Development of object-based activity in young children Often, children, when disassembling a pyramid, put all the rings
Tasks and methodology for the formation of temporary representations The main tasks for the development of temporary representations are: -
Presentation “What is water?” April 27, 2013 Competition “Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013” Nomination
Traffic light. We stopped, and all the other cars stopped, and the tram stopped. I asked, “Why?”
Progress of observation The car, the car, my car, I work deftly with the pedals. I drive everyone's car
Modern approaches to civic-patriotic education in preschool educational institutions The article is intended for parents of preschool age and
Battle of Borodino The general battle began on September 7 (August 26), 1812, early in the morning. Kutuzov
OO Artistic and aesthetic development Summary of educational activities for drawing with children in preparatory school
Cognitive abilities of preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem Characterizing the problems of psychological and pedagogical sciences of the 21st century,
GCD summary Topic: “Children doing exercises” outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) Purpose: to exercise