Material on physical education “Card index of outdoor games and game exercises during a walk in the second junior group”

Outdoor games of peoples for young children

Bykhovets L.A. Outdoor games of peoples for young children // Sovushka. 2022. N1(11). URL: (access date: 02/05/2022).

Order No. 76321

APPENDIX: Long-term plan for introducing young children to folk outdoor games

"Give the children more and more

content of the general, human,

global, but mainly

try to introduce them to this through

native and national phenomena"

V. Belinsky

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that have great educational power.

Outdoor play is a complex emotional activity of children, aimed at solving motor problems, based on movement and the presence of rules.

Outdoor play activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves movements, and develops their coordination. Forms speed, strength, endurance, teaches children to act in accordance with the rules, act consciously in a changing game situation, and learn about the world around them. Activates memory, ideas, develops thinking, imagination, replenishes vocabulary and enriches children's speech. Teaches how to act in a team, obey common requirements, forms honesty, justice, discipline, teaches friendship, empathy, helping each other, develops a sense of rhythm, and promotes mastery of spatial terminology.

In the process of raising children on the ideas of folk pedagogy, a set of tasks of social-communicative, emotional-moral, cognitive-speech, physical development is solved by means of folk games:

  1. To develop in children an emotionally active attitude and effective interest in the games of the peoples of the Southern Urals.
  2. Create conditions for the manifestation of children's gaming culture.
  3. Enrich the child’s cognitive and speech sphere with knowledge of the rules of folk games, the foundations of the history and culture of the peoples of the Southern Urals.
  4. To promote the effective introduction of children to folk culture through games of the peoples of the South Ural region.
  5. Create conditions for the use of different types of folk games in independent, free play activities.
  6. Strengthen children's gaming experience based on the use of moral values ​​of the child's interaction with adults and peers.

In early preschool age, in accordance with age characteristics and abilities, games can be used to a greater extent, such as: fun games, games with folk toys (Babinsky nesting dolls, Bogorodsk toys, insert eggs, etc.), outdoor and round dance games.

Folk outdoor games are a traditional means of pedagogy. From time immemorial, they clearly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national principles, ideas about honor, courage, courage, the desire to have strength, dexterity, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity, endurance, creativity, resourcefulness, will and the desire to win.

In our country, the revival of the ancient culture of all peoples is taking place everywhere and steadily, national traditions in art and literature are developing and improving, containing the richest layers of folklore, which include folk outdoor games.

Taking into account demographic data, a large percentage of representatives of Russian, Bashkir and Tatar nationality live in the Ural region. Therefore, in our opinion, the games of these peoples must be used in the educational process of our kindergarten.

In the lives of modern children, folk games are a well-forgotten old thing, a return to normal. These games have stood the test of time.

Each nation has its own collection of games . The Russian nation is socially formative, therefore other nationalities have united around it.

The folk games of the inhabitants of the Southern Urals have a lot in common.

They were created for the purpose of raising children, entertainment (they were created for centuries).

All folk games are games with rules (the author is the people).

The games have a game beginning in the form of counting rhymes and dialogues.

The games reflect the mentality of the people, the main activities of Muslim peoples are hunting, cattle breeding, the Cossacks - border guarding.

In terms of content, all folk games are classically laconic, expressive and accessible to children.

The use of folk games helps children become acquainted with the origins of the culture of their people, with the origins of gaming culture in general.

It is necessary to systematically use folk games, adhering to the ideas of folk pedagogy, alternating games of different nationalities, alternately including moving, verbal, and round dancing.

The significance of folk games and their developmental effect is multifaceted:

  • In games, folk wisdom.
  • With the help of folk games, preschoolers can get acquainted with the mentality of other peoples.
  • Folk games carry information about crafts.
  • Respect for other peoples (tolerance)
  • Bring an element of novelty into the modern culture of children
  • The problem of fathers and children is smoothed out, because children don't know what their parents played.
  • Therapeutic effect (pleasure)

In early preschool age, in accordance with age characteristics and capabilities, folk games, to a greater extent, can be used, such as: games with speech accompaniment (miniatures of oral folk art), fun games, games with folk toys, outdoor games, occasionally round dances.

