Summary of an integrated lesson for children 2-3 years old “Hedgehog. Drawing with palms"

Visiting the hedgehogs. Lesson notes for the second junior group

Summary of a complex lesson in the second junior group “Visiting the Hedgehogs”
Educational objectives:
Continue to teach children to independently compose a set, highlighting each individual element in it, name the general sign of quantity, use the words “many”, “one” in speech, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number and case.
Exercise children in grouping objects by size and color. Practice spatial orientation away from you (vertical and frontal direction). Improve the ability to display in speech using prepositions (on, under, for, in, etc.) the location of things. Developmental tasks:
To develop thinking, the ability to generalize, and classify.
Develop gross and fine motor skills, tactile perception. Educational objectives:
To develop a caring attitude towards animals.
Preliminary preparation:
learning poetry.
Equipment and materials:
soft toy hedgehog (without spines);
hedgehog toys - 6 pieces; There are clothespins in the tray according to the number of children; paper leaves of 2 sizes; toys: fox, wolf, bear; Christmas trees, trees, stumps; cloth bag; small toys - mushrooms, basket, treats for children. Methodological techniques:
demonstration, examination of the subject, use of clarity, surprise moment, teacher’s explanation, conversation, artistic expression, questions, game, children’s exercises, game situation, individual work, analysis.
Progress of the lesson
Educator: Hello, children. How beautiful and elegant you are today. Look, we have guests today. Say hello to them. Everyone look at them. We looked. Well done! Now listen to me carefully. Today we will go for a walk in the forest. And this forest is not ordinary, but fabulous. Do you want to get into a fairy forest? To do this, we need to stand one after another, try to move together and listen carefully. Line up, children. Everyone is ready. Then let's go. Children line up in a column and walk to the accompaniment of music. Educator: The legs walked: stomp, stomp, stomp, Straight along the path: stomp, stomp, stomp, Come on, it’s more fun: stomp, stomp, stomp, That’s how we do it: stomp, stomp, stomp. The legs ran along the flat path, They ran away, they ran away, Only their heels sparkled. The children end up in the forest. Educator: Well, here we are in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here. Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles. What is hidden in your wilderness? What's going on with the trees? Open everything, don’t hide it: You see, we are our own. Educator: Children, what time of year is it now? Children: Autumn! Educator: This is a very beautiful time. Despite the fact that it is getting cooler, a cold wind often blows, the sun shines less and less often and often hides behind the clouds, and it rains more often. Trees and bushes become multi-colored - it is the leaves on them that change color. Please look and tell me what color the leaves on the trees are? Children: Yellow, red, green. Educator: It’s quiet in the autumn forest, you can only hear the leaves rustling under your feet. Let's walk through the autumn carpet of leaves and listen to how they rustle. (Children walk on a carpet of autumn leaves, accompanied by the rustling of autumn leaves) Educator: Now we will collect these leaves and start dancing. I will take yellow leaves, girls will take red leaves, and boys will take green ones. (Children collect leaves and perform a dance, then sit on chairs). Educator: It’s so beautiful in the autumn forest! Guys, let's tell poems about autumn. (Children recite poems about autumn)

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring, This time of year is called autumn. Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle of the sun in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around. Yellowness, yellowness, So autumn is not spring. Here is a maple leaf on a branch. Now it's just like new! All ruddy and golden. Where are you going, leaf? Wait! Autumn is walking in our park, Autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads - Rowan, Pink apron - Aspen, Yellow umbrella - Poplars, Autumn Gives fruits to us. Autumn, autumn, don’t rush, And wait for the rains. Give us more summer, sunshine and light. Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch tree are burning golden. Do not hear the cheerful Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away to distant lands.


on the carpet “Autumn” Autumn leaves are quietly spinning, (spinning on tiptoes, arms to the sides) The leaves are quietly lying under our feet (crouching) And rustling and rustling under our feet, (moving hands along the floor to the right and left) As if they want to spin again. (rise, spin)

