Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group for a year

Plan for working with parents in the middle group

Maria Kashina

Plan for working with parents in the middle group

Long-term work plan

with parents of secondary group No. 13

for the 2013-2014 academic year


No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “How to dress a child in kindergarten”

2 Help
parents choose clothes for kindergarten Parent meeting : “Annual tasks. Road Safety"

parents to the tasks of raising and educating children in the middle group.
Consultation: “The child is being bullied, what should I do?”

parents identify external factors influencing the behavior of children educators
4 Joint work of parents and children in cleaning leaves on the site Bring family members together in joint work educators

5 Conversation with parents : “Physical development of a 4-5 year old child”

To help
parents better understand the physical characteristics of children 4-5 years old, educators
6 Design of a mobile folder “What to do with an aggressive child”

Provide recommendations
to parents about the behavioral characteristics of aggressive children educators

No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “If children play around”

parents find ways to communicate with their child educators
2 Folder moving

"First aid"

To acquaint
parents with various types of first aid in different situations, teachers
3 Consultation: “The health of children in kindergarten”

parents to hardening educators
4 Joint work of parents and children in cleaning leaves on the site Bring family members together in joint work educators

5 Consultation: “Tips on how not to feed a child”

parents feed their children correctly
6 Design of the folder “ABC for parents

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to raise children educators

No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “What to do if a child does not want to put away his toys”

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to influence the child by educators
2 Parent meeting : “The influence of FGT on the educational process in a preschool educational institution”

To acquaint
parents with the educational process in preschool educational institutions, taking into account FGT, teachers
3 Consultation: “Active children”

parents find ways to communicate with parents educators
4 Joint work of parents and children to clean up leaves on the site Bring family members together in joint work educators

5 Conversation with parents : “How to help a child become kind”

parents in raising their child
“Late Autumn” mobile folder

Educators expand the understanding of children and
parents about the season “autumn”


No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “How to turn reading into pleasure”

parents choose books to read to children, give recommendations on how to get their children interested in reading educators
2 Memo for parents and children on environmental education “Take care of nature”

To give an idea of ​​the value of nature, ways of preserving it

3 Folder moving: “What is good, what is bad”

parents explain to children the meaning of the words “good”

4 Joint work of parents and children to clear snow on the site and on the veranda. Educators bring family members closer together in joint work.

5 New Year's crafts competition in kindergarten with the participation of parents To reveal the parents' ability to make crafts from waste material; to cultivate a desire to bring joy to children teachers

6 Design of the traveling folder “Russian Constitution Day”

To familiarize
parents and children with the holiday of December 12, teachers
7 Consultation: “Advice from a speech therapist on overcoming speech underdevelopment”

To acquaint
parents with the recommendations of a speech therapist, to give recommendations on the development of children’s speech, teachers
8 Folder moving “Winter and winter signs”

Educators expand the understanding of children and
parents about the season “Winter”


No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “Advice to parents on hardening their child”

To familiarize
parents with the forms of hardening, to give recommendations on hardening children at home, educators
2 Parent meeting : “Environmental education of children of the middle group

To acquaint
parents with the tasks of environmental education for children in the middle group, teachers
3 Consultation: “Children’s tantrums”

parents identify the causes of hysteria in children and ways to solve them, educators
4 Joint work of parents and children to clear the snow from the area and veranda Bring family members together in joint work, educators

5 Consultation: “Growing up an assistant”

Give recommendations
to parents at what age it is best for educators to begin teaching them to work
6 Conversation with parents on the topic “Snow buildings”

parents in the construction of snow structures on the site for children to play educators

No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “How to spend a day off with children”

parents organize their children’s leisure time, sharpen their children’s perceptions of educators
2 Consultation “Winter injuries in children”

Provide advice
to parents about possible injuries to children in the winter and help teachers prevent them
3 Folder moving “Music and environmental education”

To give
parents an idea of ​​the environmental education of children, to note the importance of such education, educators
4 Joint work of parents and children to clear snow on the site To bring family members together in joint work, educators

5 Conversation with parents : “Children’s lies”

give recommendations
to parents on ways to correct the child’s behavior
6 Design of a sliding folder “Advice for parents of a hyperactive child”

To give recommendations
to parents about the behavioral characteristics of hyperactive children,

No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “How to prepare your child for school”

parents prepare their children for school teachers
2 Parent meeting “UMK - new technologies”

parents to educational and methodological kits, give recommendations on how to consolidate the topics covered at home, teachers
3 Consultation: “Composition of a children's first aid kit”

parents to the necessary composition of a children's pharmacy educators
4 Joint work of parents and children to remove snow on the site Bring family members together in joint work educators

5 Consultation: “Teaching a child to communicate”

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to develop their children’s communication skills. Educators
6 Design of a folder “Children’s conflicts”