Outdoor games are mainly collective, so children develop basic skills to navigate in space, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players, find their place in a column, in a circle, without disturbing others.

The joint actions of young children create conditions for common joyful experiences and common active activity. In collective outdoor games, children learn to play together, give in and help each other.

All games for preschool children based on movement can be divided into two large groups: plot and plotless games, and fun games. The first group consists of games that differ in content, in the organization of children, in the complexity of the rules and in the uniqueness of motor tasks. In the younger groups of kindergarten, plot-based outdoor games are most used, as well as simple games without a plot, such as traps and fun games. Plotless games with elements of competition are not yet available to children. At the same time, when working with children of primary preschool age, play exercises are widely used, occupying an intermediate place between gymnastic exercises and outdoor games.

Games of this type are based on the experience of children, their ideas and knowledge about the surrounding life, natural phenomena, the lifestyle and habits of animals and birds.

Some features of animal behavior (the cunning of a fox, the habits of predators - wolves, pikes, the speed of movements of hares, birds, the caring nature of a hen, etc.) serve as the basis for developing the plot and establishing the rules of the game.

The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movements of the players. In one game, kids, imitating horses, run, raising their knees high, in another game they jump like bunnies, etc. In story games, therefore, the movements performed are of an imitative nature.

Children begin, stop, or change movements in accordance with the rules of the game, which are usually closely related to the plot and determine the behavior and relationships of the players. In some story games, the actions of the players are determined by the text (“Bear the Bear in the Forest,” “Geese and Swans,” “Hares and the Wolf,” etc.).

In story games, usually the majority of children portray, for example, birds, bunnies, and one child or teacher becomes the performer of a responsible role - a wolf, a fox, a cat. Children's actions are closely interconnected. Thus, the activity of a child playing the role of a wolf encourages the other participants in the game - the hares - to move faster and more energetically. This constitutes children's play actions. However, each child, when playing, demonstrates independence, initiative, speed and dexterity to the best of his abilities.

Since in the games of this group a group of children acts, obeying the rules, this largely determines their behavior and relationships. Kids are accustomed to coordinated collective actions in certain conditions, learn to change the method and nature of movements according to signals and in accordance with the rules. For example: birds quickly fly away to their nests as soon as it starts to rain, etc.

Thematic outdoor games are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten. However, they are especially popular in early age groups.

Plotless folk outdoor games such as traps and dashes are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have images that children imitate, all other components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles (traps, tags), interconnected game actions of all participants. These games, like the plot ones, are based on simple movements, most often running combined with catching and hiding, etc. Such games are accessible to young children.

Purpose: physical activity is a factor influencing a healthy lifestyle. Development of attentiveness, dexterity, speed of motor reaction, strengthening of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. Creating conditions for children to develop elementary ideas about the culture and traditions of peoples through outdoor play.


  • Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards national culture, traditions and games of peoples; contribute to the strengthening of family ties, through interest in outdoor games, not only of children, but also of their parents.
  • To form an idea of ​​the variety of folk games; learn to use folk games in independent activities, act according to the rules; broaden children's horizons.
  • To promote the development of children's creative abilities and the desire to learn more about their native land.
  • Develop different types of memory.
  • Develop communication skills and the emotional sphere of the child.
  • Develop mental operations through play.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Learn to relieve emotional stress through games


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  2. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution: A practical guide /author-comp. Belkina L.V. Voronezh: Teacher, 2004.
  3. Vinnikova G.I. Classes for children 2-3 years old: first steps in mathematics, development of movements. M.: TC Sfera, 2009.
  4. Kuznetsova A.E. The best educational games for children from one to three years old. M.: ID RIPOL classic, HOUSE. XXI century, 2006.
  5. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. Grow healthy, baby! Early childhood health program. M.: TC Sfera, 2006.
  6. Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games for the health of children from 1 year to 14 years. M., 1994.
  7. Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement. M., 1992.

Game exercises and outdoor games for preschoolers

Walk along the path (path)
Tasks. Exercise children in walking in a limited area, develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and eye.

