Modern play activities for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Modern play activities for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Modern gaming activities for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard
The meaning, goals and objectives of the game Game is the main form of manifestation of the activity of a preschooler, enriching his imagination and emotional world, awakening creative forces, and developing communication skills with people around him. In paragraph 2.7 of the Preschool Education Standard, play is defined as a tool for organizing a child’s activities, his multifaceted development in the social-communicative, speech, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic and physical educational areas. The child’s personal psycho-emotional characteristics, his age, abilities and inclinations will determine the meaningful context of the game process. Play is a leading activity in the development of a child, not only in terms of time, but also in the strength of the influence it has on the developing personality. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education indicates specific features of the preschooler’s play process depending on the age category: - infant stage (two months - one year) - object play, acquaintance with the object world, acquisition of basic skills in manipulating objects, close emotional contact with family; - early childhood (one to three years) - playing with combined and dynamic toys, communication and games with other children under adult supervision; - preschool period (three to eight years) - a more complex plot-role format of play activity, a communicative game in compliance with certain rules. At an early age - object-based play, when the child is captivated by transferring actions with an object to new conditions. A spoon is used to feed dolls, bears, a horse, and a car. Goals and objectives of the game Clause 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education stipulates the importance of developing gaming activities in the formation of social and normative foundations of child behavior, as well as in increasing the effectiveness of the educational process: Arousing interest - the learning process in the game form entertains, brings pleasure and joy, neutralizes stress, turns knowledge of the world around us and the development of new practical skills into an exciting journey. Self-knowledge and self-realization - the baby gets to know his inner world, learns to show initiative, express his opinion in communication, rely on independence in design, make an informed choice of occupation and play partners; Forming a culture of cooperation - a joint game helps develop psychological skills of solidarity, teaches collective activity, the ability to hear not only oneself, but also one’s playing partners, is an excellent practical training in the art of conflict resolution and the ability to find a compromise, fosters respect for other people, develops a sense of justice and self-respect; Socialization - the child learns to distinguish between real reality and conditional reality (“make-believe”), develops the volitional qualities of self-discipline and understands the need to follow norms and rules; Development of communication skills - the baby masters such a tool as speech to solve the problem of mutual understanding and transfer of information. Play therapy helps in overcoming difficulties that arise in any area of ​​the child’s activity.

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Development of gaming activities in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard

Selecting a game during which tasks will be solved - didactic, educational, developmental, socializing.

Taking into account the characteristics of the participants in the game.

Accounting for the time of the game.

In the modern classification of games, games with fixed, open rules and games with hidden rules are distinguished.

N.A Korotkova identifies the following forms of play in the educational process:

1.Game as a cultural practice: free story game, free game with rules.

2.Game as a pedagogical form: didactic story game, didactic game with rules.

Playful learning is guided by a complex of child motives:

Cognitive - interest in the material, the novelty of events.

Affiliation is the desire to establish or maintain relationships with peers and the teacher, to contact and communicate with them.

Procedural - substantive - incentive to activity by the content of the activity, and not by external factors.

There are three types of motivation:


2. Motivation in terms of helping an adult

3.Motivation of personal interest.

The first type is play motivation - “Help the toy”,

the child achieves the learning goal by solving problems with toys. Creating this motivation is based on this scheme: 1. You tell them that the toy needs help, and only children can help them. 2. You ask the children if they agree to help the toy. 3. You offer to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children. 4. While working, each child should have his own character - a ward (a cut-out, toy, drawn character to whom he provides assistance. 5. The same toy - the ward evaluates the child’s work and always praises the child. 6. At the end of the work, it is advisable that the children played with their charges.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me.”

Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creating motivation follows the following scheme: You tell the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Wondering how they can help you. Each child is given a feasible task. At the end, you emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

The third type of motivation is based on the child’s internal interest.

