Modern technologies for teaching and raising children in preschool educational institutions

Modern technologies for teaching and raising children in preschool educational institutions


1. The process of reorganization of the entire education system, which has been going on for many years, places high demands on the organization of preschool education and training, and intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.
Innovative processes at the present stage of development of society primarily affect the preschool education system, as the initial stage in revealing the potential abilities of a child. The development of preschool education and the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies. 2. Innovations determine new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities. 3. At the present stage of development, changes are taking place in educational processes: the content of education is becoming more complex, focusing the attention of preschool teachers on the development of children’s creative and intellectual abilities, correction of the emotional-volitional and motor spheres; Traditional methods are being replaced by active teaching and upbringing methods aimed at enhancing the child’s cognitive development. In these changing conditions, a preschool teacher needs to be able to navigate the variety of integrative approaches to child development, and a wide range of modern technologies. 4. Innovative technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational tools aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern sociocultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve them. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and stereotypical elements of education that have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching. THE CONCEPT OF “EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY” 5. Currently, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. However, there are great differences in its understanding and use. • B. T. Likhachev gives the following definition [Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process]. • I.P. Volkov gives the following definition [Pedagogical technology is a description of the process of achieving planned learning outcomes]. • UNESCO - [Educational technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, with the goal of optimizing forms of education]. In our understanding, pedagogical technology is a meaningful generalization that absorbs the meanings of all the definitions of various authors (sources). 6. The concept of “educational technology” can be represented by three aspects. 1. scientific: pedagogical technologies are a part of pedagogical science that studies and develops the goals, content and methods of teaching and designs pedagogical processes; 2. procedural-descriptive: description (algorithm) of the process, a set of goals, content, methods and means to achieve the planned learning outcomes; 3. procedurally effective: the implementation of the technological (pedagogical) process, the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological pedagogical means. Thus, pedagogical technology functions both as a science that studies the most rational ways of teaching, and as a system of methods, principles and regulations used in teaching, and as a real learning process. 7. The concept of “educational technology” in educational practice is used at three hierarchically subordinate levels: 1. General pedagogical (general didactic) level: general pedagogical (general didactic, general educational) technology characterizes the holistic educational process in a given region, educational institution, at a certain stage of education. Here, pedagogical technology is synonymous with the pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of teaching, an algorithm for the activities of subjects and objects of the process. 2. Particular methodological (subject) level: specific subject pedagogical technology is used in the meaning of “private methodology”, i.e. as a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of training and education within the framework of one subject, class, teacher (methodology of teaching subjects, methodology of compensatory teaching, methodology of work of a teacher, educator). 3. Local (modular) level: local technology is the technology of individual parts of the teaching and educational process, the solution of particular didactic and educational tasks (technology of individual types of activities, formation of concepts, education of individual personal qualities, technology of assimilation of new knowledge, technology of repetition and control of material , technology of independent work, etc.) DIFFERENCE OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY FROM METHODS 8. The concept of pedagogical technology of the particular subject and local levels is almost completely overlapped by the concept of teaching methodology; the difference between them lies only in the placement of accents. In technologies, the procedural, quantitative and calculation components are more represented, in methods - the target, content, qualitative and variable-indicative aspects. Technology differs from methods in its reproducibility, stability of results, and the absence of many “ifs.” The mixing of technologies and methods leads to the fact that sometimes methods are part of technologies, and sometimes, on the contrary, certain technologies are part of teaching methods. STRUCTURE OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY 9. The concept of educational technology includes: • conceptual basis; • content of training (learning goals and content of educational material); • technological part (organization of the educational process, methods and forms of educational activities, methods and forms of teacher work; diagnostics). 10. According to G.K. Selevko, any pedagogical technology must satisfy some basic methodological requirements (manufacturability criteria). Conceptuality presupposes reliance on a certain scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals. Consistency includes the presence of all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity. Controllability makes it possible to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the learning process, stage-by-stage diagnostics, and vary the means and methods in order to correct the results. Efficiency considers optimality in terms of costs and a guarantee of achieving a certain standard of training. Reproducibility implies the possibility of using (repeating, reproducing) pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type, by other subjects. 