Description of the exercise. The teacher draws two parallel lines along the floor (or places two ropes; length 2.5 - 3 m) at a distance of 25 - 30 cm and tells the children that this is a path, along which they will go for a walk. Children walk one after another, trying not to step on the line. They return in the same order. You need to walk carefully, not interfere with each other and not bump into the person in front. This exercise is good to do on the site. In the fall, you can direct a path to a tree and invite children to walk along it and bring leaves, acorns, maple seeds, which will enliven the game.

If the game exercise is carried out indoors, you can place flags and toys at the end of the path and give the task to bring them.

Go through the stream.

Tasks. To develop children's sense of balance, dexterity, and eye.

Description of the exercise. The teacher draws two lines (a cord can be used indoors) and tells the children that this is a river, then places a board across it (length 2.5 - 3 m, width 25 -30 cm) - a bridge.

“Beautiful flowers grow on this bank of the river (multi-colored scraps are scattered on the carpet), let’s collect them,” the teacher addresses the children. “But first we will cross the bridge.” Children, one after another, cross to the other side of the river (stream), collect flowers (squat, bend over), then return to their places. The exercise is performed 2-3 times. The teacher makes sure that the kids walk along the board carefully, without bumping into each other: “Be careful. Don't fall into the river."

Where is it ringing?

Tasks. To develop children's attention and spatial orientation.

Description of the game. Children stand facing the wall. The nanny hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. “Listen carefully to where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher addresses the children. When they find the bell, the teacher praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Who's quieter?

Tasks. Exercise children in walking on their toes in the indicated direction.

Description of the game. The children walk in a crowd along with the teacher. Suddenly he says: “Well, now let’s see which of you can walk quietly - quietly, on your tiptoes” - and shows. Children follow the teacher. Unnoticed, he steps aside and says: “Now everyone run to me.” Children run, the teacher praises the kids, pretends to hug everyone. You can give the task to walk quietly towards a bear or a bunny, who are sitting on chairs, and at the signal, the children should run back.

Some 2-3 year old children, when walking on their toes, hold their head unnaturally, pulling it into their shoulders. It seems to them that in this case they walk more quietly. We need to monitor this, pointing out errors, and correct them. Walking on your toes strengthens the arch of your foot. However, children should not be tired of doing this exercise for too long. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Tasks. To consolidate in children the ability to form a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

Description of the game. The children and the teacher join hands and form a large circle, standing close to each other, then say:

Blow up, bubble, Blow up, big, Stay like that, Don't burst.

At the same time, everyone gradually expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children lower their hands and squat down, saying: “Clap.” After the words “the bubble burst,” you can invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying “sh-sh-sh.” The kids inflate the bubble again, move back, forming a large circle.

The text must be pronounced slowly, clearly, involving children in repeating the words after the teacher. Instead of a quatrain, you can make sounds that imitate inflating a balloon: “pf-pf-pf.” When the balloon bursts, clap your hands and sit down.


Tasks. Exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, and perform movements when given a signal.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs located on one side of the room or playground. The teacher makes rotational movements of his hands in front of his chest and says: “rrrr”, shows how to start the engine of an airplane. Then he turns to the children: “Get up, get ready to fly, start the engines!” Everyone repeats the hand movements. At the signal “let’s fly,” children spread their straight arms to the sides (the wings of an airplane) and run in different directions around the room or playground. At the “boarding” signal, everyone goes to their chairs and sits down on them. The game repeats itself.

The teacher first shows the movements, and then completes the entire game task together with the children.


Tasks. Train children to walk forward in small groups. First, holding each other, then freely moving your arms, bent at the elbows, begin and end the movement exactly at the teacher’s signal.

Description of the game. The teacher helps several children stand next to each other and says: “Let’s play train. I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages,” then he stands in front of the children. The locomotive blows its whistle, and the train begins to move, first slowly, then faster. The teacher leads a column of children in one direction, then in another, finally stops and says: “Stop.” Through

After some time, the locomotive blows its whistle again and the train sets off.

The role of the locomotive is first performed by the teacher; only after several repetitions does he involve the most active child in the role of leader. The locomotive moves slowly so that the children's carriages do not lag behind each other. At first, each child holds on to the clothes of the person in front, and then the children walk freely one after another and move their arms, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, in time with the spoken words “chu-chu-chu.” Children can line up one after another at random. When the game is repeated several times, the kids are asked to get off at the bus stop: pick berries, mushrooms, jump, take a walk. Having heard the whistle, the children must quickly form a column behind the locomotive.

