Traveling through fairy tales lesson plan (senior group)

GCD on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic: Fairy tales

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children 5-6 years old “Land of Fairy Tales”
Educational area: speech development. Topic: “Land of Fairy Tales” Age: senior group Purpose: to summarize children’s ideas about fairy tales. Objectives: • deepen, expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales, and expand their vocabulary. • practice word formation and inflection. • develop the ability to recognize the emotional state of others and describe it. • develop thinking, visual memory, observation. • develop fine motor skills of hands and movements. • develop the ability to coordinate your actions with partners, the desire to overcome obstacles. • cultivate the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in riddles, to develop artistic taste. • cultivate respect for books and a love of fairy tales. Materials and equipment: computer, audio recordings, “letter”, slides on fairy tales, plates with peas and beans, tree models, Kolobok and Fox toys, cut-out pictures, illustrations of fairy tales, puzzles on the theme “Fairy Tales”. Preliminary work: • reading fairy tales to children; • discussion of the material read; • guessing riddles, • putting together puzzles for fairy tales, • coloring pictures for fairy tales. Expected result: - The child has an idea of ​​fairy tales, knows the names and recognizes the heroes of fairy tales.
- Masters the ability to reason and speak out. — Formation of practical skills in the child to work with various materials (puzzles, cut-out pictures, cereals). Progress of GCD:
1. Organizational moment. Educator:
- Guys, today I want to invite you on a trip!
- Do you want to go with me? (children's answers) - Where do you think we will go today? (children's answers) 2. Main part. Educator:
- Guys, do you like fairy tales?
(children's answers). And I love. -What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers) Educator:
- Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.
How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like? If there is a miracle in a fairy tale, then it is... (wonderful); - there is magic, then... (magical); - there is good, then... (good); - there is joy, then... (joyful); - there are riddles, then... (mysterious); - there is wisdom, then... (wise), etc. — And if you managed to get into a fairy tale, what would you like to become? (Children's answers) 1 task “Help Cinderella” Educator:
Guys, we received a letter.
Shall we read it? (1 slide) “Dear guys! An evil wizard entered our land of fairy tales and brought us a lot of trouble. Help us please. He mixed up all the fairy tales and all the fairy-tale heroes. And we don’t know how we can get rid of his evil actions” (2nd slide) Educator:
- Guys, who do you think sent us the letter?
(Cinderella) -What did Cinderella do? What did you do? (She had to do the most difficult, complex and difficult work: her stepmother often forced her to sort out peas and beans. The girl worked all night). Let's help her. But how can we get into a fairy tale? What magic words or spells do you know? (children's answers, only words are selected, for example: Krible-krable-booms). (Music sounds) (3rd slide) Educator:
Here we are in a fairy tale.
Let's help Cinderella sort out the beans (beans and peas in boxes). Children sort through the beans and peas and find riddles at the bottom of the plates. Task 2 “Riddles - answers” ​​After each guessed riddle, the teacher turns on a slide with a picture of a fairy-tale hero. 1. The beautiful maiden is sad, She doesn’t like spring. It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing sheds tears. Snow Maiden (4 slide) 2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth, Scary, evil, who is she? Baba Yaga (5 slide) 3. At Alyonushka's sister, the birds carried away their little brother. They fly high They look far Geese-swans (6 slide) 4. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp, And in this swamp someone caught it. Who said goodbye to green skin. Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty? Princess frog (7 slide) 5. Her grandfather planted her in the field. She grew up all summer. The whole family pulled it. She was very large. Turnip (8 slide) 6. Once upon a time there were seven guys, little white goats. The gray one tricked his way into the house. The goat then found him and was able to outsmart him. And she saved all her children. Little goats (9 slide) 7. It was mixed with sour cream and baked in a Russian oven. I met animals in the forest and quickly left them. Kolobok (10 slide) Educator:
- Guys, tell me, where did Kolobok go in the fairy tale?
(children's answers) - Do you want to follow Kolobok to the Magic Forest? (children's answers) An audio recording plays. The teacher rolls Kolobok into the forest, everyone follows Kolobok. Task 3 “Fox's Tales” Educator:
- Guys, there is a magical forest in front of us, there is silence all around.
What kind of animals do you think live in the magical forest? (children's answers) Educator:
- I'll tell you a riddle: Who deftly covers his tracks in the forest?
Does it flicker like a light among the foliage and bushes? This is a formidable enemy of mice, hares and voles, cunning of all forest animals, he is fast and dexterous. (Children's answers) The teacher shows the toy to the Fox - What kind of fox is there in fairy tales? (Children's answers) - Help Kolobok not fall into the clutches of the Fox. What are the fairy tales in which the fox is the main character? Then the Fox will let Kolobok go (children's answers) (Answer options: - Fox - sister and gray wolf - Kolobok - Teremok - Mitten - Fox with a rolling pin - Fox and crane, etc.) Educator:
- Well done!
The fox is pleased with your answers. Kolobok is saved! Physical exercise “Kolobok” Kolobok, kolobok, warm and rosy. (tilts to the right, left) Jump and hop, jump and hop, our friend started, (jumping, running in place) Now he turned right, then he turned left, (turns right and left) Then he spun with a leaf, (turn 360 degrees ) then he became friends with the little squirrel. (squat) Rolled along the path, (running through the group) and fell into my palms. (children run up to the teacher) Educator:
- Let's go further on a journey through fairy tales.
4 task. Quiz “How well do you know fairy tales?” 1. Who helped the hare drive the fox out of the hut? (“Zayushkina’s hut” - rooster) 2. What is the name of the fairy tale where brother Ivanushka turned into a little goat? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”) 3. What is the name of the fairy tale, the main character, who rides on the stove to the king? (“At the behest of the pike”) 4. In what fairy tale did the mouse help pull a vegetable out of the ground? (“Turnip”) 5. In what fairy tale did the grandfather and woman cry over a broken egg? (“Chicken - Ryaba”) 6. In what fairy tale did the birds carry away the boy on their wings? (“Geese-swans”) 7. Near the forest, on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs. Three beds, three pillows. Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three bears) How did you guess? (children's answers) - What kind of mood do bears have? (children's answers) - Do you know that bears love to play? Let's play with you too (children are freely located around the hall). Game: “Funny Bears” (Children, using a facial exercise, depict the content of the poem.) When the bears are sad, they do this. When bears are surprised, they do this. When they're scared, that's how they are. When bears are angry, they are already different. When bears are happy, they do this. Educator: Well done, guys. This is how different the moods of the bears are in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. 5 task “Fairytale puzzles” Educator.
“Disaster happened, all the fairy-tale pictures fell apart, probably the tricks of Koshchei the Immortal could not have happened here.”
You must put together puzzles and name a fairy tale! (Children are divided into 3 teams and collect puzzles) 3. Final part. Reflection. Educator:
- Well done, you completed all the tasks. Now all the heroes are in their places. So our journey through fairy tales has ended. — What did you like about the trip? (children's answers) - What do you remember most? (children's answers) - Isn't it time for us to return to our group, to our kindergarten? “I think that we are already tired of toys and books.” - Let's all say the magic words together: “Crible-crable-boom.”

Presentation on the topic: Land of Fairy Tales

We recommend watching:

Scenario for a lesson in a senior group. Journey into a fairy tale Entertainment based on Chukovsky's fairy tales in the older group. Scenario Game - dramatization based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior group of kindergarten Scenario of a holiday based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior preparatory group

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