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to resolve children's conflicts educators

No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “Let’s look at the picture together”

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to look at pictures with their child, ways to develop the child’s speech, educators
2 Consultation “How to help emotional children”

parents find ways to communicate with children teachers
3 Consultation: “Children’s whims”

parents find ways to communicate with children educators
4 Folder moving “Insects”

to parents on how not to be harmed by insects
5 Conversation with parents : “We get rid of aggression through play”

parents in raising their child
“Spring” mobile folder

Educators expand the understanding of children and
parents about the season “spring”


No. Name of event goal responsible

1 Consultation: “Educational summer”

Provide recommendations
to parents about outdoor activities with children in the summer, educators
2 Final parent meeting Summarize the work for the past year, educators

3 Folder moving: “Games with sand”

Provide recommendations
to parents on ways to play with sand in the summer, educators
4 Joint work of parents and children to make bird feeders Bring family members together in joint work, educators

5 Folder movement “Dangerous objects”

Provide recommendations
to parents about dangerous objects in everyday life, ways to prevent accidents, and educators
“May 1” mobile folder

To familiarize
parents and children with the holiday of May 1, teachers
7 Conversation “Hardening”

Give an idea about the forms of hardening in preschool educational institutions, about salt hardening for educators

8 Folder moving “Summer”

Educators expand the understanding of children and
parents about the time of year “Summer”

Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group

2016 – 2022


1. Continue to work to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils, to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

2. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

3. To improve the forms of work on the artistic and aesthetic development of students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
September 1) Stands, moving folders, specialists’ corner, health corner (preparation of visual propaganda for parents) To target and involve parents in active, joint work in the new school year 1) Conversations on preparing children for the school year. 2)Updating group inventory, site Educator, specialists
1) Parents’ meeting “Peculiarities of the age and organization of life of children of the middle group”

2) Consultation “Is your child speaking correctly?”

Familiarization of parents with the age characteristics of children and the plan for the year. Involvement in participation in events 1) Questionnaire “Wish for the year!”

2) Memo “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old”

3) Memo “Characteristics of speech of children 3-4 years old.”


Teacher speech therapist

1) Consultation “Preparing clothes for physical education classes” Introduce health activities carried out in kindergarten 1) Memo “No drugs and doctors!”

2) Conversation “Sports shoes for physical education”


Head of Physical Education

1) Consultation “Let’s start learning together”

2) Health corner “The health of the child is in our hands”

Show parents the influence of the family and its members on the development of the child’s character, life positions, and values. 1) Memo “Rules of cultural behavior that should be formed in a 4-year-old preschooler”

2) Conversation “Teaching a child to communicate”



Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
October 1) Consultation “What role-playing games teach you”

2) Consultation “Finger gymnastics. Is it worth wasting time?

To give parents knowledge about the importance of play in a child’s development, to interest them in the problem, and to motivate them to organize games at home. 1) Brochure “Games and toys for boys and girls”

2) Brochure “Finger gymnastics with apparatus.”


Teacher speech therapist

1) Consultation “Help children remember fire safety rules”

2) Folder “Safe House”

Talk about the need to create a safe environment at home; inform about what children should do in case of an emergency 1)Exhibition of posters “Safety” Educator
1) Consultation “The influence of parental attitudes on the development of children”

2) Health corner “Viral meningitis”

Show parents the influence of the family and its members on the development and formation of the child’s character, life positions, and values; inform about factors affecting physical and mental health 1) Conversation “Organizing a joint walk” Educator


1) Consultation “Speech, music, movement” Focus on developing a positive attitude towards music and sports in children 1) Consultation “Morning exercises” Educator

Head of Physical Education

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
November 1) Day of good deeds at the site

2) Movable folder “Growing up a helper”

To promote the joint work of parents and children at home, in kindergarten, which creates a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results of common work 1) Memo “Children’s clothing in different seasons” Educator
1) Crafts competition “Gifts of Autumn”

2) Consultation “How to spend a day off with your child”

Involve in cooperation with kindergarten 1) Creation of the album “Autumn has come to visit us” Educator
1) Consultation “How to teach a child to put away toys”

2) Consultation “Games played by both adults and children”

Talk about the importance of play activities that ensure successful socialization and the adoption of gender behavior 1) Conversation “A toy is an indispensable companion to children’s games” Educator

Head of Physical Education

1) Consultation “Computer and TV: for or against”

2) Consultation “Reading and telling fairy tales for the development of a child’s speech”

Draw the attention of parents to the value of shared home reading; guide parents in choosing animated and feature films 1) Conversation “A Fairy Tale for Everyone” Educator

Educational psychologist

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
December 1) Consultation “Aibolit School “Cold” Inform about factors affecting the physical and mental health of children 1) Consultation “Twenty ways to calm a raging child.” Paramedic

Educational psychologist

1) Folder “Development of Children’s Creativity”

2) Exhibition “Crystal Winter”

Organize exhibitions of family art; talk about the possibilities of music 1) Memo “Musical games at home” Educator
1) Consultation “Not instead, but together” Focus on the development of the child’s need for cognition, communication with peers and adults 1) Memo “Three main ways of understanding the world around us” Educator
1) Competition “Christmas tree toys”

2) Consultation “A healthy lifestyle in the family is the key to a child’s health.”

Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children 1) Memo “How to memorize poems with children” Educator

Head of Physical Education

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
January 1) Consultation “Children’s fears” Emphasize the role of the adult in the child’s behavior 1) Memo “How to answer children’s questions” Educational psychologist
2) Health corner “Prevention of childhood injuries” Explain the influence of lifestyle on a child’s health Paramedic
1)Parents’ participation in “Health Week” Introduce parents and involve them in health-improving activities held in kindergarten 1) Questionnaire “The place of sport in your life” Educator


Supervise physical education

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
February 1) Parents’ meeting “Cultivating independence in children of middle preschool age” Involve in cooperation with the kindergarten; accompany and support in the implementation of educational tasks 1) Master class “How to teach a child to undress and dress independently” Educator
1) Folder “Recommendations for parents on traffic rules”

2)Health corner “Storehouse of vitamins”

Familiarize yourself with situations that are dangerous to a child’s health that arise on the street; emphasize the role of the adult in the child’s behavior 1) Memo “Child is a passenger” Educator


1) Physical education and music festival “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Bring the joy of communication between children and parents; encourage parents to actively participate in holidays and entertainment. 1) Photo exhibition “Our wonderful dads” Educator

Head of Physical Education

1) Round table “Family Traditions” Create motivation to create new and preserve old family traditions 1) Memo “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family” Educator
Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
March 1) Joint creative leisure “We are for mommy” Bring the joy of communication between children and parents; encourage parents to actively participate in holidays and entertainment. 1)Exhibition of drawings “Drawing with mothers” Educator
1) Consultation “How to teach a child to love nature” Talk about the benefits of walks and excursions for getting a variety of impressions 1) Memo “How to properly dress a child for a walk in the spring” Educator
1) Folder “The importance of drawing, modeling, appliqué for the comprehensive education and development of children” Support parents' desire to develop artistic activities 1) Brochure “What you can use to draw!” Educator
1) Consultation “The role of outdoor games in children’s health” Encourage parents to help establish relationships with peers 1) Brochure “Developing speech breathing in games” Head of Physical Education

Teacher speech therapist

Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
April 1) Consultation “Put your heart on reading” Pay attention to the value of home reading, which contributes to the development of active and passive vocabulary; recommend works to read 1) Brochure “Recommended reading for parents to children 4-5 years old” Educator
1) Consultation “Stubbornness and children’s whims” Accompany and support in the implementation of educational influences Educator
1) Consultation “Reward or Punishment”

1) Health corner “Personal hygiene”

Provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family in matters of development, protection and promotion of children’s health 1) Brochure “How to punish a child” Educator

Educational psychologist


1)Health corner “Beautiful posture” Explain the need to create prerequisites for the full physical development of the child 1) Memo “Five simple rules of correct posture” Head of Physical Education
Month event title Purpose of the event Individual work Responsible
May 1) Movable folder “Victory Day” Create motivation to create new and preserve old family traditions 1) Drawing competition “This Victory Day” Educator
1)Health corner “Acute intestinal infection” Introduce you to the health-improving activities carried out in the DS Paramedic


1) Consultation “How to avoid troubles in nature”

1)Health Corner “Caution – Summer”

Familiarize parents with situations that are dangerous to the child’s health that arise on the street and how to behave in them 1) Folder “How to organize a successful summer” Educator

Head of Physical Education

1) Parents’ meeting “What the children have learned in a year”

2) Open day (landscaping and landscaping of the group’s site)

Provide information about children’s progress at the end of the school year, prepare parents for the beginning of the next year 1) Memo “What a secondary school graduate can know and be able to do” Educator

Summary of the parent meeting in the middle group on the topic: “Let's get to know each other!”

Dear parents, I would like to introduce you to the daily routine in our group and ask you to follow it. Acceptance of children up to 8. . Our morning exercises start at 8:00, so I ask you to bring your children before 8:00 – 8:00. Then there is breakfast and classes begin. If you are late and arrive during class, wait until the class ends... Familiarize yourself with the rules for visiting the preschool educational institution


For music and physical education classes, a uniform and shoes are required.

