Innovative technology in preschool education “Club Hour”

The “Club Hour” technology has been used for 15 years in several preschool educational institutions in Moscow. Author of the technology: Natalya Petrovna Grishaeva, psychologist, senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The advantages of this technology are that it does not require any special training for educators, equipment or investment of funds. The main thing is the great desire of the teaching staff to lay the foundations of a full-fledged socially successful personality during preschool childhood.

Goals of the Club Hour:

  • instill independence and responsibility in children;
  • teach children to navigate in space;
  • cultivate friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;
  • develop the ability to take initiative in caring for others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention;
  • develop the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;
  • teach children to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;
  • develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this;
  • develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;
  • encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with the teacher and other children;
  • help to acquire life experience (meaning formations), experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

“Club hour” can be carried out in various forms: as an educational activity in the morning, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as a form of organizing a walk or leisure activity.

Types of Club Hour:

  • “Free” club hour, when children move freely throughout the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests.
  • "Themed" club hour, which is included in the situation of the month. For example, in the “Space” situation, this is a drawing competition on asphalt on space themes, building a spaceship, and “cosmonaut” quizzes.
  • “Activity” club hour, when it is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities, i.e. for example, in the gym there are outdoor games, in the music hall there is a performance, in one group they bake pies, in another they sew dresses for dolls, etc.

Rules of conduct for children during Club Hour:

  • Say “hello” and “goodbye” when you enter another group.
  • If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave.
  • Don't take toys from other children if they took it first.
  • Help conduct a lesson if it is suitable during the CC
  • Speak calmly.
  • Walk calmly.
  • Return to the group when the bell rings.
  • If you don’t want to go to other groups, you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired.

Immediately before the first club hour, children discuss all the rules; they are briefly repeated before each club hour. Then instructions are given: “Children, you can move around the entire building for one hour, observing the rules of behavior. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

After the end of the club hour, all children participants, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet. A candle is lit and meditative music is turned on. The discussion begins. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and speak in turns, patiently waiting until their turn comes.

Description of the “Club Hour” technology: Grishaeva N. P. Modern technologies for effective socialization of a child in a preschool educational organization. – M.: Ventana – Graf, 2015. Buy.

Innovative technology in preschool education “Club Hour”

 Innovative technologies in preschool institutions play a huge role in the development of children. And the more interesting the technology, the more effective the result. In my article I want to talk about the effectiveness of such innovative technology as “Club Hour”, and about experimental activities that were tested in our preschool institution. For this activity, I wrote a project that was implemented both during Club Hour and in my free time.

Childhood is a promise that never comes true.

Ken Hill

“There are now many problems with the intellectual development of modern preschool children. But the development of children begins in childhood. What do we know about childhood? “Due to the widespread prevalence of this concept, each of us is sure that we know everything about childhood and can easily explain this phenomenon and its significance in the life of an adult. But it is precisely this simple understanding of childhood from a philistine point of view that hides the unidentifiability and inexplicability of this phenomenon. As J. Korczak rightly writes: “We don’t know children, worse, we know them through prejudice.” [1, p.16]

Therefore, in preschool organizations, teachers began to use various modern innovative technologies to ensure that the level of children’s preparation for school was high. The leading activity in preschool educational institutions is play. “A game is an activity used for entertainment, recreation, or sports competition.” [2]. One of the gaming technologies is Club Hour.

“Club hour” is a pedagogical technology aimed at developing self-regulation (voluntariness) of behavior, the ability to plan activities, and evaluate results. It is impossible to implement pedagogical technology without a clear definition of tasks.

One of the main tasks of education that any teacher sets for himself is the socialization of students. It is in kindergarten that children learn to make friends, play, communicate, and begin to feel like members of a large children's team. The foundations of patriotic feelings are formed in children.

“Club hour, a technology that allows children, under the invisible control of adults, to move freely around the territory of a kindergarten or school and in different rooms to choose the activities that they like. Acquire your own life experience and experiences, which are so necessary for self-determination and self-regulation of behavior.” .

Through the Club Hour there is live communication with other teachers and children.

