Fairy tales

Fairy tales

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Russian folk tales

Reading Russian folk tales means becoming familiar with the culture of the people, one’s roots, beginning to understand their past and foreseeing the future. The tradition of reading bedtime stories to children has not disappeared. It is fairy tales that teach children to distinguish good from bad, truth from lies, good from evil. To teach reading at school, they use the texts of fairy tales and Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, the Frog Princess, the cunning fox and the simpleton wolf remain with us for the rest of our lives.

  • Baba Yaga
  • Fearless
  • bean seed
  • Vasilisa the Beautiful
  • Vazuza and Volga
  • The Witch and the Sun's Sister
  • Prophetic dream
  • Wolf and kids
  • Wolf and fox. “The wolf has a twig hut, the fox has an ice hut...”
  • Magic pipe
  • Magic ring
  • Swan geese
  • Samogud gusli
  • Two Frosts
  • Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle
  • Seven-year-old daughter
  • The Fool and the Birch
  • Elena the Wise
  • Crane and heron
  • Zaykin's hut
  • The Enchanted Princess
  • Boasting Hare
  • Winter hut of animals
  • Witch Doctor
  • Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo
  • Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf
  • Ivan the Fool
  • Porridge from an ax
  • Kolobok
  • Cat and Fox
  • Cat, rooster and fox
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Tiny Khavroshechka
  • Chicken Ryaba
  • Bought wife
  • Lazy Arina
  • flying ship
  • Fox and Crane
  • Fox and jug
  • Fox and cancer
  • Fox and black grouse
  • Fox, hare and rooster
  • Little fox-sister and the wolf (The beaten one is lucky for the unbeaten)
  • Fox with a rolling pin
  • Marya Morevna
  • Masha and the Bear
  • Mena
  • Morozko
  • The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise
  • Wise wife
  • Wise Answers
  • The Man and the Bear (Tops and Roots)
  • Frightened bear and wolves
  • If you don't like it, don't listen
  • Goblin
  • Night on Ivan Kupala
  • Petrified Kingdom
  • Shepherd's pipe
  • Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what
  • Legs up to the knees in gold, arms up to the elbows in silver
  • At the behest of the pike
  • bird tongue
  • turnip
  • Seven Simeons
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
  • Sivka-burka
  • The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water
  • The tale of the glorious and mighty hero Eruslan Lazarevich
  • Snow Maiden
  • Salt
  • Teremok
  • Three Bears
  • Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold
  • Fear has big eyes
  • Finist - clear falcon
  • Tricky Science
  • Brave Ram
  • Princess solving riddles
  • Snake Princess
  • Princess Frog
  • Princess Nesmeyana
  • Tsar Maiden
  • Wonderful shirt
  • Continued >> 2nd page

A Russian fairy tale is a gift to the whole world. A. N. Afanasyev

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Russian fairy tales

  • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
  • The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda
  • The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
  • The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights
  • The Tale of Tsar Saltan…
  • Ruslan and Ludmila

The fabulous brush of Ivan Bilibin

Folk and literary tales

Is the fairy tale a lie? What are the wrong fairy tales about? Hey old lady! About Baba Yaga Mythological ideas of the Slavs This magical world of fairy tales. Literary fairy tales About illustrations for fairy tales

Tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Danish fairy tales

— Andersen is the love of my life! - admits Lyudmila Braude, translator. — His fairy tales are for everyone - both children and adults. If I hadn’t read Andersen’s fairy tales, I don’t know how I would have survived the blockade and how I would have waited for my dad from the front. Andersen gave me, then just a little girl, the faith that everything would be fine. For me, even now, a fairy tale is a guide to life. Sometimes I remember some life situations and think: it’s like in a fairy tale! I know: if you read fairy tales to a child as a child, he will love good books. I really want the fairy tales of our writers to be translated into Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian... I am sure that Scandinavian children will also like Russian folk tales. Continuation

  • Elderberry mother
  • In the nursery
  • ugly duck
  • Hans Churban
  • Girl with matches
  • The girl who stepped on bread
  • Wild Swans
  • Thumbelina
  • Golden Boy
  • The king's new outfit
  • Mermaid
  • Flint
  • Ole Lukoje
  • About how the storm outweighed the signs
  • Shepherdess and chimney sweep
  • Princess on the Pea
  • Swineherd
  • The Snow Queen
  • Nightingale
  • The Steadfast Tin Soldier
  • The fate of the burdock
  • Airplane chest
  • Whatever hubby does is fine

