Skill of the future: why it is important to talk with children about ecology

Goals and objectives of environmental education

Forming a respectful attitude towards nature is the goal of such education. Having achieved it, the child will learn from an early age:

  • rational use of natural resources;
  • take care of their preservation;
  • study, protect nature.

To achieve this goal, 3 tasks are set:

  1. Educational. Provides knowledge about modern environmental problems and teaches how to solve them.
  2. Educational. Instills the habits and needs of a healthy lifestyle and correct behavior in relation to nature.
  3. Developmental. Teaches in practice how to assess the state of the environment and improve the situation.

The result is the education of a new generation of ecologically cultured people.

Why is environmental education needed?

The relevance of environmental education and enlightenment is determined by the global environmental challenges facing humanity and our country. It should be continuous from preschool age and continue throughout life. Environmental knowledge is necessary for every person to be aware of the consequences of their actions for nature and to understand how to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Environmental education and awareness should include not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills: how to save various natural resources (water, energy, etc.), how to properly manage waste, and much more.

The importance of environmental education and enlightenment is constantly declared by the Russian state. In Art. 71 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” talks about “establishing a system of universal and comprehensive environmental education” in order to “form an environmental culture and professional training of specialists in the field of environmental protection.” In Art. 74 defines the need for general environmental education of the population, in which all levels of government, local governments, and the media should participate.

In the “Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Environmental Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2030,” approved by the President in 2012, the formation of an environmental culture and the development of environmental education and upbringing are cited as one of the main tasks for achieving the strategic goal of state policy in the field of environmental development. The fundamentals of environmental knowledge are included in the federal state standards of basic general education.

However, there are big problems with the practical implementation of this concept: the level of environmental education and awareness does not correspond to the seriousness of environmental problems. This is due to the lack of a unified state policy in this area and low demand from society and low environmental culture. Economic interests, unfortunately, often prevail over environmental ones, and the concept of a “green” economy still remains only a declaration.

At school, environmental education and enlightenment often rests on the enthusiasm of individual teachers and teachers. At the same time, many environmental education initiatives are implemented by non-profit organizations and civil initiatives. In these conditions, the activities of public organizations become important. With the support of business, NGOs replicate and make environmental education initiatives widespread and create high-quality educational products.

Thus, the ECA movement implements environmental education projects in schools and universities. The educational portal Ekoclass.rf has currently collected 15 all-Russian and international environmental lessons, the purpose of which is to teach schoolchildren to help nature in simple and accessible ways. Lesson topics: separate waste collection, water conservation, environmentally friendly lifestyle, global climate change. 35 thousand teachers are registered on the site, more than 2 million schoolchildren from all regions of Russia and 8 CIS countries took part in the lessons.

The ECA university project is a federal partnership program “Green Universities of Russia”, the objectives of which are the development of “green” administration on the basis of participating universities and the implementation of student environmental initiatives. As part of the program, all-Russian student quests are held, in which more than 20 thousand students from more than 150 Russian universities took part, and the Association of “Green” Universities of Russia was created. This direction is being implemented with the support of The Coca-Cola Foundation (at the initiative of the Coca-Cola system, the “Share with Us” quest is being held in Russia for the second year) and the Federal Target Program “Water of Russia”. As part of the all-Russian quest “Share with Us,” 26 universities have introduced separate waste collection on their bases on an ongoing basis.

What should be emphasized in environmental education and enlightenment in Russia? First of all, it is necessary to convey to schoolchildren and students in a language accessible to them the scale of individual environmental problems, and tell them what ways there are to solve them. It is important not only to convey knowledge, but also to create motivation to influence the problem. And, of course, it is necessary to talk about how today schoolchildren and parents can contribute to the conservation of nature. For example, if we are talking about the problem of waste, then you can teach how to sort waste at home, find recycling collection points in your city, reduce the amount of waste, that is, reveal the practical aspect, encourage action.

In order for environmental education and awareness to become ubiquitous, coordination of all educational structures and environmental departments is needed, and there needs to be a public demand for environmental education and awareness to become a priority. Complex work and cooperation of many parties is important.

Environmental education of junior schoolchildren

In elementary school, children are introduced to the world around them and given examples of problems in nature that come from human activity. According to psychologists, it is necessary to increase interest in nature and environmental problems in modern society by working in three areas:

  1. To develop the child’s emotional qualities: a sense of delight, surprise, empathy, positive feelings towards natural objects, correct behavior.
  2. Create conditions for the implementation of accumulated knowledge. Provide opportunities to demonstrate environmental awareness in extracurricular activities.
  3. Provide age-appropriate knowledge.

All components act interconnectedly with an integrated approach. A child's interests and beliefs have not been formed in elementary school. The teacher’s task is to develop eco-culture, teach students to bear responsibility for all life on the planet, and take care of the environment.

“Problems of environmental upbringing and education and ways to solve them”

Problems of environmental education and training

and ways to solve them

“Love of nature, as, indeed,

and all human love is undoubtedly

is ingrained in us from childhood.”