The main goals of the CC:

– instilling in children independence and responsibility for their actions;

– developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;

– acquisition of one’s own life experience (semantic formations) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

– training in spatial orientation;

– nurturing friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;

– development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;

– strengthening children’s skills to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;

– teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;

– promoting the manifestation of initiative in caring for others, being grateful to help and signs of attention;

– encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions with the teacher and other children.

According to Grishaeva, Club hours are divided into types:

  1. Activity - this type is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities;
  2. Thematic - in this case, “Club hours are included in the situation of the month”;
  3. Free - children move freely around the territory of the kindergarten and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests without the help of adults;
  4. Creative - children of the preparatory group themselves organize all the activities at the “Club Hour” for all children;
  5. Group formation - children spend “Club Hour”, uniting in groups and teams to develop group skills;
  6. Quest - children on the territory of a site or premises, alone or in a team, look for some thing or object according to a scheme, solve some problem;
  7. Museum - children in the “situation of the month” collect exhibits, and then at the end of the month, independently conduct excursions for other children who came. [3]

I developed the project “Experiments - Focuses - Experiments”. It was included in the general innovation project of our preschool institution “Cognition through experience, experience through cognition.” The goal of the overall project was to create conditions to support exploratory behavior in preschoolers in kindergarten. This project included four subprojects: “Laboratory”, “Magic Sand”, “The Charming World of the Microscope” and my “Experiments - Tricks - Experiments”.

The goal of my project was to create conditions for experimental activities of children in kindergarten, the formation of an environmental culture, and the development of cognitive interest. Having worked for many years in a preschool institution, I have observed many times how children like something unusual and wonderful. Therefore, the relevance of my project was indicated by the fact that research provides an opportunity for a child to answer the questions “how?” and why?". An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know everything and be able to do everything himself. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, reflect, try, experiment, and express themselves. The experiments somewhat remind children of magic tricks, they are unusual, they surprise. The child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orientation-research (search) activity aimed at understanding the world around him. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

My project objectives:

– create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children.

– develop children’s curiosity in the process of observation and practical experimentation with objects.

– to form skills of mental actions, analysis in the process of cognition of the natural picture of the world, contributing to the development of speech.

– develop independence in resolving problem situations in research activities.

– learn to explain what is observed.

The topics planned for the Club Hour were also planned for my project. The children and I mixed paints, got new colors, studied the properties of water, magnets, iron, and fabric. We conducted experiments with light and a mirror. A card index of experiments was developed, with explanations. Tables for conducting experiments were developed and drawn. At the Club Hour, children watched an experiment conducted by a teacher. Then there was a discussion, and at the end the children could independently conduct the experiment and draw it themselves. I and the parents were given advice on “Organizing children’s experimentation at home.” In a preschool educational institution, on experimental activities, I conducted a master class for teachers “Experiments with children.” The purpose of the master class was to improve the professional skills of participating teachers in the process of active pedagogical communication on the problem of children's experimentation.

As a result, at the end of the school year, the children could independently, based on the diagrams, conduct experiments and explain them.


  1. Gogoberidze, A. G. Preschool pedagogy with the basics of methods of education and training / A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva. — 2nd edition, revised and expanded. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2015. - 460 p. — Text: direct.
  2. Ozhegov, S. I. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary - online / S. I. Ozhegov. — Text: electronic //: [website]. — URL: (access date: 01/24/2021).
  3. Shchetinina, M. V. “Club Hour” technology as a form of support for children’s initiative” / M. V. Shchetinina. — Text: electronic // Doshkolenok.rf: [website]. — URL: (access date: 01/24/2021).

Experience in the technology of effective socialization N.P. Grishaeva

Experience in using N.P. technology Grishaeva.

Modern society has a need for an independent active personality with pronounced individual qualities, capable of solving and overcoming both personal problems and problems of society. The success of human life in an intensively changing world depends on the ability to find original, unexpected solutions in accordance with the situation.

Socialization, according to the psychological dictionary of B. Meshcheryakov and V. Zinchenko, is the process of assimilation by an individual of social experience, a system of social connections and relationships. In the process of socialization, a person acquires beliefs, socially approved forms of behavior necessary for him to live a normal life in society, and also receives further development of social and personal qualities.

