Card index of didactic games on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age

Road safety pictures for children

Road safety pictures for children will help you clearly demonstrate to young pedestrians the difference between correct and careless behavior. It will be better if you accompany each image with a small story or ask the children themselves to tell a short story about safe behavior on the road.

You can also familiarize yourself with the selection on the topic of traffic rules “Road rules for children, pictures” and view material about fire safety – pictures for children.

Pictures of traffic rules for preschool and school children

It's better to see once than to hear ten times! This rule also applies to studying the Rules of the Road (TRAF) with children of preschool and school age.
And although at first glance it seems that all pedestrians already know the order of crossing streets and other similar rules, as they say “inside and out”, in fact this is not entirely true.

Statistics of road accidents in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in other regions of our country, still indicate that not only children, but also adults (not only pedestrians, but also drivers who do not give way, exceed speed, as well as parking their cars where it is prohibited, as well as committing other traffic violations leading to tragic consequences).

But these days, explanations of traffic rules for children can be found even on television and on the Internet.

Many modern cartoons (Robocar Poli, Auntie Owl's Lessons, Smeshariki, etc.) examine in some detail and colorfully the issues of children's behavior on or near the roads.

But sometimes children, even when watching cartoons, require additional explanations with specific examples from your life. For example, you can watch the animated series Three Cats or the Naughty Family with your whole family (series about behavior on the road, etc.), and at the same time tell your child how the situation shown in the cartoon occurs to you when going to the store or to the cinema, when going to school or kindergarten, to training or to visit grandma. And then reinforce all the traffic rules learned with your child while walking. And NEVER VIOLATE them yourself, otherwise the child will think that if you can do it, then so can he. And such neglect can end disastrously.

Pictures of traffic rules for preschool and school children

Pictures with traffic rules will also help children quickly remember the rules of the road. You can also use them as samples for creating children's drawings on the topic of following traffic rules:

Comments on pictures for children road safety

Children, especially modern ones and often spoiled by cartoons and computer games, love simple and fun presentation of information. A conversation in the style of “look at the picture, kids, you can’t do this, but you can do this,” will most likely only cause melancholy and will not stick in little heads. Therefore, use additional mechanisms to increase children's interest in the problem.

Riddles, fairy tales, poems, puzzles and games will diversify your traffic safety lessons; pictures for children will help you better understand the material. Let's give a few examples.

Road Safety Poem

Good zebra on the road

Our feet walk on it.

She helps a lot

Everyone walk across the road.

Road safety mystery

Here's a tricolor fellow.

Oh, what a cunning man he is!

Are you on the road, friend?

He will help everyone around!

He knows how to settle a dispute

A story about road safety

Sasha and Alina got up bright and early in the morning and went to play in the yard. But Sasha suddenly said that they were already adults and they could go and see how big cars drive.

- Are you sure? – Alina asked incredulously.

“Of course, I’ve done this a thousand times,” Sasha lied.

- Well, if that’s the case, let’s go.

The guys went behind the house, then behind another house and another and saw a huge road. Huge cars were rushing along the road.

- Come on, whoever is faster! – Sasha shouted and rushed towards the road.

“Wait, wait,” Alina shouted, but still ran after her.

Stopping at the edge, the boy and girl looked in fascination at the flow of cars. Suddenly the ball jumped out of Sasha’s hands and rolled straight onto the road….

/Let the children comment on the story and come up with two continuations based on the picture - correct and dangerous/.

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