Educational and entertainment program “Young firefighters”

Fire safety rules for children

Every year, children under fourteen years of age are killed or seriously injured in fires and fires. The main reason can be called the dishonesty of parents, as well as the lack of knowledge and skills to behave in case of fire. To prevent fire safety, it is necessary to conduct lessons, conversations, and lectures.
It is recommended to consolidate the result with the help of games that help update the information received. Cartoons developed with the support of the Fire Service will help explain fire safety rules to young children (“Fire in the forest”, “Fire in the apartment”, “Rules of behavior for children in case of fire”).

Fire safety rules will be explained during life safety lessons, as well as during class hours on this topic. The use of poems by S. Marshak “Very, very important rules!”, “Song of Matches”, A. Usachev “Fire”, E. Gladkova “If there is a fire in the house” and others will help in this.

Basic fire safety rules for children

  • You cannot play with matches, lighters, or match-candles;
  • You cannot set fire to dry leaves, dry grass, trees, or poplar fluff;
  • You cannot play with fireworks, sparklers, or firecrackers without adult supervision;
  • You cannot use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable materials for gaming purposes;
  • Do not throw bottles of deodorants, perfumes, air fresheners, etc. into a fire or set fire to them. This may result in an explosion and immediate fire;
  • You cannot make a fire or play with an open fire indoors;
  • You cannot make a fire in wooden sheds, dilapidated buildings, basements and attics;
  • if there is a need for light, it is better to use a flashlight than matches;

Fire safety competition program. Primary School

Fire safety event for primary school students “You can’t joke with fire!”
Goal: Formation of the basics of fire safety for schoolchildren. Objectives: teach children to act correctly in emergency situations; consolidate knowledge of correct behavior in case of fire; instill skills in careful handling of fire. Planned results: Subject
- remember the basic rules of fire prevention, learn to call firefighters by phone, characterize fire hazardous objects, get acquainted with the profession of a firefighter,
learn to understand the educational task and strive to complete it, plan your action in accordance with the task, establish cause-and-effect relationships connections, generalize and draw conclusions, ask questions, control yourself and your comrades,
work in groups, in pairs, talk about the purpose of fire safety items, formulate conclusions from the material studied, answer final questions. Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation “Fire Safety”, cards with tasks for independent work; riddles, proverbs, poems about fire, about fire; a fire safety inspector and a medical worker were invited.

Progress of the game.

