Summary of direct educational activities on LEGO construction “Playground through the eyes of children” preparatory group for school
Abstract of NNOD for lego-design on the topic “City” Note of NNOD for lego-design for children of the preparatory group
Summary of the organization of household labor in the second junior group
Abstract on household work “Toys love cleanliness” (junior group) Branch of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 43” - “kindergarten”
Long-term planning for FEMP in the senior group based on the book by L. S. Metlin “Mathematics in kindergarten”
Arithmetic classes for older preschoolers in kindergarten The material in this section is
Organization of educational and research activities in preschool educational institutions
Organization of educational and research activities in preschool educational institutions All the children are interested in everything in the world, Because why
Didactic outdoor games for preschoolers Healthy Lifestyle Lifestyle
Games on the topic: Healthy lifestyle for the younger group of preschool educational institutions Card index of Didactic games on the formation of the fundamentals
Business game at the teachers’ meeting “Modern educator - What is he like?”
Pedagogical council in the form of a business game in a preschool educational institution Pedagogical council in the form of a business game for educators
Summary of OOD on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) in the middle group “Our friend Traffic Light”
Crafts for traffic rules: 3 options to choose from To make a visual aid for children,
Summary of a lesson on the basics of mathematics for 5-6 years old on the topic “Whole and parts”
DIDACTIC GAME “ASSEMBLE A WHOLE FROM PARTS” Purpose: To train children in the ability to assemble (make a drawing)
Summary of the musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud”
Synopsis of the musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud” Synopsis of the musical and didactic game “Sun”
Summary of a logorhythmic lesson for children of senior preschool age “A Home for Everyone”
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