Sokolov-Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. At the present stage, issues of traditional interaction with humans have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to treat nature carefully in the near future, they will destroy themselves. And for this we need to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility. And environmental education should begin at school age, since at this time acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong beliefs.

The relevance of the problems of environmental education and upbringing is increasing. This is caused by:

— the need to improve human ecological culture;

— the need to constantly preserve and improve human living conditions on Earth;

— the need to solve current problems associated with a decrease in living space per person;

— the need to preserve and restore, rationally use and increase natural resources;

— low level of human perception of environmental problems as personally significant;

— an insufficiently developed human need for practical participation in environmental activities.

The main goal of environmental education is the formation of an ecological culture, that is, a set of environmentally developed consciousness, emotional and sensory activity of the spheres of the individual.

Environmental education today acts as a priority direction for the development of modern schools and the education system as a whole and solves two problems. Firstly, it is aimed at studying and researching the environment, and secondly, it teaches how to take care of it based on reasonable decisions. Environmental education has a wide material base: museums, parks, environmental centers. Almost all academic subjects: biology, chemistry, social science, as well as mathematics and art, provide an understanding of the environment and how to preserve it. The goal of environmental education is to prepare a person who knows how his lifestyle affects the environment and how the choices he makes to interact with the environment contribute to its preservation or destruction. “If we want to achieve any agreement with Nature, then in most cases we will have to accept conditions ... reflecting the fundamental laws to which all organisms are subject and to which man will ultimately be forced to bow.” (Robert Ricklefs).

The formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness among future generations is becoming an important indicator of the viability of society, its dynamic progress in solving pressing problems of our time. (Markitanova, 2012)

Environmental education and upbringing in a modern school should cover all ages, it should become a priority. Everyone should have environmental knowledge. The task of the school is not only to develop a certain amount of knowledge on ecology, but also to promote the acquisition of skills in scientific analysis of natural phenomena, understanding the interaction between society and nature, and awareness of the significance of one’s practical assistance to nature.

Currently, greening the educational work of schools has become one of the main directions in the development of the school education system. It is carried out in a close relationship between educational activities, extracurricular and extracurricular work, which includes a system of lessons, extracurricular practical and educational activities. However, it became completely clear that it is impossible to teach schoolchildren about ecology only in the classroom. Other forms and methods of work are needed, the so-called “interactive forms of education”: discussions, performances, conversations, quizzes, role-playing games and other events. Children's practical environmental activities play an important role in this education. And the whole question is how, where and what we will teach children, how we will raise them to be environmentally literate, understanding the importance of preserving the environment, and ready to share responsibility for it in the future with new generations.

Environmental education and upbringing is one of the areas of work of our school. We are active participants in environmental operations at various levels. Every year we hold events such as “Feed the birds in winter.” We hang feeders on the school grounds and feed the birds during the winter. The guys understand that birds cannot survive in winter without us. Schoolchildren participate in the annual city cleanup days. So, in the fall of 2015, together with veterans, we held a cleanup day in the future Children of War park. We collected dry leaves, cleared the garden of debris and planted young oak trees. These noble trees will grow to the joy of the children of war, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren! As part of environmental education, we conduct all-Russian environmental lessons “Water of Russia” and “Share with us.” Where students learn to be careful about water resources and competent waste management through gaming competitions and practical homework. The set goals are achieved unobtrusively, in a playful way. Children realize that empirical environmental knowledge, passed on from generation to generation, is a necessary condition for human survival at all stages of its historical formation and development. A practical activity is the collection of waste paper by students during the school year.

Traditional environmental work has become the participation of students in the creation of projects to decorate the school grounds with lawns and flower beds. Work begins in the spring with students preparing, planting and growing flower seedlings. In the summer we take care of the flower beds and put things in order. And from July to August we delight ourselves and the city residents with flowering lawns. The school annually participates in a competition for the best floral decoration of the city's territories. And she was declared the winner twice. Holding holidays at school “Earth Day” and “Bird Day” develop in schoolchildren natural scientific views on the interaction of society and nature. They contribute to a closer connection of theoretical knowledge with the emotional perception of the environment, awaken the interest of schoolchildren, and ensure the development of their social activity.

For the greatest effectiveness and success of environmental education for students, it is very important to fill all activities with local material about the state of the environment in our region, city, district. This occurs especially effectively in the process of independent search and research activities. The research nature of the activity helps students develop initiative, an active, conscientious attitude towards scientific experiments, and increases interest in studying the ecological state of their area and the environmental problems of their native land. As part of environmental education, our school cooperates with the Visim Biosphere Reserve. Employees of the Visimsky Nature Reserve conduct lectures and environmental discussions in classrooms. Students actively participate in events and competitions held by the reserve, which teach respect for the environment, flora and fauna of their native land.