Today we will talk to you about a very important and relevant topic for all of us.
Guess the riddle: “The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry with everyone.
He eats firewood out of anger for a whole hour, maybe two. Don’t touch it with your hand, it will bite your entire palm” (fire) What do you think will be discussed at our event today? During the event: We will get acquainted with the basics of fire safety, the causes of fires, learn to follow fire safety rules and act correctly in the event of a fire II.
Main part Presenter 1. Fire is a long-time friend of man. With its help, many useful things are accomplished. But sometimes it happens that fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying everything in its path. The power of fire is great. It takes millions of human lives, wipes out big cities and small villages from the face of the earth. Today, about five and a half million fires occur annually on our planet. Every 5 seconds there is a new fire. Enterprises and hospitals, trains and planes, forests, fields and houses are burning. The result is colossal losses. And most importantly, tens of thousands of human victims, including children. 3. Causes of fires Guess the riddle: Oh, these little sisters are dangerous...(matches) _ Why are matches dangerous? Presenter 2. Don’t play, my friend, with a match. Remember, it’s small, But a small match can burn the house to the ground. Younger brothers and sisters and preschoolers are told: “Remember that matches are not a toy for children!” 4. Why is fire dangerous? -How dangerous is a fire? - Why might a fire occur? 5. Rules of conduct in case of fire What if a fire does occur? Firefighter's story: What are the rules of behavior in case of fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________ “If the fire is small, you can try to put it out immediately by throwing, for example, a thick cloth, a blanket, or pouring a pan of water over it. BUT REMEMBER: DO NOT extinguish live appliances with water, as well as gasoline, kerosene and oil. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call “01” and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. If possible, breathe through a wet cloth. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate. Call “01” or ask your neighbors about it. Presenter: Now we will play a game with the guys, during which we will find out whether the guys know the fire safety rules, and we will practice some techniques for dealing with a fire. The motto of our game will be the words of V. Mayakovsky “We firmly need to remember - Fire does not arise on its own!” “Business card” 1. “FLIGHTS” Our motto: “Fire is a dangerous thing He doesn’t like jokes on himself” 2. “FIREMEN” Our motto: “Remember, friends, that you can’t joke with fire.” Host : I present to you the jury that will evaluate each competition. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Introduction to the competition program Competition No. 1 “Warm-up” Guess the riddles: 1) In a small barn they keep 100 fires (Matchbox) 2) Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water. With a tongue, but does not bark, Without teeth, but bites (Fire) 3) Where people are careless with fire, It will definitely be (Fire) 4) I saw smoke, don’t yawn, Call us quickly (Firemen) 5) A midge was flying, an aspen leg She sat on a haystack and ate all the hay (Match) 6) I am shaggy, I am shaggy, I am above every hut in winter, Above the fire, the steamboat, I am never without fire. (Smoke) 7) Carbon monoxide smoke billowed out, the room was full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (Gas mask) 8) I’m rushing with a siren to the fire, I’m carrying water with foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant We're quick, like arrows (Fire truck) - During the warm-up, you repeated terms related to fire safety. 2 COMPETITION “Call the Firemen”. Presenter 1 . What will you do if you see fire? (Team responses) Presenter 2. Every citizen must know - Firefighter phone number “01”: If something catches fire, Take the courage: Urgently call “01”, Give the exact address, What’s been burning, how long ago, where. It will rush for a few minutes - the fire department will rush to you and help you in trouble! Imagine that your apartment is on fire, and the fire occurred in a large room from the TV. You need to inform the fire department about this. Before you have the opportunity, be familiar with the questions you'll need to answer during the call. (shows a poster) On the poster. 1. Address: street name, house, apartment, entrance number 2. What is burning and where 3. Floor. How many floors are there in the building? 4. Is there a danger to people? 5. State your last name and first name (Children stand in a column. One by one they run up to the phone, pick up the phone, dial “01”, give the address and run back.) 3rd competition “Going to the fire” Presenter 1 . You called the fire department. How will they respond to your call? (children's answers) Presenter 2. The car is red, there is a siren, a bright light. Always ready in it: Hoses, ladder, water! If there is a fire somewhere, And the heat of the fire is dangerous - They give way to her! Everyone knows this rule. At the signal, team members stand in the hoops, raise them to waist level and move to the opposite side of the gym, running around the pins like a snake. The mission is considered completed if the crew has not lost any of its crew members. Presenter 1. So, the young firefighters arrived at the fire. How many of you know the name of a fire hose that is used to extinguish fires with water? (sleeve) The fire hose should always be in perfect order, neatly rolled into a large “snail”. Captains will take part in this competition. 4 Competition “Combat Deployment” Presenter 1. At a signal, team captains deploy a fire hose (satin ribbon), and then carefully roll it up. The one who completes the task faster wins. Fire ditties 1) We will sing you ditties About firefighters, about fire.8) Don't take them seriously, otherwise you'll get hit. 2) When you leave home, turn off all appliances, otherwise you will come home from school and there will be nowhere to drink tea. 3) There are many different professions, but one of them is more important. Being a firefighter means saving people from fire. 4) Kolya, Kolya, are you so pale, weak, not yourself? “I forgot to put out the match, I barely made it out alive.” 5) New house - green roof Maybe it won’t burn down: Our firefighter friend Fedya will protect from fire. 6) Open the gate, mom, I’m leading the fireman. He will now teach you how to simmer a frying pan. 7) Who went through fire and water And marked his helmet with copper? This is our brave fireman, If he is nearby, there are no problems. If there is a problem somewhere, There is a lot of smoke or fumes, A fireman will come to you And will douse any fire. 9) If suddenly a fire happens, you, girlfriend, don’t yawn - “01” call quickly and call for help. All: Suddenly there will be a fire at school. We know like twice two: The emergency door will do, We quickly run there. 5th competition “Rescue the Victims” Presenter 1 . Sometimes in a fire it is not so much the fire that is dangerous as the acrid smoke. It stings your eyes and makes it difficult to breathe. Who knows how to behave correctly in a smoky room? When walking through smoky areas, try to overcome them by holding your breath or covering your mouth or nose with a damp handkerchief or towel. But how difficult it is to see the victim in the smoke. Small children often hide from smoke in closets or under beds, making it difficult for firefighters to find them. Now our young firefighters will save not people, but their favorite toys. Each team must squat (“goose-step”) through a “smoky room” to the hoop, breathing through a wet rag. Next you take, i.e. save 1 toy and return to your team. Your task is to save everyone and take them to a safe place. 6 competition “Find the fire” Presenter 1. Sometimes it happens that the fire is located in several places. Firefighters have to “knock” the fire into one place in order to completely extinguish it there. Now the teams will have to gather the fire in one place. Red handkerchiefs are hung throughout the hall - these are hot spots. The task of each team is to put on mittens or gloves so as not to get burned and collect the handkerchiefs in a bucket. The team that collects the most handkerchiefs wins. 7 competition. “Put out the fire” Presenter 1. How do you put out the fire? (water, fire extinguisher). But it happens that you cannot put out a fire with water, and there is no fire extinguisher at hand. Then simple sand is used. Now you and I will put out the fire with sand. Teams, one at a time, run to a hoop containing sandbags and throw them into buckets with red handkerchiefs. The team with the most hits wins. Presenter No. 2 Careless handling of fire leads to burns, unfortunately. Just in case, you need to know how to help with burns. Let's learn this today, following the principle - everything in life will come in handy. ______________________________________________________________________________ Medic. I will tell you what assistance should be provided to the victim if he has received burns. The burned part of the body should be freed from clothing, but if burnt remains of clothing are stuck to the skin, then you cannot remove or tear them off the body: this will damage the skin even more. Special precautions must be taken if the clothing is synthetic, since when it burns it melts and sticks to the skin. To make the process easier, it is better to cut the clothes. Place the burn area under cold water and hold for 10-15 minutes. If blisters have formed at the burn site, under no circumstances should they be opened: this may lead to infection of the burn surface. If blisters appear, apply a sterile bandage. For burns, do not lubricate the skin with any fats or ointments. In case of extensive burns to the body and limbs, the victim should be wrapped in a clean sheet, urgently call an ambulance or taken to a hospital, where he will receive qualified assistance. 8 Competition “Help the Victim” Each team has 1 fire victim. We work in pairs. The first pair puts a bandage on the arm, and the second on the leg. The jury evaluates the quality of the bandages. Competition for fans. Guess riddles about the fire.
1. I am stronger than everyone in the world, I am bolder than everyone in the world, I am not afraid of anyone, I will not submit to anyone (fire) 2. Carbon monoxide smoke began to swirl, the room is full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (gas mask) 3. I’m rushing with a siren to the fire, I’m carrying water with foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant. We're quick, like arrows. (fire truck) 4. The insidious fire will be defeated by the one whose name is... (Firefighter) 5. A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor. Don't look, don't wait, don't stand. And quickly fill it up... (with water) 6. What kind of cramped, cramped house is this? A hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. Don’t joke with the thin sisters... (Matches) 7. If something suddenly happens in the house - Smoke billows from the windows, And fire, and heat blazes - This means there is (a fire)