This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the following scheme: 1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they would like to have the same one for themselves or for their relatives. 2. Next, show everyone how to make this item. 3. The completed craft is given to the child. Pride in the work of your own hands is the most important basis for a creative attitude to work. If a child is already busy with some activity of interest, and therefore already has the necessary motivation, you can introduce him to new ways to solve problems.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Article “Organization of play activities of preschool children at different age stages”

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, basic secondary school No. 9 named after Hero of the Soviet Union I.D. Vanichkin of the city of Novokuybyshevsk, urban district Novokuybyshevsk, Samara region, structural unit “Kindergarten “Voice Voices”

  • Zhuravleva Marina Vladimirovna, senior teacher
  • Presnyakova Valentina Petrovna, teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 9 of Novokuybyshevsk structural unit “Kindergarten “Voice Voices” 2022.

Play is an intrinsically valuable form of activity for a preschool child. According to L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, A.P. Usova, replacing play with other types of activity impoverishes the imagination of a preschooler, which is recognized as the most important age-related neoplasm.

The game is a cross-cutting mechanism for the development of a child (clause 2.7. Federal State Educational Standard for Education), through which the content of five educational areas is implemented: “Social and communicative development” ; "Cognitive development" ; "Speech development" ; “Artistic and aesthetic development” ; "Physical development" .

Play is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organizing children's activities. The specific content of play activities depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the tasks and goals of the Program, this is reflected in the Standard of Preschool Education. In paragraph 2.7. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines the features of the development of a child’s play activity:

  • in infancy (2 months - 1 year) direct emotional communication with adults, manipulation with objects...
  • at an early age (1 year - 3 years) - object-based activities and games with composite and dynamic toys... communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult...
  • for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - gaming activities, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers).

For the development of a child, it is important to develop play activities, since this will allow the formation of social and normative age characteristics to be achieved (clause 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education):

the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation and participants in joint activities;

the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;

the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play; the child knows different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, and construct a speech utterance in a communication situation.

There are several classifications of games.

Classification of games for preschool children (according to E.V. Zvorygina and S.L. Novoselova)

  • Games initiated by the child(ren):

Independent games: Play - experimentation

Independent story games: plot-display games; plot - role-playing; director's; theatrical;

  • Games initiated by an adult:

Educational games: Plot-didactic; movable; musical and didactic;

Leisure games: games - entertainment; intellectual; festive - carnival; theatrical - staged;

  • Games that come from historically established traditions:

Traditional or folk

Requirements for playing the game:

When playing with children, an adult can have two main strategies. An adult can organize the game himself based on a pre-thought-out general direction of the plot and prepared subject-game materials, or he can join the children already playing. He participates with the children in the game on an equal basis and can influence the content and general course of the game in the same ways that other players use. In a story game, he can come up with a plot for the game, come up with an interesting proposal for its plot continuation, introduce a new character into the game, create a problematic situation, etc.

Directions and tasks of game management

Enrichment of game content

  1. Encourage students to transfer events from everyday life into the game and thereby master the purpose and properties of objects.
  2. To promote the ability to set a variety of game tasks.

Formation of substantive methods for solving game problems

3. Enrich extensive play actions with toys with a variety of content.

4. Timely form game actions with substitute objects.

5. Encourage the use of play actions with imaginary objects.

6. Lead to an understanding of the replacement of individual game actions with words.

7. Encourage children to use a variety of subject-based methods to solve assigned game problems.

Development of independence

8. To develop each child’s independence in setting a variety of game tasks.

9. Encourage children to independently choose various subject methods for solving assigned game problems.

Encouraging interaction in the game

10. Encourage interest in peer games.

11. Teach them to play without interfering with each other.

By older preschool age, the child’s play becomes “polythematic . The game becomes an independent activity. Children always determine the concept of the game themselves or support the proposal of their peers. They set game tasks on their own.

Since gaming methods of displaying the world around them are sufficiently developed, children can easily cope with the choice of the most appropriate objective and role-playing methods for solving game problems for a specific gaming situation.

Role-playing actions in the game are accompanied by role-playing speech, at the initial stage of the plot-role-playing game - role-playing statements (area “Speech development” , “Social and communicative development” , Federal State Educational Standard for Education). As life experience enriches the development of sound and intonation culture of speech, role-playing actions become more diverse, which directly depends on children’s ideas about the world around them.

It is not recommended to specifically teach children certain game actions. It is important that children themselves come up with what role-playing actions to include in the game, only in this case the game will be truly creative.