Sunshine and rain

Tasks. To develop in children the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game. At first, when you get acquainted with the game, a simplified version is given. Children sit on chairs or a gymnastic bench. At the teacher’s signal “sun”, everyone goes for a walk, runs, plays, etc. At the signal “rain” they quickly return to their places.

You can use an umbrella in the game; the teacher opens it at the second signal - “rain”. Children run to the teacher to hide under an umbrella.

After repeated repetition, the game can be complicated: chairs are placed at some distance from the edge of the playground or the wall of the room, the children squat down at the back and look out the window (into the hole in the back), the teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." The kids run all over the playground. At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” they run to their seats and sit behind the chairs. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk!” the game is repeated.

Catch the ball

Tasks. Develop in children the ability to maintain the required direction while walking and running and change it depending on the current situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children a basket with balls and invites them to stand next to him along one side of the room or playground. “Catch the ball,” says the teacher and throws balls (according to the number of children) from the basket, trying to get them to roll in different directions as far as possible. Children run after the balls, take them (each one ball), bring them to the teacher and put them in the basket. The game repeats itself.

In the game you can use multi-colored wooden or plastic balls. Having put them in a basket, the teacher invites the children to see how beautiful the balls are, telling them what color they are. Then he pours them out: “That’s how the balls rolled. Catch them up and put them in the basket.” The teacher makes sure that each child tries to catch up with one ball. At first, the game is played with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

Birds in nests

Tasks. Exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to hear the teacher’s signal, and navigate in space.

Description of the game. On one side of the playground or room, hoops are laid out freely according to the number of children. Each child stands in his own hoop - this is a nest, a bird lives in it. At a signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter throughout the area. The teacher feeds first at one end, then at the other end of the playground: the children squat down, hitting their knees with the tip of their fingers - they peck at the food. “The birds have flown to their nests!” - says the teacher, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. The game repeats itself.

When the game is mastered by the children, you can introduce new rules - lay out 3-4 large hoops - “several birds live in the nest.” At the signal “the birds have flown to their nests,” children run, 2–3 kids stand in each hoop. The teacher makes sure that they do not push each other, but help each other to get into the hoop, and use the entire area allocated for the game.

Sparrows and car

Tasks. Exercise children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, in the ability to start a movement and change it at the teacher’s signal, and find their place.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or area - these are sparrows in nests. The teacher stands on the opposite side with a hoop in his hands. It depicts a car. At the signal “the little sparrows have flown onto the path,” children run around the playground, easily waving their arms. The teacher says: “The car is moving. Fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” The car drives out, the sparrows fly away - the children run and sit down in their seats, the car returns to the garage.

First, the teacher shows how sparrows fly and how they peck grains. Children repeat all movements after the teacher, and then the car is included in the game. Only after repeated repetitions can this role be assigned to the most active child. The car moves calmly to allow children to find their place.

Shaggy dog

Tasks. Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Description of the game. The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the area and pretends to be sleeping. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, and the teacher says:

Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws, Quietly, quietly, he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see what happens.

The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. The children run into the house and stand over the line. Then the role of the dog is assigned to another child. The game repeats itself.

Chicken - Corydalis

Tasks. Train children to quickly respond to signals and run while dodging.

Description of the game. The teacher plays the role of a chicken, the children act as chickens. One child (more active) is a cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. The teacher walks with the children around the entire playground and says:

A crested hen came out, with yellow chicks, the hen clucked: “Ko-ko, Don’t go far.”

Approaching the cat, the teacher says: On the bench by the path, the cat has laid down and is dozing... The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens; they run away to the opposite side of the room, where their home is marked with a line. The cat doesn't catch chickens. The teacher protects them, spreads his arms to the sides and says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens.” A new cat is then assigned and the game is repeated.


Tasks. Train children to run in all directions, change movements when given a signal, and be attentive.

