Card index




Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….3 Explanatory note…………………………………………………………… …………………4 Situations for the development of preschoolers’ thinking…………………………….6 Situations for finding internal resources…………………………….11 Situations with contradictions…… …………………………………………………………13 Situations of interpersonal relationships between peers………………………….15 Situations for GCD…………………………………… ………………………..………..18 Situations on the topic “What would happen if…”…………………………………….20 Methodological basis………… …………………………………………………………………….22

Introduction “The phenomenon of a problem situation is that it is a source of mental activity” Rubinstein S. L. A child by nature is a researcher, an experimenter. His “Why? How? Where?" sometimes they baffle inexperienced adults. There are many ways to provide children with the opportunity to independently discover the reason for what is happening, get to the bottom of the truth, understand the principle and logic of solving a given problem and act in accordance with the proposed situation. One of them is the creation of problematic situations. Modern society places high demands on the communicative activity of an individual. Society needs creative people who can think outside the box, express their thoughts competently, and find solutions in any life situations. Yesterday we needed a performer, and today we needed a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the child’s ability to “doubt”. Preschoolers may not question the teacher’s knowledge itself, or the correctness of their statements. The child must be taught to doubt the truth of knowledge as such, and the means of acquiring it. The child can hear and remember, and can also observe, compare, ask about something incomprehensible, and make a suggestion.

Explanatory note One of the blocks of gaming activity aimed at developing children's communication competence and the ability to find adequate ways to resolve conflicts is modeling problem situations. Play can become an aid in developing a child’s ability to resolve problem situations. This primarily concerns specially developed game models and specially selected both game situations and real ones that took place in the group. The method is used when working with a group, subgroup, pair and individually with a child. When compiling the content of game situations, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions. Game models should be built in accordance with the interests and capabilities of children, taking into account their social experience and age characteristics. Game situations should include moments of improvisation, alternative solutions to problems, and the possibility of changing components due to unexpected changes in conditions. The purpose of creating problem situations is to develop preschoolers’ ability to solve problem situations using possible solutions. Objectives: 1. To develop preschoolers’ ability to carry out basic search activities, to notice and realize contradictions in judgments, and to use various tests of assumptions. 2. Develop activity and independence in solving problematic and everyday problems and solving moral situations. 3. Ensure that the child has a version of the solution to the problem, an original answer. 4. Develop the ability to adapt to people, correctly perceive and evaluate them and their actions. Methods used: - gaming; — heuristic (partially search); — research; - explanatory and illustrative. The formulation of problem situations can be focused on a group of children and on an individual child.

Situations for the development of thinking in preschoolers

Situations in transport (city, railway).

1. You and your grandmother are traveling by train. She got down on the platform, but you didn’t have time. What will you do? Why?

2. Grandma took the train, and you stayed. Your actions? Explain why you will do this and not otherwise? Fire situations

3. There is a fire in the apartment. What will you do? Why?

4. Smoke in the next apartment. Your actions? Water situations

5. You see someone drowning. What will you do?

6. A faucet burst in the apartment. Are you alone at home now. What will you do first, what will you do next? Why? Situations with nature 7. Children receive a letter from the forest that people have appeared there who are breaking young trees, branches, and picking flowers. The children’s task: to organize a help team and propose ways to solve the problem. 8. A carrier pigeon brings a telegram from a hippopotamus saying that there is a severe drought in Africa. The children’s task: organize the delivery of drinking water in special cylinders (they are replaced by plastic bottles); Using a geographic map, suggest delivery methods. 9. The dog Bug brings the news that an avalanche has occurred in the mountains, as a result of which animals were injured and trees were broken. The children’s task: to collect a special package with bandages, iodine, and tree putty. 10. There is a paper butterfly with a torn off wing, around it there are images of “sad” flowers. Assignment for children: express your guesses as to why the butterfly looks this way and why the flowers are “sad.” 11. A magpie flew to the island “Nature” with a letter from Berendey: “Alarm, an anteater has appeared!” What could be the danger of his appearance in the forest? 12. In the “Nature” island there is a plot painting depicting bare, diseased trees. Assignment for children: think about what happened in this forest and how you can help it. 13. Fairy tale “Turnip” (Grandfather has a bad harvest: the turnip has not grown. How can I help him?)14. Fairy tale “Teremok” (you need to help the characters build a house without using the forest). “Mushrooms” 15. Dunno calls the children into the forest to pick mushrooms, but does not know which mushrooms are edible and which are not. “Transport” 16. Animals in Africa ask Aibolit for help, but Aibolit does not know how to get to them. “Houses”, “Properties of Materials” 17. The piglets want to build a strong house to hide from the wolf and do not know what material to make it from. “Fruit” 18. While traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But I only had fruit with me. Is it possible to get drunk? “Properties of materials” 19. In rainy weather you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose in order to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet. “The language of facial expressions and gestures” 20. We travel around the world, but we don’t know foreign languages. “Weather conditions” 21. We went on a trip to Africa, but what clothes to take with us to be comfortable. “Properties of Metals” 22. Pinocchio wants to open the door in Papa Carlo’s closet, but the key is at the bottom of the well. How can Pinocchio get the key if it is wooden and the wood does not sink? “Sides of the World” 23. Mashenka got lost in the forest and doesn’t know how to announce herself and get out of the forest. “Volume” 24. Znayka needs to determine the level of liquid in the jugs, but they are not transparent and have a narrow neck. “Weather conditions” 25. One friend lives far in the South, and has never seen snow. And the other one lives in the Far North, where the snow never melts. What can be done so that one can see the snow, and the other can see the grass and trees (they just don’t want to move anywhere)? “Measuring length” 26. Little Red Riding Hood needs to get to her grandmother as quickly as possible, but she doesn’t know which path is long and which is short... “Higher, lower” 27. Ivan Tsarevich needs to find a treasure that is buried under the tallest spruce tree. But he can’t decide which spruce is the tallest. “Medicinal plants” 28. Dunno injured his leg in the forest, but there is no first aid kit. What can be done. “Soil” 29. Mashenka wants to plant flowers, but does not know on what soil the flowers will grow best. “Properties of a tree” 30. Pinocchio ran to school, and in front of him there was a wide river, and the bridge was not visible. You need to hurry to school. Buratino thought and thought how he could get across the river. Contradiction: Pinocchio has to cross the river because he might be late for school, and is afraid to go into the water because he doesn’t know how to swim and thinks he will drown. What to do? “The Clock” 31. Cinderella needs to leave the ball on time, but the palace clock suddenly stops. “Properties of Air” 32. Dunno and his friends came to the river, but Dunno doesn’t know how to swim. Znayka offered him a life preserver. But he is still afraid and thinks he will drown. “Magnifying Devices” 33. Thumbelina wants to write a letter to her mother, but she is worried that her mother will not be able to read it because the font is very small. “Media of Communication” 34. The baby elephant’s grandmother fell ill. We need to call a doctor, but he doesn’t know how. “Properties of paper” 35. Pochemuchka invites you on a trip along the river, but doesn’t know whether a paper boat is suitable for this? “Properties of carbon paper” 36. Misha wants to invite many friends to his birthday, but how to make many invitation cards in a short time? “Properties of a magnet” 37. How can Vintik and Shpuntik quickly find the necessary iron part if it is lost in a box among parts made of different materials? “Friendship of Colors” 38. Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but they are only allowed in orange dresses.

