Conskect of NOD for knowledge and research activities. “Gifts of Autumn”

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, secondary school No. 4 of the city of Syzran, urban district of Syzran, Samara region, a structural unit implementing the educational program of preschool education - “Kindergarten” (446028, Samara region, Syzran, Korolev Ave., 7- A)

Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group

Topic: “Gifts of Autumn”

Prepared by teacher: Paramonova. E.V.

The plan is a summary of direct educational activities with preschoolers in a preparatory school group.

Topic: “Gifts of Autumn”

Integration of educational areas : “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.


"Cognitive Development"

Reinforce the general concepts of “fruit”, “berries”, “harvest”.

Give an idea of ​​the characteristic properties of berries and fruits.

Continue to develop an understanding of the sequence of fetal maturation and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

"Social and communicative development"

Practice agreeing adjectives with nouns.

To develop children’s ability to express and justify their judgments. Activate children's vocabulary: fruits, berries, harvest, garden, gardener.

Develop children's ability to write a descriptive story about fruits and berries. — Continue to develop children’s ability to talk about the benefits of berries and fruits for human health.

Strengthen the ability to interact with peers during the game. "Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Continue to develop the ability to convey in a drawing the characteristic shape and color of familiar fruits and berries.

Strengthen your skills in working with gouache paints.

Create conditions for the perception of a literary work.

"Physical development"

Develop motor activity, the ability to combine words with movement.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Create conditions for the perception of a literary work.

Methods and techniques: - practical: didactic game, dynamic pause, surprise moment, examination, creation of an artistic product - drawing; — visual: looking at illustrations, dummies (fruits, berries).

- verbal: riddles about fruits and berries, situational conversation, reading, story, question.

Materials and equipment: a basket with fruits and berries, a doll - bibabo grandfather Harvest, a screen, a dish, illustrative material, a wonderful bag, the game “Delicious Juice”, halves of painted fruits and berries orange, apple, lemon, watermelon, pear, plum; sample with different compositions of fruits and berries. Children have sheets of paper in the form of a circle with a diameter of 8 cm, brushes, gouache.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Motor 1. Dynamic pause “Apple” Purpose: to develop children’s motor activity, the ability to combine words with movement 2. Finger game “Orange” Purpose: to develop fine motor skills.
Productive Drawing "Gifts of Autumn". Goal: to develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of fruits and berries in drawings.
Cognitive and research 1. Game exercise “Drawing a riddle” Purpose: to develop the ability to find the second half of the whole. 2. Didactic game “Wonderful Bag” Purpose: to develop the ability to find and recognize objects by touch.

3. Didactic game “What first, what then” Purpose: determining the sequence of the natural cycle (from flower to fruit). 4. Modeling the problem situation “What is in the basket?”

Goal: develop the ability to find solutions to a problem situation.

Gaming 1. Game-trip “Visiting Grandfather Harvest” Goal: to develop the ability to negotiate and interact with each other.
Communicative 1. Guessing riddles. Goal: to develop verbal and logical thinking. 2. Compiling a descriptive story according to the “Gifts of Autumn” scheme. Goal: develop coherent speech; activate children's vocabulary with words: fruits, berries, round, juicy, sweet, sour, juice. 3.Verbal game “Delicious juice”. Purpose: to practice agreeing a noun with an adjective. 4. Conversation about fruits and berries. Goal: to develop coherent speech, the ability to answer a question in a complete sentence.
Reading fiction (perception) Reading of the poem by A. Igebaev “Generous Harvest”

Goal: to promote figurative perception of the poem.

GCD for the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Gifts of Autumn

Lesson summary on the topic: Autumn in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author: Olga Nikolaevna Artemenko, teacher at the MBDOU kindergarten “Teremok” p.
Novokievsky Uval Description of the material : The material may be useful for primary education teachers and kindergarten teachers. Objectives: To consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits, learn to talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits; systematize knowledge about people’s work in the fall; to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and respect for people’s agricultural work. place the image throughout the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left; the ability to paint a variety of trees, using different colors of paint for the trunks and various brush techniques; Materials and equipment: computer, projector, A4 size paper, paints, brushes, napkins.
GCD move:

1. Introduction of the game moment.
— I suggest you go visit Autumn. She prepared amazing gifts for all the children. 2. Introducing the gifts of autumn. - So, guys, I’ll read a poem about a time of year like autumn. And pay attention to what gifts she gives us. Hello, hello, golden autumn. Autumn is harvest time. Do you see, autumn, how hard we worked, How we weren’t lazy in the field all summer? Hello, hello, golden autumn, filled with the juice of sweet apples, Everything is in order in the garden, too, There are many different vegetables in the garden. There are a lot of ripe cherries and raspberries, There is a lot of honey in the bee houses. We invite all the ripples to visit, The rich we are, the more we treat them. -What gifts does autumn give us? Guess the riddles about the gifts of autumn (View the presentation “We will name everything that grew in the garden bed in order!”). - Well done! Now let’s play the game “Let’s Ask for Autumn” (poem by Elena Blaginina) Rules of the game: children choose Autumn and Rain by counting.
“Rain” hides, and “Autumn” goes into the middle of the circle. Children begin to walk slowly and sing: Hello, Autumn! Hello, autumn! It's good that you came to us. We, Autumn, will ask you, What did you bring as a gift? Autumn: I brought you flour! Children (in chorus): So there will be pies! Autumn: brought you buckwheat! Children: There will be porridge in the oven! Autumn: I brought you vegetables! Children: for both porridge and cabbage soup! Autumn: are you excited about pears? Children: We'll dry them for future use! Autumn: apples are like honey! Children: For jam, for compote! Autumn: Brought honey too! Children (surprised): Full deck! After this, the children spin and sing: You and apples, you and honey. You brought bread too. Did you give us good weather as a gift? Autumn: Are you happy about the rain? (smiles slyly) Children (in unison): We don’t want it, we don’t need it! (throw themselves into the loose rain) The rain comes out and catches up with the children, saying: Whoever gets caught in the rain will now go and drive. The one he caught becomes Rain, and the children choose a new Autumn. 3. Drawing “Golden Autumn” - Let's thank the hostess Autumn and draw her portrait. What do trees look like in autumn decoration? What different trees. Have you seen the bushes? Paint the picture “Golden Autumn”. Think about the composition of the drawing - the position of the sheet of paper, the placement of images. Children depict golden autumn on their own according to plan. 4 . Result - Look at all the drawings and choose the most expressive and neatest. Autumn thanks us for the gifts and gives everyone a leaf token. Presentation on the topic: Gifts of autumn

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