Why learn to draw mushrooms A simple technique for drawing mushrooms is useful not only for those who are learning
Environmental issues become more and more relevant every year. Unreasonable and selfish behavior of a person leads to
Main differences All types of Khokhloma paintings on household kitchen utensils have their own characteristics. Exactly according to
Wild animals in winter or a trip to the winter forest. Games for children 1-2 years old. Child
Apple Now we need red and green paper. On the reverse side we also draw the desired
Interactive coloring book. Master class with photos. Presentation Master class “Technological technique “Interactive coloring” when creating an interactive
Presentation on the topic: “Me and my rights” presentation for a lesson (preparatory group) on the topic Slide
Summary of an autumn walk in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution April 6, 2016 Competition “Methodological piggy bank of a teacher
Boletus This mushroom has a high curved stem. The hat is thick and red. They have a spongy bottom
Physical development A 3-year-old child controls his body much more confidently than a 2-year-old. In that