Situational games for finding external resources “Puss in One Boot”

The cat from the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” lost his boot. It’s uncomfortable to walk in one boot; he’s unaccustomed to walking barefoot. What should the cat do now?

"That's the game."

Ira lost her mittens at school, she searched and searched, but could not find them, and it was very cold outside and it was far from home. How to get to it without freezing your hands?

"Masha and the Bear"

Masha was friends with the bear and often went to visit him. Once again getting ready to visit her friend, Masha baked pies and put them in a bundle. She walked for a long time through a dense forest, accidentally caught her bundle on a bush - it tore, and the pies scattered. How can Masha bring them to the place where the bear lives?

"Help Cinderella"

4. The stepmother ordered to bake pies for dinner. How does Cinderella roll out the dough?

"Preparation for the holiday"

The hare decided to throw a party in honor of her daughter's birthday. The highlight of the program was supposed to be cookies of various shapes. The hare went to all the stores in the area, but could not buy any cookie cutters. How can the Hare make cookies of different shapes?

"Abstract-minded Petya"

Having decided to go on a hike, the children agreed on who would take what with them. Having packed our backpacks, we headed out of town early in the morning by train. This is the station they need. Everyone got out, the train blew its whistle and disappeared around the bend. And then it turned out that Petya, who was “famous” for his absent-mindedness, had left his backpack in the carriage. And in it there was a tent, a small shovel, a pot and matches. Everyone was very upset, except Marina, who suggested thinking and finding a way out of the situation. How to spend a night in the forest without a tent? How to do without a pot, spatula and matches?

Situations for finding internal resources

"Postcards for Dina"

Dina collects postcards, and her friends (she has 20 of them) decided to give her beautiful cards for her birthday. At the last moment it turned out that all the postcards were exactly the same. Dina added one of them to her collection. What to do with the remaining nineteen?

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Little Red Riding Hood's hat is completely worn out. She asked her grandmother to sew her a new one. The grandmother fulfilled the request of her beloved granddaughter and sewed her a beautiful hat for her birthday. The granddaughter was very pleased. But the grandmother, absent-mindedly, gave her granddaughter the same hat for the New Year, March 8, and seven other holidays. The girl, in order not to upset her grandmother, took all 10 hats. But what should she do with them?

"Help Ole"

Olya has long hair. For the New Year, mom, dad, grandmother and girlfriends gave her a lot of bright ribbons - so many that Olya couldn’t figure out what to do with them, how to use them. Help Olya solve this problem.

“Milk problems of the cat Matroskin”

The cat Matroskin milked so much milk that he filled all the containers in the house with it. How can Matroskin use all this sea of ​​milk?

"Baskets for kids"

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. Every day the goat went to the forest and brought back a basket of grass. The basket was large and comfortable, but old. And eventually it made a hole and the grass spilled out. The goat asked the kids to weave a new basket. The kids set to work together, but soon began to quarrel: they could not divide the responsibilities among themselves. And then they decided that everyone would weave the basket themselves. And soon the goat received twenty-one baskets (!). The goat didn't know what to do with them. Help her.

"The Wonderful Forester"

A forester lived in a pine forest. When he got bored, he collected pine cones. And he collected so many of them that they could fill an entire railway carriage. The forester did not know what to do with them. How would you use them?

"Residents of the city of Kiselsk"

A misfortune befell the residents of Kiselsk: one fine day, all the inhabitants of the city cooked their favorite dish - jelly, and there was so much of it that a “jelly” flood began in the city. Tell city residents how to use jelly.

"Jam for Carlson"

Everyone knows that Carlson was very fond of everything sweet, especially jam. The kid constantly brought him various jams in metal jars, and Carlson immediately emptied them. As a result, Carlson accumulated a lot of empty cans. Throw them in the trash can? It's a pity. How to use them?

Situations with contradictions

Children solve problem situations using the algorithm proposed to them. Using an example of one problem situation, we will show how the algorithm is used.

1. Buratiyo dropped the golden key into the swamp, but Tortilla the turtle was not nearby. This is the situation that presents itself to children. How can Pinocchio get the key? In a situation, a task or question is highlighted. Pinocchio must go under the water because he needs to get the key, but he cannot do this because it is wooden and will immediately float to the surface. Such are the contradictions of this problematic situation. The next steps will be to find the optimal final result at the lowest cost and identify resources that will help obtain this result.

2. OH ​​and AH got ready for a hike, took canned food and bread. They arrived at the place and decided to have a snack, but it turned out that they had left the can and table openers at home. How to open a jar? Contradiction: OH and AH must open a can of canned food because they are hungry, and cannot do it because they have nothing to eat.

3. A circus came to town. To make adults and children aware of this, it is necessary to put up posters, but there is not a drop of glue in the city. How to put up posters? Contradiction: Posters should be posted because they will help city residents find out about the arrival of the circus; It is impossible to put up posters because there is no glue.

4. Znayka asked Donut, through Dunno, to give him the recipe for delicious pies. When Donut began to tell Dunno about what was included in the recipe, they both remembered that they couldn’t write. What should I do? Contradiction: Dunno must give Znayka the recipe for pies, because he can’t do anything without the recipe, and he can’t do it because he doesn’t know how to write.

5. In the royal garden, only one rejuvenating apple ripened on the magic apple tree, but so high that the king could not reach it even with the help of a large ladder. How can the king take possession of this apple? Contradiction: The king must get the rejuvenating apple, because only with its help will he become younger, and he cannot, because he does not know how to do it.

Situations of interpersonal relationships between peers

Many children, already in preschool age, develop and consolidate a negative attitude towards others, which can have very sad long-term consequences. Identifying problematic forms of interpersonal relationships in a timely manner and helping the child overcome them is the most important task of teachers.

1. - Galina Anatolyevna, if a flower broke, would you be very angry? “I probably would have been angry.” Why are you asking? - And I saw how Sonya broke the flower. What can you say about Sonya's action? What proverb do you know that is appropriate in this situation?

