“The Red Book” - a project on the surrounding world for 2nd grade

Due to the fact that the flora and fauna of the Earth are being destroyed due to the active activity and sometimes frivolity of man, many species of plants and animals are on the verge of extinction or have become extinct. Secondary school students prepare reports on the topic “Red Book of Russia”, in which they tell how to stop this process and teach people to be more careful about living nature.

From the pages of a textbook

This project work completes a large section of the textbook called “Nature”. And the “red book” is the name of one of the paragraphs of this section.

Let's see what is required of us?

ABOUT! Our good friends are Seryozha and Nadya, inquisitive inhabitants of the textbook. They did something again. Or rather, they did. This time the guys came up with their own Red Book. They placed insects, plants, and animals on her pages. And our children are encouraged to do the same.

That is, you need not to repeat the real, really existing Red Book, but to make your own. It turns out that you can add into it not only those animals and plants that are already under protection, but also any others you want. Well, this expands our capabilities.

In what form should the project be presented? It seems like they are asking to make a Red Book. And the Red Book is, strictly speaking, a book.

But! In the workbook, space is also reserved for this project. This means that it can be done in a notebook.

Let's start with it.

Formation of biological culture of students

Since the problem of studying and protecting nature does not lose its relevance , compulsory lessons are held in Russian schools to familiarize students with the Red Book . This is done so that every child learns to feel the environment and learns which classes and species of plants and animals are under the protection of the Russian Federation.

The teacher asks elementary school students to write an essay. The kids retell the topics of the lessons to each other, reinforcing the material they have covered, and remember rare animals and plants. High school students write notes and make reports on them.

Protecting the environment becomes more difficult every year, so the Red Book plays an important role for the entire planet . It contains recommendations for carrying out protective measures, the implementation of which can restore and preserve many representatives of flora and fauna that are on the verge of extinction.

Project protection

What does it mean to protect a project? This means giving a short presentation of your work in front of the class. Pick up (in this case) a notebook, go to the board, speak briefly on the topic of work, adhering to a pre-planned plan.

The main thing is not to go too deep. 5 minutes is the maximum maximum! There are many people who are passionate about, as well as those who are forced to))) defend their work in the classroom. So save your time. The lesson, as they say, is not rubber-stamp.

The hardest thing is to start. Why? And from the definition of the Red Book, which is already written in the workbook. This will be a great short introduction that will easily flow into the first point of our plan.

In practice it might look like this:

Great! A start! The first point of the plan has been completed. Let's try to move on to the second, which involves telling a story about the benefits that the “residents” of the project bring.

There are 12 “inhabitants” in our book. There is no need to talk about everything during the presentation. Four will be enough.

But! It is necessary to know about the benefits of the remaining eight. Don’t forget that defending a project involves answering questions from listeners. One of your classmates may ask about the benefits of a specimen not mentioned in the presentation. So, be prepared for this.

Well, we still have the final point of the plan about ways to protect animals and plants.

If you think about it, it turns out that the methods of protection are universal for all representatives of ours, and any other Red Book.

  1. Do not kill (do not pull out, do not trample, do not chop if we are talking about plants).
  2. Help in difficult times (for example, feed or treat).
  3. Do not pollute, take care of nature (do not litter, do not burn fires in forests, do not dump waste into rivers and lakes, install treatment facilities on factory pipes, etc.)
  4. Restore (plant trees, go to cleanup days, etc.)

It is clear that a child will not go to a factory and install a modern filter on a pipe. But he is quite capable of not picking a flower, not breaking a tree, not killing a beetle, not throwing a candy wrapper past the trash can.

Well, we figured out how to make a project in a workbook and how it can be presented.

Let's move on to the next, more creative way of designing this work. We will make a real Red Book. Although, rather not a book, but a book that you can bring to school in your pocket.

Document creation history

The idea of ​​creating the project belongs to France. In 1902, a convention for the protection of farm birds was signed in Paris, and 46 years later the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources appeared, which subsequently created a list of endangered species of plants, birds and animals.