Description of the game. The game is played with a tambourine and musical accompaniment. At the signal “the bugs have flown” (running music is played or the teacher lightly, rhythmically hits the tambourine), the children run scattered throughout the room or playground. At the signal “the beetles have fallen”, the rhythm of the beats changes (you can simply shake the tambourine) or the music changes - the children lie on their backs, make free movements of their arms and legs - the beetles flounder. At the signal “the beetles have flown,” the children stand up. The game repeats itself. When the game is mastered by the children, changes in movements occur in accordance with the nature of the musical accompaniment or with a change in the rhythm of hitting the tambourine.

Cat and mice

Tasks. Exercise children in climbing (or crawling), the ability to respond to a signal, and perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game. The game is played with a subgroup of children (8 - 10) in a room (on a carpet) or a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on its edge or a cord is pulled. On one side there is a fenced off space - a house of mice. They choose a cat. They sit on a chair or stump. The mice are sitting in holes behind the stairs. The teacher says:

The cat is guarding the mice, pretending to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of their holes (climb between the slats of a ladder or crawl under a cord) and run around. After a while the teacher says:

Hush, mice, don’t make noise, you won’t wake up the cat...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, loudly says “meow” - and catches the mice, they run into their holes (do not crawl under the cord or ladder slats). The role of the cat is first assigned to the most active child, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated each time with a new cat.

My funny ringing ball

Tasks. Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the quatrain and run away only when the last word is spoken.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or area. At some distance in front of them there is a teacher, he has a ball. He shows how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and says:

My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping? Red, yellow, blue, Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher calls 2 - 3 children, invites them to jump at the same time as the ball hits the floor and repeats the exercise again, accompanying it with reading a quatrain. After this, the teacher quickly says: “I’ll catch up now!” the kids run away, and the teacher calls other children. Gradually all children join the game. They are balls.

Chickens in the garden

Tasks. Exercise children in climbing, running, squatting, teaching them to navigate in space and quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game. In the middle of the room they limit a small area - a vegetable garden. Not far from it, on one side of the room, a chair is placed - this is the watchman's house; on the other side, at the level of the child's chest, a rail is strengthened on the racks or a ribbon is pulled - a house for chickens.

The role of the guard is first performed by the teacher, and then by more active children. The rest are chickens. At the teacher’s signal “go, hens, for a walk,” the chickens crawl under the fence (slat), make their way into the garden, run, look for food, and cackle. The watchman notices the chickens and chases them away - he claps his hands, saying: “Shoo, shoo!” The chickens run away, crawl under the slats and hide in the house. The watchman walks around the garden and sits down again. The game repeats itself.

If the game is played at the beginning of the year, then the area of ​​the garden is not indicated. Children run around using the entire room.


Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they walk in a circle.

My mother and I went to the store and bought a balloon there. We will inflate the balloon, we will play with the balloon.

(They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, hold hands, perform a “spring”.)

Balloon, inflate! Balloon, inflate!

(They go back in small steps and inflate the balloon.)

Puff up big and don't burst!

(Clap their hands.)

The balloon flew away, hit a tree and... burst!

They raise their arms and swing them from side to side; then they put their hands on their belts, slowly squat, saying: “Sh-sh-sh-sh”

In an even circle

Children holding hands walk rhythmically in a circle while reading a poem.

In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step. Stay where you are! Together, let's do this!

With the end of these words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn, bend, squat, etc.

Come along with us!

The children stand scattered. The teacher pronounces the text together with the children and shows the movements.

Let's join us (raise their arms to the sides) Stomp our feet (stomp our feet while standing still), Clap our hands (clap our hands). Today is a good day! (raise straight arms up and to the sides.)

It's me!

The teacher shows the children how to perform the movements and pronounces the text expressively. Children perform movements imitating an adult.

These are the eyes. Here! Here! (show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here! Here! (they grab the left ear first, then the right.) This is the nose! It's a mouth! (with your left hand you show your mouth, with your right hand you show your nose.) There’s a back! There's a belly! (The left palm is placed on the back, the right palm on the stomach.) These are hands! Clap clap! (extend both hands and clap twice.) These are legs! Top, top! (put their palms on their hips and stomp twice.) Oh, tired! Let's wipe our brow. (Reach your right palm across your forehead.)

