Parent meeting in the second junior group No. 1 “Joy” at the beginning of the school year.

Parent meeting in the second junior group No. 1 “Joy” at the beginning of the school year.

The separation of a child from home, from relatives, from familiar conditions is severe stress. After all, the baby accepts this situation as a deprivation of parental love, protection and attention. Therefore, it is very important to make a smooth transition from

families in kindergarten.

The first days or even weeks can be difficult - the child may refuse “kindergarten” food, sleep poorly during the day, be very tired, cry a lot, look lethargic and depressed... The natural feelings of any mother are pity, compassion and, perhaps, even a feeling of guilt for the harm caused suffering.

A mother's heart breaks at the sound of a child's desperate cry. Especially when this cry accompanies her every morning for several weeks and sounds in her memory all day long. You have to go through this if you really need a kindergarten, otherwise you shouldn’t start! When you leave, leave. Don’t poison your soul by watching the site from behind the fence or listening under the door.

By the way, children most often quickly calm down immediately after their mother disappears from sight.

Introduce your child to kindergarten gradually. At first, you will only have to leave your child in the kindergarten for a few hours. You will pick it up before lunch. Gradually this interval will increase. Then you can leave the baby for lunch and pick him up before bedtime. And so gradually, if no complications arise, after 1-2 weeks you can switch to the normal regimen.

Try to bring your home regime closer to the gardener's and follow it even on weekends.

Wise fathers and mothers!

The adaptation period is not the easiest in your life and the life of your baby.

You will probably worry, and he will probably miss his mother. With time everything will get better. And it is in your power to make sure that your baby’s first path is not too bumpy.

The period of adaptation coincides with a crisis of personality development, which can be described as “I’m on my own!” The child begins to become aware of his own “I”. He strives for independence and self-affirmation. At this time, his will and self-esteem are actively developing, which is manifested in the desire to set goals and achieve them at any cost, and is also proud of his achievements. All these new features are a positive consequence of the crisis for the child.

Adaptation in our group is going well. At this time, most children have undergone adaptation to a mild degree.

2. Age and individual characteristics of children 3-4 years old.

-Do you, dear parents, know the characteristics of our children? What are children aged 3-4 years like? Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But there is still something in common that allows us to characterize children and their age characteristics.

Summary of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten. Junior group

Summary of the parent meeting in the 2nd junior group “Let's get to know each other better and live together!”
Author: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the parent meeting for parents of children of primary preschool age. This material will be useful to educators and parents. Goal: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for the new academic year. Objectives: - introduce parents to the group’s plans for the near future; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe their child, study him, see successes and failures, and try to help him develop.

Progress of the meeting. Good evening, dear parents!!! We are glad to see you in our group. We hope you noticed the festively decorated group? Autumn has come, I invited you to the autumn meeting, But to make it more fun and festive for you, I dressed up our group a little. We are starting our meeting, and we invite you to play.

There are leaves of different colors on the tables in front of you, choose 2 leaves each and write on one piece of paper how you see your child in 4 years, what you think he should achieve, you can also write on this piece of paper what you affectionately call your child in a homely atmosphere; and on the second piece of paper write your wishes to the teachers, what you would like to know, your suggestions about working in the group (it is advisable to sign your sheet). Then we will hang these leaves on our wish tree and after 4 years (or rather, by your graduation), we will detach these leaves from our tree and find out what has changed. Your children have grown up, but in order for us to achieve great results in the future, we must work together, together, together. Make common decisions together, find a way out of difficult situations together. After all, your children are our children too. After all, while they are in the garden, we are more responsible for them than you. As in all kindergartens, in all groups we have general group rules that we, you and the children must adhere to. We will remind you of these rules, at the end of our meeting, you will all receive booklets with the rules as a keepsake, and these framed rules will always be in our locker room in the most visible place. Booklet "Rules of our group." 1. Don’t be late for classes. Of course, there are exceptions; for example, an urgent trip to the doctor, or some kind of club, but teachers also need to be warned about this. 2. Do not bring toys to kindergarten. (We have enough toys) 3. Respect and appreciate what you have. 4. Be able to understand and support your child and friend. 5. Accustom the child to independence, give him the opportunity to comprehend the new and unknown, and not do everything for him. If a child wants to do something on his own, give him this opportunity, let him do it, even if it’s a little wrong, you just gently, as if by chance, correct him. For example: he puts on tights backwards, you just need to tell him how to do it correctly. Let him put away his toys himself, or you can start together, and then let him do it himself. 6. Try not to compare your child with other children (children are all different). Also, today we need to determine a work plan for the year, and perhaps we will have some points for the whole 4 years. We work very closely and a lot, organize various leisure activities, holidays, round tables, master classes, etc. We have drawn up a small work plan for the year, we offer it to you, but it can be adjusted, you can make your suggestions to it, changes. — In September, we invite children and parents, as well as teachers, to congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday – Teacher’s Day. — In October, our kids will demonstrate a small dramatization game for the Day of the Elderly. They will congratulate their beloved grandparents. — In November we will celebrate the Autumn Festival. — In December, we will meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden. — In January, we will organize joint entertainment for children, parents and educators “Family Snow Building Competition” with game sports competitions. — In February, we will congratulate our beloved dads and grandfathers. — In March, we organize a holiday with tea for our beloved mothers and grandmothers... — In April, children stage a fairy tale for Book Day; and parents on a return visit will show their children a performance based on some fairy tale. We suggest finishing all this with a joint trip to the library. -In May, together, we will organize a cleanup day, decorate the site and compete: “Mom, dad, I am a very friendly, close-knit, sports family.” In the summer we spend a lot of time outdoors, and ideas arise on their own. You and I also need to choose a parent committee with whom we hope to work successfully, we hope for help and understanding.

