Creating conditions in preschool educational institutions for the formation of elementary ideas about road safety rules among preschoolers


To teach your child to cross the road correctly, you need to talk about the rules in a playful way. For this purpose, the little one learns poems about road markings. The hero of such works is often Zebra. To make it easier to memorize, you can make a zebra out of paper or sew it out of fabric.

A cute animal will help kids remember a simple rule faster. The cheerful zebra will take part in daily games. It can be placed on a mock-up of an intersection, which you create yourself from cardboard and other available materials.

Soft road signs

Original products are sewn from felt of different colors. Bright and soft to the touch road signs will definitely please your baby. For them, the material of the required colors is selected, the products are filled with padding polyester. Such a craft of traffic rules for kindergarten will not go unnoticed at the competition. You can make several of these toys to use in class.

Another option would be to create soft cubes. Road signs are sewn onto their edges. The child will soon begin to recognize such signs on the way to kindergarten or school. He will look at them with interest and remember them, which will definitely be useful to him in the future.


It is easy to make models of houses and trees from small cardboard boxes. You can use plasticine and colored paper. Pedestrians will be construction figures or self-created characters. Small toy cars will fill the roadway.

Crafts on the road through the eyes of children are often used by parents and educators in the learning process. You can take it to a kindergarten or school to participate in the competition.

Wall newspaper

Children themselves can create excellent visual aids. This craft on the topic of traffic rules will help you learn more new and interesting things. The newspaper creates several columns. You can use historical information and make a crossword puzzle. Photos or drawings of non-standard signs from other countries are placed in a separate section.

Children are delighted with the colorful tasks where it is necessary to determine the order of passage of vehicles. All this will help attract children's attention. Future drivers will study this publication with interest, gaining new knowledge.

Coloring book

To quickly memorize the material, use interesting books. To do this, print out pictures on the topic and paste them onto the pages of the product. A rhyme on the topic or a riddle is placed under the image. The child must not only guess it, but also color the picture. The information received is well remembered by children.

An interesting option would be a book with different vehicles. It is worth reminding your child how to cross the road correctly. You can diversify the information if you place images of your child’s favorite characters on the pages of the book.

Traffic light

For it you will need cardboard in black, red, green and yellow. This traffic rules craft will decorate a child’s room. You will need to cut out the base from black cardboard according to the template. You can draw it yourself or pre-print the finished version.

You also need to cut out three circles and stick them on the base. You can make opening windows with poems. If you add eyes and a nose to a traffic light, you will get a fairy-tale hero. A small model made of plasticine or cardboard can be used to create a model of a city street.

You will get an original product if you use fabric for it. Sewing a traffic light is not difficult, you just need to select bright pieces of material. The finished product is hung on the wall.

Board game

You will need to print out traffic signs. You need to make two sets. One will be needed for chips, and the second will be used for cards. The signs are glued onto cardboard and cut out. These chips will be distributed to the players.

You will also need cards. Rectangles are cut out of whatman paper, onto which road signs from the second set are glued. You should find poems that are also pasted on the card.

The presenter distributes chips, and then takes out cards one by one and reads the verse. If a player sees that he has such a sign, he receives a card. The winner is the one who quickly collects all the cards that correspond to the chips received at the beginning of the game.

Children will definitely enjoy this interesting craft based on traffic rules. It will help you remember the signs faster and create fewer accidents on the roads.


A child can make a simple product on his own. To do this, you need to prepare all the materials and tools. The plot is thought out in advance, then all the necessary details are cut out of paper. Paper vehicles, traffic lights and pedestrians are glued onto a cardboard or Whatman paper base.

Children create crafts of traffic rules for kindergarten with their own hands with pleasure. You can use stories featuring characters from your favorite cartoons or fairy tales.

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