One of the fundamental principles of updating the content of modern education is a student-centered approach. Highlighting the goal of personal development is reflected in government documents. The national project “Education” sets the goal of “raising a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on the spiritual and moral values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national cultural traditions.” The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” defines the essence of education in “personal development and the acquisition in the process of mastering basic general education programs of knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of competence necessary for human life in society.” The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education makes it possible to solve the problems of reorganizing a preschool educational organization to create conditions for the development of a child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization and the development of initiative.

Technologization of the process guarantees a high-quality result of pedagogical activity, paying special attention to the mechanisms of becoming a socially successful personality. New technologies for the socialization of a preschooler make it possible to effectively form and develop self-regulation of behavior, independence, initiative, responsibility - qualities necessary not only for successful adaptation and learning at school, but also for life in modern society.

One of the effective technologies aimed at socializing a preschooler, in our opinion, is the N.P. system. Grishaeva.

Children develop best when they are the agents of their own learning. The process of social and personal development includes various types of activities, which are based on the child’s self-determination in their choice. Revealing the content of the pedagogical technology “Club Hour” N.P. Grishaeva gives the following methodological recommendations: “Children can move around the entire building (or area) of the kindergarten for one hour, observing certain rules of behavior, and return to the group when the bell rings.”

The holding of the “Club Hour” is preceded by a lot of preparatory work: educators and specialists preliminarily select and discuss the topics of the “Club Hours”, the working group draws up a long-term thematic plan, determines the frequency and duration of the event. “Club hour” can be carried out in various forms: as an educational activity in the morning, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as a form of organizing a walk or leisure activity.

The key to the full development of the child and the successful implementation of the tasks set by the preschool educational organization is equal creative interaction with the families of the pupils.

N.P. Grishaeva, in her methodological recommendations, draws attention to the fact that in preparing the club hour: “Parents at the meeting are warned in advance that this event will be held in the preschool organization. They are informed about how this will affect children and how their safety will be ensured. Parents are given the opportunity to conduct master classes during the club hour, as well as propose their own new topics, etc.”

MBDOU d/s "Solnechny Krug" Nizhny Tagil has been actively using this technology for two years. Experience shows the effectiveness of working on the “Club Hour” pedagogical technology. Teachers understand and solve the problems of this area, build constructive communication with students and interact with their parents. Parents highly appreciate the organization of the educational process in kindergarten and participate in the life of the preschool organization. Their pedagogical competence has increased, the methods for raising a child, which they mastered in communication with teachers and specialists of a preschool educational organization in the process of activities, are used at home, positive changes in child-parent relations are noted.

During this period, we conducted four club hours: activity-based, which was based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities; quest “We cannot forget these roads”; free, during which children move freely throughout the entire territory of the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize multi-age communication based on interests without the help of adults and thematic.

For example, organizing a themed club hour “Flight to the orbital station” dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. The objectives of this event were: socialization of preschool children through involvement in role-playing games; the formation of primary ideas about space, the profession of an astronaut, the structure of the ISS, the development of free communication between children and adults in the process of joint activities.

Preliminary work.

With teachers: consultation on drawing up a thematic plan in the club hour section; providing assistance in selecting tasks for children and parents, choosing musical accompaniment and teaching equipment, and designing the environment.

With children: conversations and watching videos “Far and Near Space”, “Outer Space”, “ISS”; physical education “We are getting ready to fly”; reading fiction, learning music, looking at illustrations, experimental activities “Invisible Air”, designing “Observatory”, “Planetarium”, artistic and visual activities “Making invitations for parents”, “Fly the rocket”, “Starry sky”, didactic, director's and role-playing games, etc.

With parents: parent meeting, survey, exhibition of child-parent work “Cosmos”, parents making costumes for the game, consultations on holding a master class during the club hour.


On the day of the club hour, a reflective circle was held in the morning to familiarize children with the types of activities during play. Children were reminded of the rules of safe behavior and communication.

Before the start of the club hour, the participants gathered at the International Space Station (music room). The flight director distributed route sheets to the “cosmonauts”. Then the children go along their own route.

Task for children in the ISS compartments:

  1. "Observatory" - find the polar star.
  2. The dining room is space cookies.
  3. Laboratory - launch the rocket.
  4. Training compartment - solving logical problems.