King of the fairy tale. A story about Andersen in the section “The Lives of Remarkable Children”

Tales of Charles Perrault. French fairy tales

  • Cinderella
  • Puss in Boots
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Tom Thumb
  • Donkey skin
  • Fairy gifts
  • Rike with a tuft
  • Blue Beard
  • sleeping Beauty

Charles Perrault - scientist and storyteller

Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. German fairy tales

Real fairy tales should be a little scary and very alluring. Like a gingerbread house in which a terrible witch lives. In winter, it's time to re-read the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, in which Hansel and Gretel show miracles of resourcefulness, getting out of the gingerbread house! Continuation

  • Grandma Metelitsa
  • Drummer
  • Poor man and rich man
  • Snow White and Krasnozorka
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • The Bremen Town Musicians
  • Profitable business
  • A pot of porridge
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • golden goose
  • King Thrushbeard
  • little people
  • Young Giant
  • The Frog Prince
  • Gingerbread house
  • Rapunzel
  • Seven brave men
  • Seven Ravens
  • Brave Tailor
  • Rosehip

Tales of Wilhelm Hauff. German fairy tales

  • Caliph stork
  • Cold heart

German folk tales

  • Heart of Stone

English fairy tales

  • Three piglets
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Swedish fairy tales

  • Gift for Santa Claus

Tales of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. Russian tales

  • Girl Snow Maiden
  • War of mushrooms and berries
  • Crane and heron
  • Half Bear
  • Fox and bear

Business for life. V. Dahl

Fairy tales of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Russian tales

  • Three Bears
  • Hares
  • How wolves teach their children
  • Kitty
  • Swans
  • Lion and dog
  • About ants
  • Birdie
  • Two brothers

Fairy tale by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

  • Twelve months. Slavak fairy tale translated by S. Marshak
  • Puzzles

Tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

  • Aibolit
  • Aibolit and sparrow
  • Barmaley
  • Stolen sun
  • Crocodile
  • Moidodyr
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Confusion
  • cockroach
  • Telephone
  • Fedorino grief
  • Miracle tree
  • Puzzles

Fairy tale by P. P. Ershov. Russian fairy tale

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse

Tales of Maxim Gorky. Russian tales

  • About Ivanushka the Fool
  • The case of Evseyka
  • Sparrow

Fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky. Russian fairy tale

  • Black chicken or Underground inhabitants

Tales of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. Russian tales

  • The story of an apple tree
  • Two plows
  • Animal dispute
  • Bees on reconnaissance
  • Morning rays

Tales of Astrid Lindgren. Swedish fairy tales

  • Christmas Tree Looting

Tales of S. Topelius. Finnish fairy tales

  • How the railroad got seven-league boots
  • Adalmina's Pearl
  • Star-Eye
  • Winter's Tale
  • Knut the Musician
  • Princess Lindagul

Tales of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Russian tales

  • Guys and ducklings
  • old mushroom
  • dead tree
  • Hawk and lark
  • Talking rook
  • Golden Meadow
  • Duck bath
  • Forest Doctor
  • Fox bread

Tales of Gianni Rodari. Italian fairy tales

  • Unidentified aircraft
  • Magicians at the stadium
  • Guidoberto and the Etruscans
  • Robot who wanted to sleep
  • Sirenide

About fairy tales

Competition for young local historians “Fairytale Russia”

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Fairy tales

Fairy tales are different: funny and sad, kind and not so kind, moralizing and educational. Any fairy tale captivates and takes you to another, magical, exciting world full of mysteries and secrets. But a fairy tale should not only entertain, but also give reason to think about eternal truths: good and evil, truth and lies. A fairy tale must be understood not only with the mind, but also felt with all the heart. A good fairy tale will definitely leave its mark on the soul.