The presentation of the two-volume book took place in 1963. The first volume contained descriptions of 211 species of mammals and 312 representatives of the bird world (only government officials and scientists had access to the collection). The next three volumes were published between 1966 and 1971, they were supplemented with descriptions of reptiles and amphibians. In 1972, the revised and expanded book went on sale.

The modern document contains information about the numbers and characteristics of all rare representatives of the surrounding world. The Red Book is based on accurate facts, which allows us to develop solutions to urgent problems in protecting the natural environment.

The red color of the book symbolizes the danger threatening the planet. The goal of scientists is to briefly convey to humanity how important it is to preserve the remaining rare species and prevent them from disappearing from the face of the Earth.

What is the Red Book?

Nature is designed in such a way that sometimes new species of animals and plants appear, and some old species disappear, that is, they die out. However, in recent centuries, due to human activity, the extinction process has accelerated sharply. For this reason, IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, was created in 1948. He decided to keep records of those species that are on the verge of extinction. For this purpose, the Red Book was invented, which was first published in 1963.

The Red Book lists those types of living beings (only plants, animals and fungi, microorganisms are not included in it) that may soon disappear. Various information about the species, including its distribution area, is also indicated.

Illustration “Protecting Wildlife”

Initially, only the international Red Book was published, but over time, individual countries, including Russia, began to issue Red Books. In our country, the Red Book has a special status, since the living creatures listed in it are protected by law. In particular, hunting of animals listed in the book is prohibited.

The Red Book of Russia, published in 2001, has a volume of 860 pages and is richly illustrated. Each species in the book is assigned a number called a rarity status category. It takes a value from 0 to 5. 0 corresponds to those species that are probably extinct - their representatives have not been seen for 50 years. Belonging to category 5 means that the species’ numbers are recovering, and soon it can be excluded from the Red Book.

Report on the Red Book

We all know that on our planet, along with humans, other representatives of nature live next door. Human greed, manifested in deforestation and drainage of water bodies, became the impetus for many species of flora and fauna to cease to exist. Since ancient times, people have enriched themselves at the expense of others; skins and meat were obtained from animals, and wood from trees. Many animals died in the forests, and valuable bushes and trees were destroyed. Humanity was afraid of the consequences of its activities, so a special world commission decided to create a special book, which included all endangered species. This book was given the name Red Book. It is the red color that should signal the danger caused by humans to nature and its inhabitants. We just have to think that the species described here are either completely extinct or will soon be gone. People themselves destroyed what nature took a long time to create and carefully preserve. Each country in the world has its own special representatives of fauna and flora, which need protection every day.

The Red Book is a document that records exact data about the value and way of life of each representative of plants and animals inhabiting our Planet. The Red Book includes several pages, each of which has a different color and meaning.

  • Black pages are where data about animals that have become extinct is collected.
  • Red pages - store information about all gradually disappearing or rare species of plants and animals.
  • The Yellow Pages will tell curious readers about animals that are becoming smaller every year.
  • White pages - they contain information about all those who were not many in nature anyway.
  • Gray pages - include the number of individuals living in places where people can hardly reach.

That is why such animals are difficult to study, and little is known about them. Perhaps, thanks to their habitat, they were able to survive to this day.

Green Pages have become a haven, on paper, for all the animals that have already been saved from extinction.

Plants and trees are also worthy candidates for the Red Book. In many countries, and especially in Sri Lanka, the exotic plant Kadupul flower grows. It is unique in that its flowering can be seen very rarely, and when the flower does bloom, it quickly dies. In the Bahrain desert, scientists discovered a tree of life that, after standing for 400 years without moisture, was able to remain green to this day. The Methuselah pine grows in the United States and is approximately 5,000 years old. Its location is completely hidden, since it is in a single copy. The favorite food of bats is the jade vine. This flower has long been considered an endangered species, this is directly related to the destruction of the forests where the flower grows. This is just a small part of the examples that a person is simply obliged to protect for future generations.

