Tasks and goals of social and communicative development of preschool children The process of socialization of a preschool child is multifaceted, since
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Cards-diagrams of experiments and experiments for children
Project of experimental activities in the preparatory group “Klepa visiting with tricks” Bibliographic description: Rybachenko,
Lesson: “Use of non-traditional artistic techniques in fine arts lessons” Types and techniques of non-traditional artistic drawing
Abstract of educational activities on modeling junior group Insects Abstract of educational activities Cognition + modeling in
Design, attributes The design of Health Day should begin from the entrance to the preschool building. This
Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Dumbbells for Luntik” Tokpiseva G.V. Lesson notes
Summary of a lesson on theatrical activities in the senior group “We are learning to be actors” Objectives: To encourage