11. Based on the analysis of pedagogical technologies carried out by G. N. Selevko, the following technologies used in the preschool education system can be distinguished: • developmental learning technologies, • problem-based learning technologies, • gaming technologies, computer technologies, • alternative technologies. CLASSIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES 12. In the theory and practice of kindergartens today, there are many options for the educational process. Each author and performer brings something of their own, individual, into the pedagogical process, and therefore they say that each specific technology is the author’s. We can agree with this opinion. However, many technologies have quite a lot of similarities in their goals, content, methods and means used and, based on these common characteristics, can be classified into several general groups. By level of application By concept of assimilation By organizational forms By type of management of cognitive activity By approach to the child By category of students Scheme No. 1. Pedagogical technologies. Based on essential and instrumentally significant properties (for example, goal orientation, the nature of interaction between the teacher and the child, the organization of training), the following classes of pedagogical technologies are distinguished. • Based on the level of application, general pedagogical, specific methodological (subject) and local (modular) technologies are distinguished. • On a philosophical basis: materialistic and idealistic, dialectical and metaphysical, scientific (scientist) and religious, humanistic and inhumane, anthroposophical and theosophical, pragmatic and existentialist, free education and coercion and other varieties. • By focusing on personal structures: information technologies (formation of knowledge, abilities, skills in subjects - ZUN); operational (formation of methods of mental action - SUD); emotional-artistic and emotional-moral (formation of the sphere of aesthetic and moral relations - SEN), technologies of self-development (formation of self-governing personality mechanisms - SUM); heuristic (development of creative abilities) and applied (formation of an effective practical sphere - SDP). • By organizational forms: individual-group, collective, differentiated methods of teaching • A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. There are several types of technologies here. • The method, method, means of teaching determine the names of many existing technologies: dogmatic, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, programmed learning, problem-based learning, developmental learning, self-development learning, dialogical, communicative, gaming, creative, etc. • By category of students, the most important and The original ones are: - mass (traditional) school technology, designed for the average student; — advanced level technologies (in-depth study of subjects, gymnasium, lyceum, special education, etc.); — technologies of compensatory training (pedagogical correction, support, alignment, etc.); — various victimological technologies (surdo-, ortho-, typhlo-, oligophrenopedagogy); — technologies for working with deviant (difficult and gifted) children within the framework of a public school. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY 13. The description of a technology involves the disclosure of all its main characteristics, which makes its reproduction possible. The description (and analysis) of pedagogical technology can be presented in the following structure. 1. Identification of this pedagogical technology in accordance with the accepted systematization (classification system). 2. The name of the technology, reflecting the main qualities, the fundamental idea, the essence of the educational system used, and finally, the main direction of modernization of the educational process. 3. Conceptual part (a brief description of the guiding ideas, hypotheses, principles of technology, facilitating the understanding and interpretation of its construction and functioning): • target settings and orientations; • basic ideas and principles (the main development factor used, the scientific concept of assimilation); • the child’s position in the educational process. 4. Features of the content of education: • focus on personal structures (ZUN, SUD, SUM, SEN, SDP); • volume and nature of education content; • didactic structure of the curriculum, material, programs, presentation form. 5. Procedural characteristics: • features of the methodology, application of teaching methods and means; • motivational characteristics; • organizational forms of the educational process; • management of the educational process (diagnosis, planning, regulations, correction); • category of students for whom the technology is designed. 6. Software and methodological support: • curricula and programs; • educational and methodological manuals; • didactic materials; • visual and technical teaching aids; • diagnostic tools. The examination of educational technology is multidimensional. The conceptual part is considered from the perspective of novelty (innovation), alternativeness, humanism and democracy, modernity. The content of education within the framework of technology is considered from the standpoint of modern theories of general secondary education, systematic principles, ideas of developmental education and social order. In the procedural characteristics, first of all, the expediency and optimality of individual elements, the complexity of all methodological means, controllability, and adequacy to the content of education and the contingent of students are determined. Software and methodological support must meet the requirements of scientific character, manufacturability, sufficient completeness and reality of implementation. The main criterion for assessing educational technology is its effectiveness and efficiency. Fulfillment of these requirements is considered in the application to the teacher, the child and the social and parental contingent of persons. