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Gifts for teachers and children Discussing gifts on the same day with general organizational issues is not
For children 9 years old In the morning, a good girl strives to get into every house, so that it becomes
Tomorrow children will have a reason for double joy: firstly, the long-awaited summer will finally come,
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of physical education leisure in the middle group “Travel to the Sunny Island” MADO Kamensky
The development of children of any age should be harmonious and affect the most important areas of personality formation: physical,
Walking along the “health paths” for the prevention of flat feet with children and parents of the second junior group of MBDOU
Read a fairy tale about Mashenka and the bear Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter
Game Bubbles Up! All players form a circle. We select one player who will stand in
Read the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling with pictures It was good outside the city! It was summer, the rye was already