Many representatives of nature, which over time cease to need protection and protection, are rewritten to other pages in the book. It is very encouraging that, despite the great catastrophe of extinction, many species can still be saved. The Red Book itself is a document with temporary data. Over the years, people discover and find unique and interesting species, they naturally include them in the Red Book, work on changes to which continues to be completed today. Not only the number of individuals changes, their living conditions and habitat also change. Nowadays, people are still trying to preserve endangered species more than to harm them, all this is very pleasing. Nature is not only the home for all living plants and animals, it is also our common home, the home of man. Therefore, everything should be done to preserve our nature as it is, and to help many species find a place in it, be it a small mosquito or a large crocodile.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade, the world around us

Environmental project: “Red Book of Russia”

Project Information Card

Topic: “Animals and plants of the Red Book of Russia.”

Authors and project leaders : Lavrova E.M., (teacher at the Children's Preschool Educational Institution, kindergarten No. 1, Orekhovo-Zuyevo).

Project participants: children of the preparatory school group “Bell” (from 6 to 7 years old), parents, teachers of the group.

Project type: medium duration (7 weeks).

Project type: practice-oriented, group, educational, research, creative.

Integration with educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Problem: insufficient level of children's knowledge about the Red Book and the animals listed in it.

Relevance: in modern conditions, when the scope of educational influence is significantly expanding, the problem of environmental education of preschool children acquires special significance and relevance. It is necessary to instill in children a caring attitude towards animals and a desire to protect them. Hypothesis: The Red Book is necessary as a source of information about environmental problems. Animals and plants cannot do without human help. Will humans be able to prevent the extinction of rare, endangered species of plants and animals? Goal: to draw children's attention to the problem of the disappearance of some animals in Russia. Introduce children to the Red Book. Show where and how animals exist. Give children basic ideas about how a person can help animals. The fact that people, having little knowledge of nature, have killed many animals. To form an ecological culture among preschoolers and encourage them to be active defenders of nature. Teach children to work with additional materials.


  • To form children’s primary ideas about the Red Book.
  • To form children’s knowledge about rare and endangered species of animals in Russia and about the measures necessary for their conservation based on material accessible to their understanding, to replenish and activate their vocabulary.
  • To develop children’s search activity, cognitive-speech activity, coherent speech, and curiosity. Teach children to pass on the knowledge acquired during search activities to their comrades by writing stories about animals and interesting facts from their lives.
  • Help children remember the rules of behavior in nature.
  • Develop the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.
  • Expand children's knowledge about nature reserves and funds to support the survival of rare animal species in our country.
  • To cultivate a kind, merciful, responsible, caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants, a sense of kindness and compassion for all living things.
  • Develop children's creative abilities, imagination, aesthetic taste through artistic creativity.
  • Involve parents in joint activities with children.

Expected results of the project:

  • Improving the quality of the educational process.
  • Children have an idea about the “Red Book”.
  • Children expanded and enriched their knowledge about the life of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia.
  • The children have developed the foundations of environmental education and have a desire to learn even more about the endangered species of plants and animals of our region.
  • Children show interest and respect for the environment and have become more careful about the nature of their region.
  • Development of critical and creative thinking in children.
  • An effective “triple alliance” - teacher-parent-child.
  • A sense of ownership and satisfaction from the child’s success.
  • Increasing the competence of teachers and enriching teaching experience.

Project implementation forms:

  • equipping the subject-spatial environment;
  • classes;
  • conversations;
  • working with parents;
  • gaming technologies;
  • creative activity;
  • project presentation.

Project implementation stages

Stage I. Organizational (preparatory): Study and selection of program and methodological material in the field of work.

Ascertaining diagnostic study on environmental education of preschool children and a survey of parents.

Improving the development environment, creating files of games, experiences and experiments.

Update and addition in the reading corner of educational and artistic literature: these are children's encyclopedias, magazines about wild animals, illustrations, mini-games, puzzles, educational games: “Zoological Lotto”, “Find a Pair”, “Homeland of Animals”, “Animals”, “Good friends”, etc.

Immersion in the problem: showing the presentation “The Main Book of Nature”.