Handles - legs

Children stand scattered around the hall. The teacher pronounces the words of the test and shows the movements. The children do it. Everyone clapped their hands. More friendly, more fun! (clap their hands.) Our feet pounded louder and faster! (knocking their feet.) Let's hit the knees. Hush, hush, hush! (claps on the knees.) We raise our arms, our arms Higher, higher, higher! (slowly raise their hands.) Our arms spun (turn our hands to the right - left), and dropped again. They circled, circled and stopped (they lower their hands). The cockerel stands on a leg and pecks peas in the garden (they stand on one leg, with their hands they depict how the cockerel pecks). - Oh, my leg is tired, I walk around a little (walking in place; do the same with the other leg). The mother elephant stomps quietly (walks quietly), and the baby elephant Romka stomps loudly (they walk, raising their knees high). He stomps, dances (they dance in a squat), and waves his proboscis (they wave their hand). The bear woke up in the spring (hereinafter the movements according to the test), Stretched, smiled, Turned around, looked around, Scratched, combed his hair. He bent down and washed himself with water from the stream (stretch up on toes, arms to the sides. Further movements according to the text). Dressed up and went through the forest to play tricks. Beware, forest people, a hungry beast is coming! (walking like a bear.)

Author: Chulkova Olga Anatolyevna, teacher of the first quarter. category MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 24" Degtyarsk, Sverdlovsk region

The article is published in the author's edition.

Rules for organizing outdoor fun in the second junior group

  1. Outdoor games with children in preschool educational institutions are held every day.

    Outdoor games are held at any time of the year

  2. In duration, one fun lasts no longer than 10 minutes.
  3. In one session, no more than 2 games can be played in the second junior group. It is important to take into account that they should have different degrees of mobility: for example, one is more active with running and jumping, and the second is calm, with walking.
  4. If games are played in a group, then the room must be thoroughly ventilated and the floors wiped before starting work.
  5. To create a situation of success, it is very important to give every child the opportunity to express themselves. Therefore, games are held either for all the children in the group at the same time, or for small groups of interests.
  6. Outdoor games are played immediately after exiting.
  7. If the child refuses to participate, the teacher should not insist. However, it is necessary to find out the reason for this behavior. Perhaps the child has a fear of getting hurt. In such situations, therapeutic fairy tales or cartoons will help.
  8. Games must be selected taking into account the types of activities in which children were previously involved. So, if the game is planned after physical education or choreography, then it should be calm, but after sleep, mobility may be different.
  9. It is very important to help the child at each stage of the game. Therefore, the teacher, remaining in the position of a leader, directs and shows the children all the movements: how to catch a ball, how to spin a hoop, etc.
  10. The plot of the game must be built around a familiar and understandable image, represented by a picture or a toy.
  11. The game should not have complex movements; you need to select only those that are understandable to children 3–4 years old (catch up with the ball, bring the pins, ring the bell, etc.).
  12. The fun should include not only new, but also well-known movements for the children. For example, in the game “Shaggy Dog,” when kids run away from the dog, it is worth designating a small area of ​​the area for running in one direction so that the players can repeat the already mastered skill of directional running.
  13. Before the game starts, the teacher introduces the children to the rules and pays attention to the signals by which the kids will need to change their method of movement (from running to walking, from walking to climbing, etc.). In addition, the teacher shows all the attributes that will be needed in the fun (balls, hoops, etc.).
  14. When helping children, showing movements and actions, the adult uses gestures and facial expressions.
  15. The success of the game depends on how carefully the teacher thinks through and takes into account all the details: designating places for “houses”, “nests”, etc.

    If the game is played outdoors, then the teacher needs to make sure in advance that there is enough space for everyone

  16. One game needs to be repeated for 2-3 days, after which you need to learn a new one and again turn to the already familiar one.
  17. When distributing game tasks, the teacher takes into account the mobility and temperament of each child and combines and changes their roles. At the same time, you should not give a melancholic person the task of running with acceleration, even if he has not yet performed in this role. Just as you shouldn’t miss the moment when it’s time for a choleric person to run, and not just catch a ball.
  18. Everything good should not be harmful. Therefore, it is important not to let children become overtired: paleness, sweating and distracted attention are signals that it is time to stop playing.
  19. To create a positive microclimate, the teacher must be friendly, cheerful and at the same time maintain objectivity.