Children need fairy tales like air. Fairy tales will help them become wiser, kinder, more tolerant, understand what good is and try, together with fairy-tale characters, to defeat evil. In a fairy tale you can find a way out of any, even the most confusing and hopeless situation, because in a fairy tale everything is possible! It is important that a fairy tale instills in children the ability to find the best path in life, the ability to make the right choice. For example, avoiding problems, as in the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling.” Or look for another path, albeit difficult and time-consuming, and maybe even dangerous at times, but one that will lead to what you want. So Gerda, in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” went through a difficult path, was not afraid of difficulties and saved Kai, melting the ice in his heart.

Good fairy tales have an ironic attitude towards what is happening, and aggression is always seen as a loss. In most fairy tales, only through unity, patience and perseverance do the heroes achieve much. And if the hero also has a kind, sympathetic heart and directly perceives reality (like Ivanushka the Fool), then in the end the hero always remains a winner and receives more than it seemed at first.

A fairy tale can have an impact on your entire life. Sometimes, as the reader grows up, a fairy tale he likes reveals new meaning and answers to eternal questions are found. Although a fairy tale is fiction and therefore should not provide precise or chronological knowledge, a fairy tale can and does teach, passing on experience and showing it through the examples of its characters, which is sometimes more than “dry” knowledge.

As the great storyteller Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote about the fairy tale: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it for good fellows,” thereby hinting at useful skills conveyed by the fairy tale, such as tolerance, hard work, honesty, wisdom, and the ability to forgive. Or maybe in a fairy tale there is only a hint of a lie, and if the reader reads between the lines, you will see one truth. which will help you see the invisible - a living soul that can laugh and cry, be sad and have fun. In a fairy tale, you can see the soul of a blade of grass, which sways with a light breeze, as if it wants to say something. See the soul of the leaves dancing in the wind. Finally, to see the soul of the most ordinary umbrella, calendar, galoshes and other inanimate fairy tale characters. Everything, even inanimate objects, contains human labor and its own energy, which is transferred to the objects.

In any case, a fairy tale serves as an intermediate bridge between fiction and reality. There is a place in the soul of every person for a fairy tale. Maybe your fairy tale will be brought to life by one of his readers, and after reading the fairy tale “Magic Colors” the child will become a great artist.

Fairy tales are a brilliant human invention that combines almost all genres of folklore and folk art. In a fairy tale there can be a place for myths and legends with their own ideas about the world, about the past, about gods and traditions. There are fairy tales that resemble epics with the heroic deeds of heroes. The fairy tale also has something of a fable and a parable, where the vices of people are ridiculed with the help of things, plants and animals. Reading fairy tales, I remember well-known proverbs and sayings (very often: “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort”, “Don’t go into the forest if you’re afraid of a wolf”). Fairy tales often contain wise riddles, after solving which the hero receives a reward. Finally, you can learn from fairy tales: study nature and the environment, the life and customs of peoples, history and religion. What is especially important in teaching children, because... It is in fairy tales that the material is presented in an accessible, interesting and exciting form.

Not every fairy tale can be remembered and embedded in the reader’s soul. And it can be both kind and cheerful, and sad and sorrowful. The choice is always up to the reader - these can be folk tales, and tales of famous and unknown writers.

Read fairy tales on the portal Skazki.com

Pay attention to the fabulous project Skazka.ru. Many fairy tales from different authors.

Russian fairy tale

Hello dear guests and good old friends!

Welcome to the Russian Fairy Tale website. For the meeting with you, we have prepared a hot samovar, buns and bagels, and also painted pages with instructive good fairy tales. Come in, dear guests with children, make yourself comfortable and on a magic carpet we will take you to the land of kind and clever children's fairy tales.

For the convenience of our dear readers, we have divided the site into thematic pages where you can read, watch or listen to your favorite fairy tales online for free. Click on the menu buttons at the top of the screen and you will easily find the sections:

Russian folk tales are a category that does not have an author. Fairy tales were invented by ordinary people and through simple short and long stories they passed on their worldly wisdom to future generations. This section contains favorite fairy tales that all children know from early childhood. For children 2-3 years old, we recommend reading Kolobok, Turnip, Ryaba Hen, Geese and Swans, The Fox and the Crane. Older children will be able to discover the rich world of Russian fairy tales, and with beautiful pictures they will be remembered by children for many years.