This is not the first year we have been cooperating with the station for young naturalists. We work closely together to carry out the following work: environmental campaigns (“Feeding Trough”, “Springs”, “Stop Solid Waste Pollution”, “Grey Neck”, etc.). The work of our school students has been repeatedly awarded with certificates and diplomas at various levels.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there is a need for a further more in-depth study of the problem of environmental education of schoolchildren, since when carrying out such work the following tasks are solved: - development of environmental ethics of students, responsibility in their relations with nature; - aesthetic, moral education, instilling love for the Motherland; - formation of a sense of belonging to one’s time, personal responsibility for everything that happens around. Environmental education is necessary for the harmonious development of schoolchildren and is a necessary form of work. Thus, the variety of forms of environmental education creates conditions for the formation of an initiative, competent and active personality with a developed sense of duty to people and one’s own conscience for the state of the natural environment.

Environmental education of the younger generation is one of the main tasks at the moment. This is difficult but interesting work. There are many opportunities here. The result of such work is the gratitude of parents and the desire of children to make their school, street, city, homeland clean and beautiful.

Environmental education and upbringing: problems and development prospects

The 21st century is called the “Century of the Environment” by the world community, in contrast to the past 20th century, the “Century of Economics”. This means that environmental “dictation” will determine the economy, education, and culture. Living in conditions of a global environmental crisis, which emerged in the second half of the last century, humanity pretends to be looking for ways out of the current situation. “The spontaneous socio-economic development of civilization leads it to a dead end...

In fact, a consumer society is currently functioning on Earth, in which the satisfaction of momentary desires comes first and determines its development for the long term.” In the educational system and in society as a whole, a “narrow pedagogical approach” to environmental education is widespread.

Currently, every person, regardless of his specialty, must be environmentally educated and environmentally cultured.

What is ecological culture? Ecological culture is a system of knowledge, skills, values ​​and a sense of responsibility for decisions made in relation to nature. The main components of an individual’s ecological culture should be: environmental knowledge, ecological thinking, environmentally sound behavior and a sense of love for nature.

The goal of environmental education is the formation of a responsible attitude towards the environment, active work in studying and protecting one’s area, protecting and renewing natural resources. In order for these requirements to become the norm of behavior of every person, it is necessary from childhood to purposefully cultivate a sense of responsibility for the preservation of nature, to develop an active life position in perceiving the problem of preserving the natural environment. The child’s attitude towards the natural environment largely determines school environmental education.

School environmental education has the potential for targeted, coordinated and systematic transfer of knowledge.

Nature in the activities of schoolchildren appears in many ways, requiring the manifestation of corresponding versatile abilities, so it turns out to be an object of care and work when students transform and protect it; an object and subject of purposeful cognition, when they study its patterns in lessons and at home; the real space where the activity takes place; environment - in sports, travel; object and subject of artistic depiction - in the process of creative recreation of her images in amateur art.

In order to provide the most favorable conditions for the formation of students’ attitudes towards reality, the school organizes labor, educational, experimental, artistic, gaming, tourism, local history and sports and recreational activities for children in nature. The formation of consciousness in conditions of interaction with the environment is influenced by many factors: first of all, life experience and the sphere of communication, family and interests of peers, personal and group motives of behavior, public opinion [19].

Under the influence of various environmental conditions on the student’s consciousness, its formation largely depends on the purposeful actions of the teacher. Here, various techniques and methods of pedagogical work are used, revealing the meaning of practical activities, conversations and lectures about work and nature, explaining duty and methods of convincing the need for everyone to take personal care of the environment, requirements for behavior and involvement in artistic creativity, rewards and punishments, competition and the personal example of the teacher.

As an urgent social and pedagogical task, the formation of a conscious, responsible attitude of students towards nature should permeate all areas of planning, organization and control in the work of the school: in school-wide plans and documents of class teachers.

Environmental activities are determined by knowledge about nature and society obtained from the study of geography, biology, chemistry and physics. In experimental and local history work in the activities of brigades and forestry departments, students become involved in active care for the natural environment, in preserving vegetation and animals, and in increasing natural resources.

The totality of their practical activities includes feasible care of plants and animals, participation in the reproduction of natural resources, caring for land and water sources, field protection and forest protection measures. Under the guidance of teachers, skills in rational environmental management are formed [20].

Having learned to observe the surrounding beauty in the process of work and realizing the opportunity to create beauty around him with his help, the student perceives the environment differently. Therefore, walks and other activities reveal the beauty of nature to him differently than before. Not every activity can directly reveal the aesthetic properties of nature for schoolchildren. In order to learn to appreciate the beauty of plant forms, the grace of animals, the contrasts of color and light, the symmetry of phenomena, the harmony of sounds, the properties of space and time, one must participate in their knowledge, both sensory and abstractly - logical.

A teacher who is passionate about the noble task of protecting the environment and who has a constant interest in the beauty, novelty, and dynamism of the surrounding world can form in students a caring attitude towards nature. Developing the spiritual world of schoolchildren with the help of nature, they at the same time strengthen the children physically, shape their will and character, cultivate collectivism and patriotism of the future caring owners of their native land; the more careful the teacher himself treats nature, the more conscious and responsible his students treat it [ 21].