In older preschool age, play becomes an independent activity. Players try to independently resolve conflicts that arise regarding the game.

Increasing the complexity of game management tasks

Directions and tasks of game management

Game content enrichment

  1. Enrich the themes of games, promote the emergence of interesting ideas, and set reproductive and proactive game tasks for their implementation.
  2. Encourage to display in games a variety of adult actions, relationships, and communication between people

Ways to solve game problems

3. Encourage originality and independence in the use of objective methods for solving game problems.

4. Strengthen emotional expressiveness and diversify the role-playing actions used to display the role taken.

5. Encourage to take initiative in communicating with adults and peers about the game, promote the emergence of role-playing statements and role-playing conversation

Interaction in the game

6. Encourage peers to set game tasks.

7. Teach children to accept play tasks set by their peers, or tactfully refuse them, and agree on play interaction.

8. Maintain long-term interaction in the game


9. Continue to develop independence in choosing diverse, interesting ideas and in setting various game tasks for their implementation.

10. Encourage the choice of original subject and role-playing ways to implement ideas in the game.

11. Accustom yourself to negotiate with peers in the game

Planning a game by type of activity throughout the entire educational process can be organized as follows:

  • Continuous educational activities will include a variety of didactic games in accordance with the content of educational work in relevant areas.
  • Educational activities during the day involve the organization of leisure, active, theatrical games, games with rules, as well as the organization of story-based games together with the teacher, which help enrich the gaming experience of children. Here the teacher acts as a play partner, a bearer of play culture, which he passes on to children in the process of joint activities.
  • Independent activity is accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support for amateur children's games (role-playing, directorial, experimental games), as well as games with rules, outdoor, leisure, and folk organized on the initiative of the children themselves. The teacher encourages the manifestation of a variety of play activities, initiative, and independence; provides the opportunity to freely choose topics, partners, methods and means of implementing one’s own activities. This creates conditions for the formation of age-related neoplasms.

Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment for organizing gaming activities

One of the basic principles of preschool education (FSES DO) is the amplification (enrichment) of the conditions for the development of preschool children. Therefore, in the third section of the Standard - “Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education”, among the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, the following is emphasized:

  • creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;
  • supporting children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);
  • supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space.

This is the most important part of the work of teachers, the implementation of which determines the successful development of the child, which will allow the teacher to achieve the formation of target guidelines outlined in the Standard.

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a developing subject-spatial environment determine that:

  1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage: For children of the third year of life there is a free and large space where they can be in active movement - climbing, riding. In the fourth year of life, a child needs a developed center of plot-role-playing games with bright features of attributes. In middle and senior preschool age, there is a need to play with peers, to create your own world of play (director’s play: small toys, construction sets, models, etc.), in addition, in the subject-development environment, the formation of psychological formations in different years of life should be taken into account .
  2. A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

The developing subject-spatial environment must meet the requirements of the CE Standard.

The state’s social order for the education system is formulated in the main regulatory documents - the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” , the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education - this is the education of an initiative, responsible person, ready to make independent decisions in a situation of choice. Each type of activity of a preschool child has a unique impact on the development of different components of independence, for example, play contributes to the development of activity and initiative.

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“Game technologies as a form of organizing educational activities”

author: Harutyunyan Nonna Karleni

senior teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Child Development Center No. 2 of the Central District of Volgograd

“Game technologies as a form of organizing educational activities”

“Game technologies as a form of organizing educational activities”


for teachers of preschool educational institutions in Volgograd

Prepared by:

Harutyunyan Nonna Karleni,

senior teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Child Development Center No. 2



Venue: Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 328 of the Central District of Volgograd.

Topic: “Game technologies as a form of organizing educational activities.”

Form of the event: workshop.

Purpose: The purpose of the seminar: increasing the professional competence of educators through the use of innovative gaming technologies when organizing work with children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Expected Result:

  • expansion and clarification of the conceptual apparatus;
  • deepening knowledge of the content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
  • practical use of innovative gaming technologies in working with children.

Tools: survey, practical exercises, didactic game, conversation, questionnaires, reflection, interactive game.

