Consultation for parents “Techniques for enriching vocabulary in preschool children”

Consultation for parents “Techniques for enriching vocabulary in preschool children”


Preschool age is a period of rapid vocabulary enrichment. His growth directly depends on living conditions and upbringing. The child's first meaningful words appear at the end of the first year of life. After one and a half years, the active vocabulary is enriched at a rapid pace, and by the end of the second year of life it amounts to 300–400 words, and by the age of three it can reach 1,500 words. The third year of life is the period of greatest increase in active vocabulary. By four years the number of words reaches 1900, at five years - up to 2000 - 2500, and at 6 - 7 years - up to 3500 - 4000 words. The number of nouns and verbs increases especially quickly, while the number of adjectives used grows slowly. The composition of the dictionary reflects the range of interests and needs of the child.

In the 2nd year of life, children master the names of those items of clothing, furniture, dishes, toys, etc., with which they operate in kindergarten and at home.

By the end of the second year of life, we can talk about the emergence of elementary generalizations. On this basis, it becomes possible to teach children to use one word to denote similar objects and to differentiate (distinguish) one group of objects from others.

In the 3rd year of life, children's vocabulary is replenished in the process of mastering a wider range of household items with which both they and adults operate. Preschoolers learn the names of objects from a more distant environment that they see on the streets, in parks and other places.

At the 4th year, children must accurately name all household items, furnishings, various vehicles, etc., i.e. something they encounter on a daily basis.

At this age, the program pays significant attention to the introduction into the children’s dictionary of words denoting the qualities and properties of objects: parts and details of objects, their size, as well as spatial and temporal relationships are differentiated, which is reflected in the corresponding dictionary denoting parts of the day and their characteristics , words denoting spatial relationships are introduced. The range of words denoting the names of colors and shapes of surrounding objects, as well as taste sensations, is also expanding in children’s vocabulary.

At the 5th year of life, it is planned to introduce into the active dictionary the names of all objects that the child encounters in life. Words denoting parts and details of objects, their qualities and properties, spatial and temporal relationships are introduced into the active dictionary.

At the same age, words denoting elementary everyday concepts (vegetables, fruits, clothes, toys, shoes, dishes, etc.) are introduced into the dictionary based on identifying essential features and generalizing from them.

In the 6th year of life, the main content of vocabulary work in the process of familiarization with objects becomes the further introduction into the dictionary of words denoting differentiated qualities and properties according to the degree of expression, and also includes in the dictionary the names of materials and their objects.

In the 7th year of life, special attention is paid to the accuracy of word usage when denoting the qualities and characteristics of objects and materials. Work continues on the formation of new concepts and differentiation of known ones, and on this basis the vocabulary is expanding.

However, it is not the enrichment of the vocabulary itself that is important, but its qualitative development - the development of the meaning of words. A clear subject correlation does not arise from the very early stages of a child’s life, but is a product of development. At first, the word is associated for the baby only with a specific, “single” object; gradually, with the development of the ability to generalize, it begins to designate all objects of this category. By the age of 4–5, children are aware of the polysemy of words, but do not grasp their figurative meaning. Clarification of the semantic content of words by the age of 6-7 years is still gaining momentum. This is associated with the assimilation of new knowledge about the world and with the emergence of an aesthetic attitude towards words and speech in general. The vocabulary is actively enriched by words invented by them ("dipped", "mud boots"). Word creation is the most important feature of children's speech - an indicator of the development of morphological elements of language.

An important task of education and training is to take into account the patterns of mastering the meanings of words, to gradually deepen them, and to develop the skills of semantic selection of words in accordance with the context of the utterance.

In the domestic methodology for speech development, the tasks of vocabulary work in kindergarten were defined in the works of E.I. Tikheeva, O.I. Solovyova, M.M. Konina and refined in subsequent years.

Today it is customary to identify four main tasks:

  • Enriching the dictionary with new words, children learning previously unknown words, as well as learning new meanings for a number of words already in the lexicon;
  • Consolidation and clarification of vocabulary;
  • Activation of the dictionary - a new word should enter the dictionary in combination with other words so that children get used to using them in the right case;
  • Elimination of non-literary words from children's speech.