The school is in need of a teacher - a generalist who deeply knows not only his subject, but also the general principles of developing relationships with nature and people.

The processes of developing aesthetic and environmental attitudes in schoolchildren require an integrated approach [22].

A teacher of literature, singing and drawing will quickly and easily form a responsible attitude of students towards nature, initially relying on the means of art. As you know, students write essays with great interest about the literary landscape, works of painting and music that reflect nature.

Under the guidance of fine arts teachers, they enjoy going on excursions to sketch sights from life. It is also exciting for schoolchildren to get acquainted with the world of music, reproducing images of nature.

For subject teachers, the most effective integrated approach to education is the path from teaching the basics of science to organizing direct interaction between schoolchildren and nature in knowledge and work, and then to establishing connections between nature and art, social and personal relationships between students and the environment.

Thus, the influences of the various paths that teachers of different specialties use when cultivating schoolchildren’s attitude towards nature can become equivalent if certain pedagogical conditions are met: combining knowledge, work and environmental protection into a system; mutual complementarity of aesthetic, labor and environmental activities or their interpenetration in the course of developing relationships with nature; a differentiated approach to building systems of practical cases related to each academic subject and age group of schoolchildren; strengthening the attention of teachers to the formation of connections and internal dependencies on each other of different activities, areas of activity, traditional and new forms of interaction with the natural environment.

The example of teachers actively influences the consciousness and behavior of students, their attitude towards nature and towards each other. Forms of pedagogical guidance for individual activities can include systematic consultations on household work (caring for the garden, flowers, animals, fish, birds), exhibitions of finds and crafts made from natural materials. Recommendations for a regime of games and recreation in nature, familiarizing students with the rules of fishing and caring for nature, and legislation are appropriate. You can invite artists, poets, writers, fishermen, hunters, foresters, lawyers, etc. to the conversations.

Achieving a high level of development of relationships to nature and to each other helps to satisfy the interests of schoolchildren. It uniquely completes the process of transforming students’ subject and mutual connections into educational relationships. By acquiring educational functions, a responsible attitude towards nature, schoolchildren’s concern for preserving its beauty, and attention to each other rise to a high level. This creates the best conditions for solving the problems of comprehensive harmonious development of the individual in the process of interaction with the natural environment.

Environmental education is still considered from a subject-object position as a purposeful influence on a person at all stages of his life with the help of an extensive system of means and methods, which aims to form environmental awareness, environmental culture, environmental behavior, and environmental responsibility [23].

The modern approach in the context of the global environmental crisis should be broader, including the main directions of environmental education: the formation of an ecological worldview through a system of continuous environmental education (natural science approach) and education for sustainable development, cultural studies (formation of an environmental culture), psychological-ecological-pedagogical, medical-ecological, socio-economic-ecological, environmental-legal (legal), socio-ecological-political, spiritual-ecological and ecological-ethical directions.

German humanist I.V. Goethe noted that there is nothing worse than ignorance. It is the lack of necessary knowledge, its inconsistency with the real situation, which gives rise to the inability to foresee all, including negative, consequences of human intervention in natural processes, and not evil will, that is the main cause of the environmental crisis. The contradiction in environmental education lies in the fact that the vast majority of the population understands environmental education based on narrow, subject-specific positions.

The subject “ecology” in the Soviet educational system was only a section of “biology”. Modern ecology covers philosophical, political, social, economic, legal, hygienic and moral and ethical aspects of society and human activity. The ecological educational space of children is wide: it includes the influence of the family, where, first of all, it is determined by the huge role of the MOTHER; preschool institutions, schools, institutions of additional education and culture, the media, as well as the sphere of spontaneous education, being multifactorial and diverse. First of all, we need to pay attention to family environmental education.

Everyone knows that “a child learns everything he sees in his home.” Family living space is a kind of micro-socio-ecosystem in which family members realize their potential and actively interact with the environment, under favorable conditions and skillful actions.

Currently, unforgivably little attention is paid to family environmental education.

The parents of the child should be primarily involved in environmental education. In the educational system of Russia, the function of education is traditionally “entrusted” to the school, or rather, teachers are burdened with the exorbitant burden of educating children, including environmental issues.

Environmental education in modern society can and should be done primarily by parents in a more qualitative and competent manner, and the school can and should be the organizing beginning of mass everyday activities in the field of continuous education of environmental culture, the formation of environmental literacy and environmental values ​​of families and society.

Education begins in the family, “the family is the most important element of society, its foundation. It is in it, first of all, that every person is formed both physically and culturally. It is in the family that the main stereotypes of a child’s behavior are laid down. It is the main support of a person and his concern throughout his life.”

There is probably no person who is not aware of his dependence on the state of the natural environment, including climate change, natural resources, air quality, and water quality. At the same time, there is a lot of evidence of a low level of environmental culture among the majority of the country’s population, even those with a high educational level [24].

