Summary of GCD in the senior group. A journey through Chukovsky's fairy tales

Summary of GCD in the senior group. A journey through Chukovsky's fairy tales

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.” This material will be useful to teachers of senior and preparatory groups. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at deepening children's knowledge about the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. Topic: “Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.” Goals and objectives: To summarize children’s knowledge about the writer and his works. To develop the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations. Develop imagination and speech-creative abilities in children. Cultivate an interest in literature, a love of books and reading. Equipment: Books by K. I. Chukovsky, a portrait of the writer, illustrations for his works, attributes of costumes for reading - dramatizations of poems, drawings based on fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky.
Preliminary work: Reading to children and listening to audio recordings of Chukovsky’s works. . Exhibition of drawings by children and parents “My friends from Chukovsky’s books. Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment. Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello. Children: Hello. Educator: Today we will go on a trip. And where - guess for yourself. What poem are these lines from and who is the author? I'm telling you, villain, spit out the sun quickly! Otherwise, look, I’ll catch you and break you in half. You, ignoramus, will know how to steal our sun! (“Stolen Sun”) Children: “Stolen Sun” by K.I. Chukovsky. Educator: That's right, these poems were written by K.I. Chukovsky. Look at his portrait. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky lived a long time ago, when your grandparents were as small as you are now. He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, often played hide-and-seek and tag with them, swam with them, took them on boat rides, and read books to them. But one day a misfortune happened. His little son became seriously ill. The boy had a high fever, he could not sleep, he was crying. Chukovsky felt very sorry for his son, he wanted to calm him down, and he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale as he went. The boy liked the fairy tale, he stopped crying, listened carefully and finally fell asleep, and after a few days he completely recovered. After this incident, Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And I came up with a lot of them. Educator: Do you like fairy tales? Children: Yes. And now, our dear guests, the children have prepared a surprise for you. They will tell you excerpts from the works of Korney Chukovsky, and you try to guess the name. 1 child: Jump, jump, chik-chirk, Chiki-riki-chik-chirk! He took and pecked the Cockroach, and now the Giant is gone. The giant got it right, and there was no mustache left of him. (“Cockroach”) 2nd child: Oh, my poor orphans, my irons and frying pans! You go home, unwashed, I will wash you with spring water, I will clean you with sand, I will douse you with boiling water, and you will again, the sun, shine. (“Fedorino’s grief”) 3rd child: Little children! Don't go to Africa for anything in the world, Go for a walk in Africa! In Africa There are Sharks In Africa there are gorillas In Africa there are big Evil crocodiles They will bite you Beat and hurt you Don’t go, children, to Africa for a walk. (Barmaley) 4 child: He ran along the path And his legs were cut and now he is sick and lame My little bunny! (Aibolit) 5 child Long live the fragrant soap, And the fluffy towel, And the tooth powder, And the thick comb! Let's wash, splash, swim, dive, tumble In the river, in the stream, in the ocean And in the bath, and in the bathhouse, always and everywhere Eternal glory to the water! (Moidodyr). 6 child: First one, then the other he waves his paw - And is about to fly into the heights. Then he moves one wing, then the other And looks and looks at the Moon. (Toptygin and Luna) Educator : And now, the guys will show you an excerpt from a fairy tale, and the rest of the guys must guess which fairy tale is from (“Fly – Tsokotukha”). Fly: I am the Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly. Bring me a gift, I’m the birthday girl today. I went to the market and bought a samovar. I’ll treat my friends to some tea. Come in the evening. I’m a buzzing fly, with a gilded belly. I have a lot of delicious sweets and sweets for guests, guests. Presenter: The forest insects were delighted, Grasshoppers, beetles, moths Sang, hummed, buzzed! And look what a cheerful crowd they are crawling and running, and they fly to the happy fly to congratulate her. Insects: Hello Hustle-Fly, gilded belly We brought you flowers from all the simple meadows! Bee: I’m a neighbor bee, I brought you honey, Oh, how pure, sweet and fragrant it is. Mucha: Thank you! Thank you! My dear! Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready. Midges: Take these boots from the midge. And the boots are not simple, their clasps are gold. Mucha: Thank you! thank you! A wonderful gift! Sit down on a chair, the guests will arrive soon. Butterfly: I fluttered through the flowers and flew to visit you. Congratulations! Congratulations! I wish you happiness and joy! Cockroach: (knocks) Shu-Shu, Shu-Shu, Fur coat, fur coat, I bring you a new fur coat, a hundred rubles! Mukha: Thank you, dear! Please, please, sit down at the table and drink some tea. Eat, don't be shy! Guests: Your treat is simply a sight for sore eyes! Simply delicious, your treat We ate until we dropped, We treated ourselves to pancakes with chocolate marmalade, Oh, what pies, gingerbread cookies, and pretzels Ay-da, the fly-clattering gilded belly. Spider: (but suddenly, out of nowhere, an evil spider appeared.) I am an evil spider, long arms, I came for a fly! I came for the fly! Mukha: Dear guests, help!!! Mosquito: I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow. You fight me, villain! I'm not afraid of your claws! I killed the villain, I freed you, and now my soul is a maiden, I want to marry you! Educator . Who guessed which fairy tale the excerpt is from? Children: From the fairy tale “The Fly Tsokotukha.” Educator: And now guys, we’ll play the game “Who is this?” – Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to? Aibolit - (doctor) Barmaley - (robber) Fedora - (grandmother) Karakula - (shark) Moidodyr - (washbasin) Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles) Tsokotukha - (fly) Toptygin (bear) Teacher: Well done, guys, and the next one a game . “Name the line with this object” from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky. The teacher shows the children objects: samovar, thermometer, bicycle, telephone, pillow, shark, hippopotamus, ostrich, gorilla, crocodile, whale. 1. They winked at the samovar. 2. And sets and sets thermometers for them. 3. The bears were riding a bicycle. 4. My phone rang. 5. And the pillow jumped away from me like a frog. 6. And the shark Karakula winked with his right eye. 7. They, hippos, have stomach ache. 8. And then there are the ostrich chicks. They squeal like piglets. 9. In Africa there are gorillas. 10. My favorite crocodile. 11. And Aibolit sat on the whale. Educator: And now you and I will rest. Physical exercise. Gymnastics for the eyes.
In different corners of the group room under the ceiling there are pictures depicting the heroes of Chukovsky’s fairy tales (Moidodyr, Fedora, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Aibolit). Hurry up to visit Moidodyr. Together with Moidodyr, dance merrily la la la la la.
Hurry up to visit Fedora. Together with Fedora, dance merrily that tatatata. Hurry up to visit Tsokotukha. Together with Tsokotukha, dance merrily to Papa. Hurry up to visit Aibolit. Together with Aibolit, have fun dancing the nunununu. Educator: Guys, you know this book well. Let's play with the book the game “What do the fairy tales of K. And Chukovsky teach us?” Children sit in a semicircle. We will pass the book from hand to hand and say what these fairy tales taught us. To be friendly, neat, clean, neat, kind, brave, strong, hospitable, cheerful, well-mannered, caring, forgiving, obedient, good, smart, thrifty, loving, etc. Educator: Let's show the guests how friendly, kind, caring we are, let's help the artist finish painting the drawings because he ran out of paints and couldn't finish painting them. Let's sit down at the tables. Children color pictures to the music. Educator : Well done, guys! You are so kind, friendly, caring. Summarizing. Assessment of children's work. Educator : Well done, guys! Let's remember what we did today. (We read excerpts from the work of K. I. Chukovsky. We played games: “Who is this”, “What do fairy tales teach us?”, “Name the line”, etc.) A surprise moment. Educator: My phone rang. Who's speaking? Children: Elephant. Educator : Where from? A: From a camel. Educator: What do you need? A: Chocolate Teacher: For whom? A: for our children. (We hand out candy to the children.)