Russian folk games for children of the younger group in kindergarten

Russian folk games for children of primary preschool age
Descriptions of the material: I offer you some folk outdoor games for younger children. After all, play is an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of preschool children. The joy that children experience in play in motion is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. A stable, interested, respectful attitude towards culture is also formed. Outdoor play is an absolutely natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions, which has the greatest educational power in the development of children, especially preschool children. Therefore, my article will focus more on folk outdoor games, which are a traditional means of pedagogy [1]. I chose one branch of games - Russian folk games for young children. Although adult children also play them with great pleasure. Especially in folk games, the way of life of people, national foundations, life, and work are clearly reflected. It also reflects ideas about honor, courage, courage. The desire to have strength, agility, endurance, speed and beauty of movements. Show ingenuity, creativity, endurance, resourcefulness, will and desire to win. Goal: to bring joy to children during folk games. The teacher should remember that his main task is: - to teach children to play actively and independently; — learn to regulate the degree of attention and muscle tension in any game situation; — adapt to changing environmental conditions; - find a way out of a critical situation; — quickly make a decision and implement it; - take initiative. Thanks to teachers who are restrained and able to correctly explain the rules (one of the important factors at the beginning of the game) and following the words written above, preschoolers acquire important qualities that will be necessary in their future life. So, folk games in combination with other educational means represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. When working with children, the teacher must remember that childhood impressions are deep and indelible in the memory of an adult. They form the foundation for the development of his moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activities. I offer some Russian folk games for young children: Silent Before the game starts, all the players say a chant: Firstborns, little pigeons, Baby doves flew through the fresh dew, Along someone else's strip, There are cups, nuts, Honey, sugar - Silence! When the last word is said, everyone must be silent. The presenter tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, and comic poems. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a forfeit. At the end of the game, children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poems, dance, and perform interesting movements. You can play a forfeit immediately after you have committed a fine. Rules of the game. The presenter is not allowed to touch the players with his hands. All players should have different forfeits. Wolf All the players are sheep, they ask the wolf to let them take a walk in the forest: “Let us, wolf, take a walk in your forest!” The wolf replies: “Walk, walk, but just don’t nibble the grass, otherwise I won’t have anything to sleep on.” At first the sheep just walk in the forest, but soon they forget the promise, nibble the grass and sing: We hiss, we nibble the grass, Green ant, For grandma's mittens, For Grandfather's caftan, For the gray wolf Mud for a shovel! The wolf runs across the clearing and catches the sheep, the one caught becomes a wolf, the game resumes. Rules of the game. Walking through the forest, the sheep should disperse throughout the entire area Bees and a swallow Playing - bees fly around the clearing and sing: Bees fly, Honey is collected! Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom! The swallow sits in its nest and listens to their song. At the end of the song, the swallow says: “The swallow will get up and catch the bee.” With the last word, she flies out of the nest and catches the bees. The caught player becomes a swallow, the game is repeated. Rules of the game. Bees should fly all over the site. The swallow's nest should be on a hill. Used literature 1. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR: A manual for kindergarten teachers / Comp. A.V. Keneman. Ed. T.I. Osokina. -M.: Education, 1988.-239 p.: ill.

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Types of outdoor games

Fun of an active nature is classified according to the main problem they are aimed at solving.

  1. To practice running and jumping. By the age of 3–4 years, it is important for children to develop the ability to coordinate their movements and maintain their direction.
  2. Orientation in the room, gym, on the playground.
  3. To train the ability to maintain balance (usually in games of moving around a small area, accompanied by poems).
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. For imitation.
  6. To practice climbing skills.
  7. With a ball. Such games also form partnerships between children.
  8. To develop sharpness of attention.

Another classification of fun is based on the types of educational activities:

  • physical education breaks, which are held during classes for relaxation or change of activity;
  • games during organized leisure time on the street;
  • part of leisure activity (games outside of class, that is, on holidays, during independent activity);

    Outdoor games are part of the scenario for matinees and holidays

  • folk traditional games (such fun is also carried out with the aim of familiarizing children with the customs of their people).

Thus, the type classification of games allows for fun not only during physical education breaks in classes, but also as a fundamental element in:

  • physical education;
  • music lesson;
  • choreography (provided that the discipline is included in the kindergarten curriculum).
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