Final part.
Competition “Pass the exam” Presenter. Firefighters (like students in school) are constantly undergoing training. You and I saw on the excursion that they also have a classroom in the PCH. And they not only study, but also pass exams. Now you will have to remember everything you learned today and pass the exam. I give you exam cards, each participant must answer 1 question. If a young firefighter cannot answer a question, the team helps him. Exam questions: 1. What should be done if there is a fire in the apartment? (call “01” and give your address.) 2. What should you do if there is a lot of smoke in the apartment? (moisten clothes with water, cover your mouth and nose with a wet rag, crawl towards the exit). 3. For what purpose were dogs used during the fire? (To search for people in burning and smoke-filled rooms.) 4. How can you extinguish a fire? (blanket, water, sand, fire extinguisher). 5. What needs to be done when leaving the apartment to prevent a fire? (Turn off the lights, gas, turn off electrical appliances, hide matches from small children.) 6. Your clothes are on fire. What should your actions be? (I will fall on the floor, the ground, snow or grass, roll or cover myself with a cloth; I will not run, this cannot be done.) 7. How to help a person who has received a burn? (take to the hospital, apply a bandage, under cold water) 8. People of what profession, wishing good luck, are told: “Dry sleeves for you”? (Firemen) 9. Is it possible to use candles and sparklers at the Christmas tree without adults? (No, you can’t, a fire may occur. 10 Is it possible to touch switched-on electrical appliances with wet hands? (You can’t, water passes current through itself. This is life-threatening.) The jury sums up the presenter . Guys, did you know that every year on April 30 Firefighter Day is celebrated - a professional holiday for fire service workers. Poems: 1) We will tell you about those who save people, and are the first to arrive when called to a fire. 2) To extinguish the evil flame - This is their concern. Fearlessly extinguish the heat - That's their job. 3) These people are the best! Strong and brave, Skillful masters are not afraid of anything! 4) Zero one - the phone rang, Someone's cry was brought by the wires, Someone's cry was caught by the microphone - So, somewhere there was trouble... 5) Day by day, night and day, firefighters are ready to fight the fire. And there is no second in the service for sleep, Seconds - they have a high price! 6) As soon as the phone reports trouble, the division will rush to the rescue. But it’s not enough to be brave and courageous in order to defeat the evil and insidious fire. And you need to know and be able to do a lot in order to overcome the fire clearly and quickly. 7) Always be careful with fire - Firefighters will tell everyone strictly. Let the alarm call to you less and less every day for us when there is a fire. Summing up, rewarding. Presenters No. 2. We wish you good luck in everything and ask each of you. About the most important thing - about one thing: Together: “Be careful with fire!”