First of all, children learn:

  • Household dictionary: names of parts of the body, face; name of toys, dishes, furniture, clothing, toiletries, food, premises;
  • Natural history dictionary: phenomena of inanimate nature, plants, animals;
  • Social science dictionary: words denoting phenomena of social life (people’s work, native country, national holidays, army, etc.);
  • Emotional-evaluative vocabulary: words denoting emotions, experiences, feelings (brave, honest, joyful), qualitative assessment of objects (good, bad, beautiful), words, the emotional significance of which is created using word-formation means (darling, little voice), formation of synonyms (came - tagged along, laughed - giggled), with the help of phraseological combinations (rush headlong), words, the actual lexical meaning of which contains an assessment of the phenomena they define (dilapidated - very old);
  • Vocabulary denoting time, space, quantity.

Children's active vocabulary should contain not only the names of objects, but also the names of actions, states, characteristics (color, shape, size, taste), properties, qualities; words expressing specific concepts (names of individual objects), generic (fruits, dishes, toys, transport, etc.) and abstract generalized concepts (good, evil, beauty, etc.).

Vocabulary work in each group is carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the vocabulary, mental development in general, as well as current educational tasks.

Methods and techniques of dictionary work.

1. Methods for accumulating the content of children's speech (methods of familiarization with the outside world, enriching the vocabulary): examination and examination of objects, observation, inspection of kindergarten premises, targeted walks and excursions; indirect familiarization: viewing paintings with unfamiliar content, reading works of art, showing films, screenshots, video films, watching film programs.

2. Methods for consolidating and activating vocabulary: looking at toys, looking at pictures with familiar content, didactic games, reading works of art, didactic (vocabulary) exercises.

Theatrical games, holidays and entertainment, participation in concerts, matinees contribute to the activation of figurative vocabulary.

Vocabulary work is carried out during all types of educational activities, at special moments. Thus, vocabulary development is carried out in different types of activities. It is important to remember that for this it is necessary to guide the process of enriching and activating children’s vocabulary, using different methods of vocabulary work, taking into account the characteristics of each type of activity.

The verbal games and exercises proposed below help to enhance the speech development of children. These games can be played with children both in kindergarten and offered to parents.

1. “Word on the palm of your hand.” Name the words that are in your pocket, on the ceiling, on your face, etc.

2. “What happens?” Match the adjective with a noun that agrees with it in gender, number, and case.

Green - ... house, tomato. Winter - ... clothes, fishing.

Homemade - ... cookies, task.

3. Tongue twisters - tongue twisters are necessary for the development of clear articulation and diction.

The crow missed the little crow.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

4. "General words."

1) The child must name fruits..., furniture..., birds..., vegetables..., clothes...

2) The child is asked to name in one word: for example, pine, birch, maple - this is...

5. "The fourth is odd."

The child must name what is unnecessary and explain why.

Example: vase - rose - daffodil - carnation

6. "Count." We count everything that can be counted. Example: one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples.

You can add an adjective: one red apple, two red apples... five red apples, etc.

7. “Say the opposite.”

The adult names a word, and the child selects the “word in reverse.”

Nouns: laughter - ..., summer - ..., day - ..., cold - ..., north - ... etc.

Verbs: came - ..., dived - ...

Adjectives: wide - ..., small - ..., rich - ... etc.

Adverbs: far - ..., high - ...

8. “Choose a word.”

The child is asked to choose a word for any sound, first - any words, and then - according to a lexical topic, for example: “name a fruit whose name begins with the sound A” (orange, apricot, pineapple...)

9. "Big - small."

The child is asked to call affectionately, for example, spoon - spoon, chair - chair, etc.

10. "Guess the riddle."

Riddles teach children to think figuratively. Encourage children to guess them as often as possible.

Example: “Round side, yellow side, a bun is sitting on a bed. What is this?" (turnip)

Give children descriptive riddles, for example: This is a vegetable that grows in the garden, round, red in color, sweet in taste, put in salads. (tomato)

11. “Name which one...”

Formation of adjectives. For example, juice is made from apples, which means it is apple, apple jam is made from apples, etc.

12. “Choose a word.” Bird - feathers. Fish - ... Cucumber - vegetable, chamomile - ...

13. “Tell a poem.”

Memorize poems with your children, they develop memory and thinking.

14. “Tell a story.” Read fairy tales to children, talk about the content, role-play fairy tales, draw pictures based on fairy tales.


