Thesis on the topic: “Observation as a method of environmental education for children of primary preschool age”

Excerpt from the text


Relevance of the research topic. The most important task in the development of modern civilization is to overcome the global environmental crisis and build an information-ecological society. The solution to this problem is largely determined by the content of environmental education, since the effectiveness of any measures taken to protect the environment is determined by the behavior of people and their attitude towards nature.

The research of N.S. is devoted to psychological and pedagogical problems of environmental education. Dezhnikova, S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Kobylyansky, V.I. Sitarova, V.A. Yasvina and others. The goal of environmental education, according to scientists, is the formation of an individual’s environmental culture. In the scientific literature, environmental culture is considered as part of the general culture, which contributes to the preservation and development of the “man-society-nature” system (B.T. Likhachev, S. Popov, etc.); characterizes the degree of freedom of the subject in relation to the natural and social environment (E.V. Girusov, Yu.P. Ozhegov, D.D. Pankov, N.N. Rodzevich, etc.); forms a system of knowledge, skills and value orientations that “maximally contribute to ensuring environmental safety and improving the environmental situation” (A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, T.V. Potapova, I.T. Suravegina, etc.).

Researchers believe that environmental culture is a unity of interconnected components: environmental consciousness, moral and value attitude towards nature, experience of environmental activities. At the same time, scientists note the insufficient effectiveness of modern environmental education (S.N. Glazachev, V.V. Pustovoitov, L.K. Tolstikhina, etc.), which is reflected in the contradiction between the growing pace of the environmental crisis and the low level of environmental culture of society.

In studies devoted to the study of continuous environmental education, special attention is paid to preschool childhood. The problem of forming the ecological culture of preschoolers is considered by researchers from different positions: the peculiarities of the formation of environmental knowledge are studied (N.F. Vinogradova, S.N. Nikolaeva, E.F. Terentyeva, A.M. Fedotova, I.A. Khaidurova, etc.); generalizes the experience of a careful, caring, humane attitude towards the environment (V.G. Gretsova, T.A. Markova, D.P. Plokhiy, L.P. Saleeva, etc.); the process of mastering the skills and abilities of environmentally competent activities in the natural environment is studied (I.A. Komarova, L.P. Simanova, N.A. Ryzhova, etc.).

An analysis of psychological and pedagogical research has made it possible to identify a number of problems in the theory and practice of environmental education for preschool children. Among them is the ambiguity of the conceptual and terminological apparatus (“ecological education and upbringing”, “ecological culture”, “ecological consciousness”, etc.); conceptual multidimensionality of programs for environmental education and upbringing of preschool children; lack of continuity in the organization of environmental education for preschoolers and primary school students; undeveloped technologies for the formation of environmental culture, etc. The lack of unified approaches to the implementation of environmental education for preschool children has highlighted the problem of finding effective ways to form the foundations of environmental culture for preschool children.

As an analysis of research has shown, the formation of an environmental culture in preschool children is possible by creating certain pedagogical conditions: the teacher’s preparedness to implement environmental education; the presence of a developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool institution; software and methodological support for the educational process; person-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering environmental knowledge and skills; organizing constant communication between children and nature; involving parents in environmental education, etc. (N.N. Kondratyeva, T.A. Markova, S.N. Nikolaeva, V.A. Petrovsky, L.A. Smyvina, R.B. Sterkina, etc.) .

One of the important pedagogical conditions for the formation of an ecological culture in preschoolers is the presence in an educational institution of an ecological subject-spatial environment that promotes the activation of children’s cognitive activity, ecological and aesthetic development, the improvement of the child’s health, the development of moral qualities, and the enrichment of the experience of environmentally literate activities in nature. Conceptual approaches to identifying the content of the subject-spatial ecological environment are presented in the studies of T.M. Bondarenko, L.I. Grekhova, N.N. Kondratieva, S.N. Nikolaeva, N.A. Ryzhova, T.P. Potapova and others. However, scientific works do not pay enough attention to the theoretical and practical aspects of constructing a developing subject-spatial environment in an educational institution: there is no theoretical model, the specifics and technology of its organization are not disclosed. In addition, in the theory and practice of environmental education, a contradiction has emerged between the real capabilities of the developing subject-spatial environment in the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of preschool children and the use of its potential in an educational institution.

Purpose of the study: to study modern technologies for environmental education of preschool children.

Object of study: the process of environmental education of preschool children.

Subject of research: modern technologies of environmental education of preschool children

Research objectives:

1. Identify the psychological and pedagogical foundations of environmental education for preschool children.

2. To reveal the pedagogical essence of the ecological subject-spatial environment of a preschool institution as a modern technology of environmental education of preschool children.