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Rules for handling fire at home

For children, the main rule is not to play with fire without adult supervision. Thus, using and playing with electrical appliances (TV, microwave, computer), turning on a gas stove, lighting candles, playing with light bulbs and garlands are excluded.

Older children can be taught to use a stove and household appliances, but emphasize that if there is no great need for their use, it is better to wait for their parents. A mandatory requirement will be to disconnect all equipment from the power supply after use.

There is no need to turn your child against fire, but you should be as honest as possible about the consequences of fires.

Children are great inventors, thousands of ideas swarm in their heads, and if you do not warn in advance about the results of such dangerous pranks, it will be too late.

Parents must themselves protect their child from danger.

First of all, it is necessary to store all household chemicals out of the reach of children, all of them have a high degree of flammability. Also, children should not have free access to matches, lighters, candles, and electrical wires must be hidden under baseboards.

To test children's knowledge about fire safety rules, you need to conduct small tests or periodically ask them questions. For example:

  • what to do if a fire starts? (call the rescue service 112/01, give your name and address);
  • How to put out a fire that has just flared up? (thick blanket, wet blanket, fire extinguisher);
  • How should you behave during a fire? (don’t panic, don’t hide, call for help).

Children should be told that smoke can be more dangerous than fire itself. And in order not to suffocate during a fire, you need to wet a rag or gauze and breathe through it. It is also necessary to go down to the floor, because the smoke concentration is lower there.

Extracurricular event on the topic “Fire Safety”


Fire safety rules.
Lesson objectives
: to introduce the role of fire in human life, as well as fire safety rules and behavior in the event of a fire.



- to reinforce the concept of fire safety in children, to convince them of the need to comply with fire safety rules.


- to develop in children the ability to act correctly in various situations and generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and on the street; develop the ability to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.


— to educate a person ready for creative activity and moral behavior; develop responsibility for yourself and for the lives of your loved ones.


: presentation “Journey to the Land of Fire”, “cards for independent work”, “Memo “How to behave in a fire”, drawings on PPB, fire signs, items for the game.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Greetings.