From the age of 3, the child already understands the meaning of the text and understands the content of poems and fairy tales that his mother reads to him. Therefore, you can discuss the books you read or the illustrations you viewed. Effective exercises:

  • the child tells what is shown in the pictures and makes up stories based on them;
  • the child answers questions based on the text he just listened to (good questions: who did you like best? what event do you remember? what would you do in the hero’s place? why?);
  • the child describes an object in detail (parents can ask clarifying questions: what shape is it? what color?).

To learn the names of body parts and items of clothing, have your child describe himself or a doll.

Reading fiction

Be sure to read aloud to your child. After all, reading fiction is the most important way to enrich your vocabulary. Children who have loved books since childhood have more developed speech than their peers, are able to construct sentences correctly, and write essays better in school.

When reading a book to your child, try to pronounce words clearly, loudly and correctly, and avoid mistakes in articulation and emphasis. If there are unfamiliar words in the text, explain their meaning to the baby.

Vocabulary games

  1. “Name the animal (plant, name, etc.).” Take the ball and place the children in front of you in a semicircle. Throw the ball to the children one by one: the child who caught the ball must name a word from a given thematic group and throw the ball back. The kid who couldn’t remember the word is eliminated from the game. The winner is the child who was able to stay in the game.
  2. "Edible - inedible." The presenter says any word and throws the ball to the child. If the word denotes an edible object, the child catches the ball; if it is inedible, he throws it away. The exercise helps to understand how correctly the child has mastered the meaning of words. For example, if a child claims that a plate belongs to the group of edible objects, there is reason to think about it.
  3. "Big small". The rules are the same as in the previous game. The presenter pronounces one word from a pair (“chair” or “high chair”, “table” or “little table”, “spoon” or “spoon”). If the child believes that the leader named a small object, he catches the ball, if it is large, he throws it away.
  4. "Package". Each player receives a “package” with some item. The child must describe his subject in detail so that others understand what he is talking about.
  5. "Analogies". Write the “equation” on the card: “A pigeon is a bird, a cat is a ?” The child must understand which thematic group the second word belongs to. This exercise helps you learn words with specific and general meanings.


  1. Volosovets T.S. Speech development of preschool children: theoretical foundations and new technologies: collection of articles from the Federal State Educational Standard for 15 years. - M. 2015.- 54 p.
  2. Karikova Yu.I. Features of work on speech development of preschool children / O.A. Skryabina, Yu.I. Karikova.- Ryazan.: Noosphere, 2015.-289 p.
  3. Levshina N.I.Modern approaches to the methods of speech development of preschoolers//Fundamental Research.-M.: 2015.-40 p.
  4. Nevskaya V.P. Speech games and exercises: a manual for teachers and speech therapists, educators and parents. M.: TC Sfera, 2022. -64 p.
  5. Rybakova E.V. Speech development of children: domestic and foreign experience. — M.: Sphere shopping center, 2022 -140 p.

What do you need to know about the features of vocabulary development in early childhood?

As quickly as a baby develops at an early age, his vocabulary grows just as quickly. At each age stage of this period, a special accumulation of words occurs.

  • Thus, in the first year of life, a baby’s supply is replenished due to the speech of the people around him. He hears frequently repeated words, which affects the replenishment of the passive vocabulary. Experts constantly remind parents not to think that the baby does not understand anything and that there is no need to develop the child’s vocabulary yet. On the contrary, there is an intensive accumulation of passive vocabulary, so it is necessary to communicate with the child, even if hygiene procedures or feeding are simply carried out. A baby already at 2 months understands the intonation of an adult’s words.
  • In early childhood, the vocabulary is replenished through words denoting objects in the immediate environment: dishes, clothes, toys, furniture. At this age, kids understand nature very sensitively and are sensitive to the living world, so to expand their vocabulary you can use the names of animals, plants, seasons, natural phenomena, and various events.

An adult needs to give the correct and precise designation of objects and phenomena, try to correct errors in the child’s pronunciation without switching to the child’s language.

  • At this age, a feature of preschool children manifests itself - word creation. Children begin to come up with their own words and expressions. The classic of children's literature K. Chukovsky collected a whole collection of such words “From 2 to 5”, which contains words and expressions composed by children of two or three years of age, for example, little cones, Madonna and Little Madonna, a fantasy story, a terrible spun (dream), angry (wrinkles), song.
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