Description of the pedagogical experience of the teacher Lyudmila Sergeevna Podgornova, educational and methodological material on the topic

Teacher's work experience

Teaching materials → Work experience → Teacher work experience

This section presents documents summarizing the work experience of teachers in various kindergartens. Documents in the format “work experience of a teacher” are a summary of the results of the pedagogical activities of a preschool teacher, which can be useful to his colleagues. One document describes in a concentrated format the most important aspects of a teacher’s activity.

Number of materials in category: 704

  • From work experience
    Published: 15:15:25 11/29/2021
  • Work experience “Application of information technology in the interaction of educators with parents”
    Published: 09:20:14 11/27/2021
  • Article “Methods of introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land (“Native nature is my dear”)”
    Published: 17:25:13 11/21/2021
  • Report on the summer wellness period for 2022
    Published: 10:11:53 08-11-2021
  • Presentation
    Published: 11:31:55 10/19/2021
  • “Psychological relief corner as a means of overcoming the negative emotional state of preschool children”
    Published: 11:08:50 10-19-2021
  • Emotional problems in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten
    Published: 18:45:42 09/21/2021
  • Presentation for the project within the framework of STEM education “Young Researchers”
    Published: 14:45:12 05/26/2021
  • Sets of exercises for the younger group
    Published: 22:55:34 04/25/2021
  • GTO - first steps!!!
    Published: 17:42:04 11-04-2021
  • “The role of the teacher and junior teacher in instilling interest in the simplest work activities in children of primary preschool age” (from work experience)
    Published: 19:52:45 10-04-2021
  • Using innovations in working with children (QR code, tag cloud, photo collage)
    Published: 20:48:09 04/07/2021
  • Notes
    Published: 10:43:33 03/15/2021
  • Project “My Favorite Fairy Tale”
    Published: 07:30:16 02/23/2021
  • Project “Professions”
    Published: 07:29:32 02/23/2021
  • Project “My Family”
    Published: 07:28:11 02/23/2021
  • Club in the preparatory group: “Smart fingers”
    Published: 15:22:47 02/22/2021
  • Methodological development using innovative technologies.
    Creating an interactive task using the site Published: 18:44:54 02/14/2021
  • Crossword "Natural phenomena".
    Created jointly with Crossgen Published: 18:32:17 02/14/2021
  • Using the modeling method in various activities
    Published: 08:10:48 01/31/2021
  • Pedagogical project on the topic: “Education begins in the family”
    Published: 11:15:43 01/28/2021
  • Using a variable aid in working with preschoolers
    Published: 14:53:46 01/17/2021
  • Schemes for light construction on a New Year's theme
    Published: 17:40:15 16-12-2020
  • Organization of the speech environment as the most important condition for the development of coherent speech of a preschooler
    Published: 11:38:23 12-12-2020
  • Report on the implementation of an ecological mini-museum in the preparatory group.
    Published: 11:34:51 12-12-2020
  • consultation for teachers - walks in winter
    Published: 08:02:50 05-12-2020
  • “Use of ICT in working with parents” (from work experience)
    Published: 17:27:32 11/29/2020
  • seminar “Use of virtual excursions in the cognitive development of preschool children.”
    Published: 19:39:23 23-11-2020
  • Methodological development using innovative technologies
    Published: 00:26:52 10/18/2020
  • Project “Ant Path”
    Published: 15:15:57 13-10-2020
  • Article Organization of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children
    Published: 07:38:15 13-10-2020
  • presentation - “Video hosting is an effective form of interaction for the successful adaptation of children.
    ". Published: 17:45:30 12-10-2020
  • Consultation “Organization of a walk in order to develop cognitive interest in the environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
    Published: 18:54:46 08-10-2020
  • Presentation “Storytelling”
    Published: 23:29:27 09/26/2020
  • Consultation for teachers “How to properly organize a parent meeting in a preschool educational institution”
    Published: 06:07:25 08/31/2020
  • Presentation at the pedagogical council of the project activity “So that there is no trouble” (senior preschool age)
    Published: 09:44:16 08/18/2020
  • Message from work experience “Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age”
    Published: 15:19:53 08/17/2020
  • A message from the experience of working at a methodological association for teachers of senior and preparatory groups Topic: “Formation of the foundations of safe behavior at home in children of the compensatory group from 5-7 years old”
    Published: 16:00:16 05-08-2020
  • Message at a methodological association for teachers of senior and preparatory groups on the topic “Developing subject-spatial environment for the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” in senior preschool age”
    Published: 12:51:29 01-08-2020
  • A message from work experience on the topic “Use of modeling technology in the formation of children’s ideas about time”
    Published: 10:49:01 01-08-2020
  • Master class for teachers of the regional methodological association “Children's experimentation.
    From work experience" Published: 21:29:44 01-06-2020
  • Project “Memory Road”
    Published: 16:11:58 09-05-2020
  • “Children's tourist trip as a means of improving the health of preschool children” Generalization of work experience.
    Published: 11:57:55 04/24/2020
  • Thematic corner for Victory Day.
    Published: 22:50:54 04/23/2020
  • Competition “Reading mother - reading country”
    Published: 01:06:54 04/15/2020
    Published: 22:06:48 04/09/2020
  • Work experience
    Published: 14:12:05 03/30/2020
  • Campaign “Save water!”
    as part of World Water Day Published: 19:53:03 03/28/2020
