Abstract of the scientific and educational activity “Experiments with flour” Municipal government educational institution “Cherepetskaya Secondary School Central District named after. N.K.Anosova"
Goal: Speech development of children in the process of theatricalization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Objectives: Cognitive objectives: 1. Consolidate
Card file of conversations with children on moral education Alfiya Vasilyeva Card file of conversations with children on
Logorhythmic lesson on the topic “Where did the bread come from” [Enter text] Summary of an open lesson on logorhythmics
Making an octopus: step-by-step instructions Octopus is one of the most unusual inhabitants of the seas. Naturally,
Methodology for guiding design and construction games in different age groups Children of primary preschool age are characterized by the image
Summary of an open lesson in mathematics “Big and Small” in the second junior group. Abstract of the open
Probably, every mother tries to give her baby all the most beautiful things, to spend the best time with him.
Pedagogical project in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic: Firefighter Pedagogical project “Firefighter -
Lesson summary Our favorite kindergarten Author: teacher Malkhasyan Natalya Khadyevna. MBDOU DS