Conversations in the “Good Manners” circle for preschoolers

How to teach your child etiquette

There is no better way to teach etiquette than by the example of mom and dad. Kids copy their loved ones and imitate them. Parents must take strict control of their own behavior: do not shout, do not show rudeness or ignorance. In case of bad behavior of a child, while remaining calm, adults will have to be firm in their words and decisions. There is no doubt that in the future children will show themselves just as calmly in a similar situation.

Repeating polite words whenever appropriate is also learning. It is enough to remind your child that he needs to say hello to his neighbor, say “thank you” after eating, “good night” before going to bed. Over time, this will become a habit, and the child will say such words automatically.

The biggest mistake parents make is “imposing” etiquette. Adults often make rude remarks and constantly reprimand them for various reasons or without them. The baby feels pressure, a confrontation begins. Parents get irritated, angry, insist on their own and end up with a complete denial of any rules by their child.

Training should be carried out unobtrusively, preferably in a playful way. Then the little person will not even feel that the learning process is taking place, he will willingly and happily complete game tasks, mastering the material will go faster and will bring more benefits.

Role-playing with dolls will be very good and effective. Adults need to help the child come up with a game situation: the dolls came to visit the little bear, one behaves well, the other behaves badly; the little bunny plays around when he eats; dolls are going to a ball and much more.

Playing theater will also be effective; you can give your child the opportunity to be both a positive hero and a negative one. It will be beneficial to watch cartoons with your child, which focus on a polite attitude towards others, instilling rules of good manners in which characters are discussed and the peculiarities of their behavior. Don’t forget about reading books: fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes.

When to start teaching your child etiquette

Most likely, every parent himself will feel the moment when his child is ready to understand and accept etiquette training. But already in infancy, children unconsciously absorb emotions received from their parents. Affectionate words, a gentle attitude, a kind voice, smiles - all this helps the baby to grasp a positive attitude in life. Therefore, the sooner relatives begin to introduce a friendly attitude to the child, the easier the process of learning etiquette will be in the future.

Already from the age of one, the child begins to lead an active life: he tries to talk, plays with peers, and begins to walk. Therefore, it can be argued that this is exactly the time to begin the formation of conscious behavior. It's time to teach your baby to understand how to behave by the intonation of his parents' voice. Having become a little older, at the age of two, the child must have minimal table manners and use polite words or gestures when communicating with others.

Conscious, in-depth teaching of etiquette can only be imparted to young children after reaching the age of five. Kindergarten teachers come to help parents. It is extremely important when a child’s good behavior is set as an example to his peers and praised. The desire to behave positively grows, more friends appear, communication brings pleasure.

When a child becomes a schoolchild, the requirements for his behavior in society will increase, life will become more eventful and varied. Parents should use this moment to reinforce instilled good manners. It is necessary to convey to the child that now he is doubly responsible for his behavior, that the attitude of the people around him, his success in school and life in general depends on this.

The task of parents is also to enrich the student culturally. You should try to visit exhibitions, theaters, museums, and cultural events with your child more often.

You should not ignore comments from school teachers about your child’s behavior. And most importantly, at any stage of teaching etiquette to their child, parents themselves should not forget about maintaining good manners and remain a role model in any situation.

Ethics for kids

in stories, poems, pictures, tasks
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1. Lesson of kindness Day of surprises: a fairy tale about a bear cub, tasks on the topic of the lesson

2. Lesson of kindness Little bunnies, a fairy tale about little bunnies, tasks on the topic of the lesson

3. Lesson of politeness Hello! a tale about a pig, tasks on the lesson topic

4. Lesson of politeness How Mishka learned to be friends, a fairy tale about a bear, tasks on the topic of the lesson

To be continued…

See also:

  • Etiquette for kids, lessons of good manners

Comments on the publication Ethics for kids 06.20.2014, 16:12 Tatyana
Thank you!:) there was plenty to entertain the little ones today! We listened to the fairy tale with pleasure, and at first my daughter was terribly indignant at Mishka’s greed. The performance was shown with zoobles - her favorite toys at the moment. We completed all the tasks - our daughter and son did the drawing together (although he only drew scribbles - they became "mean") We are waiting for the continuation of the lessons. Thank you

09/13/2014, 21:06
Marina S.
really wonderful ethics lessons!