Form of work: group, subgroup

Event duration: up to 90 minutes

Materials and equipment: large chairs according to the number of participants, tables, tape recorder, CDs with music, handouts for performing practical exercises: glue, pencils, brushes, paints, pens, markers, sheets of colored paper, strings, scissors, thematic pictures; Voskobovich's games, original didactic games and manuals.

Demo material:

Magnetic board 1 – “Hourglass” (“Our expectations” and “Our impressions” - reflection)

Magnetic board 2 – Survey of all participants of the event “Characteristics of gaming technologies”

Handouts: markers, pens, a board with magnets, writing paper, questionnaires, educational games, reminders.


Event plan

March 24 at 10.00 at the municipal educational institution "Kindergarten No. 328 of the Central District of Volgograd."

09.45 – 10.00 Registration of participants in the city workshop.
10.00 – 10.05Welcome speech to the participants of the seminar-workshop.
Introduction to the topic of the seminar-workshop.
Elena Ivanovna, senior methodologist of the Central regional department of the Municipal Educational Institution Central Educational Institution
The theoretical part of the seminar - workshop.
10.05 – 10.20“Traditional gaming technologies in educational activities,” a message from work experience.Harutyunyan
Nonna Karleni, senior teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Child Development Center No. 2 of the Central District of Volgograd”
10.20 – 10.35“The role of modern gaming technologies in the development of cognitive activity of preschool children,” a message from work experience.Chirkova
Oksana Viktorovna, senior teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten

№ 328

10.35 – 10.45“Using the online simulator “Learning Apps” in didactic games for preschoolers,” a message from work experience.Komarova
Elvira Nikolaevna, senior teacher;


Margarita Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 315 of the Central District of Volgograd”

The practical and theoretical part of the seminar-workshop.
10.55 – 11.10“Organization and management of role-playing games for preschool children,” a message and video fragment from the experience of teachers in organizing role-playing games with senior preschoolers. Rakitina
, senior teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 95 of the Central District of Volgograd”
11.10 – 11.20“The use of gaming technologies in the prevention of negative emotional states in preschool children,” workshop.Morozova
Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher-psychologist, Municipal Educational Institution, Kindergarten No. 328
11.20 – 11.35“The use of gaming computer technologies for the purpose of developing ideas about surrounding natural objects in children of primary preschool age,” a message and a video clip from the experience of teachers.Danko
Anna Vasilievna, senior teacher;


Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 307 of the Central District of Volgograd”

11.35 – 11.50“Working with an interactive board in the play activities of preschoolers in the process of teaching traffic rules,” presentation of work experience with a demonstration of a video clip on organizing the work of teachers with students.Yakovleva
Nadezhda Ivanovna, senior teacher;


Yulia Mikhailovna, teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 100 of the Central District of Volgograd”

11.50 – 12.00“The magical world of educational games
by V.V. Voskobovich”, from the experience of teachers in using technology in educational activities.
, teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 328
12.00 – 12.10“The author’s approach to the development of didactic educational games and aids”, a presentation of the experience of teachers in the production of original games and aids.Harutyunyan
Nonna Carleni, senior teacher;


Larisa Valerievna, teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Child Development Center No. 2 of the Central District of Volgograd”

12.10 – 12.20“ECERS-R assessment system: organization of the play space of a preschool educational organization in the context of interaction between teachers and children,” mini-lecture with elements of discussion.Bulanova
Lyudmila Vladimirovna, specialist of the department of preschool and primary general education


Group work.
12.20 – 12.40Creative workshop “Porridge from an axe”.
Production and presentation of educational games and aids.
Nonna Karlenovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Child Development Center No. 2 of the Central District of Volgograd”;


Oksana Viktorovna, senior teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten

№ 328

12.40 – 12.50Reflection using the “Hourglass” technique.Chirkova
Oksana Viktorovna, senior teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Kindergarten

№ 328

12.50 – 13.00Opinion exchange.
Summing up the results of the city workshop.
Elena Ivanovna, senior methodologist of the Central regional department of the Municipal Educational Institution Central Educational Institution
Coffee time.

