Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group “Sound analysis of words”

Lesson summary in 1st grade on the topic “Sound and syllabic analysis of words”


Form sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words.



  • development of phonemic processes;
  • developing skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound-syllable composition of words;
  • strengthening sound-letter connections;
  • develop coherent speech by composing common sentences.


  • correction of cognitive processes;
  • speech correction.


  • developing the ability to listen and hear not only the teacher, but also classmates;
  • fostering a sense of responsibility and justice.


  • multimedia installation, computer.
  • handouts: sound models, task cards, task tree.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

    The speech therapist offers children whose names begin with a vowel sound, then a hard consonant sound, and a soft consonant sound to cross the river through a bridge of a suitable color. The one who can come up with another word for the same sound will sit down.

  2. Articulation gymnastics.
  1. Repetition of learned material.

- Today we will go to the magical forest. To get out of it you need to go through the “trail of tasks”. First, remember everything that you and I already know. I will ask questions, whoever wants to answer raises his hand.

-What two groups are sounds divided into? (Vowels and consonants).

Draw a wavy line so that the vowels remain at the top and the consonants at the bottom.

- How do we show a vowel sound? (Children show a sound model.).

-What diagram do we use to show a consonant sound? (Children show a sound model).

-What is the difference between vowels and consonants? (Vowel sounds stretch out, they can be sung; when pronouncing vowel sounds, the mouth is open and the air does not encounter obstacles. Consonant sounds cannot be sung; when pronouncing them, an obstacle appears in the mouth: either lips, or teeth, or tongue.

4. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

“We are already moving along the “mission path.” In our lesson we will remember and practice sound analysis of words and dividing words into syllables.

1. Rearrange the rings of the pyramid so that a new word is formed.

2. Find and write out all the big letters and make up a word, find and write out all the small letters and make up a word.

  1. Phys. Just a minute

    Exercise “The wind shakes the trees” The trees grew in the forest, And they were friends with the wind. As soon as the breeze sighs, every leaf on the tree trembles quietly, quietly, and rustles a gentle song: Sh - sh - sh... As soon as it blows stronger, it immediately bends the trees. He swings them left and right - he's probably playing on a swing. U-o-o!..

  2. Name everything that is drawn in the picture (the task is completed orally according to the presentation).

What sound does each word end with?

Which item is the odd one out in each row?

  1. WHERE IS THE SOUND K HIDDEN IN THE WORD? picture (the task is completed orally based on the presentation).
  1. D.Z.

    Fill in the missing cells with vowels. Each crossword has its own vowel.

  1. Summarizing. Speech therapist:

- What did we do in class today?

- What two groups are sounds divided into? (vowels and consonants).

- What is the difference? (vowels are sung, consonants are not).

—What color do soft consonants indicate? (green).

— What color do hard consonants indicate? (blue).

— Which task did you like the most?

Everyone has colorful circles on their desk. If you didn’t like the lesson, hang a red circle on the tree, if you liked it, but not everything was clear - yellow, and if everything was clear and you liked everything - green.

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