2. Katya’s ball rolled and hit your leg. Nikita screamed. - Don’t you see where you’re throwing the ball? It hurts me. How would you have done it differently? What will you say to each other?

3. Nika came in a new dress. Natasha saw and said loudly. - Why are you bragging? Just think, my mother bought me an even better dress. Is Natasha right in this situation?

4. Sasha still hasn’t learned to tie his shoelaces. Nikita is screaming in the locker room. - Ha, look, he’s going to school soon, but he doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. Katya silently came up and helped Sasha. Whose action is right?

5. The children returned from their walk. We quickly undressed and went to the group. Andrey looked into the locker room and screamed. Galina Anatolyevna, Seryozha didn’t put his boots back in place. Galina Anatolyevna looked at Andrey reproachfully. Why? What would you do if you were in Andrei's place?

6. Children draw. Olya's pencil broke. She snatched the pencil from Rita's hands. Rita stood up and moved to another place. Why did Rita go to another table? What would you do?

7. Svetlana Vladimirovna talks with junior teacher Valentina Ivanovna. Natasha screams. Svetlana Vladimirovna, but Olya won’t give up my doll. Then he comes up and touches the teacher’s hand. - Don’t you hear, Olya won’t give up my doll. What did Svetlana Vladimirovna say to Natasha?

8. A group of boys are building a castle. Alyosha came up and put the board on top. The castle fell apart. What did the boys tell him? What would you do?

9. In the morning Slava played with Artem. When Roma arrived, Slava began to play with him. Artem came up and told Slava. - You are a traitor. Roma was offended. How do you think why?

10. Rita and Sasha are on duty at the mini nature center. Sasha said: “Rita, let’s take the turtle to the girls, let them play with it.” Rita told Galina Anatolyevna about this. Is Rita right? What would you do?

11. In the reception room, Galina Anatolyevna talks to Artem’s mother. Rita comes up and says. - Do you know that your Artyom is the last one to get dressed? Galina Anatolyevna made a remark to Rita. What do you think Galina Anatolyevna said to Rita?

12. Sveta comes out into the reception area and speaks loudly. - I'm not friends with Nika anymore. She calls me Sweetie Svetka. Why was Sveta offended?

13. During lunch, Vitya Valentina Ivanovna offered something extra. Vitya says: “I don’t need your supplement.” What would you say to Valentina Ivanovna?

14. After lunch the children fell asleep. Natasha can't sleep. She constantly turns to the teacher: “Straighten the blanket for me.” - I want to go to the toilet. “And Sasha snores loudly and bothers me.” What would you do?

15. During the afternoon snack, Sasha placed a chair very close to the table. When he began to sit down, he pushed Nikita. He spilled the milk. Nikita said loudly: “Don’t you see?” I don't want to sit next to you. Is Nikita right? What would you do if you were Sasha and Nikita?

Situations for GCD 1. In the fairy tale “Cinderella,” the stepmother and her sisters did not take Cinderella with them to the ball because she was their maid, washed and cleaned up after them. What would you do if you were your stepmother? a) would not have taken him to the ball, because Cinderella wore an old, dirty dress; b) would say that there was not enough invitation for her; c) would take it with me, because all people are equal.

2. One morning, when the children were having breakfast, the door of the group opened, the head of the kindergarten came in with two black girls and said: “These sisters, Baharnesh and Alina, came from Ethiopia, and now they will come to your group.” What would you do if you were the children? a) laughed and began to point his finger at his sisters: “They are completely black!”; b) invited the girls to have breakfast together, and then showed off his group; no matter what race the girl is; c) turned to his plate as if no one had come.

3. A new person came to the group - a boy from Georgia who did not speak Russian very well. Vanya began to tease him. What would you tell Vanya? a) would laugh with him at the newcomer; b) did not pay attention to the fact that Vanya was teasing the newcomer; c) would protect the newcomer, start playing with him, because it doesn’t matter what language you speak.

4. One day the children passed by the mosque and saw an elderly man praying on his knees. They: a) laughed, pointing at the old man; b) began to imitate; c) stepped aside so as not to disturb him, because you need to respect any religion. What would you do?

5. In the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”, the older brothers did not take Ivanushka with them to the city because they considered him small and stupid. They told him: “Sit at home, you fool!” What would you do? a) just like brothers; b) would take Ivanushka with him; c) would have left him at home, but said: “You will remain the owner.”

6. The inhabitants of the poultry yard from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling" the duckling was bullied because he was ugly. They called him ugly, no one was friends with him. Did the birds behave correctly? What would you do? a) correct; I would do the same; b) wrong; don’t be friends if you don’t want to, but you can’t offend; c) wrong; despite different appearances, everyone has equal rights; I would be friends.

Situations on the topic “What would happen if ...”

1. “...people did not know about the danger” Objectives: To examine the level of knowledge and skills of children in life safety; develop thinking, attention; cultivate a desire to follow safety rules.

2. “... an alarm was announced in the kindergarten” Objectives: To promote the ability of preschool children to correctly and quickly respond to alarm signals, to consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety measures; develop speed of reaction, coordination of actions between the teacher and children; cultivate a desire to help each other.

3. “ an unfamiliar berry” Objectives: To introduce edible and poisonous berries and mushrooms; develop the ability to speak in complete sentences, develop a sense of caution towards unfamiliar berries; contribute to the development of a sense of proportion.

4. “...the dog attacked the child” Objectives: To promote children’s ability to act in various situations related to pets; give an idea of ​​diseases transmitted by animals; develop the ability to express your thoughts in complete sentences; promote love for animals.

5. “ high like a bird” Objectives: To introduce children to the diversity of birds, to develop the ability to understand that any birds can be a source of disease; give ideas about the safe care of birds, including pets; develop thinking and connected speech.

6. “ only sweets” Objectives: To give an idea of ​​the influence of a variety of foods on the child’s body; introduce some vitamins (A, B, C, D) and their effect on health; which products are beneficial and which are harmful; develop connected speech, activate children’s vocabulary on the topic.

Modeling problem-game situations for the social and emotional development of preschool children

Modeling problem-game situations for the social and emotional development of preschool children

It is known that good manners is a personality quality that determines in a person’s daily behavior his attitude towards other people. The basis of this attitude is respect and goodwill towards each person. This quality is formed primarily in the process of communication. Communication is about educating yourself and others.

In communication, children develop the ability to obey general rules and focus on social norms. And the teacher’s task is to form in children a positive social experience, the ability to navigate life, that is, to teach them to live among people, get along with them, be equal members of society, correctly perceive information in interpersonal communication, comprehend it, influence the thoughts and feelings of others , defend your point of view and take into account the opinions of others.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to teach a child to communicate, clearly expressing his thoughts, but also to teach children to communicate with peers and find ways to resolve conflicts. And the most effective in this direction are indirect influences, primarily through play and playful communication. The form and content of the educator's pedagogical communication are largely determined by the tasks that he is trying to solve in the process of managing the activities of preschoolers, both in relation to all children and each child individually.