There are also small reminders prepared for you on the tables: - “What your child should be able to know at the age of 3-4 years”; — Small reminders with annual tasks according to the age of the children. The children came to a new group, they are all different, some came to kindergarten and immediately found a friend or girlfriend, some are getting used to it very hard and painfully, the main thing is for you parents to make the right and right decision for yourself. You give and trust us with your most precious things, so we will ask you to trust us completely, you don’t need to spoil your child too much and promise that today, if he doesn’t cry, or if he eats porridge and plays a little, you will take him away right away, or for example, give him a day off tomorrow. Some children have a very hard time getting used to it, we really want you to listen to our recommendations and advice. Of course, in the evening, try to listen to your child’s babble, ask how he spent the day, what he did, look at his work together. If the baby asks to play with him a little, give him a little time, the child will be happy and you will have a lot of fun. Speak kind and affectionate words to your child more often.

Our meeting is coming to an end, we are ready to listen to your wishes and suggestions. Individual conversations with parents. Result: If you and I walk together, solve pressing issues together, we will have a very friendly and united big family. We hope that this group of us will communicate closely all 4 years and with this group we will reach graduation for school. We wish everyone patience so that our children will only make us happy.

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establishing contact between parents and teachers.


1. Summarize the adaptation period 2. Conduct a consultation: “A child aged 2 to 3 years - what is he like?” (memo on age characteristics of children 2-3 years old). 3. Arouse in parents the need for pedagogical knowledge.

Event plan:

1. Introductory part. Game-meeting with parents. 2. Determination by parents of the degree of adaptation of their child 3. Consultation: “a child aged 2 to 3 years - what is he like?” 4. Competition for parents for the best fairy tale for a child. 5. Teachers’ story “What we have already learned and how our day goes in kindergarten (video display). 6. Select a parent committee. 7. General questions.

Progress of the meeting.

Hello, dear parents! Today we have our first parent meeting, where we will meet and get to know each other better. Let's summarize the adaptation period, tell you - a child aged 2 to 3 years - what is he like? And about what we do and how our day goes in kindergarten.

Thank you for taking the time and coming to our meeting. I would really like to note that 5 families from our group brought a second child this year, and some brought a third child. Thank you for trusting us in raising your children.

Let's tell you a little about ourselves. We are teachers of the “Yagodki” group (story about ourselves). Our group, 1st junior group from 2-3 years old, where children undergo adaptation to preschool. They have been in our group for 1 year. Then they move to the second junior group, where new teachers will meet you and take you to school. The theme of the meeting is: “This amazing early age”

Let's find out what adaptation is

Adaptation is the adaptation or habituation of the body to a new environment. Every child sooner or later has to socialize, that is, become able to live among other people. The children's institution is the first to open the world of social and public life, where the child for the first time acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults. This is not the easiest period in your life and the life of your baby, but it is necessary for everyone. There are many changes happening in your baby’s life: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents for 9 or more hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a new room that hides a lot of unknowns, a different style of communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from his familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution. All children behave differently during this period: some cry inconsolably, others refuse to communicate with the children and the teacher, and others react quite calmly.

There are three degrees of severity of the adaptation period:

Now you will independently try to determine the degree of adaptation of your baby to the conditions of a preschool institution. Each of you has 3 circles (there are three boxes with circles of different colors on the tables) Green will mean a mild degree of adaptation, yellow - a medium degree, red - a severe degree of adaptation.

Signs of adaptation:

easy adaptation – the child is active, there are no external changes, changes in behavior are normalized within 1-2 weeks;

adaptation of moderate severity - throughout the entire period the mood may be unstable, there may be a lack of appetite, short-term restlessness of sleep. This period lasts 20 – 40 days.

severe adaptation – lasts from 2 to 6 months. The child gets sick, loses weight, and pathological habits appear: biting nails, thumb sucking, etc.

Please select the desired color circle. We invite you to compare your result with ours (pivot table). We can conclude that the adaptation of the children in our group was successful. You and I have dealt with this problem remarkably well.

A child aged 2 to 3 years – what is he like?

Children 2-3 years old have more mature and understandable personalities. Thanks to their endless observations, they became acquainted and became accustomed to the outside world, and developed their own type of relationships with adults. This age period still belongs to early childhood, but it is no longer worth considering a child as a helpless baby. He can do a lot, his circle of interests is expanding, so you need even more patience and attention to help him figure it out.