  • The role of entertaining material in the implementation of the program for the natural mathematical development of preschoolers.
    Published: 13:27:03 16-02-2020
  • Theatrical production of S. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse.”
    Middle group Published: 20:11:07 10-02-2020
  • Forms of working with families to promote a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler (from work experience)
    Published: 12:45:46 02/09/2020
  • Forms of physical education and health work with families
    Published: 12:43:12 02/09/2020
  • Project “Soap foams - look!”
    Published: 13:24:58 01-02-2020
  • Formation of safe behavior skills for preschool children at home
    Published: 20:37:28 01/29/2020
  • Cultural practice
    Published: 14:33:03 01/29/2020
  • Publication of an article on the website “My Yugra” on the topic “Volunteer activities in the patriotic and spiritual-moral education of citizens.
    From work experience. Published: 12:54:31 01/23/2020
  • Pedagogical diagnostics
    Published: 22:14:26 01/22/2020
  • Consultations for educators.
    Published: 08:19:31 01/22/2020
  • Report on the implementation of a pedagogical project on the topic: “Familiarization of older preschoolers with the traditions of the peoples of the Volga region”
    Published: 00:03:17 01/22/2020
  • Essay
    Published: 16:46:26 01/17/2020
  • Workshop for teachers “Practice, play, learn and develop”
    Published: 06:35:58 01/15/2020
  • Educator's ESSAY
    Published: 21:27:37 01/14/2020
  • Slideshow for the Project “Vegetables and Fruits...”
    Published: 15:30:19 12-01-2020
  • Report from work experience on the topic: “Organization of motor activity of children of senior preschool age during a walk” (11/26/2019)
    Published: 09:59:54 01/09/2020
  • Development of touch and fine motor skills in preschool children
    Published: 07:28:55 12/24/2019
  • Finger games for kids
    Published: 17:06:31 12/19/2019
  • Workshop for parents with children
    Published: 18:13:41 15-12-2019
  • "Scheduling."
    Published: 14:23:28 28-11-2019
  • Playful self-massage in correctional work with children with disabilities
    Published: 17:12:58 11/22/2019
  • Generalization of work experience “Games - puzzles as a means of intellectual development of older preschool children”
    Published: 18:38:41 11/17/2019
  • Pedagogical project on patriotic education for preschool children “Studying the native land through all types of children’s activities”
    Published: 09:23:59 10/22/2019
  • experience moral education
    Published: 19:37:11 10/20/2019
  • Experience in “Using mnemonic techniques in the development of coherent speech in preschool children.”
    Published: 20:50:42 14-10-2019
  • Methodological material: presentations, reports, messages from work experience
    Published: 16:23:55 07-10-2019
  • Master class for teachers “Using TRIZ for children’s speech development”
    Published: 12:33:25 09/21/2019
  • Methodological recommendations “Creating conditions for the speech development of preschool children”
    Published: 08:15:08 09/21/2019
  • Pedagogical leaflet Topic: “Game technologies in learning the road alphabet”
    Published: 18:52:53 09/16/2019
  • Speech “Integration as a factor of social adaptation of preschool children with hearing impairments” at the XXI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood: Children of the Third Millennium”, Krasnoyarsk, 2022
    Published: 05:34:04 02-09- 2019
  • Teacher's annual report
    Published: 20:38:25 07/15/2019
  • Consultation for teachers “The importance of search and research activities in child development”
    Published: 17:39:08 06/30/2019
  • 01.09.20
    Forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents Published: 15:42:46 06/17/2019
  • Report "Children's speech creativity as a condition for full communication."
    Published: 16:42:43 06/16/2019
  • Consultation for teachers “Development of dialogical communication in preschool children”
    Published: 15:35:35 06/13/2019
  • “The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process at MBDOU DS No. 31 “Bear Cub” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.”
    Published: 20:00:16 11-06-2019
  • Forms of work with children of primary preschool age on moral and patriotic education
    Published: 19:40:29 06/11/2019
  • tank from Lego Eduction Simple mechanisms
    Published: 13:38:28 03-05-2019
  • Speech at the methodological council on the topic: “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education and improving the quality of preschool education”
    Published: 14:37:58 05/02/2019
  • Methodological advice in preschool educational institutions on the topic “Creating conditions for sports and recreational activities of preschool children”
    Published: 14:36:24 05/02/2019
  • Speech at the methodological council at the preschool educational institution “Formation of coherent speech in preschool children”
    Published: 14:35:34 05/02/2019
  • Essay “I am a teacher”
    Published: 14:34:23 05/02/2019
  • Research work within the framework of the competition “I am a Researcher”
    Published: 14:06:42 04/26/2019
  • NGO Cognitive Development. Project “Toddlers and Cubs”
    Published: 13:54:07 04/26/2019
  • Published an article in the Center for Scientific Investments “Kindergarten as an environment for child development”
    Published: 12:54:41 04/25/2019
  • Experimental activities as a means of developing cognitive interest in preschool children
    Published: 18:21:13 04/14/2019
  • Work experience
    Published: 11:59:25 04/14/2019
  • Campaign “Christmas tree-green needle”.
    2016 Published: 19:43:26 04/08/2019
  • From work experience: “Sensory development of young children.”
    Published: 19:42:32 03/26/2019
  • Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite pastime
    Published: 16:52:13 03/23/2019
  • Onion for seven ailments
    Published: 16:39:56 03/23/2019
  • Project “Space Travel”
    Published: 00:50:28 02/24/2019