One of the most important principles of environmental education is the principle of continuity. This is an interconnected process of learning, education and development of a person throughout his life.

It can be said that school is the most important stage in the development of children’s scientific, cognitive, emotional, moral, practical and active relationships with the environment and their health based on the unity of sensory and rational knowledge of a person’s natural and social environment.

One of the most important tasks of a modern school is to foster an environmental culture; equipping children with the skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature; formation of environmental knowledge. In this regard, we will highlight the components of environmental culture (Diagram 1):

Scheme 1

A person’s whole life: his character, love of nature, sense of responsibility, good and bad habits, ability to overcome difficulties, conscientiousness, hard work - are largely determined by his upbringing in childhood. If parents limit themselves only to physical nutrition and neglect spiritual nutrition, then a person grows up to be a unspiritual slave of his carnal desires. Cultivating an environmental sense is the most important among all human senses. This is one of the main characteristics of a person’s holistic personality.

The prospect of environmental education in the community of family and school. The formation of the ecological consciousness of middle and high school students is more influenced by the worldview of the older generation in the family, the ecological culture of the family, than by the “academic” ecology taught at school. The effectiveness of environmental education in the family directly depends on family support and the coincidence of family and school values. The family is the soil, the fertile environment on which the seeds of school environmental education and training fall. The prospect for the development of environmental education in the greening of all school education and upbringing, in the environmental education of subject teachers and primary school teachers, school administration, and all school employees. We now see that the introduction of family and school-family design will unite our efforts in creating a friendly ecological educational environment for schools and families, where our children will grow up happily.

To implement the tasks facing our country to transform every corner of it into a flourishing land, it is necessary to promptly form an ecological culture, aesthetic attitudes towards nature, develop a love for it and bear responsibility for its condition.

What is the main danger to human life? Wars? Supervolcano eruption? Comet collision?

The life of the average person today is filled with comfort. He travels long distances by private car, plane or train, his diet consists of a variety of dishes, and his health is monitored by an entire army of doctors who make up a unified healthcare system. But this is only at first glance. In fact, each of us constantly faces serious risks that we may not even be aware of. We are talking about global environmental problems

Global warming
The most serious threat is posed by global warming, which causes active melting of glaciers and thinning of Arctic sea ice

As a result, many species of Arctic animals, birds and plants are on the verge of extinction. Rains in low and high latitudes become more frequent and abundant, while in tropical and subtropical latitudes, on the contrary, the climate becomes more arid. The balance in ecosystems is being disrupted, with frequent floods, droughts and hurricanes occurring around the world. And in 2022, American scientists proved a direct connection between global warming and a sharp increase in the number of suicides. There is only one way to prevent this: to sharply reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere.
Destruction of the ozone layer
Another problem that humanity faces is the destruction of the ozone layer. Since ozone, located at an altitude of 20-25 km above the Earth’s surface, is a kind of filter,

absorbing aggressive ultraviolet rays of the Sun, then when the ozone layer thins, people lose their eyesight en masse, get sunburns, which subsequently lead to the development of malignant skin tumors.
In addition, marine ecosystems are at risk, since phytoplankton, which acts here as the main link in the food chain, cannot develop normally under excessive exposure to hard UV radiation. The solution to this problem is based on abandoning the use of freon gases, which most actively destroy the ozone layer. Pollution of the World Ocean
For several years now, the scientific environmental community has been looking for technologies to solve such problems as pollution of the World Ocean with plastic waste. Five huge garbage islands have been discovered so far

, which drift in the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and create enormous risks for all their inhabitants.
Some animals and fish mistake microplastic particles for phytoplankton and mistakenly eat them. Seabird chicks are attracted to larger plastic pieces in bright colors, and the young birds swallow them, dooming themselves to a painful death. At the moment, no effective way out of this situation has been found. However, new concepts and ideas are constantly being proposed to experts. Air pollution

Residents of megacities are especially concerned about the problem of air pollution. Huge volumes of exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises envelop cities in a thick layer of smog, in which it sometimes becomes simply impossible to breathe. This leads to numerous health problems in adults and children. It is possible to clear the air of impurities through a reduction in road transport, the use of multi-stage purification systems in industrial enterprises, as well as through the widespread use of energy-saving technologies.

Shortage of drinking water

The population of arid regions suffers acutely from a lack of drinking water. Endless epidemics, chronic diseases, social tension and territorial conflicts over water sources

torment people, forcing them to leave their homeland and go in search of a better life.
The consequences of water shortages have already been felt by Europeans, when the streets of their cities were filled with migrants from Africa and the Middle East. Destruction of tropical forests
Another problem, the consequences of which will soon be felt by all of humanity, is the destruction of tropical forests. Tropical forests are not called the lungs of the planet for nothing. They process carbon dioxide

the concentration of which in the atmosphere is constantly growing, into oxygen necessary for the respiration of living organisms.
In addition, cutting down and burning forests leads to risks such as soil desertification
loss of biodiversity
on Earth.
It is extremely difficult to stop these processes, since it requires an integrated approach, implying the solution of a mass of economic, social and political problems. Desertification
As a result of global climate change, deforestation, shortage of fresh water, and intensive use of fertile lands, they are depleted and transformed into deserts.