— We have an unusual lesson.
We will not solve examples and problems, we will not write down sentences. And we will talk about the most valuable, the most precious thing - about human life, about how to preserve it in a moment of danger. Let the children benefit from this. Our very important lesson!
II. Updating knowledge and practical and mental skills.

— Today we will talk about a very important and relevant topic for all of us. Guess the riddle: A cheerful naughty boy, an orange boy, As soon as the evening comes, he gives a concert in the oven. The boy ran away, the firewood crackled loudly. Orange strands I really want to stroke... Don't touch the prankster His name is... (Fire)

— Guys, who is shown on the slide? - Guys, tell me, what are these primitive people trying to do? (Students’ answers.) - That’s right, guys. You're right. What associations does the word “Fire” evoke in you? (Answers from the guys). – What do you think, is fire a friend or an enemy? We have two hypotheses. There is a problem. Some guys claim that fire is a friend, others that fire is an enemy. At the end of the lesson we must resolve this problem. Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature with which man has become acquainted. Fire gave people warmth, light, and protected them from wild animals. He was a great helper of man. Legends were made about him. This is how the meaning of fire is said in the Legend of Prometheus. (Student's story) The Legend of Prometheus

A long time ago, people did not know fire. They wandered through forests and valleys, attacking wild animals. If the hunt was successful, they tore the animal into pieces and ate the meat raw. Cold caves served as shelters. The world was ruled by the Gods living on Mount Olympus. Strong and beautiful, omniscient and omnipotent. They had plenty of everything. The messenger of peace, young Prometheus was endowed with a sensitive heart and a brave soul. More than once on the way to Olympus he met people shivering from the cold and suffering from illness. Prometheus took pity on them and was not afraid to make their lives easier, contrary to the will of the gods. One day he quietly took a smoldering coal from the hearth of the gods. Having descended to the ground, he took it out and inflated it with his mighty breath, and gave it to the people. They fed him with dry branches and protected him from strong gusts of wind. They shared his warmth with each other. Armed with fire, man drove predators out of the cave, learned to fry meat, burn pots and much more necessary for life. One day the father of the gods Zeus looked and was surprised. People no longer roamed in herds, but lived in families in houses. Zeus then ordered to take Prometheus to the cold land of the Scythians and chain him there to a rock. And people will be forever grateful to Prometheus for the fire he brought.

Man's first major achievement was the use of fire for cooking. About 100 thousand years ago, man learned to artificially produce fire by quickly rubbing wood against wood. This required great patience and dexterity. That is why ancient people specifically identified people who made fire. Fire now protected them from the cold and predators, and improved the quality of food. This is how man learned to make fire. -Where does fire occur? (children's answers) Fire is a friend. It is everywhere: in houses, factories, fields and farms. Fire powers steamships, airplanes, rocket engines and spaceships. Our life is unthinkable without fire. Fire is our friend if we treat it wisely and carefully. Fire is the enemy. However, fire has always been fraught with danger. Thousands of cities and villages disappeared in giant flames. Priceless creations created by the minds and talented hands of previous generations have turned to dust. The fire destroyed millions of human lives. In terms of their tragic consequences, fires were not inferior to epidemics, droughts and other disasters. Fire is an enemy if it is treated carelessly. Therefore, when we behave badly, do not obey our parents, when we are not careful with fire, it turns into our worst enemy. Fire is a symbol. With naked heads, people look at the eternal flame at the monuments to the heroes who selflessly fought for their Motherland. The flame, lit by the rays of the sun in distant Olympia, is carried in a torch relay by runners, cyclists, rowers, yachtsmen, and gymnasts, paying tribute to the noble traditions of the ancient world.

(Boy in Fire Costume

I am a big Fire and bright, I come to every home. I can be kind, hot, I warm the house in the cold. And then hold on, people, I will burn everything in that house. Those who are not careful with fire can have a fire. Children, remember that you cannot joke with fire. ( A girl approaches “Fire” and reads a poem)
: Everyone knows: a man without fire does not live a single day! In the fire, as in the sun, it is light! It's warm in the fire and in winter!