Parents who took part in the game could complete the task both together with their children and independently: “Assemble a constellation”, a master class on making and decorating cookies; "Decipher the alien letter"

Upon completion of the completed tasks, the participants returned to the main compartment and presented a report on the work completed. Then, accompanied by the march of the astronauts, the teachers and the children went “to Earth”, where they held a reflective circle in groups. The senior teacher and the parents in the hall conducted the “Pass the Candle” training, during which the parents shared their impressions of the event, suggested the topic of the next club hours, and determined their role in these events.

The practice of holding a club hour indicates that this technology allows for the consideration of a specific issue or problem through the means of various educational fields, using various forms of work. Involve children and parents in active joint cognitive-creative, search, productive activities, using the immersion method, which allows participants to get acquainted with new information, penetrate its essence, and the freedom to choose activities stimulates the manifestation and development of their social and personal qualities and socialization.


1. Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology and pedagogy in questions and answers [Text] / L.D. Stolyarenko, S.I. Samygin. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2010.

2. Psychological Dictionary / Ed. V.P. Zinchenko, B. G Meshcheryakova. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1999.

3. Technologies for effective socialization of children 3-7 years old: implementation system, forms, scenarios: methodological manual. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2022.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Technology “Club Hour” as a form of supporting children's initiatives”

Modern children live and develop in modern, new socio-cultural conditions, so the education of preschool children needs to be transformed.

The direction of innovative activity related to the support of children's initiative was chosen through the use in pedagogical practice of the author's technology of Senior Researcher of the FGBUN IS RAS Natalia Petrovna Grishaeva “Club Hour” , which is part of the project “Modern technologies for the effective socialization of a child in a preschool educational organization .

“Club hour” is a pedagogical technology aimed at developing self-regulation (voluntariness) of behavior, the ability to plan activities, and evaluate results.

It is impossible to implement pedagogical technology without a clear definition of tasks.

Current problems solved by the “Club Hour” :

For children:

  • develop independence and responsibility
  • teach orientation in space
  • cultivate friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;
  • develop the ability to take initiative in caring for others
  • develop the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results
  • consolidate the ability to politely express your request, thank for the service rendered
  • develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this;
  • develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts
  • encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions with the teacher and other children;
  • acquire one’s own life experience (meaning formations) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

For parents:

  • attract parents to participate in the educational process in preschool educational institutions
  • improve the pedagogical culture of parents
  • expand parents’ understanding of the teaching activities of preschool educational institutions employees;
  • form traditions of preschool educational institutions
  • strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

For teachers:

  • implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • assistance in teaching children
  • increase teachers' interest in work
  • bring together a team of like-minded people
  • increase the prestige of kindergarten
  • increase kindergarten attendance, including on Fridays.

When organizing work in this direction, we adhered to the following principles:

Activities - stimulating children to actively search for new knowledge in joint activities with adults, in games and in joint activities.

Variability - providing the child with the opportunity for optimal self-expression through the exercise of the right to choose, to independently overcome the problem


Creativity - creating situations in which a child can realize his creative potential through joint and individual activities.

The novelty of holding “Club Hour” in our educational institution:

Widely introducing children, including children with disabilities (disabilities) to a variety of social experiences, creating

platform of a style of relations of cooperation, tolerance and co-creation.

All children, including “special” , want communication and are gifted with many talents, the main thing is to reveal this talent, therefore the introduction of “Club Hour” is the right way for the social adaptation of “special” children, both parties benefit from such communication . Healthy children become more caring, kind, and attentive. And “special” children make a breakthrough in their development because they try to follow the example of healthy children - this is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization.

— The “Club Hour” is carried out as an alternative form of educational activity.

“Club Hour” technology is that it is conducted by the children themselves.

Some children act as “students” , while others act as mentors. The content is determined based on the interests and skills of the students themselves.

— Analysis of children’s attendance at “Club Hours” made it possible to identify the stability of interests in any type of activity.

Preparatory work was carried out among parents and teachers and a decision was made to organize the activities of clubs. Parents were informed about how this event will be carried out and how it will affect the children, how their safety will be ensured. At the meetings, parents were introduced to the technology, selected a team (interested, enthusiastic adults!), discussed the themes of the clubs and planning (time, place, duration, frequency), conducted a trial “Club Hour” , assessed the quality of the organization and made adjustments to the plans.