To enhance communication between children and their proactive statements, it is recommended to use in your work such a form of work with children as modeling problem game situations aimed at developing in children competence in communication and the ability to find adequate ways to resolve conflicts. In the process of working together to solve a given problem, children learn to apply various options, conduct conversations, and discuss solutions.

Game problem situations are a full-fledged, specially organized game. It is characterized by the following points:

- it has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy tale or literary work that is well known to preschoolers;

- the content of the game contains a goal, an educational task, to which all its components are subordinated - plot, role-playing interaction of characters

- the teacher conducts the game: proposes a name and plot, distributes roles, takes on one role and plays it, supports an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

-the teacher saturates the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions, through which the goal is achieved.

The game becomes an auxiliary tool in the child’s development of the ability to resolve problem situations. This primarily concerns specially developed game models and specially selected both game situations and real ones that took place in the group.

When compiling the content of problem game situations, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions.

— Game models should be built in accordance with the interests and capabilities of children, taking into account their social experience and age characteristics.

— Game models should include moments of improvisation, alternative solutions to problems, and the possibility of changing components due to unexpected changes in conditions.

The implementation of any game model requires special preparation, which can be divided into 3 stages.

1. Preparatory stage

Aimed at attracting the interest of children, developing the ability to act on behalf of another person, conveying role intonation, and developing the ability to conduct a dialogue. Includes a message about the topic, a teacher’s story about a specific event (situation, game, during which the characteristics of the characters are given, toys and substitute objects are selected, roles are assigned (children can choose them themselves).

2. Selecting options for completing the proposed situation

At this stage there is a concretization of situations, a search for means to achieve the goal, determination of the boundaries of acceptable behavior, determination of ethical restrictions, drawing boundaries between “possible” and “impossible”.

3. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships

Development of the selected situation, search for the cause that aggravated it, as well as the possibility of transforming this situation for a positive resolution of conflicts and problems.

The main thing is to teach children to analyze, look for different options for solving problems and be able to apply such opportunities in everyday life. Children often combine an assessment of an action with a personal assessment: a bad deed means a bad person. Leading questions from an adult, alternating open and closed questions, and joint discussion of a particular situation help children put themselves in the shoes of another person, understand the motives of his actions, evaluate them from a moral point of view and come to the right conclusions. The modeling of problem situations should be preceded by game-based learning situations:

situations - illustrations


exercise situations


assessment situations


In an illustration situation, it is better to act out simple scenes from the lives of children; with the help of various gaming materials and teaching aids, the teacher demonstrates to children examples of socially acceptable behavior, and also activates their effective communication skills.

In an exercise situation, children train in performing individual game actions and linking them into a plot, and learn to regulate relationships with peers within the framework of game interaction.

In the assessment situation, the decision taken is analyzed and justified, and it is assessed by the children themselves. In this case, the gaming problem has already been solved, but the teacher helps the child analyze and justify the decision made, and evaluate it.

The basis of the game situation is active communication, which includes various forms: conversation between the teacher and the children, travel games, conversation games, dramatization games, improvisation games. The teacher acts as a communication partner who respects the child’s right to initiative and his desire to talk about topics that interest him.

In addition to socially significant situations, children are interested in stories with fairy-tale characters. You can analyze the behavior of fairy-tale heroes: does it correspond to moral ideas, what positive qualities does the negative hero have (and vice versa, does the character always behave the same way, are there other opportunities to achieve what he wants.

Below are presented the most interesting developments in the use of gaming and creative tasks to develop children’s communication skills, culture of actions and the ability to find a compromise way out of a problematic situation.

Illustrative situations

With the help of toys or tabletop or finger theater characters, a situation is played out that reflects those aspects of life that the child needs to understand and get an idea of ​​correct behavior: “How the boys helped their grandmother,” “Magic words help in everything,” “It’s easier to tell the truth.” , “How the girls made peace.” In these situations, children are shown specific ways to correctly resolve everyday communication situations. By acting as interested spectators, children receive a model of socially approved behavior.

Exercise situations

The teacher involves the children in finding the right solution. For this purpose, game characters turn to children with questions, enter into an argument, express doubts about the correctness of their advice, and offer to choose the best solution from several; they are asked to show what actions need to be taken, what words to say to solve the problem (for example, how to thank, how to politely make a request, how to divide candy equally, how to reassure an offended person).

The way children perceive the situation and what solution they propose shows how children’s moral ideas and corresponding experiences develop.

Assessment situations

During such situations, life events, actions and relationships are discussed. The content of situations can be modeled from children's literature or made up - then they look like an incident from the lives of children from another kindergarten, a boy or girl they know. The basis of the situation can be a book illustration or a painting.

By revealing this or that life event to children, the teacher calls them to a frank conversation in order to connect the problems under discussion with their personal experience, evoke appropriate feelings, and give the correct assessment.

At the same time, it is important to avoid direct analogies with events in the group, indicating specific names and actions of children. The main thing is to awaken certain emotional experiences inspired by the situation under discussion and help children independently draw the necessary conclusions.

Practical game and real situations

These situations can be organized both as dramatizations and as practical situations of playful and real content. For example,

“We’ll teach our guests how to say hello and goodbye,” “We’ll show Luntik how to receive guests,” “Let’s congratulate Karkusha on his birthday.”

Cultural habits are formed gradually, so regularly organizing such situations helps children gain the necessary experience of cultural behavior. The most important situations are those in which children resolve specific everyday problems. These are situations of practical assistance, active manifestation of attention, care for children and adults: “We will help you find a lost item” (mittens, scarf, shoes); “Don’t be sad” (calm down, treat, play); “We meet a friend after illness”; “Let's exchange toys”; “We make gifts for kids (elderly people, moms, dads).”

“Everyone needs our care”

Children gain experience in participating in activities that are important for the kindergarten: “We will help the janitor remove fallen leaves on the site”, “We decorate the kindergarten for the holiday”, “We plant onions for the kids”, “We prepare manuals for classes: cut out ovals, squares , triangles."

The teacher's task

- to captivate children with the content of the upcoming task, to show that the results of joint efforts bring benefit and joy to others.

"We are the elders"

Children learn to take care of babies. They develop a sense of self-respect, a kind attitude towards little ones, and an understanding of their problems.

You can organize the following situations: “We’ll help the kids wash their toys,” “We’ll delight the kids with handmade gifts,” “We’ll show a concert for the kids,” “We’ll teach the kids how to dance in circles.”

