, and choose the place where it will be. You can go get settled.

— What kind of work do you think the receptionist does? (The receptionist makes an appointment with a therapist, gives a coupon, and tells him which office to go to)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What do you think a receptionist should be like? (Polite, responsible, friendly)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— How should we contact the receptionist? (Good afternoon, can I make an appointment to see a therapist? Which office should I go to? Where is it located? Thank you, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What should the receptionist say? (Good afternoon, here is your coupon, what date do you want to sign up for? You need to go to ... floor, to ... office. Get well, goodbye)

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— What do you think a receptionist needs to work?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

— Children, who wants to be a receptionist?

The teacher listens to the children's answers. In case of difficulty, choose according to the counting rhyme.

-I suggest you choose on the table the attributes that the therapist needs, and choose the place where it will be. You can go get settled.

— Children, all roles have been assigned. Those who are left without a role, don’t worry. You will also have a role. You will be visitors.

Summary of a role-playing game in the junior group “Hospital”

Bibliographic description:

Trufanova, M. Yu. Summary of the role-playing game in the junior group “Hospital” / M. Yu. Trufanova, T. L. Tarasova, E. S. Shevtsova. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2022. - No. 9 (36). — P. 119-121. — URL: (access date: 02/05/2022).

Goal: To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions.


Educational : to develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor’s assistant, doctor, patient). Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”, using familiar medical instruments (toys);

Developmental: develop children’s speech, interaction skills with each other;

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards one’s health, the ability to show sensitivity and care for a sick person.

Methodological support: Katya doll , children's set “Hospital” (thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, bandage, cotton wool, etc.); chairs for patients; gowns for doctors and nurses; recipes.

Preliminary work: excursion to a medical office to observe the work of a nurse in a kindergarten; conversations on the topic: “Going to the doctor at the clinic”, etc., examination of illustrations: “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”; reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit, V. Suteev “About the hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations”;

didactic games: “Who is this?” , “Who needs what,” “What does it do?” , creating and playing game and problem situations; teaching game techniques.

Vocabulary work: thermometer, temperature, vitamins, pills, treats.


  1. Org moment.

Educator: In the morning the kids got up,

Everyone came to kindergarten.

We are glad to see you, as always.

We've had guests here since morning,

Say hello friends!

(Children greet guests.)

Educator: Let's wish our guests good morning. And let this wish be warm and joyful.

(soundtrack of a baby crying)

  1. Motivational and orientation stage.

Educator: Oh, someone is crying.

Yes, this is our Katenka. Hello Katya. (Children say hello to the doll).

Educator. What happend to you?

Educator. Katya told me in my ear that she had a fever, a sore throat and a cough.

  1. Search stage.

Educator. Guys, can we help Katya? How?

Children . We will take her to the hospital to see a doctor and he will cure her.

  1. Practical stage.

Educator. Then let's go to the hospital.

Educator. Well, here we are at the hospital.

- Now I will be a doctor and put on a white coat. And you guys will help me see the sick. (Children sit on chairs).

Educator. Let's take Katya's temperature. What will we take?

Children: Thermometer.

Educator. Come on Katya, we'll get you a thermometer.

— Help Olya, put a thermometer on Katya. (The child puts a thermometer on the doll.)

- Olya, look, Katya’s temperature is high?

Child. Yes.

Educator. Now let's look at Katya's neck.

- What will we take for this?

Children . A stick.

Educator. That's right, this stick is called a medical spatula.

- Look, Vanya is Katya’s neck.

- Does Katya have a red throat?

Child. Yes.

Educator. What else should the doctor do?

Children. listen to Katya.

Educator. How will we listen to Katya's breathing?

Children. A tube, a listening ear.

Educator. The tube is correctly called a phonendoscope.

(the teacher invites the child to listen to the doll).

Child. "Breath! Do not breath".

Educator. Is breathing free, without wheezing?

Child . Yes.

Educator. In order for Katya to recover faster, she needs to gargle, drink tea with raspberries, boiled milk with honey, and Katya also needs to be put to bed and covered with a blanket.

- Tanya, give Katya tea with raspberries and put her to bed.

Educator. And now Masha will be the doctor, I will help put on her robe.

And I will be a nurse and will help the doctor. (The teacher acts as an observer and, if necessary, helps correct the children’s play actions)

-Who wants to be a patient? (Choose a patient).

Educator. Doctor say hello and ask what the patient’s pain is.

Doctor . Hello, what hurts you?

Child. Hello, my hand hurts.

Educator. Doctor, look what's wrong with your hand.

Doctor: Let's see, it's a big wound, we need to wash it and bandage it.

Educator. Now we will process it well, like this. And we'll make a bandage. Get well. Goodbye.

Educator. Who's next to see the doctor? Please pass.

Doctor, ask what the patient is complaining about?

Doctor. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Patient. I have a headache.

Doctor. Let's see (the doctor examines the patient, takes the temperature, looks at the throat, listens to him).

Educator. The temperature is normal, the breath is clear, the doctor will prescribe the patient a medicine for headaches, he will buy it at the pharmacy.

Educator. So our doctor cured the sick. Doctor, look to see if our Katya’s fever has subsided. (The doctor takes the temperature)

Doctor. No temperature.

Educator. Our Katya has recovered and says thank you to us.

  1. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Educator. Guys, what game did we play?

Children. Doctor.

Educator. Did you enjoy playing this game?

Children. Yes

What tools does the doctor have?

Children. Spatula, phonendoscope, thermometer.

Educator. Guys, doctors help both adults and children to be healthy. I also liked playing with you. We will play this game after sleep. And now we will say goodbye to Katya and wish her health and say goodbye to our guests. (Children say goodbye to the doll and guests, leave the group)

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