Goal: acquaintance with the Red Book as a state document and its significance.

Coloring pages “Animal from the Red Book of Russia”.

Drawing according to the theme: “My favorite animal.”

Presentation of information in the parent corner on the topics: “Environmental education of preschool children”, “Earth Day”.

Conversations with parents about the need to visit the zoo, nature reserves, etc.

Stage II. Practical “We are explorers”

Conducting discussions on the topics: “Creation of the Red Book”, “Through the pages of the Red Book - rare animals and plants”, “Reserves of Russia”, “Zoo”.

Conducting direct educational activities on the project topic:

- “What is the Red Book for?”

- “What is a reserve?”

— “Journey to Planet Earth”

— Modeling on the themes: “We love nature”, “Animal from the Red Book”.

Game activity:

  • Didactic games “Reminder signs”, “Find your animal”.
  • Role-playing games: “We are at the zoo”, “Photo hunt in the forest”.
  • Game-task “Pick up the beak.”
  • Ecological game "Thanksgiving".
  • Outdoor games “What kind of animal am I?”, “Sly fox”, “Flies, swims, runs”, “Air, earth, water”.

Reading fiction: B. Zakhoder “What Happened to the River”; fairy tale by V. Bianki “Owl”, E. Charushin “Hare”, “Fox”, “Wolf”, poem by P. Voronko “Lipka”, K. Balmont “For Mushrooms”, Y. Akim “Earth”.

Listening to songs “The Earth is our common home” music by N. B. Karavaeva; “Multi-Colored Planet” music by A. Orlov; “The Red Book” music by O. Gazmanov.

Observations and research activities while walking.

Children and their parents prepare a short report about an animal from the Red Book of Russia as part of the project.

Visiting children with their parents to the petting zoo in Orekhovo-Zuevo.

Participation in the following campaigns: “Bring a book about nature”, “Take care of nature” (studying the rules of behavior in nature in order to preserve its wealth; creating environmental signs).

Artistic and productive activity: creating Red Book animals using non-traditional artistic techniques.

Creation of the Red Book of the Animals of Russia group.

Stage III. Final (project result)

Working with parents.

Project implementation

Stage I. Organizational (preparatory).

Organization of successful work on environmental education of children

is impossible without determining the initial level of environmental ideas in older preschoolers.

The work methodology we developed included the following conditions for its implementation:

– diagnostics were carried out in natural conditions with comparative

homogeneity of the composition of children in groups;

– the research was conducted on material whose content

corresponds to the objectives of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

– in the group, diagnostic classes were conducted by one teacher.

Parents of older preschoolers were offered the questionnaire “Environmental education of children” to identify the parents’ attitude to the relevance of the topic of ecology, environmental problems, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, and environmental education of children of older preschool age. As a result, it turned out that the majority of parents know what ecology is and what it does, they love animals, birds, have plants and animals at home, have a positive attitude towards nature, only 10% of the parents in the group introduce their children to the rules of behavior in nature.

The results obtained showed that almost all parents have a low level of environmental knowledge.

23 preschoolers from the “Bells” group took part in the primary sample.

The main goal of this stage of work was to determine the initial level of ecological ideas about the patterns and interrelations of natural phenomena, the unity of living and inanimate nature, the interaction and interdependence of nature, society and man among older preschoolers.

We determined the level of development of environmental concepts in children of senior preschool age using a number of tasks that were carried out individually with each child:

Task 1. “Determination of the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world,” the main goal of which is to determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world.

Task 2. “Determination of the characteristic features of the plant world,” the purpose of which is to determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of the plant world.

Task 3. “Determination of the characteristic features of inanimate nature,” the main goal of which is to determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of inanimate nature.

Task 4. “Knowledge of the seasons”, the purpose of which is to determine the level of knowledge of the seasons.

Task 5. “Ecological attitude towards the natural world”, the purpose of which is to determine the level of environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world.

We have identified 3 levels of environmental ideas among preschoolers (see Table 1)

Table 1.