It is important to emphasize the feelings of the kids, who were the focus of the care of older preschoolers. This will give impetus to experience or to show reciprocal feelings.

“Teach a friend what you can do yourself”

It is important to encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation: teach them how to sculpt, play board games, throw at a target, and spin a hoop.

By modeling this situation, we encourage children to share their experiences, help them enter into the role of a “teacher,” that is, to be patient, attentive and forgiving to the difficulties and mistakes of their peers.

"How to proceed?"

In this situation, the teacher confronts the children with a choice: respond to the problems of other children or prefer personal interests and show indifference? For example, keep the candy for yourself or treat it to a peer (a crying child) who comes after an illness; let a peer play with your toy or remain indifferent to his request; respond to a request for help or ignore it. The behavior of children in situations of choice helps to better understand the characteristics of their social, moral and emotional development.

Teachers often have difficulty using and selecting problem situations and modeling them when working with preschoolers.

When children acquire certain experience in communication and behavior, it becomes necessary to model problematic game situations that will help children gradually master the ability to anticipate the real consequences of their actions and, on the basis of this, build further relationships and motives for behavior.

Situations - problems

It is very important to teach children to notice the difficulties of other people and try to help. For this purpose, situations—problems—are very effective. For example, in situations: “Shoelaces came undone”, “Handout material fell apart.” The guys are in a hurry to collect, but they collect everything in one common pile. Emphasize: “How can we sort all this out?” Mark the guys who try to group mixed material, etc.

In problem situations, each child actively learns to find a way out of his feelings and experiences, to recognize and accept them.

The teacher needs to emotionally represent the problem that has arisen (“Nastya returns to kindergarten after illness. How can we please her?”, “We have a new girl, how can we meet her so that she likes us?”) and involve the children in finding a solution. If they find it difficult, suggest or show the correct way to solve the problem and offer to implement it themselves.

A problematic situation, professionally and timely posed to children, allows one to effectively solve pressing group problems.

A child can independently “recognize himself” in an example that seems to have no direct relation to him.

In joint activities with adults and peers, the child learns in practice the rules and laws of communication. And he is often faced with the problem of choosing an action: what is the best and most correct thing to do? Initially, the teacher offers options for action, and the child chooses the most acceptable ones for himself. Subsequently, having ideas about possible ways to solve the problem, the child will be able to find the optimal way for himself.

The effectiveness of choosing an action is often assessed by its consequences, and for a child to make such an anticipatory assessment on his own is problematic. Naturally, children need to be taught this step by step.

Let's say a “cloud”: how can it be dissipated and dispelled? With the help of this scheme, children can build a strategy and tactics for their behavior and determine a way out of the current situation.


the child needs to determine a common goal for which it is necessary to extinguish the conflict: live together, feel free, not offend anyone, etc.


(and this is the most difficult thing, you need to separate your “want” (“What do I want to do?”) from someone else’s “want” (“What does the other want to do?”). This is the essence of the conflict. It is on the basis of the collision of opposite “want” “We should look for ways to reach an agreement.


the child learns to argue his “I want” (“Why do I need to achieve my goal?”) and tries to formulate the point of view of another (“Why does the other insist on his own?”).

At the preparatory stage, you can use the “Two weights” technique.

Evaluating all the pros and cons, the child comes to the conclusion: by achieving one personal goal (your “I want!”), you can lose a lot, but by giving in to another, you can gain a lot.

The given exercises bring results after preliminary work by the teacher. When teaching children to communicate, the teacher must be prepared for difficulties to arise:

-For the child, the opinion of the parents remains a priority, and it does not always correspond to the position of the teachers. The child may directly state that mom (or dad) told him to behave this way.

-Children may verbally formulate their attitude to the situation in accordance with generally accepted human values, but in practice they may not act properly, which may be due to insufficient development of the volitional sphere and impulsiveness.

-Striving for a positive assessment from an adult, children are able to behave in a socially acceptable way. It is not a fact that in another situation (in the absence of a teacher) the child will behave in a similar way.

-Attractive appearance is associated among preschoolers with positive internal content. To the question: “Do you think a handsome person is necessarily kind?” - Most children answer in the affirmative. In interaction with a peer, priority may be given to external signs - an attractive appearance, the owner of beautiful toys, although conflicts are possible on this basis. After summarizing all of the above, the conditions for effective work of teachers in

development of children's communication :

-a unified approach to education in the family and kindergarten.

-personally-oriented interaction between teachers and children.

- selection of optimal means and methods of work (depending on the needs of children, pedagogical goals and capabilities).

There are four levels of learning problems:

1. The teacher himself poses the problem (task) and solves it himself with active listening and discussion by the children.

2. The teacher poses a problem, the children independently or under his guidance find a solution. The teacher directs the child to independently search for solutions (partial search method).

3. The child poses the problem himself, the teacher helps to solve it. The child develops the ability to independently formulate a problem.

4. The child poses the problem himself and solves it himself. The teacher does not even point out the problem: the child must see it on his own, and having seen it, formulate and explore the possibilities and ways of solving it.

The problematic situation is created by the teacher using certain techniques, methods and means :

- bring children to a contradiction and invite them to find a way to resolve it themselves;

- presentation of different points of view on the same issue;

- encouraging children to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation

, comparison of facts;

— posing specific questions (for generalization, justification, specification, logic of reasoning);

— setting problem tasks


Stages of the problem :

1) searching for means of analyzing the conditions of the problem using leading questions with the updating of previous knowledge: “what do we need to remember to solve our question?”, “what can we use from what we know to solve the problem?”

2) the process of solving a problem. It consists in the discovery of new, previously unknown connections and relationships between the elements of the problem, i.e., putting forward hypotheses, searching for a key, an idea for a solution. The child looks for solutions “in external conditions”, in various sources of knowledge.

3) proof and testing of the hypothesis, implementation of the ideas of the solution found. This means performing some operations related to practical activities. Modeling problem situations in role-playing games is very effective:

“What to do, what to do?”

These are various situations of difficulty that are modeled to awaken children’s initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness, and willingness to look for the right solution. For example, flowers in a pot wither; pictures came off on the cabinets; some children do not have enough plasticine for modeling; Spilled water was found on the floor; Children's mittens are mixed up. What should I do? Children look for solutions on their own and together find ways to solve problems.

: water the flower, divide the plasticine among everyone; figure out what to make napkins from; wipe off the water; we glue pictures on the cabinets; We sort mittens and shoes into pairs.

“They didn’t share the toy”

Material: various toys. The teacher takes out boxes (parcels) and invites the children to take apart the toys, while he watches from the side. As a rule, children try to take the most interesting, bright toys. There are too many contenders for the “best” toys. In the group, a conflict situation develops between the children: who will get this or that toy?