Look, guys, there is fire all around us, our everyday friend! Fire is a man's friend, Just don't touch it in vain! (Children’s statements when fire is a friend, fire is an enemy). Everyone knows: a man without fire does not live a single day! In the fire, as in the sun, it is light! It's warm in the fire and in winter! Look, guys, there is fire all around us, our everyday friend! Fire is a man's friend, Just don't touch it in vain! ( Statements from the guys, when fire is a friend, fire is an enemy

But it happens that sometimes fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying in a matter of minutes what has been created over years of hard work. To live in peace and harmony with the environment, to be protected from fire, we need to know how to avoid such a situation and what to do if a fire suddenly occurs. Fire has become our worst enemy. III. Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson. We firmly need to remember - Fire does not arise on its own!
Vladimir Mayakovsky - What do you think we will talk about today?
(student responses) - Formulate the topic of the lesson. “That’s right, today we will take a trip to the Land of Fire.” We will get acquainted with the basics of fire safety, the causes of fires, learn to follow fire safety rules and act correctly in the event of a fire. If something suddenly happens in the house - smoke billows out of the windows, and there is fire and heat blazing - this means there is
... (a fire).
Working with a dictionary.
Definition of fire. Fire is a combustion process that arose involuntarily or due to malicious intent, which will spread and continue until all flammable substances and materials available at a given facility have burned out, conditions leading to self-extinguishing have arisen, and active targeted actions have been taken to its localization and extinguishing. -What is the purpose of our lesson? (Reinforce fire safety rules.)

Learning new material. A) Causes of fire.
A person spends a significant part of his life in his house or apartment.
It seems to us that we are completely safe at home. “My home is my castle,” says the famous saying. Therefore, we often neglect the most basic safety rules and allow unforgivable carelessness. People have learned to make and store fire. However, once out of human control, it turns into a terrible disaster - fire. -How can a fire be dangerous? -Why can a fire occur? Work in groups (teams): “Sparkle”, “Ugolek”, “Spark”. Task 1 “Causes of a fire”
- Guys, think about the reasons why a fire might occur?
Now each group will trace their hand on paper and write on each finger the cause of the fire, when fire is our enemy. Fires often occur due to the fault of schoolchildren. The fires that children make near buildings or construction sites pose a very great danger. Children often play in attics and basements of residential buildings, play around with matches, without thinking about the consequences. (check) Causes of the fire: - You cannot play with matches. — Electrical appliances must not be left unattended. - You can't smoke in bed. - You cannot make fires near buildings. — You can’t dry clothes over the stove. — You cannot plug in 2 high-power electrical appliances into an outlet. — You must not litter attics, basements, or escape routes. - careless handling of fire, - non-compliance with the rules for operating electrical equipment, - spontaneous combustion of substances and materials, arson - static electricity discharges, lightning discharges B) How to behave in case of a fire
The most important thing during a fire is not to panic, but to remember what you were taught .
If there is a fire in the apartment, dial “01”! Remember that in the whole world he is the only one who will help you! Clearly state the address, House, entrance, floor and elevator, Also briefly report, Are there any children, what is on fire. Well, if the electrical wires suddenly catch fire, turn off the power! And know that water will not help here! If you smell gas, it's all up to you. To prevent everything from flaring up at once, turn off the gas urgently! Close the windows and doors, take away the birds and animals. Hurry up and get out. In the entrance, not on the balcony! To fight fire skillfully, everyone needs to know fire science! Firefighting skills will be useful to you, then to know how to handle fire. Each group will receive cards, prepare on them and talk about what needs to be done if a fire occurs in the home. Task 2 “Your actions in case of fire”
Group 1 – your actions if the TV catches fire. 1. Disconnect the TV (pull out the plug from the socket). 2. Notify the fire department by phone 01. 3. If the burning continues, cover the TV with a thick cloth, approaching the TV from the side, you can pour water on it. 4. If you are unable to cope with the fire, leave the room, tightly closing the doors and windows. Tell your neighbors. Group 2 - your actions in a smoky room, if there is a possibility of escape.