02/25/2015, 06:19
Zadorogo! Looking forward to the continuation! Cool site!!!!

03/15/2015, 09:47
I liked it, it’s simple and accessible, I’ll try to make a dramatization. Thank you

04/10/2015, 10:51
. I'm sorry if you're busy and I'm intruding on your business. I would like to express my opinion. the tales are very good, thanks to the manufacturer, I am very grateful to him for such a site. Goodbye

04/24/2015, 15:22
Maxim Lafon
Thank you for teaching your children politeness! Toddlers and schoolchildren really need affection!!! Good luck to you!!!!!!!

04/24/2015, 17:52
Maxim Lafon
Thank you! I want to tell you that your site is very cool!! You can do whatever you want with it, everything!!! I'll try to visit you more. Wonderful evening! Goodbye!!

04/24/2015, 19:24
Maxim Lafon
Let's consider the main ideas of V. Sukhomlinsky about where to start learning, what the educational process should be, and how to teach children correctly. A child, Sukhomlinsky believed, cannot be happy if he is bored and miserable at school, if he does not feel capable enough to master school science. Making a child happy means, first of all, helping him learn. Learning does not give the desired results if the teacher puts the student’s first goal: “Learn, remember!” The harm of cramming is obvious - it, wittingly or unwittingly, abolishes the main ideas of the academic subject. The teacher must clearly distinguish between what needs to be remembered for life, and what needs to be understood and learned without cramming by doing exercises.

12/01/2015, 15:48
the site is simply cool

12/04/2015, 12:42
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you all, my dear readers! Sincerely

05/17/2016, 14:47
the site is simply cool

05/23/2016, 17:17
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you, our Muse!

06/10/2016, 02:52

06/10/2016, 10:02
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you, Dilya!

Table manners

While still a baby, the child has already acquired basic table manners: washing hands before eating, using a napkin, knowing how to use cutlery, eating carefully, wishing those around you a bon appetit, saying “thank you” at the end of the meal. The older the child gets, the larger the list of requirements for his behavior at the table becomes:

  • you need to start eating after waiting for everyone who is sitting at the table;
  • eat silently, do not talk with your mouth full;
  • do not indulge at the table, do not play with food;
  • do not express your dissatisfaction with the prepared food;
  • You can’t put your elbows on the table;
  • ask the person sitting next to you to bring the necessary utensils, rather than reaching across the entire table;
  • do not leave the table until all family members have finished eating.

Parents should not only instill rules of behavior during meals, but also show by example how this should be done. Subsequently, visiting a cafe with your child or having dinner at a party, adults will have a reason to be proud of raising their son or daughter.

Guest etiquette for children

It is extremely important to teach your child the rules of behavior when visiting. It should be explained that when staying in someone else’s house, it is necessary to follow the rules of guest etiquette:

  • come to visit only at the invitation of the hosts;
  • greet the owners of the house;
  • do not be late for the appointed time;
  • follow the rules of communication;
  • do not touch objects and things in the house without asking;
  • do not insist on your desires;
  • observe table manners;
  • do not run around the apartment, do not scream;
  • do not litter, do not throw toys and things around;
  • do not stay at a party for a long time;
  • thank the hosts for their hospitality before leaving.

It should also be explained to children that the rules of guest etiquette are observed not only by those invited to visit, but also by those who receive guests.

  • it is necessary to invite guests in advance;
  • meet and greet visitors;
  • greet friends with a smile and a good mood;
  • explain the rules of conduct in your home.
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