Modeling flowers goal. Flowers as a theme for children's modeling classes. Theme: “Fairytale flower”

Lesson summary for the senior group. Modeling. Theme: “Flower Meadow”

Eresek tobyndagy uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetіnіn abstracts

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group

Event notice/Date:



LaryushinaT. A.

Bilim take salas/Educational area:




otpeli takyryp/Cross-cutting theme: “

The blossoming of nature."


"Flower Meadow"


1. Tarbielik - educational:

Cultivating aesthetic taste in children and evoking vivid emotions.

2. Damytushylyk - developing:

Developing interest in artistic creativity; combinatorial abilities.


Teaching children how to sculpt relief paintings. Reinforcing sculpting techniques (rolling the flagellum with direct movements in the palms, circular movements of the ball). Activating the vocabulary using flower names: bell, poppy, chamomile, cornflower, clover;

Pedagogical technology / pedagogical technology:

Technology of multilingual education, gaming technologies, technology of preserving and stimulating health (physical education, finger gymnastics).

Resurstarmen kamtamasyz etu/Resource support:

“Meadow flowers
, Butterfly, modeling boards, plasticine, rectangular cardboard, stacks, napkins.


spring - koktem - spring, earth - zher - earth, grass - shop - grass, sun - kүn - a sun, flowers - gulder - flowers, green - zhasyl - green, red - kyzyl - red, yellow - sary - yellow.

Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy

1.yimdastyrushylyk kezeni/organizational moment

Educator: - Guys, today an unusual guest came to visit us.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away. Who is this?

Children: - Butterfly!

Butterfly: - Hello guys! I am the Peacock Butterfly. Look how beautiful my wings are! The pattern on the wings is similar to the pattern of peacock feathers! I live in a flower meadow and eat the nectar of flowers! Guys, do you know what flowers grow in the meadow?

Children: - Cornflower, chamomile, clover, poppy, bell.

The teacher places illustrations of meadow flowers on the board.

Butterfly: - Yes, there are a lot of flowers in the meadow, and they are all so beautiful and fragrant!

Educator: - Oh, guys, look - our butterfly became sad and folded its beautiful wings. Butterfly what happened to you?

Butterfly: — An evil sorceress flew past my beautiful flowering meadow. She really liked the meadow flowers and took them all to her castle. My meadow is empty, there are no more beautiful flowers, and I feel completely sad...

2. Negіzi bolіmі/main part

Educator: - Don’t be upset, dear butterfly. Guys, let's help our butterfly! We are making a flower meadow from plasticine. And in order for our hands to become strong, strong, and skillful, we need to train them a little.

Finger gymnastics " Flower "

We know all the parts of a flower:

Root, stem, leaf, bud.

And when the flower withers,

He will give you the seeds.

Guys, look at the squares of colored cardboard in front of you - this is your piece of meadow. We will decorate it with meadow flowers - cornflowers, bells, daisies and poppies. And I will remind you in what ways you can sculpt a flower.

First, take green plasticine and divide it into 2 parts. We roll out the flagella between our palms with straight movements and attach them to the background - this is the stem.

From the 2nd part we make a leaf: roll it out, slightly flatten it and pull out the tip with your fingers, attach it to the background.

Then he starts sculpting the flower. Each of you will choose for himself what flowers will grow in his meadow. I want to decorate my meadow with chamomile.

I take white plasticine for the petals, divide it into parts and roll out the balls. I make the heart of a flower from yellow plasticine. What movements should you use to roll out the balls? (circular)

Children: - Circular

Educator: - I slightly flatten the balls of white plasticine - these are the petals of my flower, and I attach them to the core and stem. This is the kind of chamomile I got! What kind of meadow flowers will you get? Get to work.

Independent activity of children. The teacher verbally helps the children.

Educator: - Children, now let's connect all the pieces of our flower meadow! Butterfly, look what a beautiful meadow we have!

Butterfly: - What beautiful flowers grew in your meadow! I really want to stay and live on it!

Educator: - The guys and I will be very happy about this!

3. Korytyndy/final part


Children analyze the flowers they have put together, show their crafts to each other, and guess who got which flower.

What did we do today? Did you like it? What was the most difficult thing for you to sculpt? Well done to all of you!

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