Levels of ecological ideas in older preschoolers

Level nameCharacteristic
1HighThe child easily distributes representatives of the flora and fauna by species, gives reasons for his choice, correlates representatives of flora and fauna with their habitat, knows the characteristic features of plants and animals, answers questions posed coherently and consistently without much difficulty, shows interest in plants and animals, emotionally expresses his attitude towards indoor plants, animals, birds and insects, without the help of an adult, names the conditions necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants, domestic animals, tells how to properly care for them, correctly names the distinctive characteristics of objects of inanimate nature , when answering the questions posed, he shows creativity and imagination, reproduces from memory the seasonal features of a particular time of year, expresses an aesthetic attitude towards nature, understands the relationship between human activity and the life of animals, birds and plants, and easily expresses his attitude to the problem.
2AverageThe child sometimes makes minor mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal and plant world by species, does not always give reasons for his choice, mainly correlates representatives of flora and fauna with their habitat, knows the characteristic features, but sometimes makes inaccuracies in the answers, answers the questions posed consistently, but sometimes the answers are too short, shows interest and emotionally expresses his attitude towards indoor plants, animals, birds and insects, without the help of an adult, names the conditions necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants and pets, practical skills and skills in caring for indoor plants are not sufficiently formed, names the main distinctive characteristics of objects of inanimate nature, after additional questions from an adult, gives examples of how people use objects of inanimate nature, correctly names the seasons, sometimes finds it difficult to name them in the right sequence, basically knows the characteristic features of each season, but sometimes makes minor mistakes, does not always understand the relationship between human activity and the life of animals, birds and plants, and can express his attitude to the problem.
3ShortThe child often makes mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal and plant world by species, does not always give reasons for his choice, does not always correlate representatives of flora and fauna with their habitat, finds it difficult to name characteristic features, finds it difficult to answer questions posed, and if he answers, it is mostly incorrect, does not show interest in indoor plants and does not express his attitude towards animals, birds and insects, finds it difficult to tell how to properly care for indoor plants and pets, in the process of practical activities constantly turns to an adult for help, does not always correctly name the distinctive characteristics objects of inanimate nature, incorrectly names the seasons, finds it difficult to name them in the required sequence, does not know the characteristic features of different seasons, does not express an aesthetic attitude towards nature, does not understand the relationship between human activity and the life of animals, birds and plants, finds it difficult to express his attitude towards problem

The results of the primary survey showed that almost all older preschoolers have a poor understanding of the patterns and interrelations of natural phenomena, the unity of living and inanimate nature, the interaction and interdependence of nature, society and humans. The work carried out allows us to conclude that environmental education of preschool children is currently incomplete, and environmental activities are a rare phenomenon in the activities of children. The data obtained indicate that it is necessary to change the approach to environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions.

At the preparatory stage, we studied and selected program and methodological material, updated and supplemented the content of the subject-development environment, created a card index of games, experiences and experiments on the topic of ecology.

We diversified the educational and artistic literature corner: children and their parents brought children’s encyclopedias, magazines about wild animals, and illustrations.

We studied and played new mini-games, put together puzzles, played educational games: “Zoological Lotto”, “Find a Pair”, “Homeland of Animals”, “Animals”, “Good Friends”, etc.

We got acquainted with the Red Book through watching the presentation “The Main Book of Nature”, colored the coloring pages “Animal from the Red Book of Russia”, and drew according to the theme: “My favorite animal”.

There was also an information corner for parents on the topic: “Environmental education of preschool children”, “Earth Day”. Conversations were held with parents about the need to visit the zoo.