1.Call the rescue service “01”. 2. Breathe through a wet cloth. 3. Move by crouching or crawling towards the exit. 4. Do not enter areas where there is a high concentration of smoke. 5. Closing the door tightly behind you, move along the wall towards the stairs. Group 3 - your actions in the event that the fire has cut off the path to the exit. 1. Call the rescue service “01” 2. Plug all the cracks in the door with rags, pour water on the door. 3. Create a supply of water in the bathroom. 4. It is better to be on the floor near the window, breathing through a wet cloth, or go out onto the balcony. 5. Take with you a wet blanket to protect yourself from fire (if it starts to penetrate), a flashlight and a bright rag to signal to rescuers. B) Fire extinguishing agents.

- How can you put out a fire? (The primary means of extinguishing fires and fires include various fire extinguishers, sand, felt mats, and internal fire hydrants.) Add a word: A coal fell on the floor, the wooden floor was set on fire. Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with... (water). The fire doesn't wait! Throw to the box!! A saving mound on the hearth... (sand). If the flame suddenly breaks out. We have a reliable friend. From fire - the savior of everyone is the Flame - the strangler! Smoke is a tamer! Our...(fire extinguisher). Game “Put Out the Fire” And now, in order to defeat the fire, it must be put out quickly! The guys are divided into 3 teams. Place 3 small buckets. The first members of each team pour water into a spoon and must bring it to a bucket and pour it into it, run to the team and pass it to the next player, who repeats the actions of the first player. The first team to fill the bucket with water will win.

Strength, agility and dexterity, and physical fitness are necessary for a firefighter, important for a firefighter.

Fire service in Russia

On April 17 (new style - April 30), 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed the decree “On the City Deanery,” which laid the foundation for the creation of the first Russian fire service. The document established a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow, laid the foundations for a professional fire department, introduced permanent duty, and gave fire patrols the right to punish residents of the capital for violations of the rules for handling fire.

Fire towers

Fire towers in Russian cities have been actively built since the beginning of the 19th century, after the decree of Alexander I “On the removal of the duty of the inhabitants of Moscow to appoint fire officers and on the establishment of a fire brigade in it” (May 31, 1804). As a rule, towers were crowned with two- or three-story buildings of police stations, at which fire departments were organized. In addition to sentinel service, towers were used for signaling - leather signal balls hung on the tower in the daytime or lanterns at night notified neighboring fire departments about the size and location of the fire.

The fire brigade in Chelyabinsk was created on December 29, 1849. Before the creation of the fire service as such, fires were extinguished “by the whole world”: residents with their buckets, axes and hooks ran to fight the fire. But this did not always give tangible results. Over time, people realized that success could only be achieved “through the concerted action of specially trained groups of people working under experienced, courageous and decisive leaders.” This was the case in the city of Chelyabinsk: many years passed from the start of construction of the fortress to the creation of a full-time fire brigade. Unfortunately, in the State Archives of the Chelyabinsk Region there is no data on the fire service in the city of the 18th century. No. The first message about the presence of a shed for storing fire equipment is in the “Gazette of a government building and various property in the city of Chelyabinsk... in 1782”: “In the city of Chelyabinsk: 1. The former Iset provincial office. 2. A police house made of pine forest... Yes, for firefighting tools, a shed is seven fathoms long, four fathoms wide, made of birch forest, only surrounded on both sides, covered with shingles.” The fire equipment is listed below: “two large fire filler pipes on ditch and wheels, two barrels on flaps and wheels, hooks, hooks, etc.” This document was found in the Perm State Archive by the famous Chelyabinsk local historian Ivan Vasilyevich Degtyarev. These documents allowed us to accurately determine the time of birth of the fire department of the city of Chelyabinsk - January 1850 (according to the old style on December 29, 1849) On August 2, 1860, Chelyabinsk homeowners - nobles, merchants, townspeople - took over the maintenance of a full-time fire brigade in the city and We decided to use public funds to build a storage room for firefighting tools. Today, ensuring fire protection for city residents and its facilities is a concern not only for fire specialists, but also for all city and district leaders, industrial enterprises and public utilities, and everyone who lives and works in our city. Our village also has its own fire department. In 2001, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service became subordinate to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

Today, the State Fire Service (SFS) is a powerful operational service within the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, possessing qualified personnel and modern equipment, with developed scientific and educational bases. State Fire Service units annually make about two million trips, while saving more than 70 thousand people from death and injury in fires.