The target audience:

  • children of middle, senior and preparatory school groups
  • preschool teachers and specialists
  • preschool management
  • parents of pupils
  • teachers, library workers (in the future).

Types of Club Hours

Activity-based, when the “Club Hour” is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities.

Thematic, which are included in the situation of the month.

Free, when children move freely throughout the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests.

Creative, when various creative workshops are organized for children. “Club hour” in the form of a quest, when children, individually or in teams, search according to a pattern,

some thing, object, solve some problem.

Museum “Club Hour” , when children in the “situation of the month” collect museum exhibits from themselves, and then at the end of the month they conduct excursions for other visiting children.

“Club Hour” is a great game, namely a story-driven role-playing game. For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. Structure of the game: beginning, conduct of the game, end of the game.

The “Club Hour” of the “Studio of Professions” opened its doors .

Type of conduct: activity-based.

The purpose of this event is to develop creative abilities and establish harmonious, trusting relationships between parents, children and teachers.

Three studios of the professions “Photographer” , “Mannequin” , “Nurse” . In one hour, the participants managed to visit the medical station. An experienced nurse explained the different support functions she performs.

Demonstrated first aid in practice. The children happily bandaged the hands of their mothers and fathers.

With great interest, the girls tried themselves as fashion models, demonstrating festive dresses. The fashion show ended with a photo shoot.

Parents of preschoolers provided enormous assistance in preparing and holding this event. Parents approached this topic creatively; children, teachers and guests did not get bored. Everyone had a great opportunity in the game to get acquainted with important and interesting professions; they were invited to try on this or that profession and master work activities. This event was highly appreciated by parents. The children and their parents spent time usefully in a relaxed atmosphere, received a charge of positive emotions, and learned a lot of new and interesting things.

“Christmas Gatherings” club hour has opened its doors again .

Type of event: creative.

The purpose of this event is to create conditions for the formation of a feeling of joy from participation in joint creative activities of all participants in the event with a spiritual and moral orientation, a sustainable interest in Russian folk culture in the process of becoming familiar with the calendar holiday of Christmas.

Pupils and parents took an active part in the gatherings. All participants curiously attended a master class of their choice, enthusiastically watched a musical presentation dedicated to the history of Christmas, and took part in creating Christmas gifts.

With the masters - parents, you could try to make a Christmas toy in the form of an angel, using different design methods, or make the Bethlehem eight-pointed star from paper. Parents had the opportunity to conduct master classes during the club hour.

Despite little experience in participating in the “Club Hour” , the children and parents confidently moved from workshop to workshop and entered neighborhood groups with interest. With the ringing of a bell, the children and parents, with handicrafts, returned to the general circle,

where they shared their impressions with each other, told who, where they had been and what they had done.

A “Club Hour” was held in the form of educational activities.

Type of event: thematic.

The event was held in the format of an educational event. This format was proposed by teachers, and the children of the preparatory group for school actively

supported. The presenters at the functioning stations were the pupils of the preparatory group for school. Children of the preparatory group for school themselves

organized all activities during club hour for younger children.

The theme of the club hour is “Travel to the Arctic and Antarctic - the kingdom of ice and snow”

So, at one of the stations, the guys watched the experiments and participated in them themselves. The children introduced their younger friends to the peculiarities of animal survival in the Far North.

At the second station, the guys presented presentations - reports about the Arctic and Antarctica, played Question and Answer , and learned interesting facts from the life of animals in the North.

The third station opened up the world of creativity for the children: preschoolers from the school preparatory group, working in pairs, told and showed younger preschoolers how they can step by step create an image of an animal using semolina and glue.

Upon returning to the group, we held a “Reflective Circle” , where the children shared their impressions, expressed their wishes, discussed issues of compliance with the rules of the club hour, and played 4D games.

Teachers record problems that children have during the club hour and discuss them with children and parents, finding ways to solve them through joint activities. After each Club Hour, students and staff exchange opinions, achievements, discuss difficulties that have arisen and ways to solve them.