The teacher calms the children down and invites everyone to figure out the current situation together: “What should we do, guys? After all, there is only one toy, but there are many people who want to play with it.” and offers children various options for resolving a conflict situation for discussion.

- give the toy to the one who took it first;

- do not give a toy to anyone so as not to be offended;

- everyone should play together;

- to count;

-play with the toy in turns;

-give the toy to Katya because she is the saddest, etc.

Children together with the teacher discuss ways of possible solution to the situation.

, offer their options, listen to the opinions of others.

Problem situations in role-playing games


There are many visitors in line to see a doctor. New arrivals take a turn. The queue got confused. (Clarification of relations between visitors, peaceful resolution of the conflict)

The little child began to be capricious, running along the hospital corridor and screaming. (Conversation with the child, entertain him by reading poems);


The doll will have a birthday tonight. He wants to invite friends to his home for a holiday. How to do it? (Call all your friends and ask their parents, write and send out invitations)

Invited guests prepare gifts for the holiday (artistic productive activities for making gifts, learning congratulations, guests prepare numbers for a festive concert for the birthday girl).

You need to prepare a delicious meal for your friends and set the table. (Drafting a menu, preparing a treat, decorating a festive table. Guests who arrive early help the birthday girl with this).

Arrival of guests. All the guests have gathered, the celebration begins. One guest forgot to bring a gift and was very upset. How can he congratulate the birthday girl now? (The doll meets the guests. Seats them at the table. A forgetful guest can be advised to say pleasant, beautiful words about the birthday person, to perform some kind of musical number. Advice is given by everyone present at the holiday)

End of the holiday. One of the guests accidentally broke a cup while drinking tea. (The guest apologizes and helps with cleaning).


When purchasing tickets, the cashier gave out an extra amount of change. What to do: remain silent and leave, or tell the cashier about it and return the money. (Discussing the situation with children, making a decision).

Some visitors began to feed those animals that had a sign on their enclosure prohibiting this (ask a zoo employee to come up, ask him to tell about the rules for visiting the zoo, about fines in case of non-compliance, about the animals that live in this zoo).

One boy lagged behind the group, he was staring at a polar bear swimming in the pool (you can go to the radio room and make an announcement for this boy, pronounce his name loudly to all the children)

The game situations presented in this development will help the teacher teach children to analyze, look for various options for solving problems and develop the ability to use such opportunities, which means avoiding many conflicts, mastering the ability to anticipate the real consequences of their actions and, on the basis of this, build further relationships and motives of behavior.


The situation in transport (city, railway).

1• You and your grandmother are traveling by train. She got down on the platform, but you didn’t have time. What will you do? Why?

2• Grandma took the train, and you stayed behind. Your actions? Explain why you will do this and not otherwise?

Fire situation. 3• There is a fire in the apartment. What will you do? Why? 4• Smoke in the neighboring apartment. Your actions?

Water situation. 5• You see someone drowning. What will you do?

6• A faucet burst in the apartment. Are you alone at home now. What will you do first, what will you do next? Why

7• Children receive a letter from the forest saying that people have appeared there who are breaking young trees, branches, and picking flowers.

The children’s task: to organize a help team and propose ways to solve the problem.

8• A carrier pigeon brings a telegram from a hippopotamus saying that there is a severe drought in Africa. The children’s task: organize the delivery of drinking water in special cylinders (they are replaced by plastic bottles); Using a geographic map, suggest delivery methods.

9• The dog Bug brings the news that an avalanche has occurred in the mountains, as a result of which animals were injured and trees were broken. The children’s task: to collect a special package with bandages, iodine, and tree putty.

There is a bunny sitting in the “School” corner, his paw is bandaged.

Question for the children: why is the paw bandaged, what could have happened?

10• There is a paper butterfly with its wing torn off, with images of “sad” flowers around it.

Assignment for children: express your guesses as to why the butterfly looks this way and why the flowers are “sad.”

11•A magpie flew into the “School” corner with a letter from Berendey: “Alarm, an anteater has appeared!” What could be the danger of his appearance in the forest?

12• In the “School” corner there is a plot painting depicting bare, diseased trees. Assignment for children: think about what happened in this forest and how you can help it.

13• Fairy tale “Turnip” (Grandfather has a bad harvest: the turnip has not grown. How can I help him?)

14• Fairy tale “Teremok” (you need to help the characters build a house without using the forest).

15. Topic: “Mushrooms”

Dunno invites the children to the forest to pick mushrooms, but does not know which mushrooms are edible and which are not.

16. Topic: “Transport”

The animals of Africa ask Aibolit for help, but Aibolit does not know how to get to them.

17. Topic: “Houses”, “Properties of materials”

The piglets want to build a strong house to hide from the wolf and do not know what material to make it from.

18. Topic: “Fruit”

While traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But I only had fruit with me. Is it possible to get drunk?

19. Topic: “Properties of materials”

In rainy weather, you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose in order to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet.

20. Topic: “The language of facial expressions and gestures”

We travel around the world, but we don’t know foreign languages.

21. Topic: “Weather conditions”

We went on a trip to Africa, but what clothes should we take with us to be comfortable?

22. Topic: “Properties of metals”

Pinocchio wants to open the door in Papa Carlo's closet, but the key is at the bottom of the well. How can Pinocchio get the key if it is wooden and the wood does not sink?

23. Topic: “Cardinal directions”

Mashenka got lost in the forest and doesn’t know how to announce herself and get out of the forest.

24. Topic: “Volume”

Znayka needs to determine the level of liquid in the jugs, but they are not transparent and have a narrow neck.

25. Topic: “Weather conditions”

One friend lives far in the South and has never seen snow. And the other one lives in the Far North, where the snow never melts. What can be done so that one can see the snow, and the other can see the grass and trees (they just don’t want to move anywhere)?

26. Topic: “Measuring length”

Little Red Riding Hood needs to get to her grandmother as quickly as possible, but she doesn’t know which path is long and which is short...

27. Topic: “Higher, lower”

Ivan Tsarevich needs to find a treasure that is buried under the tallest spruce tree. But he can’t decide which spruce is the tallest.

28. Topic: “Medicinal plants”

Dunno injured his leg in the forest, but there is no first aid kit. What can be done.

29. Topic: “Soil”

Mashenka wants to plant flowers, but does not know in what soil the flowers will grow best.

30. Topic: “Properties of wood”

Buratino ran to school, and in front of him there was a wide river, and the bridge was not visible. You need to hurry to school. Buratino thought and thought how he could get across the river.