Progress of the event:

Before the start of the seminar, each participant is given badges with inserts, and they write their names on them with markers. Participants are seated in subgroups (four groups).


Dear colleagues! We are very glad to see you at our seminar session. Today we will talk about gaming technologies as a form of organizing educational activities with children. And we: senior teacher of Child Development Center No. 2 Nonna Karenovna Harutyunyan and senior teacher of Kindergarten No. 328 Oksana Viktorovna Chirkova will present to your attention both the theoretical and practical sides of this issue. I would also like to note that today we will try to talk about the experience of our colleagues in the Central District in this area.

Oksana Viktorovna:

Dear Colleagues! You have yellow circles on your tables, which symbolize the grain of sand on our hourglass, we invite you to write down your expectations from participating in the seminar. (Blitz survey - 6-7 people voice their expectations. Then a representative of each group sticks circles on the top of the hourglass).

Expectations could be:

  • obtain new information;
  • learn about the experience of colleagues;
  • deepen knowledge of Federal State Educational Standards of Education;
  • making sure I'm on the right track.

When one scientist was asked: “What will you do if the world ends?”, he answered: “Play.” Yes, adult humanity is playing. Selflessly and recklessly plays at stock exchanges, auctions, stadiums, and stages. But, unfortunately, our children began to play less. Research shows that children lack gaming experience and the ability to develop a game plot. Teachers strive to fulfill the “social order” of parents, i.e. educate and prepare for school. The time allotted for play is filled with reading books, preparing for holidays, and organizational activities. Some parents bring their children to kindergarten late and pick them up early. Many parents consider the game an unnecessary, empty pastime. Another trend has been noticed: they began to play not less, but worse. The very quality, the essence of children's play has changed: it has become sad, aggressive, and individualistic. Primitive forms of play are increasingly appearing. That is why today we have focused on gaming technologies as the main form of organizing children's activities.

Nonna Karenovna:

We are sure that you all know the concept of such terms as “pedagogical technology”, “modern gaming technologies of pre-school education”, “teaching methods”, “teaching methods”.

Today we will look at them again and see how pedagogical technology differs, how it differs from method and methodology, what gaming technologies exist in preschool education and what their essence is.

What is a method?

(a method is a set of techniques and operations; a way to achieve a goal. For example, a teaching method is a way of joint activity between children and an adult, as a result of which children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. The method of education is the interconnected activity of a teacher and students, aimed at achieving educational goals).

— Question to educators: “What is the methodology?” (a methodology is a set of methods that provide a solution to a specific problem. For example, a methodology for teaching literacy).

— Thus, schematically the relationship between methods and methodology can be expressed as follows (Appendix 1).

Oksana Viktorovna:

question to educators: “What is educational technology?” (Pedagogical technology is an optimally selected set of methods, techniques, tools and an algorithm for their use to solve a clearly formulated problem).

What then is the difference between methodology and technology, if both are a certain set of methods and techniques for solving a specific problem?

Let's try to express the relationships between method, methodology and technology schematically (Appendix 2).

The essential features of pedagogical technology are (Appendix 3):

  • Initial detailed information about the condition of each child;
  • Clear logic and consistency of rules;
  • It is always represented by stages of activity, each of which has its own goal. The first stage of any technology is always the diagnostic stage;
  • Monitoring the achievement of results (from stage to stage). Only when children achieve the result does the transition to the next stage occur;
  • Detailed detail, strict algorithm;
  • Detailed definition of the final result. Guaranteed receipt of the planned result.

The essence of technology is methodology.

— Thus, the differences between the method, methodology and technology are (Appendix 4):

  • A method is a set of techniques; methodology is a set of methods; technology is an optimal set of methods and means;

 Methodology and technology differ in the initial object: for the method it is an “average” child, for technology it is detailed information about the initial state of each child;

  • Methodology and technology differ in the degree of elaboration and detail: methodology is the general direction of activity (for example, methods of teaching literacy), and technology is a detailed route with clearly indicated tools (for example, problem-based learning technology);
  • Methodology and technology differ in content: methodology is the core, the essence of technology, its internal content, and technology is the tools around the core (methodology), which can change, speeding up processes, but the essence remains the same. (for example, a methodology for teaching literacy is an essence, and a set of the most effective techniques, an optimal algorithm, etc., together with a methodology, is a technology);
  • The method and technology differ in the result: the outcome of the method is difficult to predict, because it depends on many factors (including the personal qualities of the teacher); the technology guarantees the achievement of the planned result; its application is less influenced by subjective factors due to detailed regulation of activities.