Game “Calling the Fire Brigade” The task of each team is to be able to correctly report a fire. One person is selected from each team. He “calls” the fire department on the phone and reports to the fire department dispatcher what happened: • names the address where the fire is on fire; • your phone number; your last name; • on which floor the fire is on; • what is the best way to get to the house; • how many entrances are in the house. All this must be communicated quickly, without hesitation.

V. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.
1. Creative work “Draw and Guess”
- Did you know that rules can be drawn up not only verbally, but also depicted artistically?
Assignment: draw a sign for the rule, the opposing team must name the rule. 2. Work in groups.
“Continue the rule” - What if a fire does occur?
What rules of conduct do you need to know and follow? Your task is to continue the rules of conduct in case of fire. Each group receives a started rule on a card that needs to be completed. 1. If the fire is small, ... (you can try to extinguish it immediately by throwing, for example, a thick cloth, a blanket or pouring a pan of water over it.) 2. If the fire does not go out immediately, ... (immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department by phone “O 1” or ask your neighbors about it.) 3. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, ... (immediately call "01" and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help from the window.) 4. If you feel like you are suffocating from the smoke... (squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.) 5. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator…. (It may turn off and you will suffocate.) 6. While waiting for the firefighters to arrive, don’t lose your head and... (don’t jump out of the window. They will definitely save you.) Checking the work done (team performances) VI.
Control and self-test of knowledge. Now you will test your knowledge.
“Find a match” the fire cannot be left by phone 01 if you see a flame you cannot hide, call the firefighters without supervision from the fire, call adults for help from a burning room, smoke is the most dangerous thing in a fire, you must leave quickly VII.
Homework. Compose a crossword puzzle on fire safety.
Summing up the lesson. Reflection. — What new did you learn? - What did you like? — What conclusions did you draw? – Today we made a trip to the Land of Fire, remembered the rules of handling fire, and learned a lot. All these rules, telephone numbers in an emergency, what to do, you can read in the document that each of you has, what is it? (“Memo to a child! So as not to burn!”). — Guys, compliance with all these fire safety rules will help the state save hundreds of thousands of rubles, and often the health and lives of the people of Russia. (A boy in a “Fire” costume reads a poem) Evil fire is the fire of fire Evil fire is the fire of war Inhabitants of the globe, Citizens of any country Evil fire must be extinguished! You only let a kind light into your doors! (Words appear on the screen. Make up a motto from these words - the result of our lesson. Let’s remember and derive our lesson motto: Remember, friends! You can’t joke with fire.) - What conclusion did you draw for yourself? Is fire a friend or an enemy? - Well done, guys, you have mastered all the fire safety rules remarkably well, and I think you will not only follow them yourself, but also teach them to other guys. And, of course, fire will become your faithful and obedient friend, and not your enemy!

Rules for handling fire in the forest

In most cases, the cause of forest fires is the carelessness and carelessness of people.

  • You cannot make a fire in places with dry grass, under tree crowns, or in peat bogs. The place for the fire must be carefully selected, cleared of flammable material, and the fire itself must be lit in a specially dug earthen hole.
  • It is not allowed to leave and leave the fire unextinguished or smoldering. It can be filled with water or covered with sand.
  • You should not make a fire in dry and windy weather.
  • Do not leave paper, plastic utensils or glass items at the resting place. The latter are very dangerous because the sun's rays are focused on the glass, which can result in a forest fire.
  • Spontaneously combustible materials should not be left in the forest.
  • You cannot use pyrotechnics in the forest.

Rules for children's behavior in case of fire

If there are no adults near the child during a fire, he will have to make his own decisions and act confidently. To do this, parents or teachers must teach him the chain of actions in case of fire.

  • Call 01/112 and report your location and emergency situation.
  • Ask your neighbors for help and tell them about the fire.
  • Do not hide in hard-to-reach places; rescuers simply will not be able to come to the rescue or find the victim.
  • Do not use the elevator during a fire. Go down stairs only.
  • Follow all instructions from firefighters and rescuers who arrived at the scene.
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