As a result, there is a danger of starvation

, and lack of water manifests itself in
the growth of infectious diseases
People are forced to migrate to more prosperous areas, which leads to social conflicts and the spread of epidemics. Declining Biodiversity
Sculpture of a giant wingless bird destroyed by humans in the 16th century MOA

In nature, everything is interconnected. The existing diversity of species of living beings on the planet is not a whim of nature, but an urgent necessity. The disappearance of one species disrupts the entire ecosystem.

A good example is the campaign to exterminate sparrows in China in the late 50s of the last century. As a result, the ecological balance was disrupted, and the multiplying insects destroyed not only the crops, but also the foliage on the trees. This led to widespread famine in the country and the death of more than 30 million people.

The process of extinction of species and the appearance of new ones is constantly going on in nature. However, with human participation, the decrease in species diversity occurs at a catastrophic rate. From the beginning of the 17th century

More than 800 species of plants and animals have disappeared
on the planet .
Depletion of natural resources

The problem of depletion of natural resources is no less acute. The rapid growth of industry leads to the consumption of an incredible amount of natural resources, and their reserves on the planet are very limited. According to scientists, there will be enough oil, coal and other minerals for the next 40-50 years

The prospects for further survival for humanity are very vague. Only the refusal of fossil fuels, a reasonable approach to the consumption of goods and services, and saving water and electricity in everyday life will help. Overpopulation

Over the past 200 years, the world's population has grown from 1 to 7.5 billion people and is increasing by 80-90 million every year. According to forecasts, by 2100 it could reach more than 10 billion.

However, according to some estimates, the Earth is not that overpopulated. After all, 70% of the existing population

live on only
7% of the landmass
In this situation, it was calculated that our planet, taking into account places unsuitable for life, can easily accommodate up to 25 billion people

However, such an assessment is not very correct, since today more than half of the population is concentrated in cities. As a result, we are already faced with the problem of relative overpopulation

, when overcrowding combined with an imperfect mechanism for the distribution of material goods leads to serious consequences.
Conclusion or environmental awareness
As you can see, there are quite a lot of risks our world faces. However, there is only one reason for them. This is the consumer attitude of a person

to the planet, its resources, other living beings inhabiting it and, moreover, to each other.

None of the above problems can be solved in isolation. They can only be solved comprehensively, subject to a change in the vector of our consciousness towards the perception of the Earth as our common home, as a single living organism

, of which we are all cells.

Forms of environmental education

Environmental education becomes an important part of the educational process. Teachers work in this direction during lessons and extracurricular activities. Methods and forms of education depend on the age of the child.


A popular form is a lesson. Thematic classes are conducted for preschoolers. The subject “Knowledge of the World” has been introduced in primary schools. He introduces children to the world around them and its laws. Classroom activities are divided into 3 types:

  1. Introductory. They give an idea of ​​different types of plants, animals, and natural phenomena. For better perception, posters, films and other demonstration materials are used.
  2. Generalizing. They talk about the problems of the planet. Preschoolers of older groups and primary grades learn to separate natural phenomena according to their characteristics.
  3. Cognitive. Allows you to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Classes are held in the form of competitions and quizzes.

Lessons lay down theoretical and practical knowledge, taking into account age.

Thematic events

Holidays dedicated to ecology are part of extracurricular activities. Topics are created by teachers or timed to coincide with calendar events (Wildlife Day, Earth Day). The goal is to awaken interest in the problems of nature. The holiday script is drawn up on the basis of previously acquired knowledge.

Hiking and excursions

An effective method of environmental education is direct interaction with living nature. Teachers organize walks in the fresh air or excursions to local history museums.

Starting from the middle groups of kindergartens and middle school classes, participants participate in such events.


In preschool institutions, living corners and flower beds are set up. Children take care of flowers and animals. Schools are holding cleanup days and cleaning classrooms.

Skill of the future: why it is important to talk with children about ecology

Children are our future, so our tomorrow depends on what we tell them today. We talked about the importance of environmental education with Anna Gorshkova, coordinator of the Ekoclass.rf portal.

Why is it important to engage in environmental education for children?

It is obvious that today man influences nature so much that it simply does not have time to cope with it. But our well-being also depends on the health and well-being of nature, since we use all its benefits and resources. And it is obvious that having a healthy and comfortable environment is, first of all, a necessity for ourselves.

It is necessary to tell children about this from an early age, because such knowledge, view of the world, thinking and habits are formed in preschool age. The child is more open and receptive, it is easier for him to try something new, to build, among other things, ecological thinking.

In addition, children are the future of our world: politicians, teachers, ordinary people. What kind of thinking and views we help them form in childhood determines what our world will be like.