Nonna Karenovna:

“What place does the educational program of preschool education occupy among methodology and technology?” (The preschool education program determines the tasks and content of a preschooler’s education, and technology is the toolkit with which these tasks are solved. Technology is born from experience and can subsequently become the basis for creating a program).

The location of the preschool education program can be shown schematically (Appendix 5).

We hope that you will agree with us that gaming technology is an evolution. Figuratively, we tried to imagine it in the form of an iceberg (pay attention to the image of an iceberg, there is a small part on the surface, and a large part under water). Don't you think, dear colleagues, that professional skill and experience in implementing gaming technologies is like an iceberg?

However, the organization and management of play activities is a problem for us, and any problem contains a visible and invisible side. The visible side: underestimating the value of the game, replacing the game with another type of activity, accelerating the pace of child development, fulfilling the social order - to prepare the child for school. But when solving any problem, it is important not to focus only on the visible part; it is important to think about how to avoid the danger of a collision with the underwater part.

You have envelopes with ready-made phrases laid out on your tables. You need to use these phrases to formulate the difficulties that most often occur in the process of implementing the problem (ask whether you agree with these statements).

The downside: 1. ignorance of the methods of playing the game, 2 inability of adults to play, 3. Lack of variety in the themes of the games, 4. Difficulties in organizing the gaming environment.

Oksana Viktorovna: in this regard, we identified the problem: What is and how to use gaming technologies.

Let’s remember once again what the concept of “ game pedagogical technologies”


IPT is an extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. The game form of classes is created by game motivation, which acts as a means of inducing and stimulating children to educational activities. The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the classroom takes place in the following main areas:

  • a didactic goal is set for children in the form of a game task;
  • educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;
  • educational material is used as its means;
  • an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms a didactic task into a game one;
  • successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

Let's consider traditional gaming technologies - the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is the consistent activity of the teacher in: selecting, developing, preparing games; inclusion of children in play activities; implementation of the game itself; summing up the results of gaming activities.

Didactic games

Nonna Karenovna:

all didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural materials), board-printed and word games.

Let us dwell in more detail on the structural components of the didactic game. The didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components:

  • The game concept
    - the first structural component of the game - is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game.
  • The didactic (learning) task is
    the main component.
  • Play actions
    are ways of demonstrating a child’s activity for play purposes.
  • Game rules –
    ensure the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic - all participants in the game obey them.
  • The result,
    which is the ending of the game, gives the game completeness.
  • Equipment

Game concept

- the first structural component of the game - is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game. It is embedded in the didactic task that must be solved in the educational process. The game plan often appears in the form of a question, as if designing the course of the game, or in the form of a riddle. In any case, it gives the game an educational character and makes certain demands on the game participants in terms of knowledge.

The basis of the didactic game, which permeates its structural elements, is the cognitive content or
didactic task
. Cognitive content consists of mastering the knowledge and skills that are used in solving the educational problem posed by the game.

To select a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of students, since in games they must operate with existing knowledge and ideas. In other words, when defining a didactic task, one must first of all keep in mind what knowledge and ideas of children should be acquired and consolidated by children, what mental operations should develop in connection with this, what personality traits of children can be formed through the means of this game.

The game task is carried out by children. The didactic task in a didactic game is realized through a game task. It determines play actions and becomes the task of the child himself. The most important thing: the didactic task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (task).

Game actions

- the basis of the game. The more varied the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children. In different games, game actions differ in their focus and in relation to the players. This, for example, could be role-playing activities, solving riddles, spatial transformations, etc.

A game action, consisting of several game elements, focuses children's attention on the content and rules of the game for a longer time and creates favorable conditions for completing the didactic task.

Using a didactic game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children develop correctness, goodwill, and restraint.