— What did the children do when they came to his territory, what was special in their behavior?


— How did the children who remained in their group react when guests came to them (a question for teachers!)?

— What tasks need to be solved at the upcoming club hour?

Conducting the “Club Hour” allowed us to observe the following changes in students:

  • preschoolers recognize most kindergarten children and treat them friendly
  • children communicate their needs in more detail and openly not only to their pupils, but also to other kindergarten staff
  • in many children the level of aggressiveness and conflict decreases, especially during “Club Hour”

— children transfer the rules of the club to everyday life in the group and society

— forms personal qualities in preschoolers.

And as a consequence: the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, successful socialization.

Next >

Pedagogical technology club section article (preparatory group) on the topic


S.N. Vorontsova, teacher

“Club hour” is a special modern technology for developing a child’s personality. The experience of using the “Club Hour” was presented by N.P. Grishaeva. Art. research fellow at the Institute of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Strukova L.M. teacher-psychologist GBOU 2620. The authors note that modern children live and develop in completely new socio-cultural conditions. Extremely busy parents, a generation gap, marketization and technologization of children's subculture, isolation of the child in the family and other trends negatively affect the socialization of modern children. In kindergartens, a clear preference is given to the cognitive development of a preschooler to the detriment of social and personal development. This is due, on the one hand, to the increase in school requirements for the intellectual level of first-graders, and on the other, to the insufficient development of methods for the social and personal development of a preschool child and the lack of organization of the pedagogical process. It is known that it is in the senior preschool age that the prerequisites for the formation of personality are laid. The development of self-regulation (voluntariness) of behavior begins.

The development of self-regulation is one of the central lines of development for children of senior preschool age. In various types of activities, the most important personal new formation of preschool age is formed - voluntary regulation of behavior and activity, the ability to self-control. Thus, the main goals of the “Club Hour” are:

  • instilling in children independence and responsibility for their actions;
  • spatial orientation training;
  • nurturing friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;
  • promote the manifestation of initiative in caring for others, be grateful for help and signs of attention;
  • developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;
  • strengthening children’s skills to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;
  • the development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;
  • teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;
  • encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions with the teacher and other children;
  • acquiring one's own life experience (meaning formations) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

To implement this technology pedagogy, preparatory work is necessary, primarily among parents and teachers. Parents, at the meeting, are warned in advance that this event will be held at the preschool educational institution (day of the week, hour of the event). They are informed about how this will affect children and how their safety will be ensured. Parents are given the opportunity to conduct “master classes” themselves during the C.H. , as well as offer a new theme for club hours.

It is possible to distinguish the following types of “Club Hour”:

  • “Free” K.Ch., when children move freely throughout the entire territory of the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests;
  • “Thematic” K.Ch., which are included in the situation of the month. For example, in the “Space” situation, this is a drawing competition on asphalt on space themes, building a spaceship, “astronaut” quiz;
  • “Active” K.Ch., when the basis of K.Ch. The child's self-determination is based on the choice of various types of activities, i.e. for example, in the gym there are outdoor games, in the music hall there is a performance, in one group they bake pies, in another they sew dresses for dolls, etc.

Educators and specialists preliminarily discuss and determine:

1. The theme of “Club Hours”, a promising thematic plan by K.Ch. for half a year.

2. Determine the frequency and duration of the training session, usually once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for conducting K.Ch. is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, because otherwise, children do not have time to develop their own life experience.

3. Determine the rules of behavior for children during “Club Hour”

4. Organizational aspects of conducting the competition are being developed.

5. Determine the order in which the K.Ch. program begins. How many groups will participate in the first K.Ch., which groups exactly, how to prepare children for the first K.Ch.

After completing the K.Ch., all children participating, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet. Meditative music is turned on. The discussion begins. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and speak in turns, patiently waiting until their turn comes.

The teacher records the problems that arise in children in the process of K.Ch. and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time), finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

After each K.Ch. At the pedagogical council, educators, teachers and staff exchange opinions, achievements, discuss difficulties that have arisen and ways to solve them.


Grishaeva N.P., Strukova L.M. Pedagogical technology “Club Hour” as a means of developing self-regulation of behavior of preschoolers in the educational complex //

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