Stage II. Practical “We are explorers”

Day of the weekKind of activityProgram content, goals
Monday March 2Conversation on the topic: “Journey through the pages of the Red Book.” Observations and research activities while walking Introduce children to the Red Book, protected plants and animals. Give children an idea of ​​why the book is “red” and introduce them to the contents of the Red Book.
Tuesday 3 MarchListening to the song “Red Book” by music. O. Gazmanova. Observations and research activities while walking Deepening environmental knowledge in children, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth. Creating a joyful, spring mood in children.
Wednesday 4 MarchComplex thematic event “Journey to Planet Earth”. Observations and research activities while walking Deepen the understanding that planet Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. Introduce children to the scientific version of the formation of continents on planet Earth, with the symbols of land and water on maps and globes, with the names and location of continents on the map. Bring to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, since only on Earth there is life. To foster a desire to protect our Earth. Encourage children to make inferences based on available information. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech.
Thursday 5 MarchConversation on the topic: “Animals and plants of the Red Book” Observations and research activities on a walkFoster a caring attitude towards nature. Introduce rare species of animals and plants. Clarify and activate children's vocabulary.
Friday 6 MarchListening to the song “The Earth is our common home” music by N. B. Karavaeva. Observations and research activities while walking Deepening environmental knowledge in children, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth. Creating a joyful, spring mood in children.
Tuesday 10 MarchConversation on the topic: “Planet Earth is in danger.” Observations and research activities while walking To give an idea that planet Earth is a huge ball. Most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - land where people live. There are several such continents: America, Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica. There are two poles on the globe; North and South.
Wednesday 11 MarchOutdoor game "Air, earth, water, fire." Observations and research activities while walking Develop reaction and attentiveness, enrich vocabulary.
Thursday 12 MarchCarrying out the campaign: “Bring a book about nature.” Observations and research activities while walking Studying the rules of behavior in nature in order to preserve its wealth; creation of a mini-library.
Friday 13 MarchDirect educational activity “Why is the Red Book needed?” Observations and research activities while walking To cultivate a kind, merciful, responsible attitude towards nature, towards future descendants who need to leave the Earth to live; to form in children the belief that the beauty of nature is priceless, therefore it must be protected.
Monday 16 MarchConversation on the topic: “Zoo”. Observations and research activities while walking Expand children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the zoo; teach to understand the relationship between the appearance of an animal, its habitat, and feeding habits; consolidate the names of animals in the active dictionary; update knowledge about the professions of zoo employees and their responsibilities.
Tuesday 17 MarchChildren's round table. Observations and research activities while walking Activate vocabulary on the topic “Animals of the petting zoo”; develop coherent, literate speech; cultivate love and respect for animals. To develop children's creative activity, the ability to create the image of an animal in various ways.
Wednesday 18 MarchRole-playing game "Zoo". Observations and research activities while walking Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about animals in our country and other countries; to cultivate a culture of behavior, cognitive interest in natural objects, to develop in children memory, logical thinking, and imagination. Activate the vocabulary (veterinarian, tour guide, poster).
Thursday 19 MarchOutdoor game “Hunters and Beasts”. Observations and research activities while walking Strengthen the exercise “throwing at the target”; study of Russian folklore using the example of counting rhymes. Continue to develop motor skills and physical qualities needed in later life, creative imagination; increased activity and overall performance.
Friday 20 MarchReading fiction: Y. Akim “Earth”. Observations and research activities while walking Develop the ability to listen to a piece to the end. Maintain the desire to look at drawings and book designs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Monday 23 MarchEcological game: “Reminder signs”. Observations and research activities while walking Study with children the norms and rules of behavior in nature. Encourage children to be imaginative and creative, and make them want to make whatever contribution they can to environmental education of the population.