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON PERSONAL ORIENTATION OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS 14. Personality-oriented technologies are the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The focus of personality-oriented technologies is on a unique, holistic personality who strives for maximum realization of their capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experiences, and is capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations. It is the individual’s achievement of such qualities that is declared the main goal of education, in contrast to the formalized transfer of knowledge and social norms to the pupil in traditional technology. The content of education represents the environment in which the formation and development of a child’s personality occurs. It is characterized by a humanistic orientation, appeal to people, humanistic norms and ideals. Technologies of personal orientation are trying to find methods and means of teaching and upbringing that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic methods, change the relationships and organization of children’s activities, use a variety of powerful teaching aids (including a computer), and rearrange the content of education. Personality-oriented technologies contrast the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional technology with an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, and create conditions for creativity and self-actualization of the individual. PEDAGOGY OF COOPERATION 15. Pedagogy of cooperation is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical generalizations of the 80s, which gave rise to numerous innovative processes in education. The name of the technology was given by a group of innovative teachers, whose combined experience combined the best traditions of the Soviet school (N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko), the achievements of the Russian school (K.D. Ushinsky, N.P. Pirogov, L.N. Tolstoy) and foreign (J.-J. Rousseau, J. Korczak, K. Rogers, E. Bern) psychological and pedagogical practice and science. Collaboration pedagogy should be considered as a special type of “penetrating” technology, which is the embodiment of new pedagogical thinking, a source of progressive ideas and, to one degree or another, included in many modern pedagogical technologies as part of them. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY BASED ON ACTIVATION AND INTENSIFICATION OF ACTIVITY 16. The principle of child activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. This concept means a quality of activity that is characterized by a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills, effectiveness and compliance with social norms. This kind of activity in itself occurs infrequently; it is a consequence of targeted managerial pedagogical influences and the organization of the pedagogical environment, i.e. applied pedagogical technology. Any technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of children, but in some technologies these means constitute the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. Such technologies include gaming technologies, problem-based learning, communication technologies, the V.F. system. Shatalova, E.N. Ilyina, N.A. Zaitseva, A.A. Okuneva, R.G. Khazankina, K.V. Makhova and others. Game technologies 17. The game with difficulty and learning is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence. By definition, the game is a type of activity in conditions of situations aimed at reconstructing and mastering public experience in which self -government is developed and improved. The meaning of the game cannot be exhausted and evaluated by entertaining-recreational capabilities. It consists of its phenomenon that, being entertainment, rest, she is able to develop into training, into creativity, into therapy, into a model of human relations and manifestations in work. The game as a method of learning, transmitting the experience of older generations to the younger people has been used since antiquity. The game finds widespread use in folk pedagogy, in preschool and other educational institutions. In a modern educational institution that makes the rate on the activation and intensification of the educational process, game activity in the classroom is used in the following cases:-as independent technologies for the development of the concept, theme and even the section of the educational process; - as elements (sometimes very significant) more extensive technology; - as a lesson or part (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercises, control); -as a technology of cultural and leisure work (games like “Field of Miracles”, “Star Hour”, “Wise men and clever”, etc.). The game form of classes is created using game techniques and situations that act as a means of impulse, stimulating children to educational activities. The pedagogical game has a significant feature-a clearly set purpose of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, distinguished in explicitly and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. In the field of activity on the nature of the pedagogical process according to the game methodology in the subject area in the gaming environment, Scheme No. 2. Pedagogical games problem-based training 18. The technology of problem learning was widespread in the 20-30s in the Soviet and foreign garden. The ideas of the American psychologist, philosopher and teacher J. Dewey were based on problematic learning. In the development of fundamental provisions, the concepts of problem learning were actively involved: T.V. Kudryavtsev, Kudryavtsev V. T., I. Ya. Lerner, A. M. Matyushkin, M. I. Makhmutov, V. Classes, M. N. Skatkin and others. Problem learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations and active independent activities of children under their resolution under the guidance of the teacher, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, skills and the development of mental abilities occurs. Problem training is based on creating a special type of motivation - problematic, for this the didactic content of the material should be presented as a chain of problem situations. The problematic situation is a cognitive task, which is characterized by the contradiction between the existing knowledge, skills, relationships and a proper requirement. 19. Methods of creating problem situations • The teacher leads the children to the contradiction and invites them to find a way of resolving it; • collishes the contradictions of practical activity; • sets out various points of view on the same question; • offers to consider the phenomenon from various positions; • encourages comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, compare the facts; • raises specific questions (for generalization, justification, concretization, logic of reasoning); • defines problematic theoretical and practical tasks (for example: research); • sets problematic tasks (for example: with insufficient or excess initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, with conflicting data, with obviously made errors, with limited decision time, to overcome “psychological inertia”, etc.). Innovative methodological work 20. Innovative methodological work-part of professional and pedagogical activity, focused on the creation or development of new (innovative) methods of professional and pedagogical activity. 