Leisure summary for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten Leisure dedicated to Mother's Day,
Zimushka - Winter! Russian soul! She blew snow and brought happiness. I want to start with these lines of praise
Popular poems about the autumn harvest Autumn decorates public gardens with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the birds with the harvest,
Quiz game with children of the senior group “What do we know about sports?” Natalya Baranova Quiz game with
Preface “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.
Fire safety rules for children Every year, people die and suffer serious injuries in fires and fires.
Preview: Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock: - Verochka, Vera, breakfast is ready. Wake up?
Game - quiz with a presentation on the theme "Autumn" for primary schoolchildren, grades 2-3
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes The script of the sports festival “Fun Starts” includes