Summary of a conversation with children 4-5 years old “Harmful and healthy food” Summary of a conversation with children
GCD in the senior group “Physical Education” - Guys, there are birds that winter, and also... (Children’s answers).
card index of walks preparatory group. Preparatory group (October) Card No. 23 1. Observation of the sun. Goals:
“Musical interactive games in educational and musical-game activities of preschool children” Musical interactive games in educational
Children's "scribbles" are nothing more than an effective way to develop fine motor skills and artistic expression.
Didactic games and aids for the speech development of children of senior preschool age Svetlana Toropova Didactic
Did you know that a children's play area can be designed to teach
Development of semantic memory To develop semantic memory, you can name paired words, for example, house-window, bear-raspberry,
Contemporary music Entertainment music is a concept that includes all musical genres. She
Appliquéing a person is a very exciting and creative job. Its advantage is the variety of used