Modern preschooler: problems of education and formation of social adaptation Anna Danilova Modern preschooler: problems of education
Lesson “About volcanoes” for children In the arsenal of experienced teachers there are many ways to instill in a preschooler
Social and personal development Social and personal development is the process and result of two interrelated and interdependent processes: socialization
What is adaptation The term adaptation (lat. adaptatio) means “adaptation”. When they talk about a child's adaptation
We are making a didactic manual on ecology and the world around us, handicrafts on ecology, teacher Kovaleva E.B.
Communication as a condition for meeting the needs of a preschooler Before the child develops the need to
Social and communicative development Social and communicative development Olga Andreevna Maltseva, methodologist, GBOU Secondary School No. 1 SP d/s
“Organization of independent activities of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” #Educational and methodological materials #Presentation #Educator #Preschool education
For the successful all-round development of a child, activities to develop fine motor skills are of great importance.
Playful cultural practices with children of senior preschool age Anna Andreeva Playful cultural practices with