Ecological thinking is the skill of seeing relationships in nature, seeing how our actions affect the environment, feeling responsible for today and for the future. In the next 5–10 years, this attitude will be vital in all areas of human life, in any company, in any position. And in every profession, environmental thinking will become one of the basic skills, so it should be instilled from childhood.

Where to start with environmental education of children?

I would advise you to observe what the child is interested in and try to approach it from that direction. As a child, I was interested in animals and nature, which is why I grew up as an ecologist.

Someone might be interested in economics—you can talk about ecological economics.

I also recommend that parents raise their children by example, because they subconsciously repeat the actions of adults. Any eco-habits that can be practiced at home (not using plastic bags or turning off the water and lights) must first be introduced into your life. So, it will not seem complicated to the child.

And, of course, I would start by explaining and demonstrating how diverse, beautiful and unique the world around is. Show why it is worth saving. Show me how amazing everything is! After all, you can watch films and read books on this topic.

How to apply the acquired knowledge in practice?

I repeat, introduce eco-habits. For example, you and your child learned that plastic is bad. Now it is important to move from theory to practice. The easiest way is to start sorting waste, using reusable things, so that there is a connection: there is a problem - I can influence it.

What tips can you give for raising children of different ages?

Very roughly, we divide children into three large age groups:

Children under 7 years old. The influence of parents plays a big role here. By personal example it is worth showing the right habits, helping, giving the opportunity to study, be more in nature, and see what is happening in the world. You can add an interactive format and turn everything into a game.

Children 7-14 years old. At this age, children begin to read actively, you can take advantage of this and give them thematic books. Plus, there are many different cartoons and films on the topic of ecology for children. In elementary school, many are asked to make their own project, so suggest doing it specifically on an environmental theme.

Children from 14 years old. At this age, you can participate in projects on a more serious level: how to make school more environmentally friendly, change your eco-habits. You can volunteer or intern to participate in youth conferences and movements. This is a good experience and sometimes even career guidance. It is possible to take class trips to protected areas, a biological station, or visit biocircles. The main thing is to try to be active at any age.

Methods of environmental education

To better perceive nature-oriented programs, a methodology is being developed for preschool institutions and schools. Teachers use 3 methods in practice.

Visual methods


  1. Observation. Children are asked to track the behavior of the animal. Changes in the shape, characteristics, and structure of the plant. In the process, the purpose, timing and method of observation are established.
  2. Illustrative materials. Literature, images, paintings, posters are a visual way to introduce children to animals, plants and natural phenomena that are inaccessible to observation in their usual environment.

The visual method helps to attract students' attention to environmental issues.

Practical methods

To fully immerse yourself in ecoculture, practical actions are required:

  • modeling;
  • experiments;
  • themed games.

Practice creates a general understanding of natural objects.

Verbal methods

Any method is supported by conversation and reading fiction. Teachers conduct conversations in lessons, before competitions, games, and during experiments.

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Modern issues of environmental education of preschool children

The article was prepared by the teacher of the preschool group of the MB OU S (K) NSh-DS No. 2, Neryungri RS (Yakutia), Natalya Petrovna Baidina

Human interaction with nature is an extremely pressing problem of our time. Probably everyone remembers the words of the famous writer A. de S. Exupery “... we all come from childhood .

If you look at today's children, you can see that some children do not understand that everything that surrounds us is living nature, our Earth, our home, and we must learn to love and take care of it all. And from children's environmental permissiveness (pluck a flower, destroy a butterfly) to adult (turn rivers, cut down a cedar forest) is just one step. And to prevent this step from being taken, it is necessary to form the foundations of environmental education already at preschool age.

The ideas about nature, as it really is, acquired in childhood, arouse deep interest in children, expand their knowledge, contribute to the formation of character, make them kinder and more tolerant.

And the biographies of many famous people convince us of this: natural scientists K.A. Timiryazeva, I.V. Michurina; famous poets, writers, artists, composers - A. Pushkin, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky, P. Tchaikovsky and many others. It is very good when children are read poems, fairy tales, stories about nature - preschoolers try to understand, comprehend what they read, ask questions, base their answers on the basis of their still small life experience. And if kids love direct communication with nature, then older preschoolers can already talk about more global problems that relate to interaction with the surrounding nature.

As you know, the 21st century is predicted to be information-ecological. This fact confirms the priority of environmental education and education of preschoolers and students.

However, according to UNESCO Director General F. Mayor, this problem can be solved, but only “through global education” , i.e. placing environmental issues at the center of all educational programs, starting in preschool.

But posing the question in this way is not accidental - environmental education has not achieved high results. As for preschool education, the search for effective strategies and technologies is still underway, and a wide variety of approaches are being considered.

Some experts believe that it is necessary to introduce thematic classes, since environmental education is not identical to biological education. Others advocate for the effective “greening” of the entire educational process. And it should be noted that the second approach is receiving increasing support today.

