"Childhood" program. Main directions of development of a preschool child
"Childhood" program. Main directions of development of a preschool child Natalya Strebkova “Childhood Program”. Main directions of development of a preschool child
Calendar and thematic planning for educational activities in special moments “Reading fiction” for children aged 2 to 3 years according to the program “From birth to school”
Program 5-7 years “From birth to school” 2021-22 Disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are associated with
Objectives of education in the senior group in accordance with the “Childhood” program
Objectives of education in the senior group in accordance with the program “Childhood” Anna Davydova Objectives of education
Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher; methodological development (senior group) on the topic
A job description for a kindergarten teacher is needed as an addition to the employment contract, which explains it
Role-playing game as the main type of games for preschoolers
What roles does the child take on in the game? In preschool age, the child tries to control
Moral education of children of primary preschool age
Directions of moral development of a younger preschooler In early preschool age, the development of the mental processes of the body occurs.
Features of the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age
Aesthetic education of preschool children Bibliographic description: Mosina, N. V. Aesthetic education of preschool children / N. V.
Game technologies in speech therapy work article on speech therapy on the topic
Game technologies in speech therapy work article on speech therapy on the topic MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
Games and exercises with a ball as a means of developing manual dexterity in preschoolers
Principles of aesthetic education - Formation of aesthetic feelings in preschool age
Formation of aesthetic feelings in preschool age Aesthetic education is not innate. She's starting to form
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