Tuesday 24 MarchModeling on the theme: “Animal from the Red Book.” Observations and research activities while walking Teach children to sculpt an animal (from the red book), using techniques: rolling, smoothing, pressing, tightly connecting parts. Continue to learn how to add parts to products (matches), as well as work with a stack (cutting). Develop fine motor skills and imagination.
Wednesday 25 MarchRole-playing game “An Incident in the Forest.” Observations and research activities while walking Develop children's ability to interact in games. Using the example of a dangerous situation for the forest and its inhabitants, help children develop the ability to develop the plot of the game. Contribute to the development of game dialogue. Activate children's vocabulary with words: fire hose, fire extinguisher, rescuers, Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue service, walkie-talkie, dispatcher, veterinarians. To develop children’s ability to play according to their own ideas and to promote the development of creative imagination.
Thursday 26 MarchOutdoor game “What kind of animal am I?” Observations and research activities while walking Develop creative attention and imagination; learn to parody and show with gestures. Develop competent, coherent speech, develop descriptive speech skills; teach the ability to negotiate with each other and work in a team.
Friday 27 MarchReading fiction: B. Zakhoder “What Happened to the River” Observations and research activities on a walkDevelop the ability to listen to a piece to the end. Maintain the desire to look at drawings and book designs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Understand the need for such an attitude towards water as a natural resource
Monday 30 MarchDirect educational activities: “What is a reserve?” Observations and research activities while walking Introduce children to the purpose of natural reserves and the Red Book. Strengthen the understanding of the animal and plant world. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Tuesday 31 MarchReading fiction: the fairy tale “The Owl” by V. Bianchi Observations and research activities during a walkDevelop the ability to listen to a piece to the end. Maintain the desire to look at drawings and book designs. Foster respect for nature
Wednesday 1 AprilListening to the song: “Colorful Planet” music by A. Orlov Observations and research activities on a walkDeepening environmental knowledge in children, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth. Creating a joyful, spring mood in children.
Thursday 2 AprilReading fiction: E. Charushin “Hare” Observations and research activities on a walkDevelop the ability to listen to a piece to the end. Maintain the desire to look at drawings and book designs. Foster respect for nature
Friday 3 AprilOutdoor game: “Flies, swims, runs” Observations and research activities during a walkTo form children’s knowledge about the adaptation of the animal world to its environment
Monday 6 AprilConversation on the topic: “Reserves of Russia” Observations and research activities on a walkForm a responsible and caring attitude towards nature; to cultivate a sense of pride that on our native Earth people protect and protect protected areas.
Tuesday 7 AprilDrawing on the topic: “We love nature” Observations and research activities during a walkClarify and expand children's knowledge about environmental safety rules.
Wednesday 8 AprilCompetition of joint creativity of parents and children “Plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia”Uniting children and teachers, parents in the process of active cooperation. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, diversify knowledge about plant species.
Thursday 9 AprilDidactic game: “Find a home for the animal” Observations and research activities on a walkStrengthen children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals
Friday 12 AprilOutdoor game: “Sly Fox” Observations and research activities during a walkDevelop agility, speed, coordination
Monday 13 AprilGame-task: “Pick up the beak” Observations and research activities during a walkTeach imagination and the ability to compare objects
Tuesday 14 AprilReading fiction: K. Balmont’s poem “For Mushrooms” Observations and research activities during a walkDevelop the ability to listen to a piece to the end. Maintain the desire to look at drawings and book designs. Foster respect for nature
Wednesday 15 AprilCarrying out the campaign: “Take care of nature” Observations and research activities during a walkStudying the rules of behavior in nature in order to preserve its wealth
Thursday 16 AprilArtistic and productive activity: creating Red Book animals using non-traditional artistic techniquesUnleash the child’s creative potential, constantly increase interest in artistic activities, and develop mental processes. It allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression.
Friday 19 AprilVisiting children with parents to the petting zooProvide an opportunity to observe and directly get to know natural fauna better, strengthen the bond between people and animals
Monday 20 AprilDiscussion of visiting the zoo over the weekend. Creation of the Red Book