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By groups:

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Summary of the quiz lesson on fairy tales by K.I. CHUKOVSKY

Summary of the quiz lesson on fairy tales by K.I. CHUKOVSKY

primary school teacher Anna Vladimirovna Trubitsina

GOU secondary school No. 341, Moscow

(books - anniversaries - 2011 “Fedorino’s grief”, “Miracle tree”, “Confusion”, “Telephone” 85 years)


Objectives: 1. To introduce students to the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, to identify reader interest.

2. Show children the wonderful world of fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty. 2. Develop thinking, speech, imagination, memory. 3. Contribute to the development of a sustainable interest in books and a desire to read.

4. Foster faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil. Decor:

1) children's drawings based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky; 2) presentation; 3) exhibition of children's books. Preparatory work for:

a) reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun”, “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Cockroach”, “Confusion”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Telephone”, etc. b) Qualifying tour in the classroom for a reading competition (reading competition based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky for all students). c) Exhibition of books in the classroom.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2 teams take part in the quiz. Each team receives a token for the correct answer. The team that collects the most tokens is awarded the “fairy tale expert” medal. A sweet prize for all quiz participants.

2. Opening remarks - Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children of the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. The name of this wonderful man was Korney Chukovsky. Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. – Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. “He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his books. Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children. Today we will meet with the heroes of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales.

(slides 2,3,4)

3. Consolidation.

A) Competition part I round “Remember the fairy tale”.

- Remember what words the line ends with, name the fairy tale.
The people are having fun - The fly is getting married to the dashing, daring Young... (mosquito) . “Fly - Tskotukha”
No - no! The nightingale does not sing for the pigs. Better call... (crow) .
And I don’t need either marmalade or chocolate, but only small, well, very small... (children).
Treats small children, Treats birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... (Aibolit)
Only suddenly, from behind a bush, From behind a blue forest, From far away from the fields Flies... (sparrow)
And the dishes go ahead and forward through the fields, through the swamps. And the kettle said to the iron - I can’t go any further... (I can’t).
“Fedorino’s grief”
And behind him, the people sing and shout: “What a freak, what a freak! What a nose, what a mouth! And where did this come from... (monster).