Contradiction: Pinocchio has to cross the river because he might be late for school, and is afraid to go into the water because he doesn’t know how to swim and thinks he will drown. What to do?

31. Topic: “Clock”

Cinderella needs to leave the ball on time, and the palace clock suddenly stops.

32. Topic: “Properties of air”

Dunno and his friends came to the river, but Dunno doesn’t know how to swim. Znayka offered him a life preserver. But he is still afraid and thinks he will drown.

33. Topic: “Magnifying devices”

Thumbelina wants to write a letter to her mother, but she is worried that her mother will not be able to read it because the font is very small.

34. Topic: “Media of Communication”

The baby elephant's grandmother fell ill. We need to call a doctor, but he doesn’t know how.

35. Topic: “Properties of paper”

Pochemuchka invites you on a trip along the river, but doesn’t know whether a paper boat is suitable for this?

36. Topic: “Properties of carbon paper”

Misha wants to invite a lot of friends to his birthday, but how to make a lot of invitation cards in a short time?

37. Topic: “Properties of a magnet”

How can Vintik and Shpuntik quickly find the necessary iron part if it is lost in a box among parts made of different materials?

38. Theme: “Friendship of colors”

Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but they are only allowed in orange dresses.


39. “Puss in One Boot” The cat from the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” lost his boot. It’s uncomfortable to walk in one boot; he’s unaccustomed to walking barefoot. What should the cat do now?

40. “This is how the game is played.” Ira lost her mittens at school, looked and looked, but couldn’t find them, and it was very cold outside and it was far from home. How to get to it without freezing your hands? 41. “Masha and the Bear” Masha was friends with the bear and often went to visit him. Once again getting ready to visit her friend, Masha baked pies and put them in a bundle. She walked for a long time through a dense forest, accidentally caught her bundle on a bush - it tore, and the pies scattered. How can Masha bring them to the place where the bear lives? 42. “Help Cinderella” The stepmother ordered pies to be baked for dinner. How does Cinderella roll out the dough? 43. “Preparing for the holiday” The hare decided to throw a party in honor of her daughter’s birthday. The highlight of the program was supposed to be cookies of various shapes. The hare went to all the stores in the area, but could not buy any cookie cutters. How can the Hare make cookies of different shapes? 44. “Abstract-minded Petya” Having decided to go on a hike, the children agreed on who would take what with them. Having packed our backpacks, we headed out of town early in the morning by train. This is the station they need. Everyone got out, the train blew its whistle and disappeared around the bend. And then it turned out that Petya, who was “famous” for his absent-mindedness, had left his backpack in the carriage. And in it there was a tent, a small shovel, a pot and matches. Everyone was very upset, except Marina, who suggested thinking and finding a way out of the situation. How to spend a night in the forest without a tent? How to do without a pot, spatula and matches?


45. “Postcards for Dina” Dina collects postcards, and her friends (she has 20 of them) decided to give her beautiful cards for her birthday. At the last moment it turned out that all the postcards were exactly the same. Dina added one of them to her collection. What to do with the remaining nineteen? 46. ​​“Little Red Riding Hood” Little Red Riding Hood’s hat is completely worn out. She asked her grandmother to sew her a new one. The grandmother fulfilled the request of her beloved granddaughter and sewed her a beautiful hat for her birthday. The granddaughter was very pleased. But the grandmother, absent-mindedly, gave her granddaughter the same hat for the New Year, March 8, and seven other holidays. The girl, in order not to upset her grandmother, took all 10 hats. But what should she do with them?

47. “Help Olya” Olya has long hair. For the New Year, mom, dad, grandmother and girlfriends gave her a lot of bright ribbons - so many that Olya couldn’t figure out what to do with them, how to use them. Help Olya solve this problem. 48. “Milk problems of the cat Matroskin” The cat Matroskin milked so much milk that he filled all the containers in the house with it. How can Matroskin use all this sea of ​​milk? 49. “Baskets for kids” Once upon a time there was a goat with kids. Every day the goat went to the forest and brought back a basket of grass. The basket was large and comfortable, but old. And eventually it made a hole and the grass spilled out. The goat asked the kids to weave a new basket. The kids set to work together, but soon began to quarrel: they could not divide the responsibilities among themselves. And then they decided that everyone would weave the basket themselves. And soon the goat received twenty-one baskets (!). The goat didn't know what to do with them. Help her. 50. “The Wonderful Forester” There lived a forester in a pine forest. When he got bored, he collected pine cones. And he collected so many of them that they could fill an entire railway carriage. The forester did not know what to do with them. How would you use them? 51. “Residents of the city of Kiselsk” A misfortune befell the residents of Kiselsk: one fine day all the inhabitants of the city cooked their favorite dish - jelly. And there was so much of it that a “jelly” flood began in the city. Tell city residents how to use jelly. 52. “Jam for Carlson” Everyone knows that Carlson was very fond of everything sweet, especially jam. The kid constantly brought him various jams in metal jars, and Carlson immediately emptied them. As a result, Carlson accumulated a lot of empty cans. Throw them in the trash can? It's a pity. How to use them? So children solve problem situations using the algorithm proposed to them (2nd stage). Using an example of one problem situation, we will show how the algorithm is used. 53. Buratiyo dropped the golden key into the swamp, but Tortilla the turtle was not nearby. This is the situation that presents itself to children. How can Pinocchio get the key? In a situation, a task or question is highlighted. Pinocchio must go under the water because he needs to get the key, but he cannot do this because it is wooden and will immediately float to the surface. Such are the contradictions of this problematic situation. The next steps will be to find the optimal final result at the lowest cost and identify resources that will help obtain this result. 54. OH and AH got ready for a hike, took canned food and bread. They arrived at the place and decided to have a snack, but it turned out that they had left the can and table openers at home. How to open a jar?

Contradiction. OH and AH have to open a can of canned food because they are hungry and cannot do it because they have nothing to eat.

55. A circus has come to town. To make adults and children aware of this, it is necessary to put up posters, but there is not a drop of glue in the city. How to put up posters?

Contradiction. Posters need to be put up, because they will help city residents find out about the arrival of the circus; It is impossible to put up posters because there is no glue.

56. Znayka asked Donut, through Dunno, to give him the recipe for delicious pies. When Donut began to tell Dunno about what was included in the recipe, they both remembered that they couldn’t write. What should I do?

Contradiction. Dunno must give Znayka the recipe for pies, because he won’t be able to do anything without the recipe, and he can’t do it because he doesn’t know how to write.

57. In the royal garden, only one rejuvenating apple ripened on the magic apple tree, but so high that the king could not reach it even with the help of a large ladder. How can the king take possession of this apple?

Contradiction. The king must get the rejuvenating apple, because only with its help will he become younger, and he cannot, because he does not know how to do it.


