Project “Plot-role play as a factor in the formation of positive relationships among children of senior preschool age”

The quest project is a game in a preschool educational institution. Senior group

Short-term project on the educational quest “Island of Health Chunga-Changa” (senior group)
Completed by: physicist. instructor Kopylova O.I. Short-term project “Chung-Chang Health Island” Project author : physicist. instructor Kopylova O.I. Performers: physical instructor Kopylova O.I., music leader Sorokina L.L., teacher Mulgina Z.A., children of the senior group. Type of project: short-term, quest - game. Duration of project activity: short-term, from 11/01/2018 to 11/29/2018. Implementation base: MBDOU No. 62. Relevance: Quest - a game that helps develop cognitive activity, curiosity, and the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of comrades. Promotes the manifestation of research activity in children. Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Objective: health: increase activity and overall performance of the body. Educational:
teach to “read” the simplest graphic information, navigate in space.
develops thought processes: attention, memory..
cultivate the desire to achieve a goal in a problem situation;
Forms of project implementation: GCD, play and work activities of children, equipping a subject-development environment Expected results: • Children will learn to provide assistance • Children will improve logical thinking; • Gain confidence and self-esteem; • Will acquire and maintain interest in the quest game. Stages of the project: Preparatory stage 1
• Determining the topic of the project • Working with methodological manuals and literature on this topic • Formulating the goals and objectives of the project being implemented • Preparing attributes • Conducting trial games for holiday leisure.
Stage 2 main
• Entertainment “Island of Health Chung-Chang” • Purchasing sports equipment during leisure time.
Final stage 3
• Viewing photos and videos of entertainment with children • Discussing past entertainment.
Forms and methods of project implementation: Conversation, musical and creative activities, sports entertainment. SCENARIO. The music “Solar Charging” plays.
Children enter the hall and do dance exercises to the music. Then they sit on benches according to commands. And the game begins!

Quest “Island of Health Chunga-Changa”.

Quest - game
"Island of Health Chung - Chang" Host: What kind of guest is in a hurry, find out! Guess the riddle: Come to him for treatment. Any animal, any bird. He will rush to help everyone. Good Doctor... Children: Aibolit! Aibolit enters, very sad (music sounds) Presenter: Doctor Aibolit, what happened? Why are you so sad? Doctor Aibolit: On the health island of Chunga-Changa, trouble happened to my favorite animals. An evil sorcerer hid sports aids from them, and now they have become weak, frail, immobile. Host: Guys, how can we help the animals? The children suggest that it is necessary to return the sports benefits and give them to the animals. Doctor Aibolit, do you know where the evil sorcerer could have hidden sports aids? Doctor Aibolit: I saw him put everything in a huge chest and took it away in an unknown direction. The animals of the island tried to catch up with him, but he put on his walking boots and ran away. Some cards and a piece of key spilled out of his pocket. Are the animals upset and don’t know what to do about it? Host: Look, guys, there are different routes on the maps. How do we know which one is correct? (children assume). You are right, we should try to go through each of them. But we have little time, we need to find the chest before the evil sorcerer returns for a piece of the key. Let's split into two teams and take different routes! You need to act quickly and harmoniously. Well, are you ready? Then get your cards and go! Doctor Aibolit: Guys, I really hope for your help! Presenter: Hands out a route map to each team. The first map shows the route: 1) Velikanova Gora; physical quality: strength. “Get to the mountain” I.P.: (all together) gray-haired, legs bent. Sit on the floor one behind the other in a “train” manner, holding your hands on the belt of the person sitting in front, moving your legs and helping with your body at the command “march”, moving forward. “Get through the stones” “Stone” with the syllable “Si” IP: emphasis, arms straight, toes on the floor. Move forward on one hand. Avoid bending in the lower back and do not use your legs to help. “Bring the stone” I.P.: sitting on the floor, leaning on your hands and feet. "Stone" on the stomach. Move forward while holding Stone. "Stone" with the syllable "La". 2) “Cave of Ali - Baba” Physical quality: flexibility. “Go into the hut” Climbing into the tunnel in a forward direction. (hoop). “Get into the Cave” Climbing into the tunnel sideways. “Look in and do it” Climb into the hoop in a straight direction, take a card with a flexibility exercise and go to the mat to perform: 1) “fold” 10 times; 2) I.p.: legs straight, tilt to the toes 10 times; 3) “butterfly” 10 times. 4) “Bridge” 3) “Harvesting” physical quality: endurance. “Carry the mango” Relay race. Transfer small balls from one basket to another using both hands (balls according to the number of participants). Map – route No. 2 1) “Crossing” physical quality: dexterity. “Walk through the islands” “Islands” (ovals made of self-adhesive film) of warm and cold colors are laid out on the floor. Task: walk along “warm” or “cold” islands. “Rough stream” Two of the team hold a jump rope, one participant stands sideways to a long rope and, on command, jumps over the rope, then the next, and so on for all participants. “Get through the vines” There are ribbons tied to a rope; the team members need to walk through without touching these ribbons, leaning in one direction and the other. 2) “Strela Bay” physical quality: speed. “Pirate Morgan” A simple bucket is used as a broken leg, and a gymnastic stick is used as a crutch. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the floor. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a “crutch”. In this position, you need to go the entire distance and pass the bucket and stick to the next one. “Let's overcome obstacles” The first participant is given two small rugs. You need to put the mat on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other mat in front of you. Step onto another mat, turn around, take the first mat again and place it in front of you. “Tunnel to the Cave” There are 3 hoops along the line. The guide must run to the first hoop, lift it and thread it through himself, then the others in the same way. And run to Morgan's treasure. 3) “Harvesting” physical quality: endurance. “Collecting watermelons” The team, one by one, gets to the goal by jumping on a large ball from hoop to hoop, returning simply by running, the ball in their hands, pass to another. Music plays at the end of stage 5. Host: What a great fellow you are, you overcame all the tests, it turned out that all the cards were correct and you and I found the chest. All that remains is to open it. Did you come across key parts along the way?! Then let's collect the key and open the chest. The captains collect the key pieces and open the chest. Host: What do we have here?! (shows everyone). What are these items for? (takes out one item at a time and shows it to the participants). Items: jump rope, dumbbells, ball, whistle. (Gives a gift). Thank you guys, you were able to return strength, agility, endurance to the animals of the “Island of Health Chung-Chang”, now they can be healthy again. Goodbye!

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