Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

Topic: “Fairy Tale Holiday” (Quiz on Russian folk tales) Purpose: Program objectives: formation of sound expressiveness of speech. Develop diction and phonemic awareness. Enrich children's vocabulary. Deepen interest in fairy tales. Preliminary work : reading fairy tales, didactic games, guessing riddles, sculpting heroes, drawing favorite fairy tale characters. Material (illustrations for fairy tales). Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes) Why do you love them? (Children's answers) Educator. Do you know how fairy tales appeared? (No) Educator . Guys, would you like me to tell you how they appeared? Educator. Remember, we said that man has learned from nature since ancient times. There were phenomena that ancient people could not explain. They were afraid of the dark and thunderstorms. And people explained all this by the manifestation of supernatural forces. And then such heroes as Ilya Muromets, Nikita Dobrynin, Alyosha Popovich appeared. Man gave powers to birds and fish. A fabulous heat appeared - a bird. A pike appeared and helped Emelya. That's how fairy tales appeared, guys. And then these tales were passed from one person to another, from mouth to mouth. Fairy tales, guys, belong to oral folk art. There are good fairy tales, when good always wins, and evil is always punished. On long winter evenings, people gathered under one dim candle and told their tales. Children especially loved fairy tales. Before bedtime, grandmothers and mothers told their children fairy tales. And the children passed these fairy tales on to their children, and we learned fairy tales from our mothers and grandmothers. Educator. Guys, let's celebrate a fairy tale today. I know that you know a lot of fairy tales. Guys, I will ask riddles, and you will name a fairy tale. Well, are you ready? Game "Find out the fairy tale by the riddle."

  • A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold. The girl was sleeping in the nut shell. What kind of girl lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

Now let's talk about another book. Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore. The old man went out to the sea and cast a net, he would catch someone and ask for something. (The Tale of the Goldfish.)

Our story will be about a greedy old woman, but greed, guys, does not lead to good. And the matter will end in the same trough. Not new, but old, broken, of course. (The Tale of the Goldfish.)

Oh, Petya - simplicity, I messed up a little. I didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window. (Fox and cockerel .)

I left my grandmother. I left my grandmother, I’ll come to you soon. (Kolobok.)

The hen is very upset - her egg is broken. (Chicken Ryaba.)

I'm a wooden person. On the water and under the water I am looking for a golden key. I stick my long nose everywhere. Who am I? (the tale of the golden key.)

Physical Education Minute Pinocchio stretched. One - he bent down, Two - he bent over, he spread his arms to the sides, we can see the key, in order to get the key, we need to stand on our tiptoes. (Children perform the appropriate movements.) Educator. Well done, you solved all the riddles. Now try to recognize the fairy tale from the illustration.

Game “Find out a fairy tale from a picture”

Illustrations for the fairy tales “Geese and Swans”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “At the Command of the Pike”, “Ryaba the Hen” are hung on the board. The teacher draws attention to the illustration for the fairy tale “Geese - Swans”.

Questions for children:

  1. What is the name of this fairy tale?
  2. Who composed it?
  3. Why did the geese and swans take away my brother?
  4. Why did the stove, the apple tree and the river help Alyonushka?
  5. What would you do if you found yourself in this situation?

The teacher draws attention to the illustration for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Questions for children:

  1. What is the name of this fairy tale?
  2. Name the author of the fairy tale?
  3. What does this fairy tale teach us?
  4. What do you need to remember when you are alone at home?

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the illustrations for the fairy tale “By the Pike’s Command.” Questions for children:

  1. What is the name of this fairy tale?
  2. Name the author of the fairy tale?
  3. What does this fairy tale teach us?
  4. What do you need to remember when you are alone at home?

The teacher draws attention to the illustration for the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Questions for children:

  1. When did you first hear this fairy tale?
  2. Who told you about it?
  3. Tell me, which egg is better - a simple one or a golden one? Why?

Educator. Guys, you are great! And you completed this task. Now try reading the proverb. There are pictures on the board.

  1. Butterfly, spruce. Umbrella.
  2. TV, fish, duck, tree, watermelon.
  3. Scissors, spruce, TV.
  4. Tree, window, butterfly, fish, watermelon.

Guys, using the first letters of the names of objects, let’s make up a proverb: “Without labor there is no good.” You guys are great. And they completed this task. And now the most difficult task. I will name the fairy-tale characters, and you try to guess the name of the fairy tales in which they act.

  1. Tsar, three sons, swamp. (Princess Frog.)
  2. Father, stepmother, three daughters, slipper, fairy. (Cinderella.)
  3. A very little girl, a cockchafer, a mouse, a swallow. (Thumbelina.)
  4. Evil stepmother, daughter and stepdaughter, Santa Claus. (Morozko.)

Educator. Well done! You know fairy tales well. I want to say thank you to all of you on behalf of all fairy-tale heroes. Guys, I think that each of you has your favorite fairy tale. For the next lesson, you will be able to draw an illustration for your favorite fairy tale at home and tell us this fairy tale.

Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the pre-school group of a pre-school educational institution with a presentation. Letter from a Fairy Tale

Integrated GCD in the preschool group “Letter from a Fairy Tale”
Irina Aleksandrovna Vukolova, teacher, GBOU School 2114, Moscow
Integration of educational areas: Cognition (FEMP, FCCM), Communication, Reading fiction. Goal: to consolidate the knowledge, skills and techniques acquired during the year. Demonstrate and explain to children the law of mirror reflection (“mirror experiment”). Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the sequence of seasons and months, the names of professions; 2. Strengthen the skills of classifying geometric shapes according to several criteria; 3. Develop skills of orientation in the surrounding space and on a sheet of paper in a square; 4. Strengthen the ability to identify the condition and question of a problem, practice solving problems by adding and subtracting single-digit numbers; 5. Strengthen the ability to count syllables in words; distinguish between consonants and vowels, letters, sounds; 6. Repeat some literary works and their authors; 7. Promote the development of logical thinking, attention, attentiveness; 8. Cultivate perseverance, listening skills, and teamwork. Materials and equipment: envelopes with letters, video presentation with tasks, cards with letters, cards with tasks, simple pencils, checkered pieces of paper according to the number of participants, 2 small mirrors, 1 large mirror (or small mirrors according to the number of participants), a basket with fungus, 2 sets of cards with numbers.
Progress of the lesson
Organizational moment. Educator: - Hello, guys! Hello adults! Is this kindergarten "Sweetie"? My name is Irina Aleksandrovna. Today I was walking down the street, and a man approached me with a large bag containing many letters. What do they call people who deliver letters... I completely forgot! Children: - Postman! Educator: - Exactly! Thanks for reminding me! There is such a profession - postman. What other professions do you know? Children's answers Teacher: - Well done! So, the postman was in a hurry and asked me to deliver several letters to the “Sweetie” kindergarten to the “Strawberry” group. Can you tell me how to find them? Children: - This is us!!! Educator: - That's great! Then these letters are for you. Guys, can I stay and read these letters with you? I'm so curious, to be honest! I'm very interested in what's in them. Children: - yes! The teacher gives the letter. The children open it. They are reading. Children and Teacher: - BI-BI-DI BO-BI-DI BOOM Main part Slide 2

Dunno appears and reads the letter.
“Friends, help me out!
One of my friends, very smart, built a hot air balloon! He promised to take me with him on a journey if I completed his tasks. But I don’t know how to fulfill them! He showed me some figures, I don’t know what they are called, asked me to compare them and cross out the extra ones. What does it mean? Help me out, friends! You will see the task on this magic screen, and put the hint in an envelope and send it back to me. I’m really looking forward to it!!!"" Teacher: - Guys, who is this? Children: - Dunno from the story of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” Educator: - Oh, Dunno! Well then it’s clear why he was so impolite. Educator: Don’t you think so? Children: - He didn’t say hello, but any letter should begin with a greeting. And he impolitely asked for help. I should have said “help, please”! Educator: - Absolutely right. But he’s Dunno – he probably just doesn’t know how to be polite. Forgive him for this? Shall we fulfill his request? Children: - Yes! Educator: - Magic screen, please show us the task for Dunno. Slide 3 rectangle, square, trapezoid, triangle

Educator: - What do you see on the screen? Children: – Geometric shapes. Rectangle, square, trapezoid, triangle. Educator: - How many figures are there in total? Children: – 4 Teacher: – Dunno asked to compare these figures. How are they similar and how are they different? Children: - They are similar - that's all - geometric figures, all 4 figures have angles. The differences are all different shapes, they are all different colors. Educator: - Which figure is the odd one out? Why? Children: – A triangle – it has 3 angles, and the rest have 4 angles. They can be called quadrangles. Educator: - Let's check. Click (the triangle disappears) Teacher: - How many figures are in front of you now? Children: – 3 Teacher: – Well done! We have completed Dunno's tasks! Cross out the extra figure and put the clue in the envelope. Educator: - And there’s something else in the envelope. I didn't notice it right away. What is this? Children: - these are the letters “D” and “R”. Educator: - What could this mean? Let's attach them to the magnetic board for now... Educator: - Let's read the next letter. The children open it. They are reading. Children: - KA-RA-BOOM BOOM-BOOM Slide 4 On the screen, a girl reads the message
“The evil stepmother sent me to the forest.
She didn’t say what to bring her. Just gave me a hint. I consulted with my twelve friends, but they also failed to solve it. Maybe you guys can help me? The assignment is in this envelope. Thank you very much in advance! I'm sure you can do it! " Educator: - Who sent us the letter? Children: – Stepdaughter from Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak’s fairy tale “Twelve Months” Educator: – Which 12 brothers did the girl consult with? Children: – 12 months – January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Slide 5, twelve months

