Project of educational and research activities “I am a researcher”

Project of experimental activities in the preparatory group “Klepa visiting with tricks”

Bibliographic description:

Rybachenko, A. B. Project of experimental activities in the preparatory group “Klepa visiting with tricks” / A. B. Rybachenko, M. F. Barba, Yu. V. Achkasova. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 2 (5). — P. 63-66. — URL: (access date: 02/05/2022).

From work experience:

The educational area “cognitive development”, one of the five educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard, is especially significant for the formation of the personality of a preschooler, as it involves the development of interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

During educational activities, it is necessary to saturate the subject-spatial environment with as much didactic and handout material as possible, equipment for conducting experiments and experiments, so that the child has the opportunity to manipulate objects, pour, transfer, compare, contrast.

By implementing the educational area “Cognitive Development”, we form the child’s primary ideas about himself, other people, the world around him, about properties (shape, color, size, material), movement and rest, causes and effects.

Goal : to form cognitive activity in children of senior preschool age by experimenting with water.


– clarify and expand children’s knowledge about water, interest in experimental and research activities;

– develop children’s dialogical speech, continue to develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

– develop gross and fine motor skills.

First stage: Preparatory.

Equipment : game character Klepa, sets for experimental activities (glasses, clotheslines, felt-tip pens of different colors, bags of water, colored pencils, solution of soap bubbles, pepper mill, plates with water, dishwashing liquid, cotton swabs, music , video cartoon “Fixies”, projector, cards for a story about the properties of water, protective suits (gloves, aprons).

Second phase:

Main part:

The song is from the cartoon "Fixies"

The clown runs into the group.

Klepa : Hello guys! I am the clown Klepa, you know, just now I was visiting the Fixies in the laboratory, and we did experiments with water, I really liked them. Have you ever been to a laboratory?

Children : no!

Clown : would you like to visit the laboratory?

Children : yes!

Klepa: guys, what is a laboratory, what do they do there?

Children: ( suggested answers : this is where they conduct experiments, research something).

Klepa: what you say is correct, well done! Well, today I will show you what I have learned and will teach you! But before we go to the laboratory, I would like to ask you what you know about water (I offer the children pictures to choose from).

Where do we meet water or where can it be found?

Do you think water should be conserved?

What happens if the water disappears?

How can we save water?

What do you know about the properties of water? (it is colorless, transparent, odorless, water dissolves some substances)

Klepa : guys, great, well done!

Klep : then I suggest we go to the laboratory, but with what?

Children offer any type of transport (the sound of the selected transport sounds) and hit the road. They arrive at their destination.

Klepa : Guys, in order to enter the laboratory, we need to remember the safety rules.

Children : children's answers (you can't play around, take foreign objects with your hands, etc.).

Klepa : ok, now we need to put on protective suits, gloves, aprons.

Children put it on.

Klepa invites the children to take a comfortable place in the laboratory.

Klepa : guys, here is the first experience for you.

Experiment No. 1. “Magic Pencil”

Fill the bag with water (a glass), close it with a zipper, take a well-sharpened pencil and pierce the bag of water through, the water remains in the bag and does not leak. Due to the elasticity of the bag, it envelops the pencil and prevents liquid from escaping.

Experiment No. 2. “Miracle remedy”

Water is poured into a plate, then we pour pepper on top of the water, apply detergent to a cotton swab and place a cotton swab with detergent in the center of our plate with pepper (all the contents in the plate will disperse to the edges, that is, the liquid repels the contents of the surface).

Klepa: Guys, I suggest you take a little rest.

Physical education Children will perform movements to the music.

Experiment No. 3. “ Rainbow”

Take napkins and cut them into strips. Dip a felt-tip pen on a long strip of napkin, making a straight line. Indent a little from the strip we drew, and do the same with a different color felt-tip pen. Now we will do the same with the clothesline. Then we gradually lower our napkin and rope into the water. The napkin and string will begin to absorb water.

Klepa: guys, look what happened? (The string and napkin became colored). Did you like our experiment?

Children : yes

Klepa : guys, I propose the last experiment with water for today.

There are glasses of water in front of you. Do you think the water in them is the same?

Children : no, the water in one glass is clean, and the other is dirty.

Klepa : what kind of water would you like to drink?

Children : you can’t drink anything clean or dirty.

Klepa : That's right, guys! Let's all try to clean up dirty water together. What do I need to do? (Listen to children's suggestions)

Let's take a glass of dirty water, cover it with a cloth and pass the dirty water through this cloth. (The water became clear)

What happened to the napkin?

Children : she became dirty.

Klepa : Well done guys! Now you have learned how to purify water!

Third stage: Reflective - analytical.

Klepa : guys, did you like the experiments?

Children : yes

Klepa : I suggest you do all these experiments at home, with your parents! Show what you have learned yourself or come up with something new! Guys, I'm glad you enjoyed the lab. And now I would like to invite you to play with soap bubbles, this is the most fun activity for children and even adults (children play with bubbles).


Guys, I would like to know if you liked everything?

What did you like best?

What did you find difficult?

Would you like to do more experiments?

Will you be doing experiments at home?

Guys, if you liked everything, then take a cheerful drop on the table, and if you didn’t like everything and something didn’t work out, then take a sad one! Children choose.

Sad Cheerful

Klepa praises the children for productive joint activities, for their good mood and says goodbye!


  1. Adzhi Alla Viktorovna. New educational standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Open events for children of the kindergarten “Cognitive Development” Voronezh 2014.
  2. Internet resources. Website "Curious Varvara".
  3. Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children - Minsk: Asar, 1997.
  4. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about water in nature. Methodological recommendations. - M., 2008.

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: child, water, guys, dirty water, laboratory, experience, cotton swab, water, educational area, home experience.

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