Game-quiz in the middle group “Autumn has come to visit us”

Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Autumn gatherings”

Task No. 5: Relay race “Cook soup/compote according to recipe”

— Autumn brings its gifts to people - these are fruits and vegetables that ripen in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Harvesting fruits in autumn

Lots of joy for people after all their hard work!

Five children from each team stand in columns. In front of them on the table are flat images of a jar (for compote) and a pan (for soup). At a distance of 2 m from each team, there are hoops on the carpet in which flat images of vegetables (for the team preparing the soup) and fruits (for the team preparing the compote) are laid out, and next to it there is a “recipe” for soup / compote with images of the ingredients and their quantities. The first player receives a basket from the host. At the leader’s command, the player runs to his hoop, takes the required amount of vegetables/fruits according to the “recipe” and puts them in his basket. Then he returns to his team, puts vegetables/fruits in a pan/jar, passes the basket to the next team player and stands at the end of the column. After the teams have completed the task, they do a mutual check: they check the number of vegetables/fruits on the “recipe” and in the jar/pan (five potatoes, two tomatoes, three onions.../ two bananas, five plums, three apples...). The team that completes the task faster and with the fewest errors wins.

Task No. 6: “Guess the taste”

“I suggest we see how attentive you are, let’s play the game “Plum - Apple - Banana.”

- Now let’s try to guess the taste of vegetables and fruits. 5-7 people from each team participate. With his eyes closed, the child guesses the taste of a vegetable or fruit and calls it affectionately (carrot, cucumber, tomato, apple, pear, grape, cream). The team that guesses the names of all vegetables/fruits and correctly calls them affectionately gets a point.

— What can be prepared from fruits? (jam, jam, compote)

Task No. 7: presentation “Machine jam”

Masha has grown a lot of different fruits and berries, she wants to make jam for Mishka. Let's help her. An image of fruits or berries appears on the slide. The teams take turns saying what kind of jam Masha made. The team that completes the task with the fewest errors wins.

Task No. 8: “Name the migratory birds”

— With the onset of autumn, some birds fly away from us to the south, why? (discussion with children: insects, worms, seeds and fruits of plants, frogs, mice disappear in the fall = birds become hungry


Teams are asked to find pictures of migratory birds on the table and name them. Then the teams take turns calling migratory birds in the plural in the V.p. form:

How to conduct a quiz?

A quiz about autumn with answers is a very interesting activity that will help set children up for learning. Each of them will participate and receive tokens, which can then be exchanged for a prize. Children are creatures who need to be promised something before you ask them to act. Therefore, divide them into teams, and for each correct answer give one token. For the minimum number of tokens you can get small consolation prizes, for example, a pen or an eraser, for the average - sweets, and the highest number gives children the opportunity to get an 5 in biology or any other subject.

If the quiz is held in a kindergarten, give all the children small prizes, and the whole group a cake, which everyone will eat together at a tea party after the holiday.

A quiz about autumn with or without answers will still be interesting, adults will remember their youth, and children will apply their knowledge in the field of biology.

Questions about autumn

Every September 1st, it is customary to hold quizzes or small blitz surveys with the class in schools; special Autumn Festivals are held in kindergartens, where children can also show off their knowledge about this time of year. Parents, as the most knowledgeable generation, are silent for the time being, but they, too, like children, want to play and answer riddles. The fall quiz questions are not difficult, but require a little time to think before answering.

  1. What forest animals feed on the gifts of autumn? Squirrels and hedgehogs eat berries and mushrooms, bears eat raspberries, hares eat cabbage and vegetables.
  2. Everyone knows that in the forest the woodpecker is an “ambulance,” but who knows what kind of river fish works as an orderly in the fall in all the rivers of our country? Pike, because it eats sick and weak fish, which only pollute the water and do not allow other river inhabitants to live in peace.
  3. In the spring, many people hang jars on birch trees. What is this for? How does this action harm the tree? Jars are hung to collect sap; most often they drink birch sap. But if you overdo it, the tree can dry out without moisture.
  4. What kind of beetle eats potatoes and if you don’t collect it, by autumn there will be nothing left of the potato bushes? Colorado beetle.

Typically, children cannot sit still for a long time or generally do one thing for at least ten minutes, so in order to get them into a working mood, you can tell them the story of the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle. A quiz about autumn for schoolchildren must contain some educational information.

Fact: The Colorado potato beetle, as many believe, was not “born” in the American state of Colorado. Mexico is called its homeland, where modern scientists fighting this scourge have found as many as 50 species of this pest! However, soon after he “realized” that there was nothing to eat in Mexico, he crawled to look for potato fields and found them in the aforementioned state of Colorado. By the way, this beetle can not only crawl, but if it really wants to, it can even fly.

After such a lyrical digression, the quiz about autumn for adults and children can continue again.

5.What kind of wood is used to make matches? Aspen.

6. Mushroom pickers also have their own special slang; what do you think the phrase “quiet hunting” means in their language? Mushroom picking.

Test about autumn

  1. Which tree takes the longest to lose its leaves? Oak, birch or maple? Oak.
  2. What epithet is usually chosen for the word “autumn”? Red, yellow, gold or multi-colored? Golden.
  3. Why is it colder in autumn than in summer? Either because the sun does not come out from behind the clouds as often, or because the trees become bald and allow the cold to break through to the ground, or because of the large number of clouds in the sky? The sun appears less often, the weather is most often cloudy.
  4. What tools should you use in the fall? A rake, a shovel or a broom? With a rake.
  5. Where do children not want to go after summer holidays? At this point, the children, without waiting for the end of the task, will shout: “Back to school!”

This is where the test ends, but a quiz for children about autumn should not only contain questions and all kinds of tasks, you need to periodically defuse the situation.

Jokes about autumn

The very first lesson at school is a quiz about autumn. One cannot but agree with the children’s answers, although sometimes they do not coincide with the correct ones, and since children are quite touchy and emotional creatures, resentment and tears begin. To amuse the children and their parents a little, you can read a couple of jokes during the quiz; definitely, each of those present will recognize themselves in them.

In the fall, each of us, in a special way, really wants to return to the summer that has gone forever.

In the summer, pensioners gain strength at the dacha and return to clinics, and schoolchildren, having not read a single book during the holidays, go to school.

“It’s autumn, heavy drops of rain have been dripping onto the wet asphalt since the morning, like the tears of a small child on a mother’s dress. In this weather, I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and not go anywhere...,” Vovochka wrote in his explanation of the reason for missing school.

The father calls his son: “Son, how was the exam?”, and the son answers: “Excellent, the teachers ask you to repeat it in the fall.”

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