Physical education class in the form of relay races. Physical education lesson in the preparatory group
Summary of the quest game on traffic rules “Friends know the rules, which means I know them too.” Bibliographic description:
LIST OF REFERENCES Vetkov N.E. Sports and outdoor games: educational manual / N.E. Vetkov,
Work plan for a PE instructor. This lesson was developed taking into account the health-saving technologies of Yu. Bazarny
Regime moment of the group gathering technology “Morning of joyful meetings” material Technology “Morning of joyful meetings”. Target:
Summary of the game - dramatization of "Teremok" in the middle group. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Who will be who? The child answers the adult’s questions: “Who will he be (or what will he be) ...
Perspective plans for observing living and inanimate nature in the senior group Galina Mamontova Perspective
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Methodological development of a sports festival in the middle group “Health Day for Baba Yaga”