Get acquainted with the network of classes

Organized activities for children are carried out in the following educational areas:

“Cognitive development” - develop interest in the world around us, form ideas about objects, their characteristics and the materials from which they are made; generalize knowledge about public transport; about traffic rules; about your hometown (city name, home address); we will introduce you to indoor plants, trees, fruits, berries, mushrooms, birds, insects, wild and domestic animals, birds; sequence of seasons.

We will develop knowledge about geometric shapes, study the number series, solve logical problems and much more.

“Speech development” - be able to name words that begin with a certain sound; coordinate words in a sentence, understanding their meaning; the ability to describe objects and toys; tell from the picture; write short stories.

“Social and communicative development” - to form a caring attitude towards your family, towards kindergarten, towards your hometown (village); develop a child’s positive attitude towards himself, his peers, adults and the world around him.

“Artistic and aesthetic development” - develop children’s ability to listen to works of different genres and themes (fairy tales, stories, poems), involve children in predicting familiar works, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings;

Develop interest in visual arts. Reinforce the techniques of painting with gouache paints, introduce them to the features of working with watercolors. Improve the ability to draw lines and rings with the entire bristle of the brush, and also learn to draw dots, lines, and rings with the end of the brush. Learn to draw a circle.

“Physical development” - consolidate skills in basic types of movements and enrich the child’s motor experience; develop physical qualities: speed, endurance, agility, etc.; develop organization, independence, and initiative in children.

Familiarizing parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new school year.

Educational activities correspond to the approximate basic educational program of preschool education “Mosaic Park”,

according to which our kindergarten operates. Developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013, Moscow, edited by Victoria Yuryevna Belkovich, Natalya Valentinovna Grebenkina.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group.

Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” October 2017

Conditions of the competition:

(forms of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families)

Author: Subbotina Nadezhda Borisovna

Position: teacher

Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 5"


Parent meeting “Developmental features of children 4-5 years old” . Meeting of parents with the ODN inspector.

Visual information

  • Folder “What a 4-5 year old child should know .
  • Ecological page “Take care of nature” .
  • Information stand “Security Territory” (home safety)

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual conversation “Teaching a child to communicate with peers .
  • Speech therapist consultations.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Entertainment “Goodbye, autumn!” .
  • Promotion “Second Life of Paper” (collection of waste paper)


Visual information

  • Information stand “A child also has rights .
  • Folder “A toy in a child’s life” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual consultation “How to spend a weekend with children .
  • Conversations .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Joint leisure time “What autumn brought us”


Visual information

  • Health corner “Flu is dangerous!”
  • Ecological page “Learning to observe”
  • Information stand “National Unity Day” - a return to history

Individual consultations, conversations

  • “Good manners are not just for adults.”
  • "Unhealthy products"
  • Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)
  • Charity events for World Children's Day


Parent meeting “Features and problems of speech development in middle-aged children .

Visual information

  • Folder “History of the New Year” holiday
  • Information stand “Safe New Year” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Meeting with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution
  • "Proper nutrition for children".
  • Clothes for winter.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Ecological campaign “Small Birds” making feeders
  • Joint project “New Year’s Tale” (group decoration) Master class from parents “New Year’s Card”
  • Matinee “Hello, holiday - New Year!” .


Visual information

  • Information stand “Development of cognitive interest in preschool children”
  • Folder “Christmas Bustle”

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual conversations about mastering the educational program.
  • Meeting with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution “Allergies in a child, prevention of exacerbations”
  • Recommendations for organizing a book corner at home.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • "Family Reading Club"


Visual information

  • Folder “Mathematics is interesting
  • Designs for the exhibition “Books We Read at Home” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • The role of the father in raising a child.
  • Individual conversation “Safety at home” .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Questionnaire “The place of sports in your family” .
  • Physical education holiday “Mom, Dad. I am a sports family"


Parent meeting “Development of creativity in children” .

Visual information

  • Information stand “ABC of a small pedestrian” .
  • Ecological page “Towards Spring” (drawings, crafts).

Individual consultations, conversations

  • “How to get rid of a bad habit”
  • Consultation “How to teach a child to show respect for elders .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Round table "Family traditions" .
  • Master class for parents from mom “Magic quilling”


Visual information

  • Folder “Developmental subject environment at home for preschool children .
  • Environmental page “Outdoor games with an environmental focus .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Consultations “Children and Computers” .
  • Conversations “Education of cultural and hygienic skills” .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Questionnaire “Modern technologies and the child” .
  • Entertainment "Spring-Spring" .


Parent meeting Final parent meeting “Our successes” .

Visual information

  • Information stand .
  • Photo exhibition “My grandfather is a soldier” .
  • Consultation “Games with a child during a long journey .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Consultation with a psychologist “Little “provocateur” .
  • Travel first aid kit.
  • Conversation “Proper nutrition of a child in the summer .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Preparing the site for the summer period.
  • A joint hike in a pine forest.
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