Stages, forms and methods of patriotic education of preschool children

Levels of patriotism in preschool children

Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions, like any other direction, requires identifying results. In our case, this will be monitoring the level of patriotism in children. Diagnosis of the level of patriotism is based on three levels - low, medium, high - in accordance with age and the program for patriotic education of children. Test assignments are compiled by the teacher, or those offered by the program are used.

Example: Determining the level of patriotic knowledge on the topic “My City”

Children's age: 5-6 years

Questions for diagnosis:

  1. What is the name of our country?
  2. What is the name of the city where you live?
  3. How old is the city?
  4. What is the name of the street where you live? Why is it called that?
  5. Monuments, what famous people who glorified our city do you know?
  6. What great people do you know who glorified our city?
  7. What does the coat of arms of our city look like?
  8. What colors is our flag?

Results are scored based on the number of correct answers:

  • 6-8 – high level
  • 3-5 – average level
  • 1-2 – low level

Children and patriotism - we introduce them while playing

It's hard to teach children anything if they don't want to learn it. It is even more difficult to teach them to love. Love the Motherland. Be proud of her. Feel like part of your people. This cannot be taught, but it can be given. Example, game, comparison. Children of preschool age do not yet have a concept of civic duty or morality. They have difficulty separating “bad” from “good”. They still have to learn these concepts. But they are capable, on an instinctive level, of reaching for the good, for the bright.

The patriotic education of a small child begins with love for what is around him - for his family, for his friends in kindergarten, for his city or town, for his street. This is where the education of future patriots should begin. With respect for work, for various professions. Children do not perceive conversation well if it is not supported by practice. They must hear and see. Show them how a cook, a laundress and a housekeeper work in a kindergarten. Let them try themselves in their shoes. Kneading dough together, sweeping the yard or folding laundry neatly is also an introduction to patriotic education. Raising worthy citizens of our country

Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions

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