Educator: Tell me, children, what animals live in the forest? Children answer, make assumptions, name the forest inhabitants and find a fox, a squirrel, a bunny, a bear in a forest clearing. Educator: That's right, children! And who is that hiding behind the stump? So it's a hedgehog! The teacher shows the children a toy - a hedgehog. Guys, the hedgehog says hello to you and you say hello to him. Children, pet the hedgehog! The teacher gives the children the opportunity to stroke. Children, look at the hedgehog. What doesn't he have? (thorns) Hedgehog, where are your thorns? Oh, guys, the hedgehog told me that he forgot them at home. Let's help the hedgehog get the spines back on his back? Imagine that these clothespins are thorns. Take each one one clothespin - a thorn and attach them to the hedgehog's back. Children complete the task. Educator: Katya, how many thorns did you attach to the hedgehog’s back? (one thorn) And you, Vova, how many clothespins and thorns did you attach? One too. Well done, children. That's right, each of you attached only one thorn. How many of them does the hedgehog have on his back? (lots of thorns). That's right, children, the hedgehog has a lot of thorns. Pat the hedgehog on the back. What has he become? (prickly) Educator: Why are you such a prickly hedgehog? This is me just in case! Do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears! Educator: Children, why does a hedgehog need needles? Children: To protect yourself from enemies. Educator: Children, do you know how a hedgehog defends itself from enemies? (children's answers). He curls up into a ball, hides his nose, and there are needles at the top that protect him. Like this (show on a toy). I suggest you play. Now you will put on masks and turn into hedgehogs. Here you are, hedgehogs. Now you will run around the hall to the music, and when a fox or bear appears, you will have to stop and quickly curl up into a ball (group and sit motionless). The fox has left, the hedgehogs are walking again. The game is repeated 2 - 3 times. Educator: Well done, hedgehogs, they played well. You sat so quietly that neither the fox nor the bear noticed you. Now let's take off our masks and turn into children and hit the road with the hedgehog. Look, children, a magic tree has grown in our fairy-tale forest. Look how many leaves fell from it! There must have been a strong wind and they were blown off the tree. And the hedgehog really likes to collect leaves, he likes order in the forest. Let's help the hedgehog assemble a beautiful carpet from leaves. Look, under the tree there are leaves of different sizes and different colors. And in the clearing the windows are also of different sizes. And you need to find its own window for each leaf (children collect the carpet). The teacher carries out individual work to fix the size and color of the leaves. Educator: What size is your leaf? What color is it? Educator: Look, children, what a beautiful carpet you have made. And the hedgehog whispers to me that he also liked the carpet. It turned out bright and beautiful. Well done boys! Finger gymnastics “Autumn” by N. Nishchev: The wind flew through the forest, (Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms). The wind counted the leaves: (They bend one finger on both hands) Here is an oak one, Here is a maple one, Here is a carved rowan tree, Here is a golden one from a birch tree. Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree The wind threw it onto the path. (Place palms on knees.)

Educator: Hedgehog, why are you suddenly sad? (listens to the hedgehog) Hedgehog: I walked towards him with my friends, and they ran away along the road and hid from me! Educator: Guys, let's help the hedgehog find his friends? Children look around the hall for hedgehogs, and, having found them, bring them to the teacher. The teacher asks each child: “Where was the hedgehog hiding?” (on a stump, behind a stump, under a Christmas tree, behind a tree, in a hole, etc.) Each child takes the hedgehog and carries it to the clearing. Educator: Let's, children, put the hedgehogs on a beautiful carpet. The teacher quietly attaches a wonderful bag to the hedgehog. The teacher picks up the hedgehog, who has a wonderful bag on his back, and sings 1 verse of the song “Little Hedgehog”: Little hedgehog, four legs, carries a bag on his back, sings the song. Tufti-tufti-tufti - that I am the strongest in the forest! I am the strongest in the forest! Tufti-tufti-tufti - tufti-tufti-tufti. Educator: Hedgehog, what is this pouch on your back? (wonderful) What do you have in your bag? The hedgehog speaks quietly into the teacher's ear. The teacher listens. Educator: The hedgehog tells me that he collected mushrooms for his hedgehog friends. Do you want to see which ones? The teacher takes out several small blocks and mushrooms and shows them to the children. Educator: Oh, hedgehog, you have not only mushrooms here, but also leaves! Places the items back into the bag. Now the guys and I will only get the mushrooms and put them in a basket. Educator: Find a fungus for the hedgehog. Children take turns putting their hand into the bag and looking for the fungus among other toys and putting it in the basket. Kolya, how many mushrooms did you get? The children say that they got one mushroom, two mushrooms. Educator: Children, how many mushrooms are there in the basket? (lots of mushrooms) Let's, children, take the mushrooms to the hedgehogs and treat them. The teacher puts a basket of mushrooms in front of the hedgehogs and says: Help yourself, hedgehogs! Educator: It’s time for us to say goodbye to the hedgehog and return to kindergarten. Let's sing the hedgehog a song goodbye. The teacher sits the hedgehog in a circle. The children walk in a circle and sing a song: We walked slowly through the forest. Suddenly we saw a hedgehog. Hedgehog, hedgehog - we are friends, Let us pet you! Everyone bends down and gently touches the hedgehog. The forester arrives. Lesovik: Oh, who woke me up? Yes, these children came to my forest. You didn’t hurt my animals, didn’t you break branches on the trees, didn’t you pick flowers? Well, well done, children. Then I won’t let you leave my forest without a treat. Here are some mushrooms for you. Eat to your health (thank you). Summary of the lesson: Educator: Oh, guys, the hedgehog wants to say something in my ear. He says he really liked you. You played well, helped him find friends, collected a lot of mushrooms in the basket. He had a lot of fun and interest with you. But it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, and let the hedgehog stay with Lesovichok. Goodbye. The children leave the hall. Lesovichok: Goodbye, children. I'm still waiting for you in your magical forest.

Distance lesson


Hello guys! Today is such a good day, let's wish each other good morning!

♫ “Good morning” chant. Music and lyrics by O. Arsenevskaya 43 seconds ♫

Good morning! Smile soon! (Hands spread to the sides) And today the whole day will be more fun! (Hands spread to the sides) Let's not forget to wash our nose, eyes, cheeks! (Movements according to the text) We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden! (Bragging) We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden! (Hands spread to the sides)


And now we will sit and look out the window! Sit down, guys. Repeat after me!