Stage III. Final (project result)

  • Exhibition of drawings “My favorite animal from the Red Book”.
  • Creation of a mini-library “Books about nature”.
  • Exhibition of environmental signs and drawings “Let's protect nature together.”
  • Photo exhibition of family visits to the petting zoo.
  • Viewing the presentation “Our Red Book”.
  • Control monitoring of environmental education.
  • Preparation and holding of the final complex thematic event with the participation of parents “They need our protection.”

Parents of older preschoolers were again offered the questionnaire “Environmental Education of Children” to identify parents’ attitudes to the relevance of the topic of ecology, environmental problems, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, and environmental education of older preschool children at the end of the project. As a result, it turned out that most of the parents know what ecology is and what it does, they love animals, birds, have plants and animals at home, and have a positive attitude towards nature. The percentage of parents who introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature has increased from the initial level (10%) to 45%.

The results obtained showed that almost all parents' level of environmental knowledge increased from low to average level. The results of the final cross-section showed that the children learned what the Red Book is, the children formed an idea about the flora and fauna of their native land, as well as about nature in different natural zones. The children understood why some animals disappear from the earth and who is to blame. The joint activities of parents and children enriched the communication between them and brought joy.

The project “Acquaintance with the Red Book” was a striking example of the interaction of all participants in the educational process: children, parents, teachers. Partnerships have been established with parents. Work experience presented to colleagues.

Working with parents:

The project involves active interaction with parents. This includes preparing material about selected animals, watching video materials and educational programs about animals on children’s channels with children in their leisure time, selecting and reading environmental literature, participating in promotions and project events, joint excursions with children to the petting zoo, and participating in a diagnostic study. The participation of parents in project activities makes it possible to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child-parent relations and the culture of interpersonal interaction between children in the group.

No.Forms and methods, methods of workTargetResponsible
1Pedagogical education of Parents Questioning of parents “Environmental education of children”To direct parents to active joint and pedagogically correct work in the direction of the “Red Book of Plants of Russia”.Educator: Lavrova E.M.; Salikhanova S.E.
2Consultations, reminders: Memo for parents: “Protection of plants”, Memo for parents: “Rules of behavior in nature”, “How to introduce a preschool child to the Red Book”Introduce parents to the rules of behavior in nature; when in nature, you cannot pick plants for bouquets. Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to them. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature. Illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, wasteful human activity. Educator: Lavrova E.M.; Salikhanova S.E.
3Parent meeting on the topic: “Environmental education in the family” Intellectual and environmental quiz: “Nature experts”Raising a child is an important task for parents, as a future citizen of our country. At the next stage, tell your child that the Red Book of Russia is collected in two volumes: animals and plants. Show him these books in person or through ICT. Educator: Lavrova E.M.; Salikhanova S.E. Zabolotnova E.V. Teachers
4Competition for joint creativity of parents and children “Plants from the Red Book of Russia”Uniting children and teachers, parents in the process of active cooperation.Parents and children of the preparatory group
4Block “Interactive interaction with parents.” Project report Multimedia presentation about the project and the presentation “The Red Book of Plants of Russia” made from the joint creativity of teachers and children in the creative living room. Increase the pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents by expanding the information space.Educator: Lavrova E.M.; Salikhanova S.E. Zabolotnova E.V.

Parents of the students expressed a desire to receive consultations on the topic: “What sanctions apply to citizens for disrupting red book plants.”

Parents were unable to choose one most effective method of interaction with teachers during the project. Respondents identified the variability of methods as equally important: memos, consultations, joint creativity competitions, multimedia presentations, a creative living room for parents.

List of used literature:

1. Sample general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – M.: Mozaika-synthesis, 2014.

2. SanPin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content, organization of work in preschool organizations dated May 15, 2013. No26

3. Lopatina A, Skrebtsova M. Environmental education of preschool children - M.: Amrita-Rus, 2008

4. Mayer A.A., Davydova O.I., Voronina N.V. 555 ideas for involving parents in the life of a kindergarten - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2012

5. Maslennikova O.M., A.A. Filippenko Environmental projects in kindergarten - Volgograd, 2009

6. Ryzhova N.A. Me and Nature M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1996

7. Serebryakova T.A. Environmental education in preschool age, textbook for university students - M.: Academy, 2008

8. Gorkova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. “Scenarios for classes on environmental education for preschoolers”

9. Molodova L.P. "Ecological holidays for children"

10.Runova M.A., Butilova A.V. "Acquaintance with nature through movement"

11. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. “Story games in environmental education”

12. V. Tikhonov » Animals of Russia “Red Book”. year 2009

13. Information and pictures taken from the Internet.


15. https://tvorcheskie-proekty.ru/node/2231

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