3. To develop a pedagogically appropriate model for constructing an ecological subject-spatial environment, aimed at forming the foundations of the ecological culture of preschool children.

4. Analyze the influence of the ecological subject-spatial environment, as a modern technology of environmental education of preschoolers, on the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of older preschoolers.

Research hypothesis: environmental education of preschool children is ensured by the interaction of a complex of modern technologies:

  • developing a model of a pedagogically appropriate ecological subject-spatial environment that allows children to acquire and apply environmental knowledge, moral and value experience of communication with nature in their activities;
  • organizational and pedagogical support for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture for preschool children through an ecological subject-spatial environment;
  • environmentally oriented activities of children in a subject-spatial environment.

The methodological basis of the study was: philosophical ideas about the unity of nature, man and society (E.V. Girusov, B.T. Likhachev, S. Popov, etc.); conceptual foundations of environmental education (T.M. Bondarenko, N.N. Veresov, S.N. Glazachev, L.I. Grekhova, V.V. Deryabo, A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, I .T. Suravegina and others); theory of personality development in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.); conceptual ideas for building a developmental environment (L.M. Klarina, V.A. Petrovsky, L.A. Smyvina, L.P. Strelkova); concept of a developing ecological environment (N.N. Kondratyeva, S.N. Nikolaeva, T.P. Potapova, N.A. Ryzhova).

The practical significance of the study is that the results obtained can be used in the design of the ecological subject-spatial environment of a preschool institution, in the development of scientific and methodological support for its functioning and development.

Research base: The study was conducted on the basis of MBDOU No. 6 “Teremok” in Jalil village of the Republic of Tatarstan. The study involved 5 teachers with varying experience in teaching and

preschool children.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Didactic game as a means of environmental education for children of senior preschool age

Final qualifying work on PM.03

“Organization of classes in basic general education programs of preschool education”

Performer: Ivanova Natalya Yuryevna, 4th year student of group 444 Specialty 02/44/01 “Pre-school education” Supervisor: Asaeva Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that environmental education of children is a modern direction of pedagogy, emerging in recent years and replacing what was traditionally presented in programs for introducing children to nature.

The result of environmental education is the ecological culture of the individual. The components of the ecological culture of a preschooler’s personality are knowledge about nature and its ecological orientation, the ability to use it in real life, in behavior, in various activities (in games, work, everyday life).

Environmental literacy, as a vital need of a modern person, should consist of two interrelated components: value-motivational and need-effective, which are implemented purposefully and consistently in each age group according to a certain scientifically based scheme.

The strategic goal of working with children is to develop in every child a belief in the need to respect nature; the desire for adequate perception of knowledge and development of skills in nature conservation; joining the world level of environmental culture. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to build a holistic system of environmental education, based on scientifically developed principles for creating environmental programs, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as FSES DO), environmental education of preschool children involves: nurturing a humane attitude towards nature (socio-communicative development); formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (cognitive development); participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to preserve and protect nature (physical development); the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge that is understandable to a preschool child (primarily as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude towards nature).

The most important condition for the implementation of educational areas provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is the greening of the environment in preschool educational institutions, since the environment is the reality in which human development occurs. The question of the influence of the environment, including the natural one, on the development of children was considered in most detail by E.I. Tikheeva. She argued that “using the environment as a source of educational material and organizing it pedagogically is one of the main tasks assigned to a preschool teacher.” [5.41]

However, in practice, these concepts are not sufficiently disclosed in preschool educational programs, and their environment does not meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the area of ​​environmental education.

In accordance with the age characteristics of preschool children, didactic games contribute to a more complete and successful solution of the problems of environmental education of preschool children. Many didactic games do not have a plot and consist only of solving a specific problem.

Didactic games of environmental content are considered in the works of S. N. Nikolaeva, N. N. Kondratyeva, V. I. Ashikova.

Games with didactic toys, natural materials, pictures, while promoting the accumulation of sensory experience, at the same time help the aesthetic education of children. Such games bring children a lot of joy and contribute to their all-round development. In the process of games, knowledge about the surrounding world is formed, cognitive interests, love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards it, as well as environmentally appropriate behavior in nature are cultivated. They broaden children's horizons and create favorable conditions for solving sensory education problems. By playing games with natural history material, children become familiar with the properties and qualities, states of natural objects, and learn ways to establish these properties. Games contribute to the development of children's powers of observation and curiosity, inquisitiveness, and arouse their interest in natural objects. Games with natural history material have educational value if their organization and content meet certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

The relevance is also due to the situation in the MADOU PGO “Kindergarten No. 63 combined” in Polevskoy: the unsystematic use of games for environmental education of preschoolers, the lack of methodological materials for organizing environmental games in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The problem we identified determined the choice of the topic of the thesis : “Didactic games as a means of environmental education for children of senior preschool age.”