♫ Finger game “I’m sitting by the window.” 1 minutes 34 seconds ♫

House: a cat is walking, birds are pecking grain, it’s raining, the cat ran away.


Well done! We won’t be bored today, dolls, bears, sit quietly, Let’s go for a walk around the room, we’ll have some fun with you!

♫ Musical and rhythmic movements “We walked through the forest.” 2 minutes 40 seconds ♫

Walking, jumping. Walking, upward grasping movements of the arms, jumping. Walking, crossing arms overhead. Walking, bending down to the ground, picking berries. Walking running from the rain!


What a great walk we had... Look, we saw a beetle on a branch! Let's relax on the stump and sing a song about a beetle!

♫ Song-chant “Beetle”. 35 seconds ♫

Beetle, beetle, hum, show me how you fly? Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, I fly and buzz... Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu. Beetle, beetle, hum, show me how you fly? Zhuuu, zhuuu, I'm flying and buzzing Zhuuu, zhuuu, zhuuu, zhuuu.


The forest is a green home not only for our bugs, but also for birds, animals and insects. Let's sit and listen to the green song?

♫ “Green Song”. Speech therapy song by Zheleznova. 30 seconds ♫

In the green-green-green forest, I carry a green leaf like a flag. There is a green cone under the tree - green music is playing somewhere! A green grasshopper in a green country plays a green song for me.


Guys, someone is waiting for us in the forest under the Christmas tree! And who he is, you will find out when you guess the riddle:

“There was a pillow with needles lying under the Christmas trees. It lay and lay and then ran... Did you guess it?”

It's a hedgehog!

The hedgehog wants to play with us, and we will teach him to dance.

♫ Music “There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest” by Veselovskaya. 1 minute 15 seconds ♫


We spread our fingers and clench them into a fist; Sit down and hug your knees. We shrug our shoulders - clap, stomp, jump. Jumping in place, shaking the finger of the right hand, then the left hand. Let's show off - clapping, stomping, jumping!


Well done boys! (As if I had pricked myself) Oh! Why are you, hedgehog, so prickly?


This is me just in case! Do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears.


We will play hide and seek and look for fruits in the garden! Shall we play with the hedgehog, guys? Then listen to the rules of the game: if cheerful music plays, you and I will jump and dance! When the music stops, squat down and don’t move, otherwise the hedgehog will find you!

Summary of a game lesson in an early age group

Game-activity for children 1-2 years old “Mushrooms for a hedgehog”

The second group is of early age (1-2 years).
This activity game will be of interest to educators working with young children. Goal: To attract children to joint play activities to develop cognitive activity. Objectives: Teach children to group and match objects by color. Give an idea of ​​red, blue, yellow and green. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop active speech, encourage students to answer the teacher’s questions. Development of auditory perception, development of visual perception. Cultivate interest in the game, creating an emotionally positive background. Practice the ability to walk on a limited surface. Material. A toy hedgehog, tables - clearings in red, blue, yellow and green for each child, 8 mushrooms for each clearing, a bucket for mushrooms, hedgehog balls for each child, a basket, a “Little Hedgehog” slide show, a laptop , board (15 cm wide, 2 m long), table, chairs. Children are included in the group.
Educator. Guys, do you like to visit? (yes, we love to walk) To come visit us, you need to walk along the path. Children walk along the board. I help some children. Little feet walk along the path. Top-top, top-top, they walk along the path. The children sit at the tables. Educator. So we came to visit you. (showing the hedgehog) Who is this? Hedgehog. Show the hedgehog's eyes, nose, mouth. (Children show) What's on the hedgehog's back? (thorns, needles). Show them. (children show needles) The hedgehog brought you balls. What is this? The balls have needles, like a hedgehog's back. Show the hedgehog your palms. Let's roll the balls in our palms. (children roll balls in their palms, I help some children). The balls are prickly, like the needles of a hedgehog. Educator. Place the balls in the basket. There are a lot of balls in the basket. How many balls? (children's answers) Let's listen to a song about a hedgehog and watch a movie. I put the laptop on the table (slide show “Little Hedgehog” 1 minute 10 seconds). Educator. Showing mushrooms. What did the hedgehog bring us? (children's answers). I get the clearings. Each child has a clearing of two colors: red-blue, yellow-green. Mushrooms are on plates. You need to arrange the mushrooms in the clearings according to color. In a red clearing we will “plant” a red fungus, in a blue clearing we will “plant” a blue fungus, in a yellow clearing we will “plant” yellow mushrooms. (accompanied by actions) Children arrange mushrooms. (I help some children arrange the mushrooms according to the color of the clearings). I’m checking the color of the mushrooms and clearings. Here is a fungus that is red, blue, yellow, green. The hedgehog examines the mushrooms in the clearings and praises the children. Educator. Well done, guys, today you placed mushrooms in the clearings, rolled balls, listened to a song about a hedgehog and watched a movie, walked along the path, and now let’s take the hedgehog and go play with him.

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