21. Distinctive features: 1) ensuring the work of an educational institution in development mode; 2) the selection of the content of methodological work, ensuring the personal development of a preschool child, his self -disclosure; 3) ensuring the informing of teachers about innovative facts and phenomena and the organization of their examination; 4) ensuring additional educational services in terms of deploying the content of preschool education in the areas of innovation; 5) ensuring the continuity of innovative search, research activities of teachers; 6) ensuring individual and differentiated approaches to each teacher, depending on his professional competence; 7) the equipment of teachers by the methods of professional and pedagogical activity, ensuring the effective impact on the personal development of the child. To increase the effectiveness of innovative methodological work in a preschool educational institution, a necessary condition is the creation of pedagogical conditions. 22. The complex of necessary pedagogical conditions includes: 1) selection and examination (assessment) of the innovative content of preschool education; 2) the design of productive forms of methodological work, activating teachers of the DOW to increase professional competence; 3) rationing of the forms of methodological work, oriented for the development and development of innovative programs and technologies by teachers, to master new methods of professional and pedagogical activity. The first condition includes providing teachers with the necessary information about the new products of psychological and pedagogical literature, about modern educational programs and pedagogical technologies; In the field of education content-the creation of conditions for the implementation of variable educational programs, methodological and scientific-methodical support of the introduction of a new content of preschool education. The modern practice of preschool education is not protected from the use of negative innovations in work with children. What is the essence of such a negativity? Schooling an increase in the level of education of children, teachers sometimes use the content, methods and techniques of elementary school in practical work. Preschool children sometimes know much more than first -class students. But such an education is built on the strengthening of a block of regulated children's activities, an increase in time for cognitive orientation. And as a result, children play less, SanPiN’s requirements to organize motor activity are violated. Thus, the principle of parity of education and health is violated. In this regard, teachers must be taught to assess the influence of innovations on the psychological and somatic health of children, on the selection of only positive innovations for their implementation in practice. Therefore, the condition “selection and examination (assessment) of the innovative content of preschool education is quite important in the content of innovative methodological work. For this, the leaders can use pedagogical living rooms to discuss the existing arsenal of innovative developments, round tables for the analysis of health -saving in the content of variable programs and methodological recommendations on the sections of preschool education. To ensure the active participation of DOE teachers in innovative methodological work, it is necessary to design its productive forms. This is the second condition for the effectiveness of innovative methodological work. According to the classification proposed by S.G. Molchanov, the forms of methodological work are divided into: 1) reproductive (workshops, scientific and practical seminars, pedagogical workshops, seminars-practitioners, trainings). 2) reproductive-ideistic (pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences). 3) heuristic (problematic and problem-design seminars, organizational and activity games). 4) heuristic-productive (festivals of pedagogical ideas, professional skill contests, methodological developments contests). 5) productive (scientific conferences, theoretical seminars, participation in the work of creative groups). The most effective in the conditions of innovative activity are heuristic-productive and productive forms of methodological work. The third condition for increasing the effectiveness of methodological work is to ration of the forms of methodological work, oriented to the development and development of innovative programs and technologies by teachers, to master new methods of professional and pedagogical activity. What is this condition? The development of innovations, their contents in the modern preschool educational institution are engaged in specially created innovative units of teachers: creative groups, methodological associations. The activities of such innovative structures are based on the regulatory framework. The normative basis includes: an order to create a particular structural unit, the provision on an innovative structural unit, a work plan for the current period, expert conclusions for the methodological products created by teachers (external and internal reviews for methodological manuals, copyright programs). A specially created expert council is engaged in expert evaluation of products within the educational institution. Thus, the problem of organizing an effective and effective structure of innovative methodological work in a preschool educational institution is very relevant. To ensure the effectiveness of innovative methodological work, the implementation of a number of conditions is necessary: ​​selection and examination (evaluation) of the innovative content of preschool education; design of productive forms of methodological work, activating teachers of the preschool educational institution to increase professional competence; Rationing of the forms of methodological work, oriented to the development and development of innovative programs and technologies by teachers, to master new methods of professional and pedagogical activity.