Every didactic game has rules

, which determine the order of actions and behavior of students during the game, contribute to the creation of a working environment in the lesson. In addition, the rules of the game develop the ability to manage one’s behavior and obey the demands of the team.

Oksana Viktorovna:
conducting didactic games includes:
When conducting didactic games, it is important not only

— familiarizing children with the content of the game;

— explanation of the rules of the game;

— display of game actions;

- determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee;

But also the result of the game, which implies the actions of children and summing up the results of this action. Dear colleagues, we think that you will agree with us that a didactic game is a teacher’s best friend, it can be used:

-in class;

- in children’s independent activities:

- as an integral part of the lesson;

— the main form of organizing the educational process.

Story-based role-playing games

Nonna Karenovna: now we will remind you of the components of a role-playing game:

- Plot;

Content -

what is displayed by the child as a characteristic moment of activity and relationships between adults.

Roles -

which children perform during the game;

Game actions,

with the help of which children realize roles; game use of objects, real ones are replaced by game ones. Relationships between children are expressed in remarks, remarks, and the course of the game is regulated. (photo of role-playing game).

We must remember that a distinctive feature of role-playing games is the creativity of children (each child in a role-playing game lives his or her role). Thus, children in the plot-role-playing game of races determine roles, agree on the plot, and the effectiveness of these games is the social experience of children.

Oksana Viktorovna:

duration of the story game:

- in early preschool age (10-15 min.);

- in middle preschool age (40-50 min.);

- in older preschool age (from several hours to days). PHOTO

(on the slide compare the plot and didactic games)

Outdoor games

Outdoor games

– conscious, active, emotionally charged activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. A distinctive feature is strict adherence to the rules of the game. The goal of any outdoor games is the development of both physical and mental processes.

Outdoor games are characterized by brightness of concept, content, simplicity and entertainment.

Nonna Karenovna: game content

determined by the movements that are part of it. In the kindergarten education program, for each age group of children, outdoor games are provided in which various types of movements are developed: running, jumping, climbing, etc. Games are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their ability to perform certain movements, and follow the game rules.


in outdoor play they play an organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationships between the players, and the behavior of each child. The rules oblige one to obey the purpose and meaning of the game; children must be able to use them in different conditions.


outdoor games with rules is as follows. When selecting an outdoor game, the teacher takes into account the correspondence of the required nature of the motor activity, the availability of game rules and content for children of a given age. He makes sure that all children participate in the game, performing all the required game movements, but not allowing excessive physical activity, which can cause them to become overexcited and tired.

The result of outdoor games is the desire of children to repeat the game.

Dear colleagues, we have now examined some of the traditional gaming technologies and would like to point out the most common mistakes in managing children's games.

Oksana Viktorovna: mistakes in managing a children's game

Special attention should be paid to the mistakes teachers make in guiding play activities.

- suppression of children’s creative initiative and independence (the teacher should not be a leader, but a partner in the game);

- lack of attention to children's play (Management, observation, timely inclusion in the game).

- restriction of free access to games and toys (according to the standard of preschool education, the organization of independent activities comes to the fore, i.e., the teacher must create conditions and push children to this activity: suggest an idea or plot of the game).

- lack of the necessary gaming environment (the gaming environment needs to be updated with educational games and toys that are used in various ways)

Now let’s look at “The role of modern gaming technologies in the development of cognitive activity of preschool children”

Let's start with all the Voskobovich games you know, which are of great importance in teaching children.

V.V. Voskobovich's technology consists of 10 sets of games. According to the educational tasks to be solved, all Voskobovich’s games are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • The 1st group of games is aimed at the mathematical development of children. The purpose of these games is to develop mental operations, and game actions are to manipulate numbers, geometric shapes, and properties of objects. For example, “Transparent numbers”, “Geocont”, “Math baskets”, “Miracle crosses”, “Miracle honeycomb”, “Miracle flower”, etc.
  • The 2nd group is with letters, sounds, syllables, words. For example, “Letter constructor”, “Reader on balls”, “Cord entertainer”.
  • Group 3 - universal gaming educational tools that combine various types of children’s activities (environmental education, literacy, familiarization with the environment, design, mathematical and speech development). For example, “Igrovisor”, “Rug, casket”.