A child in the third year of life really grows by leaps and bounds: for him, every word spoken by an adult matters; every new knowledge he acquires shapes his inner world. This age is considered both the age of high achievements of the child and a difficult period of obstinate disobedience, associated with the fact that the child passionately seeks independence, trying to find himself in this huge, surprisingly interesting world. He expects an adult to directly participate in all his affairs and jointly solve any problem facing him. Your child's future talents and abilities will manifest themselves in years to come based on the foundation you lay now. Parents - the first teachers - introduce him to the world around him, give the child his first knowledge and skills. The leading role in the development of a child belongs to the family. You brought your children to kindergarten and we have the same goal to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting and educational. Only through the joint efforts of parents and kindergarten can we solve any problems.

But first we need to get to know each other better. To do this, you have emblems on your tables. Write your name on them and tell us whose parent you are and what has changed in your child since entering kindergarten.

Competition for parents for the best fairy tale for a child. (

Parents are given 5 minutes to write a short story. Then everyone reads out their fairy tale; at the end of the competition, all parents receive small prizes: notebooks and pens).

I invite you to play my fairy tale “Teddy Bear in Kindergarten”. (Distribution of roles: day, sun, two clouds, Mother Bear, Mishutka, a ray of sunshine, teacher, two or three children). (I read the text, parents role-play the described actions).

It was a warm summer day. The bright sun was shining, cheerful clouds were playing catch-up in the sky. A little mischievous ray of light looked into Mishutka’s nursery, stroked his head, his cheek, and then it tickled him! Mishka woke up, stretched, and then Mother Bear came: “Good morning, son!” Mom helped Mishutka put on the clothes she had prepared the night before, fed her a light breakfast and said that today Mishutka would have to go to kindergarten. The little bear knew what it was, his mother had been telling him about the kindergarten for a long time, they even went together to see where it was, walked on the playground with other children, so Misha was not particularly upset, on the contrary, he wanted to quickly get into this amazing, bright world. But as soon as Mishutka entered the kindergarten, he felt that his mother was worried, and some strange uneasy feeling came over him. The bear kissed Mishka, said that she would return soon, and then somehow very quickly disappeared. The baby was confused, he immediately wanted to cry, but then a very sweet and kind aunt came up to him. She invited him to see the toys and even allowed him to play with them. Mishutka was confused again. There were so many bright and beautiful toys on the shelves! And a new construction set, something Misha didn’t even have at home! And a wind-up little train, and many different cars, and also cubes, dishes... Mishka wanted to touch everything - everything. Strange kids walked around and distracted Mishutka a little, but the same auntie patted the baby on the head and gave him a lot of bright pencils and an album. How fun it was to draw the sun and grass and clouds in the sky with her! The rain began to cry outside the window. Misha, too, suddenly felt sad, and he also wanted to cry, but then the aunt took him in her arms, sat him on her lap and began to read a funny book. What colorful pictures there were in it, and how interestingly the dear aunt read, changed her voices, sang songs. It wasn't scary at all with her, it was even good. Mishutka liked her more and more, there were beautiful buttons on her blouse, and her auntie smiled all the time. “It turns out that this is the teacher, that’s what another aunt said, what a difficult word...” thought Mishka. It was easier for him to call her mom, especially since she is as good as mom. When thinking about her mother, tears welled up in Mishutka’s eyes. The teacher asked: “What are you doing, Mishenka?” and took him to wash his hands, and then sat him down at the table. How delicious the porridge turned out to be! Then there was absolutely no time to be bored. Together with all the children, the bear danced, built a long fence for the horse, then walked and swung on a swing. And all the time his second mother was nearby, helping him to climb, dismount, and stand up. Mishutka felt that he was tired. The teacher took everyone to the kindergarten to wash their hands. Then there was a very tasty lunch. And how I wanted to sleep! Immediately the teacher put Mishka in a soft crib and stroked him on the head. His eyes began to close on their own, and when Mishka woke up, his mother was already waiting for him at the door. And everything was fine, Mishutka thought that he would definitely come to his new home to play with his new friends. That's the end of the fairy tale! What talented actors are gathered here!

Let’s continue our conversation “What we have already learned.”

Next, we will tell you what we have already learned:

- all children know where their locker, towel, potty, crib is.

- learned some rules of behavior in the group.

- Almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults.

- learning to undress.

-learning to dress.

— learned to carry out basic tasks and put away toys.

As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we have even more to learn.

In our group, the educational process is built according to a schedule approved by the head. According to the program "Childhood". There are 10 classes per week. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the daily routine and schedule of educational activities at the stand for parents (you can bring documents with you). Every day there are 2 lessons of 10 minutes each. each. All classes are held in a playful way. During the day, various games are played (moving, didactic, story-based), finger games and nursery rhymes are learned, conversations are held with children, fairy tales are read, and dances are learned.

We invite you to watch a fragment of the video “These are the kids who came to kindergarten.”

Dear parents! To practice with didactic material, we need didactic games and manuals made with our own hands. To do this, We will need your help in making games throughout the year (displaying games). The kindergarten hosts various family creativity competitions, thematic exhibitions and photo exhibitions. Please take part in them! For fruitful work, we need to elect a parent committee.

General issues.

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