As noted by modern ecologists S.D. Deryabo and V.A. Yasvin, today it is vitally important to green all spheres of public life, and first of all, the person himself must be greened in all aspects of his activities - in everyday life, education, training. Two models of entering a new reality are considered - through the development of personality based on an “active offensive-affirming” attitude towards the world around us (S. A. Rubinstein) and on the ability to create for the benefit of humanity (A. N. Leontyev).

When setting environmental goals, issues of mental, aesthetic, moral, ethical, and physical education are resolved.

Mental development occurs in the process of children’s knowledge of inanimate nature, plants, animals and protozoa; accessible to the sensory perception of children; connection between objects and natural phenomena.

It is necessary to show children nature as it really is, influencing the senses. It is also necessary to cultivate children's interest in observed phenomena. It is necessary to show what and how to observe in animals and plants, pay attention to appearance - movements, habits, thus forming not only knowledge about nature, but also children’s attitude towards it.

Research in recent years shows that the development of cognitive activity in preschool children increases due to their acquisition of the ability to find significant features in plants and animals, to establish connections between the structure of individual organisms and the living conditions of plants and animals.

In the moral development of a child, a special place is given to the development of a careful, caring attitude towards all living things.

An aesthetic attitude is expressed in the development of the ability to see the beauty and variety of colors of nature. It can be noted that preschoolers’ lack of knowledge that correctly reflects reality often leads to the formation of various prejudices and superstitions. Misconceptions often cause hostile attitudes towards animals and children’s destruction of “ugly” insects and reptiles. This harms not only nature, but also the child’s fragile psyche and hardens him. That is why it is important for children to receive correct information about the world around us from a very early age.

But environmental education is somewhat broader in content. It is based on awareness of human activities for the environment.

Environmental education is possible under the following conditions: the formation of elementary ecological ideas about nature (about animals and plants as living beings; about the unity of the organism and the environment; about the essence of interaction between man and nature); understanding the importance of environmental protection; nurturing a humane and active attitude towards nature, expressed in a careful and caring attitude towards living beings; in awareness of the fulfillment of certain norms of behavior.

Children learn these rules well in didactic, environmental games, remember how to behave and what to do so as not to harm nature.

And of course, not only the children’s educational institution educates and educates in the environmental sphere, but also parents, first of all, instill norms of behavior in their children - both in the theater and in the forest. So, in conclusion, we can say that how a little man will grow up depends on the thoughts and actions that his “put” into his soul and heart. And whether he will be empathetic, sensitive and attentive towards nature also depends on what he was taught in childhood.


  1. Marinicheva O.V., Elkina N.V. We teach children to observe and tell. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 224 p., ill.
  2. Goroshchenko V.P. Nature and people., M.: Education, 2006.
  3. Dmitriev Yu.D. We have one land., M.: Children's literature, 2007.
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood., M.: Prosveshchenie, 2009.
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Environmental education in the family

The relevance of the problem of environmental education is related to the situation within the family. Children are sensitive to their environment. They unwittingly try to imitate adults.

Parents must understand that it is impossible to force a child to certain rules of behavior if they themselves do not comply with them. First of all, you need to cultivate an environmental culture at home.

Joint activities with your child will be beneficial:

  1. While walking, pay attention to birds and insects. Monitor the weather. Using the verbal method, introduce the child to them.
  2. Buy colorful literature: encyclopedias, books on caring for animals and plants.
  3. Get a pet. Explain how to care for it and why it needs to be done.
  4. Watch documentaries and series about nature.

It is important to reward your child for correct behavior. Mark if he threw the trash in the trash can, fed the fish, or did a good deed.

At what level is environmental education in Russia?

In the Federal State Educational Standard there is no academic discipline “Ecology” - it began to be taught in 1993, but already in 1997 it was removed from the federal component of the curriculum, it was recommended to introduce it only in grades 10-11 on an optional basis.

Irina Taranets, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Museum of Geography of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova and leading Eco specialist: “The level of environmental education in the country is quite low, sometimes average: knowledge turns out to be superficial and often intuitive. There are enthusiastic teachers at school who infect children with the idea of ​​doing projects, but these are isolated cases.”

Enthusiastic teachers are supported by non-state funds. For example, the Foundation named after. Vernadsky in the category “Environmental Education” receives 500-600 applications a year for grants.

Alla Volynskaya, head of educational projects of the non-governmental environmental foundation named after. Vernadsky: “There are a lot of powerful works, but teachers often view ecology in a utilitarian way - pick up a piece of paper, plant a tree. Ecology is often denied the role of a separate science; it is such a servant.”

But even without support, eco-enthusiasts have learned to consolidate over the past five or six years - methodological bases for environmental lessons have been created, a resource saving center operates, and volunteer teams operate in which schoolchildren take care of the environment on their own.

In addition, environmental Olympiads, public and private, are held for children. Thanks to the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren, the Lomonosov Olympiad, and the Moscow Olympiad for Schoolchildren, students are happily involved in scientific activities.

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