Fairy tales with pictures are a unique category that contains stories with colorful illustrations by famous artists and works by masters of Russian lacquer miniatures and other traditional folk crafts. Through fascinating reading, guests of our site will be able to get acquainted with these folk works of Russian art. Craftsmen from the villages of Palekh, Kholui, Fedoskino, Mstera were engaged in painting wooden utensils and in their artistic works they captured scenes from various instructive children's fairy tales and the life of the Russian people.

Fairy tales of Russian writers - this section will appeal to every big and small reader. Here are collected fairy tales in verse and prose from the pens of real literary geniuses. The guys have already heard about Barmaley, who was invented by Chukovsky. And along with him on the page live other heroes of the author - Barabek and Bebek. Next door are Pushkin's famous fairy tales in verse, as well as magical stories written by Marshak, Bazhov, Ershov, Aksakov and other Russian writers.

Fairy tales by foreign writers - a category that includes the most popular fairy tales by Andersen, Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm and other famous writers. A child who is not yet familiar with the works of great storytellers will discover true stories about Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Thumbelina, Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood. The fairy tales have been translated into Russian, adapted for our readers and, thanks to the large font, are easily understood by children of primary school age.

Listening to audio fairy tales is a category for children and older children. Parents will be able to do their adult things, and the child will be happy to go into the fascinating world of fairy-tale dramatizations and radio plays. The most talented actors will tell the kids good stories and, through melodious audio books, convey to the children the depth of instructive stories. On the page, listeners will be able to get acquainted with characters from Russian and foreign children's fairy tales and stories. In one click you can start a fairy tale about Peter Pan or Dwarf Nose, or listen to a soothing story from the Book of Good Fairy Tales at night. Recordings from old USSR vinyl records and modern audio productions

Watch fairy tale films - this section is dedicated to movie videos that forever capture good fairy tale stories. The page contains the best works of Soviet and Russian directors, among which the first place is occupied by the feature films-fairy tales of the immortal Alexander Row. Surely modern children have not seen all Soviet films, and here parents will be able to introduce their children to the rich fairy-tale heritage. There are many pictures on the page that you will want to click on. Children are recommended to watch Pinocchio, Morozko, Varvara-Krasa, and older children should definitely watch City of Masters, Twelve Months and Old Man Hottabych.

Watching cartoons is the most entertaining category. Here is a magnificent collection of magical Soviet cartoons that our grandparents grew up with. All animated films are in good quality and with excellent sound. Together with the animation characters, children will be able to sing funny songs, memorize words and, using the example of drawn characters, learn to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. Preschoolers are encouraged to meet Kitten Woof, the kind lion Banifacius and the wise cat Leopold. In the evening, with your family, you can choose to watch any drawn fairy tale and laugh with the kids at the antics of the funny characters.

Watching filmstrips is a section for reading and mental development. The artists tried to convey the meaning of instructive author's and folk tales with the help of bright drawings and short text. A small or adult reader will be able to use buttons to move pictures, look at drawn scenes and read the story in the credits. The page contains the most famous fairy tales, stories and poems of brilliant poets; children will benefit from getting to know the Wizard of the Emerald City, the Bremen Town Musicians and the adventures of the funny Winnie the Pooh. Filmstrips perfectly develop children's imagination and expand their vocabulary, and picture books remain in the child's memory for a long time. A large collection of digitized films of the USSR with fairy tales and stories from the famous studio "Diafilm"

Listen to children's songs and music - a section collected from songs and melodies from old and modern children's cartoons and fairy tale films. Collections of mp3 songs by famous children's composers and performers. You can play songs without interrupting your homework and cheer up all the small and large household members. The category includes the most fun dance compositions, classical and folk music, lullabies and songs of children's ensembles. The works are suitable for music lessons in kindergarten and school, and are also useful for staging family performances at home.

The magical world of fairy tales with incredible illustrations has settled on our pages forever. This is a convenient online library that allows you to sit in a soft chair and enjoy watching, listening or reading fascinatingly. There is no need to run to the store or crowd the metro near the bookstores; just open our pages and immerse yourself in the educational world of good and eternal fairy tales completely free of charge.

The site “Russian Fairy Tale” will be of interest to children of different ages: 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years, 11 years..., as well as their parents, school teachers and kindergarten teachers .

We sincerely wish all visitors to our site a pleasant holiday and great family happiness! We are glad to see you!

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