The purpose of the study is to theoretically study and determine the possibilities of didactic games in the environmental education of preschool children.

The object of the study is the process of environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

The subject of the study is the possibilities of didactic games in the environmental education of preschool children.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical features of environmental education for children of senior preschool age.

2. Conduct an analysis of the content of environmental education for preschoolers of the older age group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

3. Define a didactic game and reveal the essence of didactic games in environmental education.

4. Characterize the types of didactic games and determine their significance for environmental education.

5. Develop methodological recommendations for the use of didactic games in environmental education.

The theoretical basis of the study is: the concept of environmental education by S. N. Nikolaeva, N. A. Ryzhova; research in the field of methods of environmental education by L. D. Bobyleva, V. I. Veresov, V. I. Ashikova and S. G. Ashikova, T. A. Klimova, N. A. Tarankova, Zh. L. Vasyakina and others.

The content of the study was implemented using the following methods: analysis and synthesis, study and analysis of research carried out in the field of environmental education of preschool children; study of regulatory documents, modeling, etc.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the analysis and generalization of the main aspects of the problem under study, which are reflected in the literature and programs on environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

The practical significance of this work lies in the development of methodological recommendations for educators on organizing didactic games for children of senior preschool age.

The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

1. Theoretical foundations of environmental education for preschool children

1.1. The essence of environmental education for preschool children

Environmental education is a new category that is directly related to the science of ecology and its various branches.[14,72]

Environmental education should be continuous at all stages of education. In kindergarten, the scientific foundations for understanding the natural connections in the “Nature – Society – Man” system are laid. Responsibility for improving and transforming the environment is formed. Continuity of environmental education presupposes the cumulative influence and rational use of various sources of knowledge and media.

The tasks of environmental education are the tasks of creating and implementing an educational model that achieves an effect - obvious manifestations of the principles of environmental culture in children preparing to enter school.

The main objectives of environmental education for preschool children are:

1. Development in children of the subjective experience of emotional and sensory generalization with nature and the sociocultural environment, ideas and elementary concepts about the surrounding world, interconnections and relationships in it, as the basis for the development of environmental consciousness and ecological culture of the individual.

2. Fostering an emotional and value-based attitude towards the natural and sociocultural environment.

3. Awareness of one’s own “A” as a part of nature, the development of the “A-concept” in every child.

4. Development of experience in practical and creative activities in the implementation and consolidation of knowledge and emotional and sensory impressions obtained through interaction with the natural and sociocultural environment, as well as in the reproduction and preservation of the natural environment.

To implement these tasks, it is necessary to highlight the leading principles of preschool environmental education: scientific character, humanization, integration, systematicity, regionalization.

The formation of an environmentally educated person in the conditions of a purposeful pedagogical process presupposes the organic unity of scientific knowledge about the relationship between natural and social factors of the environment and that sensory perception of it, which awakens moral and aesthetic experiences and the desire to make a practical contribution to its improvement. This principle of environmental education and upbringing focuses on the combination of rational knowledge of nature with the influence of artistic and figurative means and direct communication with the natural environment. [7.81]

V.A. Sukhomlinsky assessed nature as an “eternal source of thought” and good feelings for children. He set the task of revealing the role of nature in nurturing the desire for intellectual richness in working life. “Nature, labor, thought are subjects of special study.” The “lessons of thinking in nature” taught by this wonderful teacher are well known. “Go to a field, a park, drink from the source of thought, and this living water will make your pets wise researchers, inquisitive, inquisitive people and poets.” [10,13]

Environmental knowledge and skills need to be truly consolidated by environmental practice. The time has come to include it in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Successful environmental education of preschool children can be ensured only under the conditions that it is carried out purposefully and systematically, and that the family and the preschool educational institution simultaneously participate in this process, i.e. the impact from the preschool educational institution is reinforced by the active activities of parents in the same direction. The most important areas are the following:

  • the formation of a responsible attitude towards the natural environment is considered as an integral part of education. In this process, it is necessary to take into account the interrelationship of global, national and local history approaches;
  • it is important to take into account the unity of intellectual and emotional perception of the environment and practical activities to improve it;
  • The starting points in the formation of an environmentally literate person are the principles of integrity, systematicity, continuity of environmental education and upbringing, as well as ideas about the integrity of the environment and the close connection and interdependence of its components.