Educator: - Which of these brothers is the youngest? Why? Children: - January, because it is the first month of the year. Educator: - Which brother is the eldest? Children: - December. This is the last month of the year. Well done! Let's try to unravel the stepmother's clue and help the girl? Children: - Yes! Educator: - What do we have here in the envelope? Wow, mirror. Why is it? Probably to admire yourself! How pretty we all are! So what else do we have here? This is probably the complex hint that the stepmother gave... 1 square to the left, 3 up... They also put these little pieces of paper in the envelope in the envelope... what is this? Children: - We should probably try to draw this picture. Teacher: - Do you think so? Well, let's try it. It will be more convenient for you to do this at tables. Have a seat. The children sit at the tables. The teacher distributes sheets of paper and pencils. Graphic dictation 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 2 left, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right. Educator: - What happened? Children: - it’s not clear... Teacher: - Hmm... really... it’s not clear... what if... wait, wait... it’s not for nothing that they put a mirror to help us... The teacher bends the sheet along the line and brings it to the mirror. Educator: - Wow! Guys, come here soon! look! What did we get? Children: - Mushroom! Children bend their leaves and also bring them to the mirror. Teacher: - Exactly! Our drawing was reflected in the mirror. Such a reflection can only be obtained with those objects that are divided into two halves, like our mushroom. We drew half of it, and the other half was reflected in the mirror. Such objects are called symmetrical. Guys, have any of you watched the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors?” Be sure to ask your parents to show you this fairy tale! It is very interesting and in it you will learn a lot about mirrors and reflection. And also about friendship! Well, we helped the girl. Now she knows what to bring to her stepmother! Mushrooms! I had a fungus here somewhere. Would you like me to show you another experiment with a mirror? The teacher places 2 mirrors at an angle of 90, and places a fungus between them. Children observe how many mushrooms are reflected in the mirror. But the girl is waiting for a hint from us. Let's put the mushroom in the envelope as a hint. Educator: - Oh, this letter also has letters. Which? Children: - “F” and “B”. What did we get? Nothing is clear... Let's attach them to the other letters for now. Educator: - Let's see the last letter. The children open it. They are reading. Children: and Teacher: - Kribli - crabli - booms Slide 6. Letter to Pinocchio
One very mischievous girl caught me and wants to teach me how to study! This girl is showing me some pictures! What do they mean? Help me please! You will see these pictures on the magic screen!” Educator: - Who could have written this? Children: - Pinocchio from the story of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”) Educator: – What a complicated name Pinocchio has! Let's count how many syllables are in his name? Place your hand under your chin, palm down. For each syllable, your palm goes down, because your mouth opens - this is the syllable. Children place their palm under their chin and count the syllables D - Bu - ra - ti - but. 4 syllables Teacher: - Correct. And who is this “mean girl” who caught him? Children: - Malvina. Let's also count how many syllables are in her name. Educator: - Shall we help Pinocchio, guys? Magic screen, please show us the task for Pinocchio. Slide 7 – apples

Educator: - What do you think this means? Children's answers. The teacher leads to drawing up a problem based on the drawing. Teacher: - What is an apple? (Fruit) Where do apples grow? (On the trees) Which ones? - (On the apple trees) Of course, guys, well done. Let's count the apples. There were 3 apples. 2 more apples were added to them. How many apples are there? Children: - There are 5 apples. Educator: - check the Click (the equal sign and apples appear) Educator: - Well done! What did we get? Children: - This is a solution to the problem. Educator: - Exactly! Let's use number cards to write down the solution to this problem. 3+2=5 Educator: - We coped with the task. Helped Pinocchio. Shall we send him a hint? Buratino put a piece of paper in the envelope, we will write an example on it - a solution to the problem. Educator: - Are there 2 more letters in this letter? Which? Children: - “U” and “A” Educator: - What are the previous letters? Children: - “D” “R” “F” “B”. Educator: - Look, guys, these letters are blue. And "U" and "A" are red. Why? Children: – Blue letters are consonants. Red ones are vowels. Educator: - Absolutely right. And you and I know that in order to make a word, you need both consonants and vowels. What word can we form now? Children: - The word “Friendship” comes out! Children place letters on the board in the required sequence Slide 8 friendship, song

Final part Educator: - Guys, what do you think the heroes of fairy tales wanted to tell us when they sent us this word? Children's answers Teacher: - That's right! Friendship is very important! And we just proved it. We worked together and were able to help the heroes of different fairy tales. It’s not for nothing that they say – don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends! One for all and all for one! They fold their hands.
What a wonderful day it is for me today! I met you and made new friends! I had a lot of fun with you today! Thank you! I would like to travel with you again. Will you take me with you next time? Now it’s time for me to deliver the letters with our tips to the post office. After all, Dunno, Pinocchio and the girl are waiting for our clues. Goodbye! See you again!

Presentation on the topic: Integrated GCD in the preparatory school group “Letter from a Fairy Tale”

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