Many children, already in preschool age, develop and consolidate a negative attitude towards others, which can have very sad long-term consequences. Identifying problematic forms of interpersonal relationships in a timely manner and helping the child overcome them is the most important task of teachers.

58.. -Galina Anatolyevna, if a flower broke, would you be very angry? “I probably would have been angry.” Why are you asking? -And I saw how Rita broke the flower. What can you say about Rita's action? What proverb do you know that is appropriate in this situation?

59. Katya’s ball rolled and hit your leg. Nikita shouted. “Can’t you see where you’re throwing the ball?” It hurts me. How would you have done it differently? What will you say to each other?

60. Nika came in a new dress. Natasha saw and said loudly. - Why are you bragging? Just think, my mother bought me an even better dress. Is Natasha right in this situation?

61. Sasha still hasn’t learned to tie his shoelaces. Nikita is screaming in the locker room. - Ha, look, he’s going to school soon, but he doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. Katya silently came up and helped Sasha. Whose action is right?

62. The children returned from a walk. We quickly undressed and went to the group. Andrey looked into the locker room and screamed. Galina Anatolyevna, Seryozha didn’t put his boots back in place. Galina Nikolaevna looked at Andrey reproachfully. Why ? What would you do if you were in Andrei's place?

63. Children draw. Olya's pencil broke. She snatched the pencil from Rita's hands. Rita stood up and moved to another place. Why did Rita go to another table? What would you do?

64. Venera Rashitovna talks to junior teacher Valentina Ivanovna. Natasha screams. Venera Rashitovna, But Olya won’t give up my doll. Then he comes up and touches the teacher’s hand. - Don’t you hear, Olya won’t give up my doll. What did Venera Rashitovna say to Natasha? A group of boys are building a castle. Alyosha came up and put the board on top. The castle fell apart. What did the boys tell him? What would you do?

65. In the morning Slava played with Artem. When Roma arrived, Slava began to play with him. Artem came up and told Slava. - You are a traitor. Roma was offended. How do you think why?

66. Rita and Sasha are on duty in a corner of nature. Sasha said. - Rita, let’s take the turtle to the girls, let them play with it. Rita told Galina Anatolyevna about this. Is Rita right? What would you do?

67. In the dressing room, Galina Anatolyevna talks with Artem’s mother. Rita comes up and says. - Do you know that your Artyom is the last one to get dressed? Galina Anatolyevna made a remark to Rita. What do you think Galina Anatolyevna said to Rita?

68. Sveta goes into the dressing room and speaks loudly. - I'm not friends with Nika anymore. She calls me Svetka-candy. Why was Sveta offended?

69. During lunch, Vitya Valentina Ivanovna offered something extra. Vitya says. - I don’t need your supplement. What would you say to Valentina Ivanovna?

70. After lunch the children fell asleep. Natasha can't sleep. She constantly turns to the teacher. - Correct the blanket for me. -I want to go to the toilet. “And Sasha snores loudly and bothers me.” What would you do?

71. During afternoon tea, Sasha placed a chair very close to the table. When he began to sit down, he pushed Nikita. He spilled the milk. Nikita said loudly. -What don’t you see? I don't want to sit next to you. Is Nikita right? What would you do if you were Sasha and Nikita?


Goal: to cultivate in children respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age,

personal identity, appearance, physical disabilities.

72. Situation.

In the fairy tale "Cinderella", the stepmother and her sisters did not take Cinderella with them to the ball because they had her

a maid, washed and cleaned up after them. What would you do if you were your stepmother?

a) I wouldn’t have taken him to the ball, because Cinderella wore an old, dirty dress;

b) would say that there was not enough invitation for her;

c) would take it with me, because all people are equal.

73. Situation

One morning, when the children were having breakfast, the door of the group opened, the head of the kindergarten came in with two black girls and said: “These sisters, Baharnesh and Alina, came from Ethiopia, and now they will come to your group.” What would you do if you were the children?

a) He laughed and began to point his finger at his sisters: “They are completely black!”;

b) invited the girls to have breakfast together, and then showed off his group; no matter what race the girl is;

c) turned to his plate as if no one had come.

74. Situation.

A newcomer came to the group - a boy from Georgia who did not speak Russian very well. Vania

began to tease him. What would you tell Vanya?

a) I would laugh with him at the newcomer;

b) did not pay attention to the fact that Vanya was teasing the newcomer;

c) would protect the newcomer, start playing with him, because it doesn’t matter what language you speak.

75. Situation

One day the children were passing by the mosque and saw an elderly man praying on his knees. They+

a) laughed, pointing at the old man;

b) began to imitate;

c) stepped aside so as not to disturb him, because you need to respect any religion.

What would you do?

76. Situation.

In the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka", the older brothers did not take Ivanushka with them to the city, because they considered him

small and stupid. That’s what they told him: “Stay at home, you fool!” What would you do?

a) Just like brothers;

b) would take Ivanushka with him;

c) would have left him at home, but said: “You will remain the owner.”

77. Situation.

The inhabitants of the poultry yard from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling" the duckling was offended because he was ugly. They called him ugly, no one was friends with him. Did the birds behave correctly? How

would you do it?

a) Correct; I would do the same;

b) wrong; don’t be friends if you don’t want to, but you can’t offend;

c) wrong; despite different appearances, everyone has equal rights; would be friends


78. “...people did not know about the danger”

Examine the level of knowledge and skills of children in life safety; develop thinking, attention; cultivate a desire to follow safety rules.

79. “...the alarm was announced in the kindergarten”

Teach children to respond correctly and quickly to alarm signals, consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety measures; develop speed of reaction, coordination of actions between the teacher and children; cultivate a desire to help each other.

80. “ an unfamiliar berry”

Teach to understand that eating any mushrooms is harmful and dangerous for preschool children; introduce edible and poisonous berries and mushrooms; learn to speak in full sentences, develop a sense of caution towards unfamiliar berries; cultivate a sense of proportion.

81. “...the dog attacked the child”

Teach children to act in various situations related to pets; consolidate children's knowledge of hygiene skills after playing with pets; give an idea of ​​diseases transmitted by animals; learn to express your thoughts in complete sentences; cultivate a love for animals.

82. “…fly high like a bird”

Introduce children to the diversity of birds, teach them to understand that any birds can be a source of disease; give ideas about the safe care of birds, including pets; develop thinking, connected speech; cultivate love for living things.

83. “ only sweets”

Give an idea of ​​the effect of a variety of foods on the child’s body; introduce some vitamins (A, B, C, D) and their effect on health; which products are beneficial and which are harmful; develop connected speech, activate children’s vocabulary on the topic; cultivate a food culture.

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