Drawing “My Motherland”, children’s pictures of a small Motherland, native land, on patriotic themes: “Serving Russia”, “Multinational country”, “We are drawing history”

Children's drawings on the theme “My Motherland”

Before starting to draw, the child is recommended to think about the symbolism, the images that the mention of the word “Motherland” evokes. For some, this is the country as a whole (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and so on), its nature, attractions.

Others prefer the concept of a “small Motherland,” which includes a favorite city (Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg), a republic (Bashkortostan, Crimea), a locality (Kuban), a village, a native village, a town, and so on.

For preschoolers (mainly in the senior and preparatory groups), primary (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades) and secondary school (5th grade and older) students, competitions dedicated to patriotism are often held, where drawings on relevant topics are exhibited.

Children come up with names for their creations on their own, possible options:

  • Russia is my homeland!
  • Where does the Motherland begin (based on the famous song).
  • I'm a patriot!
  • There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland!

Drawings dedicated to Russia often depict its symbols: flag, coat of arms, Kremlin, and so on.

You can make a collage consisting of several images; examples are presented in the photo.

Drawing competition “My small Motherland in the future”

State budgetary educational institution of the Pskov region “Special Education Center No. 2” News Drawing competition “My small Motherland in the future”

From March 21 to 23, 2016, the center hosted a drawing competition “My small Motherland in the future” for students in grades 5-12.

The following students took part in the competition: Tsygankov Ilya (supervisor Kuznetsova V.N.), Ivanova Maria (supervisor Kuznetsova V.N.), Gusakov Ivan (supervisor Smirnova T.E.), Burov Ruslan (supervisor Smirnova T .E.), Borzova Sofia (supervisor Kuznetsova V.N.), Voldaeva Alena (supervisor Bogachenko S.A.), Alekseeva Elizaveta (supervisor Filippova E.A.), Shevelev Dmitry (supervisor Bogachenko S.A. .), Yanevich Fedor (supervisor Filippova E.A.).

According to the results of the competition, the following students took prizes:

1st place – Fedor Yanevich “Where I will live” (director E.A. Filippova)

2nd place – Dmitry Shevelev “My Town” (director S.A. Bogachenko)

3rd place – Ilya Tsygankov “I am for a clean environment in the future” (director V.N. Kuznetsova)


Image of the native land

Children love to draw the places where they live: the city, the region, their home, school, kindergarten. The images convey the beauty of the native land, its unique corners, open spaces, nature (mountains, forests, rivers), any monuments and attractions. Drawings are done in pencil, watercolor, gouache, or crayons, depending on the child’s preferences. Children can draw a map of the area, relatives, teachers, educators, and so on.

Drawn works can be signed:

  • I love you, my native land!
  • School is home!
  • The region in which I live.
  • The beauty of the beloved land.

Lapbook “My Motherland - Russia”

Maria Bikeeva

Lapbook “My Motherland - Russia”

In our kindergarten there is a competition for the best Center for Patriotic Education of Children. The highlight of our .

To make this laptop we needed the following materials:

- two factory-made “Thesis” folders, purchased at a stationery store, A4 format;

- thick self-adhesive film from a hardware store;

— plastic envelopes A6 format (vertical and horizontal);

— printed and laminated pictures on the laptop theme;

- manicure sticks;

- double-sided and regular tape.

For the base of the lapbook, we glued together 2 “Thesis” folders so that we got the middle (widest) part of the lapbook and two doors (narrower ones). Double-sided tape was used for gluing.

Then the inside of the laptop was covered with thick self-adhesive film in blue, red, yellow and green colors.

The outer side of the laptop contains the title (left flap).

Map of Russia (right wing).

On the back there are symbols of Russia and two games.

"Find the Russian flag."

"Find the coat of arms of Russia."

Pockets for flags and coats of arms are made of laminated tinted paper, glued with double-sided tape.

Flags and coats of arms are manicure sticks and printed laminated pictures, secured with the same tape.

The interior of the lapbook contains various teaching materials placed in plastic envelopes that were originally pressed, but the top of the envelope was cut off for ease of use. The envelopes were glued with double-sided tape, and the name of the game was attached to the top (for clarity).

Left wing.


Right wing.

On the left is a portrait of the President of Russia, small photographs “Sights of Russia”, an accordion “Defenders of the Fatherland” and a mini-presentation “Golden Ring of Russia”. The accordion is made using regular tape.

The middle part of the lapbook contains pictures “Russian folk crafts”, a pocket “Holidays and memorable dates”, puzzles “Russian folk patterns”, a game “Find a Russian folk costume”.

On the right is the game “Tell a fairy tale using pictures”, the game “Who lives where?”, the game “Whose trace?”, the accordion “Russian Forest”.

Our lapbook can be used both in individual and subgroup work with students. And the collected material helps solve various problems of patriotic education of preschoolers.

How to draw pictures

Monument “The Motherland Calls!” step by step

The tallest sculpture erected in the post-war years in the USSR became one of the main symbols of the Great Victory, a call to defend the native land. It is located on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd and is a landmark of the country, the pride of the Russian people.

Below is a sketch of how to draw the “Motherland” monument with a pencil step by step.

I serve Russia!

The paintings are dedicated to the great power, the military glory of Russia, they call on citizens of the Russian Federation to defend and cherish the Fatherland, to be on guard of the Motherland.

We paint history

The images show events related to the history of the country. This could be the life of Ancient Rus', military paintings, drawings of politicians, kings, the years of their reign, and so on.

The images represent the country’s great past and call for preserving its power and beauty in the future.

Glory to Russia!

Multinational country

The drawings show the united people of Russia, despite the multinationality of the country. The images encourage young people to promote friendship and harmony between people of different racial backgrounds. The main idea of ​​the drawings is “We are the children of Russia!”

Coloring pages

Black and white images can be printed and colored.

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