Nonna Karenovna:

The next modern gaming technology is information and communication technologies.

We all know that the world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This is precisely what imposes qualitatively new requirements on preschool education as the first link of lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive board, tablet, interactive table, etc.).

Now we will consider the requirements for computer programs of preschool educational institutions:

  1. Research character
  2. Easy for children to practice independently
  3. Developing a wide range of skills and understandings
  4. Age appropriate
  5. Entertaining.

Classification of programs:

  1. Development of imagination, thinking, memory
  2. Talking dictionaries of foreign languages
  3. Travel games, adventure games
  4. Use of multimedia presentations in various educational areas
  5. Art studios.

Dear colleagues, we remind you that any information and communication technology is, first of all, didactic, which implies: interactivity, entertaining and developmental character.

As a result of the use of ICT, preschool children develop their imagination well.

But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that a computer will not replace emotional human communication, which is so necessary in preschool age. He only complements the teacher, and does not replace him.

Oksana Viktorovna:

gaming technologies
widely used in practice, . "Quest" is a team game. The highlight of this organization of gaming activity is that, having completed one task, children receive a hint to complete the next one, which is an effective means of increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for cognition and research. Dear colleagues, pay attention to the slide that lists the forms of organizing children's activities that you know: travel games, competitions, quizzes, projects - quests - technology unites all these concepts.

When preparing a quest for preschoolers, you need to remember 4 main conditions:

  1. Games must be safe. It is unacceptable to set tasks that involve health risks, for example, climbing a tree, jumping from a great height, going down a well. PHOTO
  2. Questions and assignments must be age appropriate. It is very rare that children 5-7 years old are so erudite that they can guess the names of constellations from a picture or list all American presidents. PHOTO
  3. It is unacceptable to humiliate the dignity of a child. For example, you should not force him to swallow a caterpillar or dance if the child is shy. PHOTO
  4. Disputes and conflicts must be resolved only peacefully. PHOTO

It can be noted that quest technologies primarily develop communication skills and cognitive interest. They work for results and create a situation of success for the child.

Nonna Karenovna:Sinkwine Technology

Cinquain is a five-line poetic form used for didactic purposes.

Sinkwine is a higher form of organizing gaming activities, where with a well-coordinated team of children playing, an effective result is achieved.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique that is most often used with children in the pre-school group, for example, an interesting intellectual game or as a technique for describing a picture. Syncwine technology is primarily an educational and developmental gaming technology.

So we have reviewed existing gaming technologies, and we suggest you classify gaming technologies according to the following characteristics: educational games, educational games, games for developing imagination, creative games, games for physical and mental development.

Practical part

  1. "Porridge from an axe"


From the proposed items, come up with educational games, set a goal and present.

The chest contains the following items:

— Cardboard, scissors, colored paper, glue

— Clothespins and A-4 sheet, rope, bottle caps

- Matches

A teacher is a creative person who can make magic out of nothing, this is the whole essence of the profession. And now we invite you to play, there are 4 envelopes in our chest, we invite representatives of the groups to come up and choose an envelope for themselves. The envelopes contain the necessary materials that will help you come up with and present to us a didactic or educational game of your choice. Your task is to create a game, name its rules and present it (you have 10 minutes to compose and 10 minutes to present) (on the slide there is an algorithm for compiling a game): name, goal, rules, result.

Summing up: Bulanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

Nonna Karenovna:

“Tell me and I will forget; show me - maybe I will remember; involve me and I will understand.” These words of Confucius help my work with children when organizing play activities. In order to involve all the children in the group in the educational process and achieve good results, I try to use gaming technologies and interactive forms of work in the classroom.

Final reflection “Hourglass”

Oksana Viktorovna:

And now, dear colleagues, I propose to return to our hourglass, where you have attached your expectations from today’s event, we invite you to express your impressions (write it down).
Next, teachers are given reminders: traditional and modern technologies, game management, teacher mistakes, recommended literature. “Game technologies as a form of organizing educational activities”

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