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It is impossible to prepare for any one profession, if only because it has not yet been invented. This means that the most important thing is to teach children to learn and develop character qualities that will be useful everywhere.

Soft skills and emotional intelligence are popular today. But does everyone understand what it is, how to develop it and, most importantly, how it will help children in adulthood?

Neuropsychologist Erin Claybow says that emotional intelligence is, first of all, the ability to empathize. Empathy, the second name for emotional intelligence, comes in two types: emotional and intellectual. It is impossible to teach the first: tears or joy for another person are simply a reaction of our limbic system. But the second one is a real “superpower”. By teaching a child to understand how another person feels, we give him the power to literally “penetrate” his consciousness. What does this give? Oh, there are tons of possibilities here! This includes analyzing the causes, predicting results, the ability to find a common language with anyone, and adapting to the interlocutor or the situation so that everyone wins, understanding one’s own feelings, and building personal boundaries.

The main advantage, according to Professor Claybow, is that intellectual empathy allows a child to predict the future. There is no magic: knowing how your interlocutor feels, it is easier to find words to support him, console him or, conversely, put him in his place, without unnecessary melodrama and conflict.

How to teach this? And again, nothing supernatural. Start with the basics: discuss how the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons feel and what they are thinking now, and then ordinary people from everyday circles. How can you help in a difficult situation? What would the child do if he were in the place of the one who got into trouble? How will the hero most likely behave and why did the child make this conclusion?

Learning is not for show, but for life

Do kindergartens and schools prepare you for real life? And the question is not even what knowledge they provide, but how they test this knowledge. Independent assessments, tests, dictations - these forms of assessment are hopelessly outdated, if they were ever useful at all.

In real life there are no tests or tests, but skills and knowledge are tested strictly and often. Is it possible to forego formal assessment and, as in this case, see progress or failure?

To answer this question, we need to understand what exactly we are checking. What theory does the child remember or how can he use it? More likely, the second one. How are simple skills tested in life? Suddenly, without warning, without a chance to prepare in advance, and such a “test” lasts - nothing at all. And most importantly, the consequences are always more noticeable than a “two” in the magazine. Before he could tie his shoelaces, he was the last one to come for a walk. He scattered Lego all over the house - not only did he step on and inject himself, but his mother also deprived him of cartoons for the mess.

This is how artificial intelligence learns and tests. He analyzes the context in which the child is now, gives situational clues and creates circumstances that simultaneously teach and test skills. You can see how it works now.

For example, the Pica application. This is a virtual camera. The child’s task is to photograph everything that surrounds him and teach the robots that “live” in the application to recognize the colors of all these objects.

Or the MyBuddy app. It “listens” to how your child speaks English, evaluates pronunciation, and suggests learned words for repetition.

Artificial intelligence can also be used in group training and solve everyday problems in innovative ways. For example, don’t wait for a sick chess opponent to recover, but fight right now: artificial intelligence will select someone who is equal in strength. The same artificial intelligence will see weak points and offer tasks that fill the gaps. You no longer need to wait for the teacher to evaluate whether you are doing the craft correctly: the AI ​​will prompt you in the process itself and guide you as needed.

Digital hygiene

What are parents' biggest fears in the face of technology? Once they get sucked in like that, you can’t get them out. That virtual reality will become more attractive than real life. That someone out there, inside the global network, can deceive or offend a child.

So, playing together is also an excellent prevention. How will a child understand that this is an aggressive and angry game if you leave him alone with it? How will he know that enough is enough if you yourself are constantly “surfing”? How will he learn to recognize deception and bad intentions online if the interlocutor on the other side of the screen offers him something exciting, and you don’t ask anything at all, except whether the child washed his hands and learned the verse for the matinee?

Technology is a tool that you need to learn to use. In themselves they are neither harmful nor beneficial. And the parent should teach how to use it - by example, devoting time, attention and patience and showing HOW you should really treat this tool.

Technology in education is a beast that needs to be tamed and studied.
You can find out exactly how to do this at the EDCRUNCH 2022 conference.

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