Music lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution on the topic: “Music of Spring”

Summary of a music lesson in the senior group “Musical colors of spring”

Summary of direct educational activities

Age group : senior 5-6 years GCD topic : “Musical colors of spring” Leading educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic”
direction “Musical activity”

Goal : Development of music-making skills in children of senior preschool age, using rhythmic and motor exercises, songs, and games.


  • Strengthen the ability to perform rhythmic patterns with gestures and with the help of noise and musical instruments.
  • Achieve friendly ensemble performance on children's musical instruments.
  • Develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm.
  • Arouse interest in completing tasks together.
  • Develop creative abilities, instill communication skills.
  • To cultivate emotional responsiveness to the beauty of spring nature through music.
  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on M. R.'s chairs. - (sings a greeting): “Hello, guys” Children - (sings): Hello Larisa Nikolaevna! M. r. - Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them too. Children - “Hello, guests”

M. r. - Well done! We wished everyone good health, but guys, I have something uneasy in my soul. Today I came to the music room and noticed that someone was here: firstly, I found these footprints on the floor (show a layout of the footprint), and secondly, I see extra objects on the table with musical instruments. Look carefully and tell me which ones are superfluous? (a brush and a palette are on the table) (children answer).

M. r. That’s right, guys, I agree with you that a palette and a brush are superfluous among musical instruments. Who do you think could have left these items here? (children's answer) I also think so, that the artist forgot his brush and palette here. But what was he doing here? (children's answer) Yes, the artist was probably painting pictures here, and didn’t have time to finish painting some of them. I wonder which one? Look at the screen, maybe you will find the answer there. (on the slide, paintings from all seasons are painted, but the spring painting is not painted) Who guessed which painting the artist did not have time to complete? (children's answer). That's right, this is a picture about spring. Guys, I think that you and I can surprise the artist - paint a spring picture. Do you agree to help him? But as? (children's answer). I propose to color it not only with colors, but also with musical sounds, and we’ll start with the sun and sing a welcome song for him, “Zdorovalka”

Song "Healthy"

M.R. - Well, look, we’ve done it: the sun smiles and dances merrily in the sky, but there’s only silence all around. There is silence, silence, silence all around. Suddenly a ringing knock was replaced by it. (woodpecker knock)

Look at the woodpecker sitting on the tree

And with his beak he knocks the telegram.

Guys, a woodpecker is sending out a spring telegram to everyone in the form of a rhythmic pattern of beetles. Look carefully at the rhythm, and let's clap our hands for short sounds and slap our knees for long ones. Ready? Let's start.

Exercise with gestures and clapping V. Suslov “Spring Telegram”

The woodpecker sat down on a thick branch - knock knock, knock knock knock! To all my friends to the south TOOK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! He urgently sends telegrams - knocks KNOCK, knocks KNOCK! That spring is already here! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! That the snow melted around the tuk - tuk Knock, tuk-tuk Knock! That the snowdrops are blooming, knock-knock, knock-knock, knock! The woodpecker spent the winter, KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! I have never been to TUK in hot countries! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! And it’s clear why knock—knock KNOCK, knock—knock KNOCK! The woodpecker is bored alone! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

M.R. - Well done! Everyone tried to execute the rhythmic pattern correctly. Look, our woodpecker has put on bright plumage. The telegram quickly reached the birds and a whole flock of them gathered, but why are they silent? (children's answer). Guys, in order for the birds to sing in different voices, you need to take noise and musical instruments and perform “Bird Fantasy” using different rhythms and dynamics. Go out, choose your tools. Musical performance “Bird Fantasy” to the music of L. Vikhareva “Spring Song”

M.R. - Great! It turned out to be a real bird concert and the birds in the picture also turned different colors and chirped merrily (the sounds of birds chirping in the audio recording). M. r . – Well, our picture is gradually coming to life. Something mysterious even appeared in the sky. Take a metallophone and a stick, look carefully at the screen. You will need to find on the metallophone a plate with a circle of the color that will now appear in front of you on the slide. (a red stripe appears). Now hit the plate with the red circle with the stick. Keep looking at the screen and completing the task. (children gradually play on all the records of the metallophone) Guys, what appeared in the sky? (children's answer). That's right, a rainbow appeared in the sky.

M. r . - Oh, guys, I hear some strange noise. (the sound of a stream is heard in the recording) Whose sound do you think this is? (children's answer). That's right, this is a cheerful spring stream, it invites us to play. (there are bells in a circle on the floor)

Hello, hello, little stream, ringing, ringing voice.

In the spring you began to gurgle and came running to visit the river. Come out into the circle quickly and dance with the stream.

M.R. - Look, guys, what a big lake our stream has turned into. The bells lying on the floor form the shores of our lake. The water in the lake keeps rising and rising. This blue handkerchief will represent a stream. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, you will pass it from hand to hand to each other. When the music ends, the one who has the handkerchief goes into the circle, leaves the handkerchief near him, takes the metallophone and performs the waves on the lake using the glissando technique, and the rest of the guys will play the bells, depicting the overflow of water on our lake. Game - improvisation “A Cheerful Stream and Waves”

M.R. - Thank you everyone for the friendly performance. Look carefully at the picture, it becomes brighter and brighter every time. All that remains is to color the flower meadow, and here are the fairies. They love to sing and compose different rhythms. Their songs-rhythms are heard throughout the clearing. Fairies have beautiful, gentle voices and therefore their songs sound ringing and crystalline. Let's do one of them.