For preschool pedagogy, environmental education is a new direction that appeared at the turn of the 80s and 90s. Its basic basis is the traditionally established program section “Introducing Children to Nature,” the meaning of which is to orient young children in various natural phenomena, mainly accessible to direct observation: to teach them to distinguish between plants and animals, to give them some characteristics,

Environmental education is a new category that is directly related to the science of ecology and its various branches.

Environmental education should be continuous at all stages of education. In kindergarten, the scientific foundations for understanding the natural connections in the “Nature - Society - Man” system are laid. Responsibility for improving and transforming the environment is formed. Continuity of environmental education presupposes the cumulative influence and rational use of various sources of knowledge and media.

Environmental education and training is the most effective means of improving the environmental situation, since in comparison with other areas of environmental investment it gives the greatest return. A unified system of universal continuous environmental education, which covers all segments of the population, is the most successful way to preserve the environment. [2.42] The relevance of environmental education for the younger generation is beyond doubt. Only an environmentally literate and conscious population that takes an active nature-conserving position is able to preserve nature. And instilling a cognitive interest in the world around us, a sense of responsibility for the results of one’s own activities, the ability to see the beauty around oneself, a desire to love nature and the ability to take care of it is necessary from early childhood. This problem cannot be solved by any one-time events and promotions; real results can only be achieved as a result of systematic, versatile, thoughtful and well-planned work, a mandatory component of which should be not only the theoretical education of the child in the field of the fundamentals of ecology, but

and involving him in feasible practical environmental activities.[2,42] At preschool age, children have not developed basic environmental knowledge. And therefore, there was a need to introduce basic environmental concepts in preschool childhood. And at the same time, the task of increasing the environmental literacy of parents must be solved.

The subject environment of a preschool child includes various natural objects, so his familiarization with plants, animals, and natural phenomena is inevitable - this is a natural process of learning about the world around him and acquiring social experience. Currently, there is a change in positions in natural science: the biological approach, which until now dominated the worldview of people, is being replaced by a new - ecological - view of the natural world, the world of objects created by people, and of man himself. The ecological worldview is becoming fundamental in all spheres of human life. Environmental education of preschool children is an introduction to nature for children, which is based on an ecological approach, and the pedagogical process is based on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology. [3.5]

The process of thinking and forming feelings must be constant. An important feature of this period is the development of role-playing games and children’s great interest in it. That is why the teacher can use it more often in environmental educational work, which will ensure that children learn new material well and quickly develop their independent play activities. Thus, when carrying out work on environmental education, expanding the content of program material about plants, animals, natural phenomena, about the work of people to care for them, about nurturing love, a careful and caring attitude towards plants and animals, the educator should strive to ensure that children They entered nature not just as contemplators and consumers, but as caring, thrifty owners of their native land.

Thus, in the games of preschoolers, the concept receives significant development - from random, by association of an emerging goal, to a consciously conceived theme of the game, from imitation of the actions of a particular person to the transfer of his experiences and feelings. In play, children often show emotions that are not yet available to them in life.

The achievement of the first seven years is the formation of self-awareness: the child distinguishes himself from the objective world, begins to understand his place in the circle of close and familiar people, consciously navigate the surrounding objective-natural world, and isolate its values.

During this period, the foundations for interaction with nature are laid; with the help of adults, the child begins to recognize it as a common value for all people.

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything that was accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.

The ideas of introducing preschoolers to nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education in articles and methodological works (O. Ioganson, A.A. Bystrov, R.M. Bass, A.M. Stepanova, E.I. Zalkind, E. I. Volkova, E. Gennings, etc.). For a long time, methodological manuals by M.V. have been of great help to practitioners of preschool education. Lucic, M.M. Markovskaya, recommendations from Z.D. Sizenko; More than one generation of educators studied from S.A.’s textbook. Veretennikova. A major role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting to know the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Z.D. Sizenko, S.A. Veretennikova, A.M. Nizova , L.I. Pushnina, M.V. Lucich, A.F. Mazurina, etc.).

Research that began to be carried out in the 1950s in the departments of preschool pedagogy at pedagogical institutes played a great role in the scientific substantiation of the method of getting to know nature. One of the first is a study by E.I. Zalkind, dedicated to introducing preschoolers to birds, showed how important the correct organization of sensory perception of natural objects is: thoughtful guidance of observations gives children many impressions, which are transformed into specific and generalized ideas and contribute to the development of speech.

