“Experts of migratory birds” Objectives: to summarize children’s knowledge about migratory birds of our Motherland in a game
Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten Presenter: We listened to the teacher,
Project “In the World of Dinosaurs” Project “In the World of Dinosaurs” Author of the development Olsha Sergeevna Babynina, teacher
Entertainment “Titmouse Day” in kindergarten in the middle group Summary of the autumn entertainment “Titmouse Day”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Open lesson with elements of fairy tale therapy “Visiting a fairy tale” (for preparatory children
Design and research work “Paper: history, properties, types, application and production.” The technological scheme for paper production consists of
Notes on experiments with sand for younger children Brief summary. For children with low vision
In the process of research work on computer science, “Cartoon with your own hands,” a 4th grade student was given
Topic: “Furniture. Furniture parts." Week from to Senior group. Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday Transcript
The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking in the Land of Art Characters: Pippi Longstocking, Violet Fairy