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Difficulties in choosing a topic and processing material

When working on their own improvement, a teacher may encounter the following pitfalls:

  • Difficulties in selecting appropriate topics. The relevance of the teacher’s development direction and his personal interest should help here. He should pay attention to his students, understand what needs to be introduced into the process of education and upbringing to improve work with them. It is also worth focusing on the requirements and recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, existing methodological developments and documentation.
  • Finding and selecting the necessary materials. Here you can use teaching aids available in the preschool itself, in library collections, in the works of colleagues, as well as on various pedagogical sites and forums on the Internet.
  • Difficulties in assimilating the amount of material received. In order to systematize and remember the information received well, you need to use auxiliary tools that simplify and improve the process of fixing materials in memory. These can be mental maps, notes, diagrams. The simplest and most accessible way is abstract note-taking. It allows you to isolate the most important points in the information received, remember them, and then use them as reference points for reproducing the entire volume of acquired knowledge. In addition to visual memory, in this case, purely mechanical memorization of information when recording is also added, and this will facilitate the understanding of complex and voluminous information.

The work of a preschool teacher cannot be a series of drawing up plans and filling out papers, although this plays an important role in the activity. For every teacher at any level, the measure of his professional compliance should be his contribution to the development of pedagogy, self-development and improvement of the creative spirit both in himself and in the children entrusted to him.

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