Design project senior group “Future Engineers”

CONSTRUCTION PROJECT “We imagine, we create, we design!”

Accessibility and visibility

Integration of developmental training,

Individualization and differentiation of the educational process,

Active development of emotional-aesthetic and moral-evaluative attitude towards reality, nature, psychological comfort and variability.

The principle of phasing, which entails the distribution of activities between all participants in the educational process.

Approaches to project formation:


The pedagogical process has an active and creative nature, which allows, through reliance on systems of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to ensure and support the processes of self-awareness, self-expression of the child’s personality, and the development of his unique individuality


It involves the widespread introduction of new non-traditional forms and methods of education, providing an individual approach to each child, with the aim of developing individuality


Creating conditions for the most complete (taking into account age) acquaintance with the achievements and development of the culture of modern society and the formation of various cognitive interests in folk art and the history of their homeland


Differentiation in various types and forms is assumed, taking into account individual-typological characteristics of the individual in the form of grouping of students and different construction of the learning process in selected groups.


It is based on the concept of “leading activity” existing in psychology. The draft stipulates that the “leading activity” is constructive activity.

Project stages


Questioning parents;

selection, analysis of programs and methodological literature;

selection of materials and equipment for design;

selection of consultations for parents about the importance of design in

development of cognitive and research activities of children;


Project implementation activities;

GCD, joint activities, observations;


Analysis of project results

Type of construction material:

1. Building material - volumetric (or planar) wood

painted (or unpainted) building parts simple

geometric shape.

2. Paper, sticks.

3. Colored soft and hard volumetric large-sized modules.

4. Different types of constructor.

Project result

The main feature of children's design is the establishment of the spatial arrangement of the elements of an object and its subordination to a certain logic. During the implementation of the project, children name and recognize the details of the LEGO and Baby construction sets, can replace the missing part with a similar one, and are able to create structures from different types of construction sets at their own request; know how to use different means to achieve results (diagrams, models, drawings, samples). The unity of the children's team is observed: the skills of cooperation with a partner have been formed, the pupils are able to solve problems together, distribute roles, explain to each other the importance of this constructive solution, strive to become a participant in a collective role-playing game using crafts from various types of construction sets.

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