Marina Anisimova Somehow, while looking through the Internet, my attention was drawn to the “clearing of good deeds”,
Project for the development of role-playing games for preschoolers. Health Center DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OF THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME “HEALTH CENTER”
Kindergarten project plan. Senior group Methodological development of a plan for the children's project “Magic Ice”
10/08/2021 Working with natural materials in kindergarten and primary school develops children's
Attention! The article provides an example of a portfolio. A preschooler’s portfolio is a folder in which “collected”
Theatricalization in kindergarten - the goal Theatricalization is understood as one of the types of play activities,
Project “Classical Music in Kindergarten” Full name Melnikova O.Yu. Position of music director of the highest qualification
Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten Project goal: education of environmental
Interactive coloring book. Master class with photos. Presentation Master class “Technological technique “Interactive coloring” when creating an interactive
Presentation on the topic: “Me and my rights” presentation for a lesson (preparatory group) on the topic Slide