In the early 1970s, pedagogical research began to be carried out, which later became the core of the theoretical and experimental substantiation of the methodology of environmental education for preschool children. This was due to new ideas initiated by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Child psychologists (V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) proclaimed the need:

1) complicating the content of training - introducing theoretical knowledge into it that reflects the laws of the surrounding reality;

2) building a system of knowledge, the assimilation of which would ensure the effective mental development of children.

The implementation of this idea in the field of preschool education, which was supposed to ensure good preparation of children for school, was carried out by A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, L.A. Wenger. Psychologists have substantiated the position that preschool children can master a system of interrelated knowledge that reflects the laws of one or another area of ​​reality if this system is accessible to visual-figurative thinking, which prevails at this age.

In preschool pedagogy, research began on the selection and systematization of natural history knowledge, reflecting the leading patterns of living (I.A. Khaidurova, S.N. Nikolaeva, E.F. Terentyeva, etc.) and nonliving (I.S. Freidkin, etc.) nature. In studies devoted to living nature, the leading pattern was chosen as the one that governs the life of any organism, namely the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on the external environment. These works marked the beginning of an ecological approach to introducing children to nature.

The last decade of the twentieth century can be called the time of development of two significant processes from an environmental point of view: the deepening of the planet’s environmental problems to a crisis state and their understanding by humanity. Abroad and in Russia during this period, the formation of a new educational space took place - a system of continuous environmental education: conferences, congresses, seminars were held, programs, technologies, educational and methodological aids were created for various categories of students.

In our country, a general Concept of continuous environmental education has been formed, the initial link of which is the sphere of preschool education.

Nikolaeva S.N. It has been proven that the formation of environmental culture during preschool childhood is possible if:

- children will be included in a purposeful, systematic pedagogical process called environmental education, which is based on the leading ideas of ecology (bioecology, social ecology, human ecology) adapted for preschool age, reflecting the natural relationships in nature and the connections of man with nature;

— a system of methods and technologies of environmental education will be used, built on types of activities typical for the preschool period (practical, cognitive and creative), which evoke an emotional response in children and ensure the assimilation of environmental knowledge, the formation of practical skills to consciously and carefully interact with natural objects;

— an ecological and developmental environment will be created in the space of children’s life activities, allowing for the organization of a systematic ecological and pedagogical process — meaningful interaction of preschoolers with natural objects;

— preschool teachers develop a professional environmental culture, including: ideas about the environmental problems of the planet, country, region of residence, understanding of the impact of environmental pollution on the health and life of people, civic responsibility and practical readiness to resolve them; motivation for the need for environmental and pedagogical activities. [6.22]

The basics of environmental education are associated with cognitive interest in natural objects and phenomena, systematic ideas about the natural world, the ability to use knowledge about the needs of a living organism for intelligent children's activities and conscious behavior in the natural environment. Cognitive tasks are solved by children during games, examination of materials, and experiments; in the process of observing phenomena of living and inanimate nature; during the discussion of observed phenomena, as well as in productive activities, labor and other types of children's activities.

So, kindergarten is one of the first links where the foundations of environmental culture are laid. The outstanding teacher V.A. left us a great legacy in the field of educating children in the environment. Sukhomlinsky. In his opinion, nature underlies children's thinking, feelings and creativity. The famous teacher closely connected the attitude of children to objects of nature with the fact that nature is our native land, the land that raised and feeds us, the land transformed by our labor. [5.40]

The nature of the relationships between the rational and the emotional and their use in practical activities is dynamic and depends on the age of the students. It is obvious that in preschool age the emotional and aesthetic perception of the environment is more important than the intellectual one. The preschooler’s immediate environment and everyday communication with the environment provide convincing examples for revealing various aspects of human interaction with nature, equipping them with the skills to live in harmony with it.

The natural and social environment has a direct impact on the child and determines the style of his attitude towards the environment. A special role belongs to the practical activities of students aimed at developing their environmental culture. However, environmental education cannot be limited only to knowledge of the nature of one’s native land. When analyzing specific facts of positive or negative human impact on nature in a given area, it is also necessary to assess the consequences from a national and planetary perspective. The children's presentation system should include data showing the global nature of environmental problems that do not have national borders, so many environmental problems can only be effectively addressed through close international cooperation. By developing preschoolers’ concern for the nature of their native land, the teacher instills in them the idea that the Earth is a spaceship for all people and concern for living conditions on it is the common concern of all humanity.

Thus, the authors most often understand the formation of environmental culture, environmental consciousness, motivation for certain behavior, caring attitude and love for nature as the goals and objectives of environmental education.

The full version of the work is available.

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