The sun was walking across the sky and ran behind a cloud. The bunny looked out the window, It became a little bunny... (it was dark).
"Stolen Sun"
The pigs meowed - meow - meow, Kitties... ( grunted, oink-oink )


(slides 5,6,7)

– From an early age, K.I. Chukovsky’s poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Fedorin’s grief”, “Telephone”...

Korney Ivanovich's poems cultivate the precious ability to empathize and have compassion. Without this ability, a person is not a person. Chukovsky’s poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter. 2nd round "Who's Who". — Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to? Aibolit - (doctor)

Barmaley -
Fedora -
Karakula -
Moidodyr -
Totoshka, Kokoshka -


Barabek - haired , mustachioed giant -

— Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great work ethic: “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, so as not to waste time, I composed riddles for children. It saved me from mental idleness!”

Auction. 1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? (“Fedorino’s grief”)
2. Which hero was a terrible villain, and then reformed? (“Barmaley”) 3. In what fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? (“Cockroach”) 4. Name a fairy tale whose main idea can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” (“Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”) 5. Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder? ("Fly Tsokotukha"). 6. What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale “Telephone”: (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes) 7. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles) 8. What “horned beast” were the tailors afraid of from the poem “The Brave Men”? (Snail) 9. In which fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”) 10. What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov)
- Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich carried him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets.” The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. The next morning, when he woke up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday’s tale again. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

(slides 9,10)
IV round “Basket with lost things.” — There are different things in the basket. Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item. Telephone (My phone rang) Balloon (Bears were riding a bicycle... and behind it mosquitoes on a balloon) Soap (And the soap jumped up) Saucer (And behind them saucers) Galoshes (Send me a dozen new galoshes) Thermometer (And puts a thermometer for them) Sieve (The sieve jumps across the fields) Gloves (And then the bunnies called: “Can you send gloves?”) Coin (The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money) Chocolate (And gives everyone a chocolate in order) Collar (The crocodile looked around and Barbosa swallowed, swallowed it along with the collar) Washcloth (And the washcloth was like a jackdaw, as if he swallowed a jackdaw)
(slide 11)
V round “Music Page”.
Children listen to a piece of music and name a fairy tale. Musical break "Happy Dance".

(slide 12)

— K.I. Chukovsky said: “I often had bursts of joy and fun. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss everyone I meet. K.I. Chukovsky especially remembered one such day - August 29, 1923. Feeling like a person who could work miracles, I did not run in, but took off, as if on wings, into our apartment. Grabbing some dusty piece of paper, having difficulty finding a pencil, he began to write a funny poem about Mukha’s wedding, and he felt like a groom at this wedding. There are two holidays in this fairy tale: name day and wedding. I celebrated both with all my heart.”

Riddles of K.I. Chukovsky.

(slides 13 to 21)

Guess the heroes of the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

(slides 22 to 27)

Round VI “Decipher the names of fairy-tale characters.” — Insert vowels into the encrypted words to get the names of fairy-tale characters. BRMLY TSKTH MYDDR FDR YBLT TRKNSCH KRKDL KRKL (Barmaley, Moidodyr, Aibolit, Karakula, Tsokotukha, Fedora, Cockroach, Crocodile,)

(slide 28)

“Once Korney Ivanovich spent three hours sculpting various figures from clay with the children.
The children wiped their hands on his trousers. It was a long way to go home. The clay trousers were heavy and had to be held down. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful, he had inspiration, his poems were composed freely. This is how “Fedorino’s Mountain” was born. VII round “Heroic deed”. - Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action that he committed. (Sheets on the tables) Aibolit They lit the sea.
The sparrow swallowed the sun. Crocodile Washed her dishes. Mosquito Returned the sun to the sky. Fedora extinguished the sea. The Bear Rescued the Fly - Tsokotukha. Butterfly ate a cockroach. Chanterelles He cured the animals. (slide 29)

VIII round "Readers' competition". Children read selected passages from fairy tales. — K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales help all children navigate the world around them, make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. The poems of K. Chukovsky cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Summing up and awarding the winners. We feel sorry for Grandfather Korney: In comparison with us, he fell behind, Because as a child he didn’t read “Barmaley” And “Crocodile”, Didn’t admire “Telephone” And didn’t delve into “Cockroach”. How did he grow up to be such a scientist, Not knowing the most important books?

(slide 30)

“The poet Valentin Berestov dedicated this humorous poem to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Put together a mosaic.

Children use mosaic pieces to create a picture for a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky

Summing up the quiz
4. Lesson summary. Grading.

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