Rhythmic improvisation game “Flower Fairies”.

M.r. _ - Well done! With the help of the fairies and your faithful execution of the rhythmic pattern, our picture is completely finished. All living things rejoice in spring. Spring brings joy and a feeling of blossoming nature. This is what our “Endless Spring Song” is about. Let’s sing it so that spring can hear us admiring it and admiring the sounds of spring.

Song "Endless spring song"

M.R. You tried very hard to sing the song, and our artist heard it. He wants to tell you something.

Artist - Hello, adults! Hello children!

Health to the entire multi-colored planet!

Remember everything, friends, you cannot live in a gray world!

I'm glad that my painting came to life

She brought spring joy.

Thanks guys! Goodbye, see you again!


M.R. - Our lesson has come to an end. Today we discovered a secret: the sound of spring is conveyed not only by words, but also by colors and music.


You all did a very good job. Now let’s determine in what mood you will leave the lesson. These notes will help us. If you are now in a good, spring, sunny mood, then your cheerful note will soar to the highest step of the staff. If something didn’t work out for you today, don’t be upset, you can rightfully place your note a little lower. And if you leave in a sad mood, you didn’t like it at all, then place your note on the lowest step of the staff.

Title: Summary of a music lesson in the senior group “Musical colors of spring” Author: Lipilina Larisa Nikolaevna Position: music director of the highest qualification category Place of work: Municipal educational institution-secondary school No. 6 of Marx, Saratov region, structural unit of MDOU-d/s No. 16 of Marx Location: Marx city, Saratov region

Date modified: October 17, 2015 Date published: October 17, 2015

Spring concert lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

"Spring Concert"

Children's art school students

Hello guys, boys and girls!!!!

Today, students from the Children's Art School came to visit you, where children learn to play various musical instruments, learn to sing and dance. You probably already know that music can convey mood (sad - cheerful), feelings (tenderness, resentment, anger), can paint pictures of nature, depict animals and birds. - What birds and animals do you know that live in the forest? (children name animals). — Who knows what time of year it is now? That's right - spring. Name the signs of spring (snow melts, flowers bloom, etc.).

  1. Nature has woken up

Everything breathes with joy,

The days are getting longer.

And the sun walks higher and higher in the sky,

And warmth emanates from the revived fields.

And Olya Lapina speaks before us “Let them run...”

  1. He has a pleated shirt

he loves to dance in a squat, he dances and sings if he gets his hands on it, forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire. Merry fellow, but not a brawler, our vociferous (accordion)

On stage Lapin Kirill “Good Beetle”

  1. Quietly a leaf rustles in the grass, Quietly a brook gurgles, Quietly mom wakes you up in the morning, The Italian will say “piano.”

“Lullaby” will be performed by Emelyanova Eva

  1. Now guess the riddle: He sleeps in winter and wanders in summer. Even a wolf won't touch him. Because he is big, strong, and hungry is angry

Ivanov Semyon play "Bear"

  1. In the morning the hen gets up, the cockerel calls into the yard,

Go out, Petya, for a walk and eat some fresh grains!

Filippovskaya Eva “Hen” performs

And now, guys, I want to test you if you know polite words.

I'll start, and you finish the sentences.

1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word: a/ please, b/ hello, c/ thank you 2. An old tree stump turns green when it hears: a/ rubbish, b/ good afternoon, c/ deer 3. A polite and developed child says when meeting: a/ good bye, b/ bye, c/ hello 4. And in Russia and Denmark, when saying goodbye they say: a/ hello b/ goodbye c/ how are you

  1. And on stage Ivanova Vika with the play “The Little Drummer Boy”
  1. Where are you, Leka, Leka, Leka? They took you far away.

Where are you, Leka, Leka, Leka? Where are you, my dear?

They took you far away, I feel lonely without you...

Hurry, my friend Leka, come for me!

Vika Tyuleneva performs “Where are you, Leka?”

  1. There is a cartoon - on the contrary, where a cat is afraid of mice! Invites them to be friends. He wants to live together with them! The cat is pure kindness, from mustache to tail! What is the name of a good cat?

On stage Matushkin Misha “We will survive this trouble”

  1. The long-legged rain stomped along the road, walked and wandered - followed everywhere. I was jogging in the park, Then I was drizzling with laziness, Now I'm dancing and spinning in a puddle!

Vlad Yudintseva performs with the play “Rain”

  1. At the end of our concert, the ensemble and its teacher will perform Polina Babikova “The Dolls of Karabas Barabas”

I hope you and I had a wonderful time. Did you guys like it? Now let’s thank our artists for the wonderful spring mood and say “Thank you” to them. Our spring concert is over! Goodbye! See you again!

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