Lyrics of the song “Lullaby about a fox” Lullaby about a fox: Thursday has come.
Tell poems with your hands (finger gymnastics), teacher-speech therapist The article belongs to the section: Working with preschoolers
Educational project “Colorful Week” for children of the middle group Transcript 1 Municipal budget preschool educational
Summary of the parent meeting Topic: “Senior preschool age, what is it like?” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
Planning educational work for the week on the topic: “School” PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK FOR THE WEEK Topic: School Goal: Develop cognitive
Game activity “The family is preparing for the holiday” Municipal entity of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug -
Calendar and thematic planning in the second junior group “Week of Experiments” Morning Work assignment: Washing toys. Target:
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